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Searched LGF articles for: "ron paul" (159 matches, in 7 pages)

Rand Paul Has Coronavirus, After He Mocked Concerns and Voted Against Emergency Funding

Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 12:04:56 pm
Senator Rand Paul has tested positive for COVID-19. He is feeling fine and is in quarantine. He is asymptomatic and was tested out of an abundance of caution due to his extensive travel and events. He was not aware of any direct contact with any infected person. — Senator Rand Paul ...

A Humiliated Trump Brags About Meaningless Internet Polls to Boost His Damaged Ego

Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 10:28:56 am
One of the laws of the Internet is that online polls -- the kind that let anyone vote by clicking a "submit" button -- are completely unscientific, meaningless, and easy to spam. They're intended to be fun, and nothing more. These types of polls usually have some very weak methods that ...

Rand Paul on Trump: "Someone Has to Point Out to the American Public That He's a Fake"

Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 5:59:07 pm
Rich Koele / Rand Paul's campaign is pretty much running on fumes at this point, and this quote almost made me feel sad for him -- because he obviously understands he's being whipped by a creepy charlatan. Rand tells me re: Trump: "Someone has to bring him down. Someone has to ...

Video: Rand Paul's NH Political Director Gets in His Licks

Mon, May 11, 2015 at 10:55:52 am
YouTube Rand Paul is running a perfectly respectable conservative campaign, nothing weird about it at all. Considering the loony reputation of his father, Ron Paul, it's important for him to maintain a middle of the road image and not veer into any craziness. Oh, and here's his New Hampshire political director licking ...

Watch Live: The Great Marijuana Debate at CPAC

Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 1:44:36 pm
[Video moved to newer post] The Ron Paul libertarian crowd is applauding pro-marijuana Gary Johnson, while the REAL CONSERVATIVES are cheering for the woman who wants to lock up all the pot smokers and thinks marijuana is just like LSD.

Ron Paul: Congressional Black Caucus Is Anti-War Because They Want the Money for Food Stamps

Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 3:26:36 pm
SoundCloud In other news, Ron Paul is still a racist: Ron Paul: Black Caucus Only Against War Because They Want That Money for Food Stamps. "I was always annoyed with it in Congress because we had an anti-war unofficial group, a few libertarian Republicans and generally the Black Caucus and others ...

Video: Ron Paul Defends 9/11 Truther's "False Flag" Article on Charlie Hebdo

Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 1:15:24 pm
YouTube A few days ago an article by long-time conspiracy peddler (and 9/11 Truther) Paul Craig Roberts was posted at the Ron Paul Institute's website, alleging that the terror attack against French journal Charlie Hebdo was a "false flag," the favorite trope of far right loons everywhere. Today Ron Paul appeared on ...

Ron Paul Says Rand Paul's "Travel Ban" Idea Is "Politically Motivated"

Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 1:33:41 pm
Here's one of those moments for which we live, as crazy uncle Ron Paul says his crazy son Rand's idea of a ban on travel to and from West Africa is "politically motivated." Instant classic. Ron Paul on Monday said that calls for a ban on travel from West African ...

Drudge Report is Pushing Yet Another Crackpot AAPS Doctor Making Claims About Ebola

Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 12:06:22 pm
Yesterday, I posted about how Drudge was spreading all kinds of misinformation about the current outbreak of enterovirus D68. That misinformation was courtesy of the AAPS, which is a crank organization with ties to both Rand and Ron Paul, filled with racists and xenophobes. Well, the AAPS is back in the ...

Drudge Touts Claims That Illegal Aliens Are Source of Enterovirus Outbreak

Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 10:21:23 am
Matt Drudge's website is nothing if not consistent; they tweet an endless stream of inflammatory and eye-catching claims/statements. A couple of these tweets caught my eye: Doctor: Feds 'Tight-Lipped,' May be From Illegals... — DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT) September 17, 2014 Mystery illness spreads to Virginia... — DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT) September 17, ...

Reason Magazine Addresses That 1976 "Holocaust Denial Edition"

Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 11:16:20 am
Reason magazine's editor Nick Gillespie has an article up wherein he addresses that 1976 "special edition" featuring Holocaust deniers and contributors to neo-Nazi magazines. Let's see how he acquits the publication: If you want a preview of just how lame ideological mud-slinging is going to get [...] take a look ...

Right Wing Heads Explode as Video of Rand Paul Bashing Ronald Reagan Surfaces

Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:32:34 am
YouTube YouTube David Corn has discovered video of Rand Paul, the crypto-libertarian Republican chip off of Ron Paul's block, bashing the Republican Party's most revered icon: WATCH: Rand Paul Says Jimmy Carter Was Better on the Budget Than Ronald Reagan. As Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) ponders a presidential bid, he has lately ...

