AFA Spokesman Bryan Fischer’s List of Anti-Gay Demands for Romney

Religious right spokesman very upset at Mitt
Wingnuts • Views: 29,098

The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer has been thrown into apoplectic rage by Mitt Romney’s choice of the openly gay Richard Grenell as his foreign policy spokesman, and today he’s posted a column with a list of demands for Romney: Bryan Fischer: Re: Richard Grenell: Romney Has Some ‘Splaining to Do.

This is not just an Etch-A-Sketch moment for the governor, it is a crossing-the-Rubicon moment. It appears to be a dog-whistle to the homosexual lobby, a way of saying to them I’m with you, not with them. It appears to be his way of saying to gay activists that when push comes to shove you can count on me. I’ll be in your corner, not theirs. 

This appointment certainly revives the oft-stated concerns about Gov. Romney from both the right and the left that he has no moral core, and is, as one left-wing columnist said, “a hollow man.” 

What can the governor do, if he wishes to, to contain the collateral damage from this spectacularly misbegotten decision? 

For starters, he can answer one question for the American people: “Gov. Romney, is homosexual behavior healthy or harmful? Yes or no?”

Typical of Fischer’s dim-witted hate speech — he wants a “yes or no” answer to a question that doesn’t have a “yes or no” answer.

If he answers “Yes,” how can he expect the pro-family community to support him? If he answers “No,” then why he is putting someone who engages in such behavior in such a prominent position in his campaign?

The muddled thinking of a bigot.

Fischer goes on to list his demands for the GOP and Mitt Romney. For people like Fischer, one thing is paramount: hatred of gays, and the necessity to deprive them of civil rights.

1. Publicly support the North Carolina marriage amendment. He needs to go to North Carolina and publicly declare his support for its marriage amendment, which will be on the ballot May 8. He must not hide behind the skirts of the 10th Amendment, as he has sought to do on RomneyCare. We must hear him say, loudly and clearly, “I support natural marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and I urge North Carolina voters to vote for man-woman marriage on May 8.”

2. Commit to a vigorous defense and implementation of DOMA. Then in his Liberty University address on May 12, he must publicly declare that he will aggressively defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court. “I hold the institution of marriage in the highest regard, and will faithfully discharge my duty as your president to uphold and defend the laws of the United States. My administration will pursue the most vigorous defense of DOMA possible, and it will be faithfully implemented on my watch.”

3. Revoke federal spousal benefits for domestic partners of homosexuals.Then, also in his commencement address, he must publicly declare that he will revoke President Obama’s illegal decision to grant spousal benefits to gay partners of federal employees, which is flatly prohibited by DOMA. He needs to tell the good folk at Liberty, “I believe in natural marriage, and I believe in following the law. I will honor the institution of natural marriage in all my public policy decisions, and so on my first day in office, I will issue an order reserving federal spousal benefits exclusively for husbands and wives in natural marriages.” And he needs to make it clear that this includes Richard Grenell as well.

4. Support reinstatement of the ban on homosexual conduct in the military. He must declare a change of position on homosexuality in the military, and openly support the reinstatement of the ban on homosexual conduct in the armed forces. He must say, “As commander-in-chief, I publicly support reinstatement of the ban on homosexuality in our military. We must make unit cohesion, military recruitment, and military readiness our highest priorities. We cannot allow the introduction of sexual tension into the ranks to detract from our mission of protecting and defending the people of the United States. The armed forces should not be used as a laboratory for social engineering, and that will not happen on my watch.”

5. Support right of chaplains to teach biblical view of homosexuality. He must also declare that, as commander-in-chief, he will support the right of military chaplains to openly criticize the normalization of homosexual behavior. “As your commander-in-chief, I will respect freedom of religion, speech and conscience for all our military chaplains. They will have the freedom under my leadership to teach a biblical view of marriage and sexuality without any fear of punishment.”

6. Publicly pledge to veto ENDA. He must declare that he opposes the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and will veto it if it reaches his desk. ENDA will provide special employment protections for those who engage in unnatural sexual behaviors and will subject every values-driven employer who makes unnatural sexual conduct an issue in personnel decisions to a potentially crippling lawsuit. “As president, I will protect the constitutional rights of every employer in America to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of association. I will see to it that my administration vigorously defends the right of every values-driven employer to hire employees who reflect his values and the values of his company.”

This is what the religious right calls “pro-family.”

Fischer has a real point here, buried in the usual hate speech; Mitt Romney may believe he can just shake the Etch-a-Sketch and move back toward the center now that he’s certain to be the nominee, but it’s not going to be that simple. The Republican Party has been ferociously pandering to hateful creeps like Fischer, and they’re not going to take signs of “moderation” very well.

(h/t: Right Wing Watch.)

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1 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:29:07am

This is the first salve in the battle between Romney and the socons. he can cave into them and risk losing the center or stand up to them and lose the right.

It's his call...

2 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:29:35am

Fischer looks like the villain in an old school Star Trek episode.

3 iossarian  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:30:06am

re: #2 Mostly sane, most of the time.

Fischer looks like the villain in an old school Star Trek episode.

Lol so true. "Zoltar the Mighty"

4 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:30:36am

Fischer's crazy makes me pity Romney and I can't stand Mitt.

5 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:31:53am

Fischer might remember that Mitt is getting the nomination very much in spite of him and his ilk, and not because of him.

6 makeitstop  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:32:25am

The Spot. Mitt is on it.

I want to see how long he can go without caving - and once he does cave, how he'll try to spin it.

7 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:34:59am

Good, puts Romney in a bind.

