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Searched LGF articles for: google (377 matches, in 16 pages)

And Now, Some Excellent Mexican Folk Music From Lila Downs (Tiny Desk Concert)

Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 12:41:13 pm
YouTube Felix Contreras | January 13, 2017 — Lila Downs has spent her career exploring the furthest reaches of Mexican folk music. With a voice that borrows heavily from opera, Downs performs the kind of full-throated mariachi singing that would fit right in at Mexico City's Garibaldi Square — ground ...

A Stunning Solo Acoustic Guitar Piece by Salomon Jakobsson: "Desert Mouse"

Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 4:51:08 pm
YouTube Swedish guitarist Salomon Jakobsson has a uniquely propulsive style and impressive finger-picking skills. This is a show-stopper from his solo album "In the Valley of Notes." Here is "Desert Mouse" from my album "In the Valley of Notes", inspired by the two adopted desert mice Blacksmith and Humphrey (RIP). Video and ...

Donald J. Trump, Silencer of Dissent

Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 10:59:24 am
In the third Presidential debate, Donald Trump said that the Second Amendment is “under such trauma.” But what about the First Amendment? While much could be said about freedom of religion, here the focus is on freedom of speech and tolerance of dissenting voices – which is an ...

400 Companies Have Now Pulled Their Advertising From Breitbart "News"

Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 12:50:45 pm
Many people have now joined the effort to inform major companies about the racist and misogynist nature of Breitbart "News" and urge them not to advertise at this "alt-right" hate site, and this ad hoc campaign is getting serious results. The number of companies that have now pulled their ads from ...

This Flow Chart Shows the Disturbing Connections Between Trump, Russia, White Supremacists and Ethnic Nationalists

Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 10:49:58 am
Here's a deeply disturbing flow chart showing many (but not all) of the connections between Donald Trump and his advisers and various white supremacist groups, both in Russia and the United States. I've checked out these links and headlines through Google and they're all legitimate. I don't think most of America ...

An Amazing New Solo Video by Jacob Collier: "In the Bleak Midwinter"

Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 5:22:42 pm
YouTube Just another amazing multi-tracked solo performance by Jacob Collier, with harmonies that are like the Beach Boys taken to the one millionth power. Absolutely stunning. Ten Jacob Colliers come together to arrange and perform one of the most legendary Christmas carols of all time: Harold Darke's 'In The Bleak Midwinter'; ...

Saturday Jam: Alsarah & the Nubatones: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 12:11:46 pm
YouTube When singer Alsarah left her native Sudan, she was just a child who'd shown an interest in music. She's said it served as her coping mechanism during a subsequent transition to life here in the U.S. That passion led her to a university degree in ethnomusicology. It also drew her ...

Breitbart Climate Change Denial Article References Infamous Nazi Slogan

Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 11:38:21 am
Yesterday I came across this tweet by science journalist Kelsey Kennedy: This is an actual headline on Breitbart. Apparently peer-reviewed science is so threatening, you should arm yourself. — Kelsey Kennedy (@kelseyrkennedy) December 12, 2016 ReplyReply w/ QuoteImage The article is by Breitbart's resident climate change denying clown, James Delingpole, one of ...

Thursday Night Acoustic Excellence: Russian Guitarist Alexandr Misko: "Billie Jean"

Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 6:19:38 pm
YouTube I've been getting burned out on acoustic guitarists who treat their instruments like hipster bongos, but here comes this Russian player, Alexandr Misko, to make me realize the percussive finger-style genre isn't completely devoid of merit yet. Very impressive simultaneous bass, chords, melody and bongos in this one. iTunes: 7718?ls=1&app=itunes GooglePlay: ...

Another Awesome Video From Regina Spektor's New Album: "Bleeding Heart"

Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 6:35:02 pm
YouTube Directed by Jack Dishel Animation created & directed by Chris Tucci Archival footage & photos by Ilya Spektor Cinematography by George Wieser Classical piece: Sonatina 1st Movement Written by Aram Khachaturian Performed by Regina Spektor Regina is tour this spring! Dates at Her new album "Remember Us To Life" is out now! iTunes: Spotify: Amazon: Google Play: Vinyl/Onlin e ...

A Harrowing New Video From Regina Spektor: "Trapper and the Furrier"

Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 1:17:22 pm
YouTube Regina Spektor posted this powerful video to her YouTube account yesterday. I don't know if it was after the results of the election became clear (although it's clear she was thinking about you-know-who when she posted it), and I'm sure it was written many months ago, but the lyrics are ...

Regina Spektor's Incredible New Video: "Small Bill$"

Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 5:44:06 pm
YouTube Regina Spektor's video for her song "Small Bill$" from the new album Remember Us To Life is a surreal masterpiece, packed with Soviet kitsch and musical surprises. Director: Steven Mertens On tour this spring! Dates at Regina Spektor’s new album Remember Us To Life is out now! iTunes: Spotify: Google Play: Vinyl/Onlin e ...

