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Searched LGF articles for: down the memory hole (207 matches, in 9 pages)

Friday Night Jam: Crowded House Live, 'Don't Dream It's Over'

Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 5:08:32 pm
Simply one of the best pop songs ever written, from Crowded House's "Farewell To The World" tour in 1996. In memory of the great Paul Hester. YouTube Video

GOP Proposes Full Repeal of ACA Regardless of Supreme Court Ruling

Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 8:00:17 pm
I'm going to put the ramifications of the GOP's decision to strike down any portion of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare/HCR/Health Care Reform) that the Supreme Court leaves intact in the widely expected decision that is to be released tomorrow up front. Provisions that the GOP would eliminate, and which have ...

The Myth of 'Obama the Socialist,' Part II

Thu, May 24, 2012 at 1:35:56 pm
My previous page on Obama (found here) clearly showed that President Obama has presided over one of the "greatest periods of government austerity in recent memory." To hammer home this point, there are a few more pieces of evidence I would like to share with you. Firstly, consider the graph ...

Fear the Vetting! Bombshell Exclusive: We Don't Have Obama's SAT Scores!

Tue, May 22, 2012 at 10:36:25 am
It's one BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE after another at the site that Andrew Breitbart built! Man, these guys are ON FIRE! Stand back, because the VETTING continues with an astounding new breaking news story by Charles C. Johnson (no, it's NOT ME): EXCLUSIVE: THE VETTING - DID OBAMA HAVE LOWER SAT SCORES THAN ...

Misogynist Talk Show Hater Rush Limbaugh Honored by Missouri at Secret Event

Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:04:45 pm
The state of Missouri inducted Rush Limbaugh into their "Hall of Famous Missourians" yesterday, at an invitation-only ceremony closed to the public and guarded by armed members of the Highway Patrol: Doors Locked, Dems Banned as Missouri Honors Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh was inducted into the Hall of Famous Missourians yesterday, ...

Not an April Fool's Joke: Suddenly Breitbart Site Is Deleting Comments

Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 11:24:50 am
How interesting! This morning I had a look at that Dan Riehl thread at that was full of racist insanity, and discovered that administrators have been quietly deleting comments. So, after Riehl and "Investigative Writer" Mandy Nagy spewed insults at me all day yesterday on Twitter, and denied any responsibility ...

Fox News Commenters Spew Yet Another Deluge of Ugly Racist Hatred at Trayvon Martin

Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 3:10:14 pm
Yes, they're at it again. The denizens of the comment forums on Fox News are spewing almost unbelievable amounts of racist hatred and sick violent fantasies in yet another thread: House Democrats Call Trayvon Martin Death 'Murder,' Racial Profiling | Fox News. There are more than 6,000 comments for this article, ...

Bob Schneider: Chinatown

Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 6:56:22 pm
YouTube Video Bob Schneider's "Chinatown" is a creepy atmospheric slice of noir pop, and this might be my favorite version, performed live in a room somewhere. From the album, Songs Sung and Played on Guitar at the Same Time. There's a mad wind blowin down the ninety nine And the ghosts of New ...

Huntsman Makes It Official: He's Bailing

Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 9:59:31 am
Jon Huntsman made it official this morning -- he's out of the race. Right wing bloggers are celebrating, because Huntsman is relatively sane compared to the rest of the field. For example, at rabid far right blog "Weasel Zippers" (a name he stole from our random sayings, by the way), ...

Crazy Amazon Review of the Day: 'Mine Has a Owl In It'

Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 6:20:19 pm
I was shopping for a new mattress at Amazon, and found a great deal on this Sleep Innovations 10-inch Memory Foam Mattress. As usual, I started reading the customer reviews to see what people who'd bought it had to say about the experience, and discovered the following comment from someone ...

Jim Hoft's Idiotic Post of the Week: Obama Photoshopped into Situation Room

Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 9:55:30 am
MEGA DERPHere's dim Jim Hoft, hilariously stupid and obsessed as always, with what may be the dumbest thing he's ever posted (and there's a lot of competition for that dubious prize): Swedish Paper: Obama Photoshopped into Famous Situation Room Photo. Hoft, with his unerring instinct for brain-dead conspiracy theories, has discovered ...

Pre-Debate Open Thread

Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 3:37:57 pm
There's going to be a big Herman Cain-shaped hole in tonight's "Mike Huckabee Presidential Forum" on Fox News. The debate just won't be the same without the 999 plan. I miss him already.

