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Searched LGF articles for: monckton (12 matches, in 1 page)

Lord Monckton the Birther: Support Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Congressional Investigation

Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 9:38:08 am
Did you know that Lord Christopher Monckton, known around LGF as the Original Swivel-Eyed Loon for his long history of obtuse, deceptive climate change denialism, his frequent appearances on the Alex Jones show, and his testimony to the House Energy Independence and Global Warming Commitee as the Republican Party's sole ...

The Evidence for Climate Change Without Using Computer Models or the IPCC

Sun, May 12, 2013 at 5:54:00 pm
YouTube SOURCES are listed in the next video, because of space constraints. Predictable posts are answered here. Please spend your time and effort in addressing the evidence presented in the video: "This is a straw man argument. Of course skeptics [sic] accept that CO2 warms the atmosphere, We just don't think ...

Climate Change Denier James Delingpole: 'Hanging Is Far Too Good' for Climate Scientists

Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 3:59:23 pm
He'd be Britain's most deranged and dishonest climate change denier if that title weren't already owned by Christopher Monckton, but today's article at The Telegraph by James Delingpole breaks new ground, even for him. As Joe Romm puts it at ClimateProgress, this really does amount to hate speech, an especially ...

Inhofe and Monckton Bring the Theocratic, Creationist Texas Eagle Forum to the UN to Deny Climate Change

Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 10:57:08 am
Watch the full video (available later today) at: Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: The future of climate and energy policy featuring Lord Christopher Monckton and US Senator James Inhofe The current United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference, COP 18, is ongoing in Doha, Qatar and like all previous COPs ...

Among the Deniers at Denia-Palooza

Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 9:48:22 am
YouTube Video Fraud Christopher Monckton goes birther and Heartland tries to get into classrooms, while sponsors flee. Heartland Education initiative [Link:] leaked budget describing education initiative [Link:] 2012 Heartland Bud... Tennessee "Monkey" Law- Scientific American [Link:] Louisi ana Science Education Law [Link:] [Link:] Joe Camel is Innocent! [Link:] [Link:] Heartland Smoker's Lounge [Link:] Joe Bast's Love Letter to ...

A Devastating Takedown of Fraudulent Climate Change Denier Christopher Monckton

Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 10:28:15 am
Peter Hadfield has another pair of excellent videos on climate change, answering the fraudulent, blatantly dishonest claims of right wing hero Christopher Monckton by quoting Monckton's own words back at him. This is absolutely devastating stuff, and it says volumes about the right (none of it good) that a pseudo-intellectual ...

Oslo Updates: Terrorist Asks Lawyer How Many He Killed

Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 2:12:23 pm
Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has reportedly asked his lawyer how many people he killed in his rampage. The lawyer, Geir Lippestad, also said that Breivik took some sort of drugs to be "strong, efficient, and awake." In addition to his "counter-jihad" ideology (taken directly from the hateful writing of ...

Moronic Convergence: Climate Change Deniers, Creationists, and Anti-Muslim Bigots Meeting at UCLA

Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 1:54:41 pm
Today at UCLA, a group of high profile climate change deniers are featured at a conference titled: "Big Footprint: Is Green the New Tyranny?" By itself this is nothing special; climate "skeptics" are always having these echo chamber conferences, to keep the deluded masses fully stocked up with hooey. But this ...

GOP's Expert Climate Change Witness: Lord High Denier Monckton

Thu, May 6, 2010 at 7:46:31 pm
Video In the best example yet of the GOP's total disconnection from reality, Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA) called hearings on climate science, and the Republican Party chose as their sole "expert" witness -- quack non-scientist ranting loon Lord Christopher Monckton, also known as a frequent guest on the utterly insane Alex ...

Video: Debunking Monckton, Part 2

Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 5:52:08 pm
This is part 2 of environmentalist Peter Sinclair’s deconstruction of Lord High Climate Denier Christopher Monckton and His Traveling Snake Oil Pseudoscience Show. (Part 1 is here.) [Video]

Video: Debunking Monckton, Part 1

Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 3:47:57 pm
Earlier I posted about Sarah Palin’s statement that global warming is “snake oil science over there,” but environmentalist Peter Sinclair’s new video takes a close look at one of the true snake oil salesmen of the climate denial circuit, Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley and total quack. [Video]

Monckton Alerts World to NASA Conspiracy, Cures Common Cold

Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 11:47:07 am
Lord High Climate Denier Christopher Monckton, fresh from his latest appearance on the radio show of 9/11 Truther Alex Jones (during which he compared President Obama to Adolf Hitler), told an Australian audience yesterday that NASA deliberately planned the crash of a satellite during launch last year, because it would ...

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