8 Lidane  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:35:29am

I look forward to seeing Fischer and the rest of the socons attacking their own nominee from now until the election. Should be fun.

9 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:35:29am

In 2008 people like Fischer thretened to run a third party socon candidate because they were dissatisfied with McCain's social policy record.

His only chance to avoid that sort of split-ticket disaster was to accept their choice of candidate, Sarah Palin.

And we all know how well that went for the GOP.

10 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:35:29am

Say you want a theocracy, we all want to change the world to 2012 BC. Tell me evolution is a Shariah plot.

11 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:35:55am

re: #1 Expand Your Ground

This is the first salve in the battle between Romney and the socons. he can cave into them and risk losing the center or stand up to them and lose the right.

It's his call...

He's gonna try to split the difference and end up making nobody happy. He's gonna do exactly what Fischer says he can't, namely hide behind the 10th amendment by saying that the whole matter is one that should be "left to the states to decide."

12 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:36:24am

re: #6 makeitstop

The Spot. Mitt is on it.

Poor Spot :(

13 Mich-again  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:36:29am

So then the obvious question is.. Why doesn't this asshat run for office, seeing as he knows precisely how a candidate is supposed to answer all those difficult questions?

14 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:37:59am

re: #13 Mich-again

So then the obvious question is.. Why doesn't this asshat run for office, seeing as he knows precisely how a candidate is supposed to answer all those difficult questions?

Because his past of making assine statements would destroy him but yeah this guy is an armchair general. I think the poor sob is severely repressed mentally.

15 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:41:51am

There is a clear line between stating that your religious views do not condone the practice of homosexuality (which I can accept even if I do not agree) and calling gays a threat to marriage, family, social stability, the military, and demanding that legislation be used to stop them (and intimating that physical violence is acceptable if all else fails)

16 Lidane  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:42:15am

re: #9 Expand Your Ground

Oh, it's going to be worse for Mitt. At least the socons were marginally convinced that McCain was a Christian. With Romney, they're convinced that he's a part of a cult that's barely a half-step above Satanist.

Expect the socons to demand a conservative Christian fundie to "make up for" Mitt's perceived religious shortcomings, and for a wingnut to supplant his supposed liberalism.

17 Sinistershade  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:43:22am

I'm not sure what or where the "homosexual lobby" is, but I'd bet the decor is FABULOUS.

18 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:43:35am

re: #16 Lidane

Oh, it's going to be worse for Mitt. At least the socons were marginally convinced that McCain was a Christian. With Romney, they're convinced that he's a part of a cult that's barely a half-step above Satanist.

Expect the socons to demand a conservative Christian fundie to "make up for" Mitt's perceived religious shortcomings, and for a wingnut to supplant his supposed liberalism.

Not like those are in short supply in the party ranks these days.

19 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:44:27am

re: #13 Mich-again

So then the obvious question is.. Why doesn't this asshat run for office, seeing as he knows precisely how a candidate is supposed to answer all those difficult questions?

Because running one's own small, profitable, and influential fiefdom while being a pundit is much more comfortable than being in elected office, having to work with others, and arguably be productive.

I got out of volunteer office at least partially due to asshat/whiners like this. It converts volunteer work from something potentially enjoyable and beneficial into a chore, and then eventually into a depressive chore.

20 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:45:51am

re: #16 Lidane

Oh, it's going to be worse for Mitt. At least the socons were marginally convinced that McCain was a Christian. With Romney, they're convinced that he's a part of a cult that's barely a half-step above Satanist.

Expect the socons to demand a conservative Christian fundie to "make up for" Mitt's perceived religious shortcomings, and for a wingnut to supplant his supposed liberalism.

That's why it will NOT be Christie. I really think if Santorum had the inevitable nominee tag that Romney had, you'd see some anti-Catholicism from Fischer and those like him.

21 Shiplord Kirel  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:46:32am

President Obama thanks Fischer and the RR for abandoning the Republicans. Maybe they'll think about forming their own party now. It wouldn't win many elections but it would be just as good a front for their various marketing scams (books, DVDs, health supplements etc.). That is what they're after anyway.

22 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:47:55am

I think for what it's worth. Romney chooses a social conservative from Congress. Who, I don't know but that's what I expect. He's in a similar position as McCain in that he has to prove his "conservative" bonafides with a base that doesn't like or trust him. And McCain at least had the war hero thing going.

23 Batman  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:48:34am

I think every candidate must make hating on a specific group the cornerstone of their campaign. Obama needs to come down hard on furries. He needs to say that furries can't adopt animals and promise to ban furries from serving in the military.

24 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:49:36am

re: #23 Batman

I think every candidate must make hating on a specific group the cornerstone of their campaign. Obama needs to come down hard on furries. He needs to say that furries can't adopt animals and promise to ban furries from serving in the military.

Yes, this is extremely important.

25 Lidane  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:49:46am

re: #20 HappyWarrior

That's why it will NOT be Christie. I really think if Santorum had the inevitable nominee tag that Romney had, you'd see some anti-Catholicism from Fischer and those like him.

It won't be Rubio either. The religious bigots hate him because he grew up Mormon. The birthers think that Rubio's not a natural born citizen because his parents weren't naturalized until he was a toddler. And the xenophobes hate him because Rubio supports what they consider an amnesty bill.

It's either going to be someone we haven't thought of yet, or a total nutjob like Bachmann or West to placate the base.

