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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,328 matches, in 54 pages)

The Bob & Chez Show: Pap Smear

Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 2:12:31 pm _120816.mp3?_=1 Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: Pap Smear: Kellyanne Conway is an evil genius; Conway warns that Trump can manipulate the stock market; Alex Jones’ list of fake news sites; Pizzagate; The latest Trump nominations; Fast food CEO will run the Labor Department; The Ohio ...

Horrifying Scenes From Texas A&M as White Supremacist Richard Spencer Praises Donald Trump

Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 7:47:25 pm
I'll present these short videos without comment, except to note that this speech by a white supremacist was applauded by more than a few of the people in this room. "We won. America belongs to white men." - Richard Spencer — Mistlejoe (@josefgoldilock) December 7, 2016 ReplyReply w/ QuoteRetweetVideoRichard Spencer praises ...

Right Wing Terrorist Who Wanted to "Self-Investigate Pizzagate" Arrested in Washington DC

Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 6:15:09 pm
If you're not familiar with the utterly deranged delusion called #PizzaGate that's burning up the right wing's Twitter and Facebook bandwidth these days, here's a story with the full background. All you really need to know is that the far right is caught up in a conspiracy theory that a ...

The Bob & Chez Show: Young Online Activists

Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 8:03:55 pm _112116.mp3?_=1 Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show: Young Online Activists: Hacking the Election; Study shows votes may have been siphoned off Hillary’s totals in Wisconsin; Nazi hackers vow to personal intimidate anti-Trump voices; The Electoral College outlived its usefulness; Trump won’t prosecute Hillary; Ben Carson for ...

Video: White Supremacists at Pro-Trump Conference in Washington DC Give Nazi Salutes and Shout "Hail Trump!"

Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 2:22:07 pm
Iframe The election of Donald Trump has set loose some very dark forces in this country. The white supremacist/neo-Nazi organization with the innocuous-sounding name "National Policy Institute" held a conference last weekend at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC. Today The Atlantic posted this video of the event, and it's absolutely spine-chilling ...

Obama Responds to Trump Camp's Request That He Try to Shut Down Protests: Nope

Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 12:34:01 pm
YouTube A few days ago, Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway called on President Obama to try to shut down the mostly peaceful protests against Donald Trump's election that have taken place across the country. Today in Germany, the President responded to this absurd and un-democratic request in exactly the way it deserved: ...

Did Trump Win Because Russia Hacked the Election?

Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 11:49:39 am
Writer/cartoonist Dale Beran has a very interesting post at Medium about the possibility that Russia interfered with the presidential election to help Donald Trump: A Truly Fancy Bear. So a friend of mine, a research scientist at a renowned university, came to me with this theory hoping I would punch ...

Here's Why It's Fair--and Necessary--to Call Trump's Chief Strategist a White Nationalist Champion

Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 10:26:35 am
David Corn is absolutely on target with this commentary, reminding us that we must resist the normalization of the alt-right we're already seeing in US media. Bannon is indeed a champion of white nationalists and white supremacists. And this is according to an expert on this matter: Stephen Bannon. In July, ...

Video: Enormous Anti-Trump Protest March in Los Angeles

Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 12:45:52 pm
This video is the real thing, folks. Anti-Trump protest march today in downtown LA. Please circulate! — Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) November 13, 2016 ReplyReply w/ QuoteRetweetVideo It's amazing -- and not in a good way -- how little coverage this is getting on the mainstream cable news channels, but the protest ...

"Blacks for Trump" Leader Seen Behind Trump at Rallies Is a Former Member of a Murderous Cult

Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 2:31:06 pm
If you've watched a Trump rally in the past few weeks you may have noticed a group of people who seem to get prominently placed behind Trump in the stands quite often, holding signs that say "BLACKS FOR TRUMP," with a link to the website "gods2​.com." If you go to the ...

An Awesome, Timely Song From Mahalia Barnes: "Nasty Gal"

Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 5:32:24 pm
YouTube This terrific track from Mahalia Barnes and the Soul Mates (featuring blues mofo Joe Bonamassa) is dedicated to Donald Trump, after he called Hillary Clinton "such a nasty woman" in last night's debate. It doesn't get much nastier than this. Free Song Download: - oh-yea-album/free-song/steppin/?id=you tube Pre-order the new CD here: arnes/ooh-yea-album/ Mahalia ...

Matt Drudge Pushes Dangerous Conspiracy Theory That the Government Is Lying About the Strength of Hurricane Matthew

Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 2:29:24 pm
By all accounts Hurricane Matthew is going to be a monster storm with winds up to 140 mph, and the governor of Florida is strongly urging people to evacuate coastal regions as soon as possible. More than 100 people have already been killed by the storm in Haiti, and warnings ...