Ron Paul Denounces US Government in Bundy Ranch Moronic Convergence

Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 12:32:18 pm
Ron Paul comes out in support of the far right "sovereign citizen" loons at the Bundy Ranch moronic convergence, because of course he does: The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Nevada Standoff a Symptom of Increasing Authoritarianism. A still from this videoA government that continually violates our ...

Right Wing Bloggers Immediately Started Portraying the Kansas Neo-Nazi Shooter as a "Democrat"

Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 1:16:39 pm
One of the bizarre exercises right wing bloggers love to engage in after a far right nutjob kills some people: find some way to paint the killer as a "liberal" or a "Democrat." If the criminal in question ever registered as a Democrat in his/her life, they'll dig it up; ...

KS Shooting Suspect Frazier Glenn Miller's 2010 Interview: He's a Fan of Ron Paul

Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:06:57 am
YouTube In a 2010 interview on The David Pakman Show, white supremacist murder suspect Frazier Glenn Miller talked at length about his twisted ideology of hate, and revealed that he's a huge admirer of Ron Paul. (Which shouldn't surprise anyone, by the way.) At this time, Miller was running for the US ...

Lolwut: Rick Santorum Says Rand Paul Is Allied With Barack Obama

Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 10:49:07 am
Today, amazingly, Rick Santorum actually started to say something relatively intelligent about libertarian loon Rand Paul... You've seen me out there taking on the Paul faction. I did during the campaign. I took on Ron Paul at debate after debate on Iran, on Pakistan... But then, inevitably, he slipped back ...

In Which Glenn Greenwald Is Invited to the Alex Jones Show (At Last)

Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 10:17:54 am
Today Glenn Greenwald responds to that article on Pierre Omidyar's financial support for Ukrainian dissidents with a frankly amazing statement: On the Meaning of Journalistic Independence - the Intercept. Despite its being publicly disclosed, I was not previously aware that the Omidyar Network donated to this Ukrainian group. That's because, ...

Left Wing Libertarians Join Forces With Far Right Ron Paulians to Complain About the NSA

Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 10:04:39 am
Today the libertarians are holding an event they're calling: The Day We Fight Back - February 11th 2014. Sounds dramatic, right? Of course, in this case, "fighting back" means giving your email and phone number to them, and parroting one of the paranoid scripts they've pre-written for you. And to do ...

On the RNC Platform Finding NSA Programs Unconstitutional

Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 1:53:45 pm
The Republican National Committee is claiming that the USA Patriot Act's NSA provisions are now unconstitutional? Really? And they want investigations too? A page-long resolution also called for "a special committee to investigate, report, and reveal to the public the extent of this domestic spying." This committee would then make ...

Rand Paul Blames Numerous Cases of Plagiarism on His Staff

Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:14:12 am
Like a true Republican leader, Senator Rand Paul is making excuses for his now-undeniable serial plagiarism by blaming it all on his staff. Mr. Paul's office acknowledged that it had made mistakes, but largely sought to play down the charges of plagiarism. "In the thousands of speeches and op-eds Senator Paul ...

Report: LAX Shooter Purchased Guns Legally, Targeted TSA Agents

Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 6:01:08 pm
The latest information on the news wires about LAX shooting suspect Paul Ciancia reveals that Ciancia went to the airport with the intention of killing as many TSA agents as possible. And he brought a lot of ammunition. In court documents and interviews, authorities spelled out a chilling chain of ...

Rand Paul Threatens to Block Janet Yellen Nomination to Fed

Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 10:40:11 am
I hope no one's surprised that Rand Paul is now making a big push for one of the libertarian right's cherished hopes: auditing the Federal Reserve. And by "auditing," they mean going on a fishing expedition to find something they can use to destroy it. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has threatened ...

Today's Incredibly Creepy Republican Anti-Obamacare Video

Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 10:37:09 am
YouTube The Republican Party just keeps getting stranger and more dysfunctional. Today's freakishly bizarre train wreck is a video funded by the Koch Brothers that attempts to convince young women to "opt out" of the Affordable Care Act by scaring them with a creepy giant puppet-headed speculum-wielding Uncle Sam, getting all ...

Why Is Glenn Greenwald Promoting an Extreme Right Wing 9/11 Truther?

Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 12:58:59 pm
Just a couple of days after he promoted the extreme right wing militia Oathkeepers (referring to them as "a coalition of current and former military, police, and other public officials"), activist Glenn Greenwald is now hyping an article by another far right conspiracy monger: Judge Andrew Napolitano. In Barrons, @Judgenap raves ...

Rand Paul, Great White Hope of the GOP

Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 10:49:09 am
Just more proof that libertarianism has wrecked the Republican Party, as the crazy scion of the Ron Paul far right is now the 2016 Republican Front-Runner. Paul -- as he showed with his civil rights comments during the 2010 Kentucky Senate campaign - holds some controversial views that can (and ...

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