26 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:50:25am

re: #25 Lidane

It won't be Rubio either. The religious bigots hate him because he grew up Mormon. The birthers think that Rubio's not a natural born citizen because his parents weren't naturalized until he was a toddler. And the xenophobes hate him because Rubio supports what they consider an amnesty bill.

It's either going to be someone we haven't thought of yet, or a total nutjob like Bachmann or West to placate the base.

I'm still dreaming of a Romney/Rice ticket.

27 Shvaughn  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:50:38am

re: #23 Batman

I think every candidate must make hating on a specific group the cornerstone of their campaign. Obama needs to come down hard on furries. He needs to say that furries can't adopt animals and promise to ban furries from serving in the military.

Bush already came down on the furries.

But of course it will be HORRIBLEWRONGBAD when Obama does it.

28 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:50:42am

re: #25 Lidane

It won't be Rubio either. The religious bigots hate him because he grew up Mormon. The birthers think that Rubio's not a natural born citizen because his parents weren't naturalized until he was a toddler. And the xenophobes hate him because Rubio supports what they consider an amnesty bill.

It's either going to be someone we haven't thought of yet, or a total nutjob like Bachmann or West to placate the base.

Yeah, I've heard about Rubio's birthers. I can't stand the guy but that amount of stupid hurts my head.

29 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:52:47am

re: #26 Mostly sane, most of the time.

I'm still dreaming of a Romney/Rice ticket.

Rice is a smart, capable enough lady but I can't see that. For one, I don't think she wants it, two, she can be linked to the Bush administration, three we don't know where she is on domestics, and four I can't see her as an effective attack dog. Just doesn't sound her style.

30 Lidane  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:53:28am

re: #26 Mostly sane, most of the time.

I'm still dreaming of a Romney/Rice ticket.

Nah, that won't happen. I'm pretty sure Condi is done with politics for good.

31 Killgore Trout  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:53:35am

re: #26 Mostly sane, most of the time.

I'm still dreaming of a Romney/Rice ticket.

Me too but She's been pretty clear that she's not interested. It's probably for the best anyways. I don't think Mitt has much of a chance. I'll sign the "Draft Condi" petition in about 3 years.

32 The Ghost of a Flea  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:53:47am

re: #16 Lidane

Oh, it's going to be worse for Mitt. At least the socons were marginally convinced that McCain was a Christian. With Romney, they're convinced that he's a part of a cult that's barely a half-step above Satanist.

Expect the socons to demand a conservative Christian fundie to "make up for" Mitt's perceived religious shortcomings, and for a wingnut to supplant his supposed liberalism.

Romney is going to have to do a lot of appeasing, and likely will end up saddled with a fundamentalist veep.

33 funky chicken  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:53:48am

This nutjob can't even contemplate a world where somebody hires the most competent candidate to perform a job without consideration of their sexual orientation, or gender, or race, or religion.

34 Shvaughn  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:54:52am

re: #31 Killgore Trout

I'll sign the "Daft Condi" petition in about 3 years.

It's not very nice to call Condi daft.

35 funky chicken  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:55:47am

re: #26 Mostly sane, most of the time.

I'm still dreaming of a Romney/Rice ticket.

Condoleeza said in an interview that she's "agnostic" on abortion. She's a devout Catholic and personally conservative, but some of the ugly right speculate that she's a lesbian because she's an attractive woman without a husband.

36 Killgore Trout  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:55:53am

re: #34 Shvaughn

It's not very nice to call Condi daft.

Lol! Just in time to use the pencil icon. Thanks

37 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:56:24am

Rice running would mark the return of SoS instead of VP being the jumping ground to the presidency. Five of our first six presidents were high ranking diplomats.

38 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:56:55am

One thing that is different is the candidate's age. I speculate that a lot of socons who voted R in 2008 because of Palin (and who would not have voted for McCain) did that because there would have been a great chance for Palin to become a president for purely natural reasons. Not so in this case.

39 funky chicken  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:58:10am

re: #25 Lidane

Wait. There's Rubio birthers? Good God.

I didn't know he was raised Mormon. Did he convert to RC when he got married or something? Or is he Protestant?

40 Obdicut  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 11:59:52am

Let's take these one at a time:

. Publicly support the North Carolina marriage amendment. He needs to go to North Carolina and publicly declare his support for its marriage amendment, which will be on the ballot May 8.

Maybe he will, maybe he won't. It's in the future, so hard to say. But he obviously supports the right of states to ban gay marriage and has publicly stated he believes marriage is between a man and a woman.

Commit to a vigorous defense and implementation of DOMA.

He's already done this.


Revoke federal spousal benefits for domestic partners of homosexuals

Romney has supported benefits for domestic partners in the past.

Support reinstatement of the ban on homosexual conduct in the military.

Romney has said he will not do this. [Link:]

Support right of chaplains to teach biblical view of homosexuality

Romney generally supports weakening of church/state separation, so he probably wouldn't have problem with this.

Publicly pledge to veto ENDA

Romney has already done this. He no longer supports ENDA on the federal level, just on the 'state' level.


So out of 6 requests by the insane, bigoted, Fischer, Romney is already on board with 3, appears to be staunchly against 1, and leans against 1 and towards another.

And this is what a 'moderate' is supposed to look like.

41 Kragar  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:01:14pm

re: #39 funky chicken

Wait. There's Rubio birthers? Good God.

I didn't know he was raised Mormon. Did he convert to RC when he got married or something? Or is he Protestant?

Hell, there are Romney birthers out there now as well.

42 erik_t  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:01:59pm

re: #40 Obdicut

So out of 6 requests by the insane, bigoted, Fischer, Romney is already on board with 3, appears to be staunchly against 1, and leans against 1 and towards another.