In Which the Stupidest Man on the Internet Schlongs Himself Yet Again

Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 3:27:26 pm
DERP Old reliable Jim Hoft, the fabled Stupidest Man on the Internet, did it again today. His derpitude is reaching critical mass as the election nears its end. The story is simple: Hillary Clinton's campaign manager Robby Mook has had a Twitter account for a while, but has never used it. I ...

Gateway Pundit, Drudge Report, Scott Baio Beclown Selves, Fall for Troll's Story of "Destroying Absentee Ballots"

Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 10:13:51 am
Let's begin this week with yet another hilarious tale of self-beclownment by the fabled Stupidest Man on the Internet, Jim Hoft, shall we? This morning Hoft set his caps lock key on stun and bashed out a screed about a POSTAL WORKER boasting about destroying absentee ballots that voted for Trump: POSTAL ...

Right Wingers Emit Blizzard of Conspiracy Theories to Excuse Trump's Debate Loss

Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 7:06:11 pm
We've been watching our Twitter feed in awe today, as right wing pundits and hacks and randos pump out one conspiracy theory after another to explain why Hillary Clinton beat the pants off their hero Donald Trump in the first presidential debate. The perennial "she was wearing an earphone" theory: Hillary Clinton ...

In Which Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Another White Supremacist Trope: A "Rape Epidemic" by Immigrants

Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:54:04 am
Donald Trump Jr. seems to have taken over the "white supremacist outreach" position in the Trump campaign, and today he follows up his ugly "Skittles" tweet with one of the most common white supremacist tropes of all time: that immigrants are responsible for a "rape epidemic," targeted against Western women. ...

Saturday Night Shred: Steve Vai, "Gravity Storm"

Sat, Sep 3, 2016 at 9:35:57 pm
YouTube "Gravity Storm" performed live during Steve Vai's two year worldwide Story of Light Tour. Buy the Still in Motion: Vai Live in L.A. DVD iTunes - Amazon - Buy the Still in Motion: Vai Live in L.A. CD iTunes - Amazon - Google Play - About the CD & ...

Jacob Collier Live @ Village Underground, London: "Don't You Know"

Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 9:34:16 pm
YouTube Here's a stunning live performance by Jacob Collier of one of the most complex tracks on his debut album. Jacob Collier and his One-Man Live Show Creature perform 'Don't You Know', an original song from Jacob's debut album 'In My Room'; filmed live @ Village Underground, London, May 28th 2016. Come ...

Sunday Evening Acoustic Awesomeness: Antoine Dufour, "1979"

Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 6:04:51 pm
YouTube Antoine Dufour is one of the best in this neo-acoustic two-handed style of playing, and this cover of the Smashing Pumpkins classic "1979" is a fantastic showcase of his abilities. CDs, Downloads, and Guitar Tabs available at: edufour/ Visit Antoine Dufour at: music r Join Antoine Dufour email list to stay up to date ...

New Music From Peter Gabriel: "I'm Amazing"

Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 11:51:51 am
YouTube Here's a great new song from Peter Gabriel; dare we hope that this means a full album is on the way? It's been a long time coming. The new track I’m Amazing is now available on: iTunes - Spotify - T idal - Google Play - It s the first new ...

Apple Bails Out of GOP Convention Because Trump

Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 7:51:39 pm
JStone / Apple CEO Tim Cook is making it clear that Apple won't be lending their name or support to a convention with far right nationalist Donald Trump as the GOP nominee. Good for them! Other tech companies need to follow suit. Apple has told Republican leaders it will not ...

Tech Note: A Graphic Display of All Installed Imagemagick Fonts

Sat, May 21, 2016 at 9:21:41 pm
As I've mentioned previously, every once in a while I manage to come up with a bit of code that doesn't seem to exist elsewhere on the web, and if that code is useful I see it as a duty to share it with the world, as a way of ...

Friday Night Jam: Laura Mvula, "Phenomenal Woman"

Fri, May 6, 2016 at 8:01:27 pm
YouTube 'Phenomenal Woman' is out now iTunes Spo tify Google Play Follow Laura Mvula Facebook: Twitter: Instagram Spotify Website: 'Phenomenal Woman' lyrics Nobody ever told her she was beauty One day she realised she was already free The colour in her eyes was fire risen She found the light inside a new a ...

Anti-Muslim Extremist to Be Keynote Speaker at Central New York Police Expo

Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 6:21:37 pm
VERONA, N.Y. -- Tactical law enforcement officers from across the region will gather at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino next week to view the latest law enforcement equipment and receive training, but the expo's keynote speaker has drawn criticism from groups advocating against Islamophobia and bigotry. The keynote speaker ...

Wednesday Night Acoustic Masterpiece: Jon Gomm, "Stupid Blues"

Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 9:13:42 pm
YouTube Buy the song + album here: or from iTunes or Google Play Amazon Guitar Tab only available here: Transcribed by me, with detailed notes explaining every technique. This is an instrumental tune called Stupid Blues, and it exists purely for the joy of playing. This is the 4th release from ...

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