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Searched LGF articles for: breitbart (600 matches, in 24 pages)

Iran Nuclear Deal Reached, Conservatives Predictably Freak Out

Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 10:28:34 am
YouTube The deal has been reached; in the video above, President Obama explains the rationale and provisions of the agreement. As I'm sure everyone knows, conservatives all across America are predicting doom and destruction, like they always do about pretty much everything. Also predictably freaking out: Benjamin Netanyahu. But since Obama only needs one-third ...

FL GOP Congressional Candidate: Liberals Will "Set Up Concentration Camps for Christians" Like Nazis Did to Jews

Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 12:49:01 pm
Following the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the grounds of the South Carolina Capitol, Breitbart "editor" John Nolte launched a frenzied deluge of hateful comments on Twitter; dozens and dozens of crazed tweets like this one: Where's the ceremony to take down this symbol of hate, bigotry and oppression? SGjXp ...

Delusional Donald Trump: "I'll Win the Latino Vote"

Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 10:37:56 am
Yes, folks! He really did say this! "I have a great relationship with the Mexican people. I have many people working for me...I have many legal immigrants working for me," Trump said in a Wednesday interview with NBC News. "They love me, I love them." "If I get the nomination, I'll ...

Breitbart "News" Hack John Nolte Invents "Gag Order" Fake Outrage About Anti-Gay Oregon Bakery

Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 11:17:32 am
Breitbart "News" hack John Nolte is really cranking out the fake outrage posts lately. Today he's raging and ranting about "overt fascism" because the fanatical Oregon bakery owners who wanted to refuse service to a lesbian couple are being subjected to what he labels a "gag order" by "the Left." ...

Fake Wingnut Outrage of the Day: "George Takei Said 'Blackface!'" (Or, Liberals Are the Real Racists, Part 91332)

Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 11:06:05 am
YouTube Here we go again. The wingnut mob (led by the Breitbart propaganda-mongers) is pretending to be upset at George Takei, for calling Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a "clown in blackface." Can't you just feel his heartbreak? The poor guy. — Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) July 2, 2015 Takei was criticizing (rightly) ...

Breitbart Commenters - Marriage Equality Edition

Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 10:23:29 am
In the wake of the Supreme Court's Ruling in Obergefell v Hodges, the right - particularly the Christian right - is once again apoplectic (although honestly, when aren't they apoplectic about something?), and the House that Andrew Breitbart built, better known as the hate site named, is failing to ...

Breitbart Commenters Totally Unhinged Over SCOTUS ACA Decision

Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 11:54:05 am
Once again, no introduction needed. From: Its very obvious homosexual Barry has the goods on Roberts... ===== Time for rebellion. The court has no legitimacy, nor does Congress or the President. They do not respect any limits on their power and they have no respect for the rule of law. They are ...

Uh, About Those Clinton Confederate Flag Campaign Buttons? Two Can Play This Game

Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 11:36:21 am
Right wing bloggers are having a huge outrage party over the discovery of some old campaign buttons created by supporters of Hillary Clinton that feature a Confederate flag. Breitbart "News" hack Joel Pollak is a good example: HILLARY CLINTON CONFEDERATE FLAG MERCHANDISE SURFACES ON EBAY! In 2007, Hillary Clinton commented ...

Breitbart's Ben Shapiro Tries to Take Up Where Chuck Johnson Left Off

Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 1:19:52 pm
With the ignominious departure of right wing cyberstalker Chuck Johnson from Twitter, there's a hate vaccum to be filled, and people like Breitbart loon Ben Shapiro are stepping up their awfulness game to take over where the Ginger Avenger left off. Here are some of Shapiro's tweets in response to ...

Same-Sex Marriage Wins in Ireland by a Landslide, Breitbart Says "Why Didn't the Muslims Help Us?"

Sat, May 23, 2015 at 1:36:19 pm
Today, Ireland became the first country in the world to vote to legalize same-sex marriage, and predictably, right wingers all over America are completely losing their shit. The funniest reaction I've seen so far is at Breitbart "News:" Landslide Win for Same-Sex Marriage in Ireland. To the very end, opponents of ...

Failed Congressional Candidate Pleads Guilty to Plotting Attack on Muslims

Tue, May 19, 2015 at 6:11:02 pm
Attack plotter Robert Doggart Here's where the ceaseless anti-Muslim incitement of people like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer and media outlets like Fox News and Breitbart "News" unsurprisingly leads: Tennessee Man Pleads Guilty to Plotting Attack on Muslims. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- A man who ran for Congress last year in ...

Michelle Obama Talks About Overcoming Prejudice, Breitbart Commenters Spew Torrents of Racist Hatred

Mon, May 11, 2015 at 5:19:45 pm
In a speech to the graduating class of Tuskegee University, Michelle Obama talked about how she had to deal with fear, misperceptions and prejudice as the first African American First Lady. And then the commenters at Breitbart "News," the hate site Andrew built, spewed an unbelievably awful deluge of racist hatred ...