And this is what a 'moderate' is supposed to look like.

But never you mind all that. He hired a gay. Ergo he hates families, and stuff.

43 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:02:06pm

re: #41 Kragar

Hell, there are Romney birthers out there now as well.

I heard about that. Craziness.

44 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:04:20pm

re: #40 Obdicut

So out of 6 requests by the insane, bigoted, Fischer, Romney is already on board with 3, appears to be staunchly against 1, and leans against 1 and towards another.

And this is what a 'moderate' is supposed to look like.

A "moderate" these days apparently being one that says that discrimination and legal second-class citizenship is perfectly a-okay, provided that it's the states doing the dirty work.

45 Lidane  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:04:50pm

re: #39 funky chicken

Wait. There's Rubio birthers? Good God.

Oh yeah. Whirled Nuts Daily has been all over the whole "RUBIO'S NOT A CITIZEN! ELEVENTY!" meme for ages now:

WorldNetDaily’s Farah: Rubio ineligible for VP slot, not a ‘natural-born citizen’ [VIDEO]

I didn't know he was raised Mormon. Did he convert to RC when he got married or something? Or is he Protestant?

He and his family are Catholic, but when he was a kid they attended a Mormon church while living in Las Vegas. The religious bigots have been having a field day with that, especially in light of Romney being the nominee.

46 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:04:57pm

re: #44 Targetpractice

A "moderate" these days apparently being one that says that discrimination and legal second-class citizenship is perfectly a-okay, provided that it's the states doing the dirty work.

Sounds like Ron Paul.

47 Kragar  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:05:11pm

re: #42 erik_t

But never you mind all that. He hired a gay. Ergo he hates families, and stuff.

Treating gays like human beings means you hate families.

48 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:05:17pm

re: #33 funky chicken

This nutjob can't even contemplate a world where somebody hires the most competent candidate to perform a job without consideration of their sexual orientation, or gender, or race, or religion.

Almost makes you want him to hire a "Christian roofer" to fix his house and then rip him off, doesn't it?

49 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:06:40pm

re: #45 Lidane

Oh yeah. Whirled Nuts Daily has been all over the whole "RUBIO'S NOT A CITIZEN! ELEVENTY!" meme for ages now:

WorldNetDaily’s Farah: Rubio ineligible for VP slot, not a ‘natural-born citizen’ [VIDEO]

He and his family are Catholic, but when he was a kid they attended a Mormon church while living in Las Vegas. The religious bigots have been having a field day with that, especially in light of Romney being the nominee.

Didn't know Rubio attended LDS services, interesting. I imagine he's also pissed some of them off with his break on immigration. Doesn't take long to go from conservative sweetheart to RINO progressive.

50 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:08:27pm

re: #49 HappyWarrior

Didn't know Rubio attended LDS services, interesting. I imagine he's also pissed some of them off with his break on immigration. Doesn't take long to go from conservative sweetheart to RINO progressive.

It's the Pyramid of Doctrinal Purity. As you go up it gets narrower and narrower until you find the Chosen One (or L Ron Hubbard) at the top.

51 Kragar  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:08:31pm

Any religion that starts with a M is barred from the office of President.

Sorry Methodists, Mennonites, and Mithrans.

52 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:09:51pm

re: #51 Kragar

Any religion that starts with a M is barred from the office of President.

Sorry Methodists, Mennonites, and Mithrans.

The Mithrans vow to take this bull by the horns!

(I had a player in a RPG demo game yesterday whose character was a Mithran.) :)

53 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:09:58pm

re: #51 Kragar

Any religion that starts with a M is barred from the office of President.

Sorry Methodists, Mennonites, and Mithrans.


54 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:10:19pm

re: #50 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

It's the Pyramid of Doctrinal Purity. As you go up it gets narrower and narrower until you find the Chosen One (or L Ron Hubbard) at the top.

Yep. I love how no one is ever good enough. You could have hypothetically a conservative all around person who happened to be gay or Muslim and they'd flip.

55 erik_t  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:10:48pm

re: #51 Kragar

Any religion that starts with a M is barred from the office of President.

Sorry Methodists, Mennonites, and Mithrans.

I always figured the Minbari warrior caste was right up the GOP's alley, but I guess that was before teh gayz infected everything with all of their gay gayness.

56 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:11:34pm

Here's a wild idea.

Maybe the establishment leaders in the Republican Party have finally deciphered the writing on the wall. Maybe that's where the 'Etch-a-Sketch' slip of the tongue came from.

Maybe they will embrace Romney's proven power of the flip-flop, and instead of appealing to the base, they'll abandon it.

Romney will support gay rights, the DREAM Act, Planned Parenthood, and the Buffet Rule.

He may not win the presidency, but he could save the Republican Party.

/anybody else want a hit off this before it goes out?

57 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:12:31pm

re: #51 Kragar

Any religion that starts with a M is barred from the office of President.

Sorry Methodists, Mennonites, and Mithrans.

Why do you hate Muricans?

58 Kragar  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:13:15pm

re: #53 Mostly sane, most of the time.



59 funky chicken  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:13:57pm

re: #45 Lidane

Oh yeah. Whirled Nuts Daily has been all over the whole "RUBIO'S NOT A CITIZEN! ELEVENTY!" meme for ages now:

WorldNetDaily’s Farah: Rubio ineligible for VP slot, not a ‘natural-born citizen’ [VIDEO]

He and his family are Catholic, but when he was a kid they attended a Mormon church while living in Las Vegas. The religious bigots have been having a field day with that, especially in light of Romney being the nominee.

