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Searched LGF articles for: "andrew napolitano" (18 matches, in 1 page)

In Which Donald Trump Mindlessly Opposes His Own FISA Bill Because Fox News Told Him To

Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 11:13:42 am
Today we have yet another example of Donald Trump's reliance on Fox News to tell him what to think, and another example of his appalling unfitness to occupy the Oval Office; he sent out a tweet this morning attacking the FISA Act that his own administration strongly supports. “House votes on ...

Fox News Suspends Andrew Napolitano Over Wiretap Conspiracy Theories Touted by Trump

Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 3:14:49 pm
His frequent appearances on the batshit crazy Alex Jones show were no problem, his 9/11 Truther conspiracy theories were no problem, his neo-Confederate Civil War revisionism was no problem, but Fox News suspended froggish "legal analyst" Andrew Napolitano this week after Donald Trump cited him as a source for his ...

In Press Conference With Angela Merkel, Trump Blames Wiretap Lie on 9/11 Truther Napolitano

Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 1:07:16 pm
Once again, our so-called president has embarrassed the United States in front of the whole world, at his press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, by: Refusing to withdraw his claim that Obama ordered him to be "wiretapped." Refusing to withdraw his claim that British intelligence helped Obama commit this alleged crime. Citing ...

Why Is Glenn Greenwald Promoting an Extreme Right Wing 9/11 Truther?

Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 12:58:59 pm
Just a couple of days after he promoted the extreme right wing militia Oathkeepers (referring to them as "a coalition of current and former military, police, and other public officials"), activist Glenn Greenwald is now hyping an article by another far right conspiracy monger: Judge Andrew Napolitano. In Barrons, @Judgenap raves ...

Boehner Calls Obama 'Un-American,' WSJ Writer Compares SOTU Seating to 'Date Rape'

Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 12:24:40 pm
The President hasn't even given his State of the Union speech yet, but Republicans are already spewing hatred at him. Washington (CNN) - House Speaker John Boehner Tuesday forcefully denounced the Democrats' campaign theme that they are for the middle class and Republicans are for the wealthy – saying the ...

Exclusive! Glenn Beck's Replacement Host Leaked

Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 2:08:12 pm
There's a lot of speculation on the net today about who will be Glenn Beck's replacement in Fox's 5:00 prime time slot. Names that have been suggested include 9/11 Truther Andrew Napolitano, and Birther Donald Trump. But our sources inside the machine have given us the scoop. Apparently, it wasn't easy ...

Glenn Beck Says 9/11 Truthers Are Dangerous, But Guest Host of Beck's Show is a Truther

Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 2:31:14 pm
I'd normally rather have a root canal than watch Glenn Beck's show, but today I wanted to see how he would try to spin away all responsibility for his insane extremist rhetoric. And sure enough, he came up with a real jaw-dropper. Here's a screenshot; these are the people he ...

Tonight on Fox: 9/11 Truther Hosts for Glenn Beck

Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 1:50:53 pm
That's right, standing in once again tonight for Glenn Beck on Fox News is 9/11 Truther Andrew Napolitano. UPDATE at 1/3/11 2:06:50 pm: Andrew Breitbart does his usual thing: Twitter / @AndrewBreitbart: @Lizardoid So Napolitano as 9/11 truther as fill in talk show host is bad. But Van Jones as 9/11 truther ...

Fox Business Anchor Andrew Napolitano is a 9/11 Truther

Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 10:28:16 am
LGF reader Killgore Trout subjects himself to videos of the Alex Jones conspiracy freakshow so you don't have to, and yesterday he posted the latest episode -- in which Fox News host (and extreme right wing whackjob) Andrew Napolitano came out and admitted he's a 9/11 Truther. Media Matters The link between ...

Judge Napolitano: Bush and Cheney Should Have Been Indicted

Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 10:58:15 am
Left wing sites are buzzing about Judge Andrew Napolitano’s statements on C-SPAN’s Book TV, that President Bush and VP Cheney should have been indicted for torturing, spying, and arresting people without warrants. Some bloggers seem to think this might endanger Napolitano’s job as host of “Freedom Watch” on the Fox ...

Allahpundit Spins Judge Napolitano's Defense of BP As Napolitano Appears on Alex Jones Show

Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 8:12:25 pm
At right wing site Hot Air, token atheist Allahpundit tries his best to spin an appearance on Fox News by Judge Andrew Napolitano, in which Napolitano defends BP: Shep to Napolitano: You’re grossing me out by defending BP. He’s not really defending BP, actually, just noting that between the liability ...

NYT Treats Judge Napolitano with Kid Gloves

Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:20:53 am
For some reason, New York Times writer Brian Stelter goes very easy on Judge Andrew Napolitano in this article about Napolitano’s new freakshow on Fox Business; for example, there’s no mention of the fact that Napolitano has featured conspiracy nutjob and 9/11 Truther Alex Jones as a guest on “Freedom ...

Mainstreaming Extremism on Fox Business Network

Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:40:34 am
The far right freak show called Freedom Watch will soon be a mainstream staple on the Fox Business Network, hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano. Freedom Watch began as a web-only show; here’s an episode featuring one of Napolitano’s frequent guests, conspiracy whack job Alex Jones, who Napolitano introduces as “the one, ...

Alex Jones on Fox News At Last

Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 12:42:42 pm
Fox News and the right wing kookosphere have been gradually bringing insane 9/11 Truther Alex Jones into the mainstream for the past year. Judge Andrew Napolitano has been one of the most persistent; he introduced Jones on his Fox News webcast as “the one, the only, the great Alex Jones.” ...

Birthers on Stage at CPAC

Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 9:47:00 am
Happening right now at CPAC: Saving Freedom and Due Process from Oppressive Justice Department Maryland Ballroom Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (VA) Scott Bullock, Institute for Justice Gary Kreep, United States Justice Foundation Moderator: Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty Gary Kreep is a religious fanatic who produced a Birther TV commercial, featured at LGF: Nirthers on ...

CPAC Pre-Game Thread

Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 6:09:28 pm
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) starts tomorrow, featuring the John Birch Society as a co-sponsor; here’s the schedule for the first day: CPAC 2010 : Thursday, February 18, 2010. Speakers this year include: Hon. Dick Armey Hon. John Ashcroft Rep. Michele Bachmann Glenn Beck [The keynote speaker. --ed.] Amb. John Bolton Andrew Breitbart Herman Cain Tucker Carlson Liz ...

Today on Alex Jones

Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 1:45:14 pm
One of the world’s foremost right wing climate change deniers, Marc Morano, appears on the radio show of one of the world’s foremost raving conspiracy kooks, 9/11 Truther Alex Jones — and it’s exactly where he belongs. Marc Morano on Alex Jones Tv 1/4: NASA Scientist Demands End to Industrial Society! Also ...

Michael Steele Really Really Loves a Raving Freakazoid Nut Sandwich

Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 4:26:06 pm
RNC chairman Michael Steele apparently believes that the best way to get young people and minorities to take another look at the Republican Party is to praise a raving freakazoid nut sandwich who gets his talking points from the John Birch Society and calls President Obama a “racist with a ...

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