A Cry for Help from David Frum

Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 9:35:42 am
David Frum has a long piece in New York Magazine today, plaintively asking the question: When Did the GOP Lose Touch With Reality? It's an interesting read, a cry for help and a plea for the GOP to return to sanity, but it's also a complete waste of time. The Republican ...

The Right's Sudden Pious Racial Indignation

Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 3:09:08 pm
It's amazing how quickly right wingers can switch from "there's no such thing as racism" to "you're a racist because you're criticizing our token minority candidate." Leonard Pitts Jr. has a good piece on the right's sudden pious racial indignation over Herman Cain's offenses. Do you think it gives Clarence Thomas ...

Fact-Checking Pamela Geller: '270 Million' Victims of Islam?

Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 11:01:58 am
In her latest post Pamela Geller screeches: It is time there was a museum exhibit dedicated to the victims of jihad. Where is the Met's showcase of the lives and cultures and histories of the 270 million victims of over a millennium of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations, and ...

Sen. Whitehouse's Must-See Climate Speech: We Ignore the Laws of Nature at Our Very Grave Peril

Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 1:46:53 pm
Here's an extraordinary speech on climate change and the insanely dangerous behavior of the right wing, by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), via Joe Romm. Mr. President, I am here to speak about what is currently an unpopular topic in this town. It has become no longer politically correct in ...

Tech Note: The Opera Conundrum

Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 6:36:29 pm
Here's a tech note that will, as all tech notes do, almost immediately turn into a Friday night open thread. I've gotten several complaints about the LGF front page crashing in the Opera browser, or taking forever to load if it doesn't crash. I traced the problem to a recent change in ...

Rush Limbaugh, Defender of the Lord's Resistance Army

Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 4:38:13 pm
In the October 14th episode of his radio show, Rush Limbaugh defended the Ugandan terrorist group calling itself the Lord's Resistance Army, portraying the LRA as Christians targeted by President Obama for being Christian, and defending the agitprop of the LRA by reading it as gospel. Only at the very last ...

A New 9/11 Tradition

Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 6:24:30 pm
The 10th anniversary of 9/11 isn't more important than the earlier ones or those yet to come, and we may only mark it as "special" because it's a nice, neat number in our base-10 numeral system, but we feel an emotional need to mark it in some way nonetheless, don't ...

Right Wing Blogs Freaking Out Again: PBS Edited the Obama Speech!

Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 10:15:01 am
Here we go again. Don't these people ever get tired of humiliating themselves? Practically the entire right wing blogosphere went into vapor-lock this morning, shrieking in unison at the evil librul PBS for "editing" the transcript of the President's joint session speech on jobs, to cover up his "gaffe" that Abraham ...

Bon Iver: Holocene

Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 6:31:26 pm
"Some way, baby, it's part of me, apart from me" You're laying waste to Halloween You fucked it, friend, it's on its head, it struck the street You're in Milwaukee, off your feet And at once I knew I was not magnificent Strayed above the highway aisle (Jagged vacance, thick with ice) I could see for ...

Geller Loses It (Again): LGF is 'Infected with the Poison of Evil'

Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 2:21:18 pm
Here's anti-Muslim lunatic Pamela Geller with steam shooting out of her ears, spewing paranoia in all directions, because I ... gasp! ... pointed out the public Amazon page for her new book (and its similarity to the manifesto of Oslo terrorist Anders Behring Breivik): LITTLE GREEN ASTROTURDS!!!!!!! - Atlas Shrugs ...

Pamela Geller Feebly Explains Edit: 'Stockpiling Weapons' is 'Self Defense'

Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 11:21:10 am
Lunatic anti-Muslim bigot Pamela Geller dredges up one of the lamest excuses in recent memory, to feebly explain away her removal of a violent comment from a deranged Norway emailer: Clarifying the Edit - Atlas Shrugs. According to the Shrieking Harpy, she edited her four-year old post because it was "insenstive" ...

Saturday Surreal: Memory Tapes

Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 5:30:26 pm

Documented Yfrog MMS Feature Made Framing Rep. Weiner Easy

Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 11:25:52 am
Here's a fascinating new bit of information in the "Weinergate" (ugh) scandal. Apparently it's possible for anyone to post a picture to anyone else's account at the picture hosting site -- without a password. The trick is to email a picture from a Blackberry to the user's email ...

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