Well, I guess they are past claiming that Catholics aren't Christians. Progress!

60 funky chicken  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:16:08pm

re: #41 Kragar

Hell, there are Romney birthers out there now as well.


61 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:16:57pm

Has anyone seen Joseph Farah's birth certificate? What's he hiding?

62 Lidane  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:17:08pm

re: #51 Kragar

Any religion that starts with a M is barred from the office of President.

Sorry Methodists, Mennonites, and Mithrans.

I would love to see a Maori POTUS, tribal tattoos and all. That would be amazing. Haha.

63 The Ghost of a Flea  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:18:26pm

re: #56 wrenchwench

Here's a wild idea.

Maybe the establishment leaders in the Republican Party have finally deciphered the writing on the wall. Maybe that's where the 'Etch-a-Sketch' slip of the tongue came from.

Maybe they will embrace Romney's proven power of the flip-flop, and instead of appealing to the base, they'll abandon it.

Romney will support gay rights, the DREAM Act, Planned Parenthood, and the Buffet Rule.

He may not win the presidency, but he could save the Republican Party.

/anybody else want a hit off this before it goes out?

Tilt that windmill!

64 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:18:30pm

re: #59 funky chicken

Well, I guess they are past claiming that Catholics aren't Christians. Progress!

*sigh* Is it too late to call up England and beg forgiveness for the whole "revolution" business?


65 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:20:04pm

re: #62 Lidane

I would love to see a Maori POTUS, tribal tattoos and all. That would be amazing. Haha.

Would the POTUS and the Cabinet be required to do a haka before the State of the Union?

66 Lidane  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:21:18pm

re: #65 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Would the POTUS and the Cabinet be required to do a haka before the State of the Union?

See, that's what would make it awesome. Could you imagine how many heads would go 'splodey if the POTUS was doing a haka before anything? ROFL.

67 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:21:23pm

re: #63 The Ghost of a Flea

Tilt that windmill!

[Embedded content]

Perfect response.

When I go off on some outrageous outrage at home, and get the 'what are you going to do about it' question, I say, "That's not my windmill."

68 CuriousLurker  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:22:50pm

I'm starting to think Fischer & Co. secretly pine to have some unhinged religious fanatic and/or sadist like like Vlad the Impaler, Ivan the Terrible, or Torquemada sitting in the Oval Office. Can you imagine what things would be like if someone like Fischer were president? E gad.

69 Mentis Fugit  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:23:31pm

re: #12 Lukewarm Fusion

re: #6 makeitstop

The Spot. Mitt is on it.

Poor Spot :(

I thought Spot was on the roof.

70 Mentis Fugit  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:25:14pm

re: #65 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Would the POTUS and the Cabinet be required to do a haka before the State of the Union?

There is far too much awesome in that mental picture.

However, it would be more appropriately executed when greeting foreign heads of state.

71 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:26:07pm

Just imagine the reaction when we elect a president with a tatooo. Oh he's a gang member!

72 funky chicken  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:27:19pm

re: #56 wrenchwench

Romney/Clinton 2012! Hillary did say she was leaving after the election.


74 Varek Raith  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:30:02pm
1. Publicly support the North Carolina marriage amendment.

Fuck you.

2. Commit to a vigorous defense and implementation of DOMA.

Fuck you.

3. Revoke federal spousal benefits for domestic partners of homosexuals.

A big fuck you.

4. Support reinstatement of the ban on homosexual conduct in the military.

Haha, you're just pissed that a gay marine can whip your ass while being fabulous.

5. Support right of chaplains to teach biblical view of homosexuality.


6. Publicly pledge to veto ENDA.

Piss off.

I feel better.

75 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:32:14pm

re: #50 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

It's the Pyramid of Doctrinal Purity. As you go up it gets narrower and narrower until you find the Chosen One (or L Ron Hubbard) at the top.

It goes beyond that. it's Dominionism.

They believe that the USA enjoys an exceptional status with God (and exception to any standards of international law) because our laws are in keeping with (their interpretation of ) God's Divine Will

If we violate that by allowing gay marriage, abortion, prostitution, drugs, progressive tayation, etc, we are risking losing our Exceptional Status and will fall from grace and land on the dustheap of history along with all the other failed empires that turned from God.

That is why these guys see no room for ideological compromise: our nation's destiny is at stake!

76 erik_t  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:32:22pm

So, this is actually happening.

The Minnesota Republican Party's financial woes continue with the filing last week of eviction papers that could oust the party from its headquarters in a St. Paul building.

Politics in Minnesota notes that the state GOP is nearly $100,000 in arrears on its rent for the office at 525 Park St., not far from the state Capitol. Building owner Hub Properties has filed the eviction paperwork in Ramsey County Court, and records show the party signed a 10-year lease in 2003 calling for $6,881 a month, the story says.

(clears throat)


77 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:32:22pm

re: #74 Varek Raith

Fuck you.

Fuck you.

A big fuck you.

Haha, you're just pissed that a gay marine can whip your ass while being fabulous.


Piss off.

I feel better.

You should run for office!

78 gwangung  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:33:04pm

re: #77 wrenchwench

You should run for office!

Gets my vote.

79 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:33:31pm

re: #73 Kragar

Beck: Barton will Receive 'a lot of the Credit in the Afterlife' for Saving America

This reads like satire yet I know it's not.