Watch Live: The Vice-Presidential Debate

Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 5:55:38 pm
YouTube Well, the Republican Party got in their time machine today and posted several articles at their official website declaring that Mike Pence had won the debate, two hours before it started. .@GOP has got to do better at the cyber. #VPDebate — Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) October 4, 2016 ReplyReply w/ QuoteImages BUT ...

Thin-Skinned GOP Nominee Continues Misogynist Attacks on Alicia Machado at 3 AM

Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 10:55:37 am
In the debate Monday night, Hillary Clinton laid a trap for Donald Trump by bringing up Trump's ugly misogynistic and bigoted comments about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado. Trump was obviously surprised, repeating "Where did you get this? Where did you get this?" in a petulant voice as Clinton described ...

In Which Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Another White Supremacist Trope: A "Rape Epidemic" by Immigrants

Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:54:04 am
Donald Trump Jr. seems to have taken over the "white supremacist outreach" position in the Trump campaign, and today he follows up his ugly "Skittles" tweet with one of the most common white supremacist tropes of all time: that immigrants are responsible for a "rape epidemic," targeted against Western women. ...

Watch Live: Trump Rants at the Far Right Values Voter Summit

Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 12:34:14 pm
YouTube Remember when Donald Trump tried to position himself as a great friend of the LGBT community? Well, here he is speaking to one of the most radical anti-gay hate groups in the US, Tony Perkins' Family Research Council. It's really not news any more when Trump reveals what a dishonest hypocrite ...

BREAKING! Jim Hoft Can't Tell the Difference Between "News" and a "Press Release"

Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 5:02:12 pm
DERP Yes, Jim Hoft truly is the Stupidest Man on the Internet. There's really no one else even close in the crowded field of dim-witted right wing derpitude. And today he proves it yet again with another BREAKING! post that's going to blow the "Hillary's Health" story wide open! BREAKING: 71% of ...

Hispanic Trump Surrogates Bailing Out After "Mass Deportation" Speech in Phoenix

Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 11:16:32 am
By now it's no secret that Donald Trump's "outreach" to African Americans and Hispanics isn't working; his poll numbers with these groups remain abysmally low. In the latest survey by Public Policy Polling, Trump's approval rating among African Americans currently stands at approximately zero. Yes, I said "zero." And after his extremist ...

White Supremacists Absolutely Loved Trump's Anti-Immigrant Speech in Phoenix

Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 8:35:35 pm
Just thought I'd take a run around the Twitter accounts of some of the more well-known white supremacists tonight, to see what they thought of Donald Trump's utterly berserk anti-immigrant speech, and would you be surprised to learn that they all loved it? David Duke really loved this speech. — Charles ...

Watch Live: Trump Rants Again in Phoenix: The "Big Immigration Speech"

Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 5:37:18 pm
YouTube I'm very interested to see how Trump deals with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto calling him a liar. I'm expecting a vicious attack, because that's Trump's style. Advance reports say that this "big immigration speech" is going to be a return to hard core anti-immigrant rhetoric for Trump, since he knows ...

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox to Trump: "Stop Lying!"

Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 10:53:21 am
By now I assume you've heard that the Republican Party's alt-right presidential candidate is on his way to Mexico for a meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto. You may recall that back in March, Nieto likened Trump to Hitler and Mussolini. And Donald Trump has been emitting a steady stream of ...

Report: Trump Campaign CEO Stephen Bannon Didn't Want His Daughter Going to School With Jews

Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 7:19:54 pm
The New York Daily News has some very revealing information tonight about Donald Trump's new campaign CEO, Breitbart publisher Stephen Bannon, and as someone who's been sounding the alarm about the disgusting racism and antisemitism at Breitbart "News" for years, let me just say: I am not even remotely surprised. Trump ...

White Supremacist Who Coined Term "Alt-Right" Demands Apology From Hillary Clinton

Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 11:57:43 am
Notorious white supremacist Richard Spencer coined the term "alternative right" (now shortened to "alt-right" because alternative is a pretty large word for white supremacists to remember) in 2010; we wrote about it at the time. Spencer is upset because Hillary Clinton correctly labeled him as a vile racist in her speech ...

A "More Presidential" Trump Attacks Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinksi

Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 11:11:14 am
Donald Trump and Joe Scarborough used to be the best of friends, with Scarborough continually promoting Trump on his MSNBC show Morning Joe. But that honeymoon is long over, and now the guy who's running as the Republican nominee for president of the United States is posting nasty personal attacks ...

Donald Trump's First General Election TV Ad Is, of Course, Horrible

Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 12:58:05 pm
YouTube Here's the ad just released today by Donald Trump, predictably brimming with fear-mongering xenophobia and barely veiled racism. It's an attack on Hillary Clinton that relentlessly demonizes immigrants, of course, and as Right Wing Watch points out, one of the citations it uses is sourced to the Center for Immigration ...

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