Breitbart's John Nolte Says Bill O'Reilly is Nuts, Pamela Geller Is Just Like Jesus

Fri, May 8, 2015 at 7:11:44 pm
At Breitbart "News" tonight, deranged "editor" John Nolte (who doesn't actually "edit" anything) denies he's comparing hate group leader Pamela Geller to Jesus Christ, as he compares Pamela Geller to Jesus Christ: Dear Bill O'Reilly: Jesus Insulted Religion a Lot More Than Pamela Geller Has. Jesus provoked, attacked, insulted, divided, ...

Help Support Little Green Footballs by Donating at Our GoFundMe Page

Thu, May 7, 2015 at 3:10:06 pm
I've been meaning to do this for a while, and finally got around to it -- we now have a page at GoFundMe where you can donate any amount you like to help support LGF, so we can continue providing you with great content and services like our user-submitted LGF ...

Chuck C. Johnson's Epic Drunken Racist Meltdown

Fri, May 1, 2015 at 1:07:42 pm
I kind of hate to write another article about this disgusting creep, but his descent into open racism marks another milestone on his journey to outright unemployable white supremacism, and it should be documented so that anyone considering an association with Chuck C. Johnson in the future will be aware ...

Mendacious Mitt Romney Says Hillary Clinton "Is Not Trustworthy"

Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 11:25:02 am
The latest attack on Hillary Clinton comes from Mitt Romney, who says "Hillary Clinton is just not trustworthy." "You've seen in polls and in discussions across the country a feeling that Hillary Clinton is just not trustworthy," Romney said April 12, 2015. "This whole story about her having erased all ...

Stanford Computer Scientists Develop "Troll-Spotting Algorithm," Explodes When Analyzing

Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 5:40:16 pm
A group of Stanford computer scientists have developed an algorithm that supposedly can detect trolls by analyzing as few as five comments. Today, Justin Cheng at Stanford University in California and a few pals say they have created just such a tool by analyzing the behavior of trolls on several ...

Is Chuck C. Johnson Collaborating with a Criminal Revenge Porn Extortionist?

Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 10:26:34 am
So do any o' y'all remember super gross chin-beard aficionado Craig Brittain? He's touching your swimsuit area with his eyes. Brittain ran the revenge porn site "Is Anybody Down" until he was forced to shutter it by the Federal Trade Commission for essentially being a criminal extortion scheme: At the end of ...

'Revenge Porn' Caveman Gets 18 Years, Chuck C. Johnson Supports Him

Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 11:26:59 am
Kevin Bollaert was sentenced yesterday to 18 years in prison for running a horrific "revenge porn" site where hateful cretins could post explicit images of their ex-wives and ex-girlfriends. Kevin Christopher Bollaert, a Web developer, posted the pictures and then charged women from $300 to $350 to have the pictures ...

Right Wing Bloggers Desperate to Blame Germanwings Crash on Muslims

Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 11:22:10 am
By now everyone's heard about the reports that a French prosecutor has alleged that copilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately crashed a Germanwings A320 into an alpine mountain late Tuesday. Key word, of course, being "alleged," because nothing has been determined for certain yet. But that doesn't stop the Stupidest Man on the ...

Phil Robertson Fantasizes About Atheist Family Being Raped and Murdered

Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 8:14:50 pm
SoundCloud Here's the guy who was invited to give a speech at CPAC this year, and was awarded the "Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment" prize. I hesitated about even posting this, because it's unbelievably deranged. This is what the right wing has devolved into. "I'll make a bet with you," ...

Scott Walker Fires Brand New Social Media Consultant After She Was Attacked by the Crazy Wing

Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 11:22:41 am
Today's Republican circular firing squad took place when presidential hopeful Scott Walker was forced to fire his new social media consultant Liz Mair (it was portrayed as a "resignation," of course), who had been hired less than 24 hours before the debacle. Mair ran afoul of the Republican Party's far right ...

Yet Another Horrifying Deluge of Hate Speech and Open Racism at Breitbart "News"

Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 1:35:28 pm
One of the truly awful stories being completely ignored by our "left wing media" is how utterly debased and openly racist the comment sections on sites like Breitbart "News" have become. There's absolutely no attempt by the owners of these sites to shut down the ranting lunatics or moderate their ...

EXCLUSIVE: #CPAC2015 Gave Press Credentials to White Supremacist Radio Show "Political Cesspool"

Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 1:05:19 pm
Ah, CPAC -- the conservative movement's primary action conference, attended by most of the major Republican politicians and prospective front runners for the Presidential nomination. The conservative conference where religious fanatic and overt racist Phil Robertson gets a "First Amendment" award from Breitbart "News." And the conservative conference that gave press credentials ...

Right Wing Bloggers Pathetically Over-Reaching to Smear Brian Williams

Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 11:11:30 am
I'll start this post by noting that if Brian Williams is found to have lied about his experiences in Iraq, it's a serious issue that needs to be addressed. But doubt remains about whether he deliberately embellished his story or is suffering from a false memory -- a very common ...

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