80 The Ghost of a Flea  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:35:41pm

re: #75 Expand Your Ground

If we violate that by allowing gay marriage, abortion, prostitution, drugs, progressive tayation, etc, we are risking losing our Exceptional Status and will fall from grace and land on the dustheap of history along with all the other failed empires that turned from God.

It's like Savonarola at his worst.

81 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:36:21pm

Fischer seems to care more about taking away rights than anything. Then again this is the same crackpot who thinks giving the CMOH to people who save others "feminizes" the award. Fischer would crap his pants if he had to do boot camp, let alone what the CMOH winners do.

82 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:37:44pm

re: #73 Kragar

Beck: Barton will Receive 'a lot of the Credit in the Afterlife' for Saving America

Of course he will. I'm sure his Master Satan is quite happy with his servants efforts on his behalf.

Wait, what?


83 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:41:20pm

re: #51 Kragar

Any religion that starts with a M is barred from the office of President.

Sorry Methodists, Mennonites, and Mithrans.

And Millerites

84 zora  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:45:14pm

re: #32 The Ghost of a Flea

Romney is going to have to do a lot of appeasing, and likely will end up saddled with a fundamentalist veep.

did these people not realize that glenn beck was a mormon when he gave the commencement speech?

85 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:46:20pm

re: #84 zora

did these people not realize that glenn beck was a mormon when he gave the commencement speech?

That's a good question. Beck seems to get more slides for being a Mormon than Romney from the fundies.

86 Varek Raith  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:47:01pm

re: #84 zora

did these people not realize that glenn beck was a mormon when he gave the commencement speech?

Nein nein nein!

87 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:49:18pm

Oh, this is a good one.

88 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:50:52pm

re: #87 Charles Johnson

Oh, this is a good one.

The brainless retweeting the brain dead.

89 Kragar  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:51:01pm

re: #87 Charles Johnson

Oh, this is a good one.

When did Uppity become a race?

90 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:51:59pm

re: #89 Kragar

When did Uppity become a race?

Uppity negro --> uppity nun = RACIAL SLUR

Good thing you did not say that they were "niggardly"

91 Romantic Heretic  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:52:07pm

Allow me to write your reply for you, Mr. Romney.

Dear Mr. Fischer,

Get bent.

Mitt Romney

Although I think it more like that the spineless jerk that is likely to be the GOP nominee will cave.

92 Obdicut  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:53:11pm

re: #89 Kragar

You see, if you compare a black person to a monkey, call a black man 'boy', or call a black person uppity, it's racist because it hearkens back to a long history of using those phrases to demean black people.

Therefore, if you are an extremely stupid person, you might think the word 'uppity' itself is a racist slur, or you might pretend to so that you can be a jackass on the interwebs.

93 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:53:12pm

'Uppity' by itself is not a racial slur, of course.

And now Dana Loesch joins in the derp.

94 Obdicut  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:53:35pm

re: #91 Romantic Heretic

He's already right there with him on three out of six points.

95 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:53:36pm

And speaking of stupid.

Willie Nelson wears braids, unless he's letting his freak flag fly.

96 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:53:44pm

re: #91 Romantic Heretic

Allow me to write your reply for you, Mr. Romney.

Dear Mr. Fischer,

Get bent.

Mitt Romney

Although I think it more like that the spineless jerk that is likely to be the GOP nominee will cave.

"I like it in Michigan, the gays are the right height. And we once strapped a illegal homosexual alien to the roof of our car and drove him back over the border to Mexico without stopping!"

97 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:54:55pm

For someone irrelevant, they sure do love talking about Charles.

98 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:55:26pm

re: #91 Romantic Heretic

Allow me to write your reply for you, Mr. Romney.

Dear Mr. Fischer,

Get bent.

Mitt Romney

Although I think it more like that the spineless jerk that is likely to be the GOP nominee will cave.

Of course, he will cave. He is as you say a spineless jerk.

99 Simply Sarah  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:56:23pm

re: #93 Charles Johnson

'Uppity' by itself is not a racial slur, of course.

And now Dana Loesch joins in the derp.

You see, nuns are known for wearing black, so referring to a nun as uppity really is the same thing as referring to a black person as uppity.
/ I got nothing.

100 Eventual Carrion  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:57:25pm

re: #90 Expand Your Ground

Uppity negro --> uppity nun = RACIAL SLUR

Good thing you did not say that they were "niggardly"

Or go speciest (sp?) by calling them penguins.

"You promised you'd visit the penguin the day you got out. "
- Blues Brothers

101 erik_t  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:58:03pm

Newly-banned 'racist' words: chin, red, bean.

That's how this works, right?

102 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:58:10pm

re: #97 HappyWarrior

For someone irrelevant, they sure do love talking about Charles.

You noticed that too? That a guy they frequently snicker about being "irrelevant" is still worth making every effort to destroy. Almost Nixonian in its single-mindedness.

103 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:58:44pm

re: #100 RayFerd

Or go speciest (sp?) by calling them penguins.

"You promised you'd visit the penguin the day you got out. "
- Blues Brothers

I think that's what my Dad and his friends did.

104 Kragar  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 12:59:59pm

Iranian oil industry hit by cyber attack

Iran is investigating a suspected cyber attack on its main oil export terminal and on the Oil Ministry itself, Iranian industry sources said on Monday.

A virus was detected inside the control systems of Kharg Island - which handles the vast majority of Iran's crude oil exports - but the terminal remained operational, a source at the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) said.

The virus, which is likely to draw comparisons with the Stuxnet computer worm which reportedly affected Iranian nuclear facilities in 2009-10 [ID:nPOM731768], struck late on Sunday.

