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Searched LGF articles for: "Council on American Islamic Relations" (7 matches, in 1 page)

Just Another Outburst of Anti-Muslim Hatred in Texas

Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 6:47:45 pm
YouTube Right wing loons are always demanding that Muslims renounce terrorism and show their loyalty to the United States. And this is what happens when they do. Texas Muslim Capitol Day, which began in 2003, is organized by the Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and brings members of Muslim ...

Jewish Federation of LA Pulls the Plug on Pamela Geller Hatefest

Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 11:25:40 am
Deranged hate group leader Pamela Geller is raging and spewing venom this morning (I know, it's her usual state) because the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles pulled the plug on her scheduled speech titled "Islamic Jew Hatred as the Root Cause of Failure to Achieve Peace." As usual when a ...

Wingnuts In a Lather After Takes Down Anti-Muslim Blog

Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 10:33:08 am
Jim "Dim" Hoft and company are upset that "Bare Naked Islam" has been taken down after a CAIR complaint and FBI investigation. (Note: I'm not a big fan of CAIR as they also have a history of hyper-sensitivity, some bad associations, and in the past they sent the FBI after ...

Reza Aslan vs. Robert Spencer

Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 10:29:03 am
Robert Spencer gets torn a new nether orifice by Reza Aslan in this segment of the CNN "town hall" meeting on Islam. Aslan quite correctly identifies Spencer's group "Stop the Islamization of America" as a branch of the European hate franchise "Stop the Islamisation of Europe," and points out that ...

$10 Million Defamation Suit Filed Against Pamela Geller

Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 11:55:56 am
Last year Pamela Geller injected herself into the case of Rifqa Bary, a teenage runaway and Christian convert who claimed her Muslim parents were planning to kill her. (The Florida Department of Law Enforcement subsequently investigated these claims and found “no evidence whatsoever of alleged abuse or threats of death ...

San Antonio Mosque Vandalized

Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 12:30:28 pm
Here's another anti-Muslim hate crime that Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer and the Bigot Brigade can claim they have nothing to do with -- this time on the hallowed ground of San Antonio, Texas: San Antonio mosque vandalized amid national tensions over NYC mosque. A San Antonio mosque has been ...

Pamela Geller: The Muslim Brotherhood Controls Every Agency of the US Government

Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 2:57:59 pm
Today’s unbridled paranoia from Pamela Geller at Andrew Breitbart’s “Big Government:” the US government is totally controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. Good grief. Did you know in the FBI’s Counter-Terrorism Manual, the word jihad is not to be found? Not once. This is no accident. This is happening because for decades ...

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