It hit the internet and communications systems of Iran's Oil Ministry and of its national oil company, the semi-official Mehr news agency reported. Computer systems controlling a number of Iran's other oil facilities have been disconnected from the Internet as a precaution, the agency added.

105 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:01:05pm

re: #104 Kragar

Iranian oil industry hit by cyber attack

Wonder if this means there will be a burst of speculation tomorrow to boost the price of a barrel yet again.

106 Eventual Carrion  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:01:43pm

re: #103 HappyWarrior

I think that's what my Dad and his friends did.

We always did too. About knocked me over when I saw Sister Margret (old high school math teacher) at a cross country meet a few years back without her habit. She was in a nice pants suit. I of course had to jab her about breaking the habit, she just laughed and told me I haven't changed.

107 Romantic Heretic  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:02:00pm

re: #55 erik_t

I always figured the Minbari warrior caste was right up the GOP's alley, but I guess that was before teh gayz infected everything with all of their gay gayness.

After the way Neroon betrayed them and gave his life so that the status quo be maintained. I doubt it. Especially the dying for what you believe in.

Dying is for other people to do.

108 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:02:33pm

Does this mean that roughly half the adults on the planet on "on the grid"?

Terminator terminology is all I could think of. But if so, it's pretty signitifcant--no?

109 Kragar  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:02:57pm

re: #105 Targetpractice

Wonder if this means there will be a burst of speculation tomorrow to boost the price of a barrel yet again.

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

110 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:03:57pm

re: #106 RayFerd

We always did too. About knocked me over when I saw Sister Margret (old high school math teacher) at a cross country meet a few years back without her habit. She was in a nice pants suit. I of course had to jab her about breaking the habit, she just laughed and told me I haven't changed.

I always got a kick out of my Dad's stories about Catholic school. At the same time, I was thankful that I grew up when I did because my penmanship would make even the kindest nun grimace.

111 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:04:02pm

re: #109 Kragar

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Does it smell?

112 Romantic Heretic  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:05:17pm

re: #65 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Would the POTUS and the Cabinet be required to do a haka before the State of the Union?

They should televise that. At least America's enemies would never think the U.S. is weak.

113 HappyWarrior  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:05:41pm

re: #111 ggt

Does it smell?

If he had fish on Friday, yes.

114 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:06:59pm

re: #93 Charles Johnson

'Uppity' by itself is not a racial slur, of course.

And now Dana Loesch joins in the derp.

[Embedded content]

Ok, I officially declare OPEN SEASON on nuns.

They usually enjoy it as much as we do.

115 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:08:12pm

re: #105 Targetpractice

Wonder if this means there will be a burst of speculation tomorrow to boost the price of a barrel yet again.

Start spreading the rumor that it's an Islamist plot to spread virus contaminated crude oil that will then be refined into corrupted gasoline that will then inject Sharia into your catalytic convertor, and take over your car's computer chips and make it unavoidably park for 15 minutes pointing towards Mecca multiple times a day.

116 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:09:33pm

re: #112 Romantic Heretic

They should televise that. At least America's enemies would never think the U.S. is weak.

PBS would get exclusive rights in order to help with their pledge drives.

117 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:10:32pm

Did someone say something about the haka?

kia rite!

118 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:10:52pm

You see, it will not take a lot to keep gasoline prices edging upwards all summer and fall: a terminal virus here, a few pipeline sabotages there, a few refinery fires/safety shutdowns at home, etc, and we will be looking at $4.40 per gallon and Obama's approval ratings tanking...

119 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:12:13pm
120 surlymarv  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:12:15pm

Doesn't this dummy Fischer get it? Romney is the nominee, he doesn't feel the need to kowtow to these cretins anymore. What leverage does Fischer think he has here? Romney will be taking car elevators as fast as possible towards the middle.

121 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:12:44pm

re: #118 Expand Your Ground

You see, it will not take a lot to keep gasoline prices edging upwards all summer and fall: a terminal virus here, a few pipeline sabotages there, a few refinery fires/safety shutdowns at home, etc, and we will be looking at $4.40 per gallon and Obama's approval ratings tanking...

Do I need to purchase a gold-lined tin-foil hat now?

122 Varek Raith  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:13:58pm
1. affecting an attitude of inflated self-esteem; haughty; snobbish.
2. rebelliously self-assertive; not inclined to be tractable or deferential.

Wingnut idiots.

123 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:14:28pm

re: #120 surlymarv

Doesn't this dummy Fischer get it? Romney is the nominee, he doesn't feel the need to kowtow to these cretins anymore. What leverage does Fischer think he has here? Romney will be taking car elevators as fast as possible towards the middle.

A party base whose hate for Romney burns with the heat of a thousand suns and a single-minded need to belief in the need for "true conservatives" to fix America.

124 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:14:30pm
125 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:14:31pm

re: #121 ggt

Do I need to purchase a gold-lined tin-foil hat now?

no, just a 5,000-gallon gasoline storage tank in your backyard...

126 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:15:16pm

re: #125 Expand Your Ground

no, just a 5,000-gallon gasoline storage tank in your backyard...

No, I'm staying home for the next 12 months.

I'm not flying or driving ANYWHERE!

127 Varek Raith  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:15:18pm

re: #124 ggt

needing caption #1

needing caption #2

1 - Soon.

128 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:16:00pm

re: #120 surlymarv

Doesn't this dummy Fischer get it? Romney is the nominee, he doesn't feel the need to kowtow to these cretins anymore. What leverage does Fischer think he has here? Romney will be taking car elevators as fast as possible towards the middle.

I think it is great that BF & friends will be calling him out on every step he takes away from the extreme right

129 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:16:31pm

Bribery, in Mexico? Cover-up? Say it ain't so, Walmart.

130 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:17:22pm

re: #124 ggt

needing caption #1

needing caption #2

#1: Here mousie, mousie (Cat-dar activated!)

#2: If you sit down, you will need a new butt!

131 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:18:01pm

re: #129 ggt

Bribery, in Mexico? Cover-up? Say it ain't so, Walmart.

Shhhh! Corporations can do no wrong.

132 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:20:57pm

re: #44 Targetpractice

A "moderate" these days apparently being one that says that discrimination and legal second-class citizenship is perfectly a-okay, provided that it's the states doing the dirty work.

Visited Andrew Jackson's home this week. Been pondering the "second-class" or no-class citizenry ever since.

Strange way of thinking, but I guess thruout human history it's been pretty standard.

133 Kragar  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:21:11pm

re: #124 ggt

needing caption #1

needing caption #2

#1) "I wanted a mission, and for my sins, they gave me one."


134 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:21:17pm

re: #131 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Shhh! Corporations can do no wrong.

yes they can, yes they can, yyyyes, they cannnnnnn!

135 erik_t  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:21:56pm

re: #129 ggt

Bribery, in Mexico? Cover-up? Say it ain't so, Walmart.

But, but, GSA!!!

136 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:22:15pm

re: #124 ggt

needing caption #1

needing caption #2

I kinda like the first one because the photography is kinda cool --uncamo.

the second one is just plain funny.

137 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:22:38pm

re: #132 ggt

Visited Andrew Jackson's home this week. Been pondering the "second-class" or no-class citizenry ever since.

Strange way of thinking, but I guess thruout human history it's been pretty standard.

The Enlightenment was pretty much one of the first attempts to break that situation. No saying that it has worked, but the philosophy espoused was that there should only be one class of citizenry.

138 The Ghost of a Flea  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:23:11pm

re: #133 Kragar


Excellent. You earn 1 internet.

139 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:23:24pm

re: #136 ggt

I kinda like the first one because the photography is kinda cool --uncamo.

the second one is just plain funny.

The second one looks like Cardinal Fang was finally successful with the soft cushions. Confess. Confess!

140 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:24:47pm

re: #138 The Ghost of a Flea

Excellent. You earn 1 internet.

Oh. Wait. POE!

Very very good.

141 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:26:31pm

AHHHH, I accidently closed the NYT article about Walmart and now it wants me t log-in. How the heck did I get it in the first place?

142 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:27:02pm

Turn off the alarm

I found it again.

143 Kragar  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:27:22pm

re: #140 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Oh. Wait. POE!

Very very good.

And the adaption of Joseph Konrad's work gets no respect.

144 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:33:08pm


Anyone read it? Is the review accurate?

145 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:34:21pm


Do they or do not they condemn Rush Limbaugh's use of "uppity" towards Michelle Obama and Beck's defense of it?


146 engineer cat  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:35:35pm

List of Anti-Gay Demands

also he demands immediate cessation of the pernicious agitation of the slavery issue by radical abolitionists

147 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:35:43pm

re: #143 Kragar

And the adaption of Joseph Konrad's work gets no respect.

Well, I've read Poe, but little if any Conrad.

(Though I do note after reviewing a list that I have seen a number of film adaptations of his works.)

148 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:35:51pm

What is going on with Bank of America now?

Turning away business?

149 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:36:35pm

re: #145 Lukewarm Fusion

That's gonna need a repost now, Lukewarm Casserole on a Toast.

Damn, now I'm hungry...

150 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:39:02pm

The Six Dumbest Things GOP Politicians Have Said About Birth Control Recently:

151 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:39:47pm

BTW, Charles, is it possible to optionalize the conversion of MMFA links? Sometimes one just wants to give links to their pages since they have transcripts. It's not feasible to listen to 4 minutes of Rush's blather to catch the needed phrase.

152 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:43:23pm

re: #151 Lukewarm Fusion

It's not feasible to listen to 4 minutes of Rush's blather to catch the needed phrase.

You can say that again.

153 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 1:45:27pm


And yes, I will continue to post this on my fb until the election. It is all I can think of to do to combat GOP propaganda.

Will you join me?

154 Patricia Kayden  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 2:56:05pm

Hopefully Romneybot ignores Fischer and Fischer directs his minions to sit out this election. I would love that.

155 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 3:02:35pm

Is heterosexual behavior healthy or harmful? I want a yes or no, NOW!

156 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 3:06:09pm

re: #20 HappyWarrior

That's why it will NOT be Christie. I really think if Santorum had the inevitable nominee tag that Romney had, you'd see some anti-Catholicism from Fischer and those like him.

Maybe, but I'm not so sure. Santorum played that beautifully.

My question is: will Romney's Mormon problem go away if he goes Full Paranoid Schmuck Social Conservative? I imagine he is asking himself that very thing right about now.

157 Ming  Mon, Apr 23, 2012 9:03:55pm

A lot is riding on Romney's choice of a running mate. He might really surprise, like McCain did with Palin 4 years ago. It may be 4 months before we know Romney's choice; the Palin pick was announced on August 29, 2008. A conservative non-white female is a possibility. Condi Rice may be too liberal for the Republican base, but maybe not. Romney probably won't pick someone like Santorum, who would scare the independents, but he'll have to pick someone who motivates conservatives to get off their butts and vote on November 6. It will be a very interesting choice.

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