Wingnut Artist McNaughton Comes Out as Hardcore Birther, Cites as Source

Not that he has ever been subtle
Wingnuts • Views: 39,214

Recently Sean Hannity’s favorite “artist” Jon McNaughton, whose Mormon/JW leaflet-style painting “One Nation Under God” was too extreme for Brigham Young University (McNaughton is a BYU alum) and who thinks that lectures about evolution at BYU show it has a problem with “Liberalism”, has come out as a hardcore birther in his blog post “McNaughton and Troy talk about Obama and Socialism”:

I believe that Obama has committed many unconstitutional acts since becoming President.


Also, the evidence is mounting that Obama was in fact born in Kenya. In my original list I did not include this because the evidence was circumstantial at best. But things have changed. (7) If this is resolutely confirmed, it will be one of the greatest lies ever perpetrated upon the American people. Whether it is considered important or not, it is a direct prerequisite of our Constitution, that he be a naturally born citizen. People have tried to ridicule this notion since day one, but Obama has done nothing to resolve this until last year when he released the long form of his BC. Since then, it has been proven to be a forgery and there has been additional evidence, which has shown there is reason to doubt its authenticity. (8)


(7) [Link:…]

(8) [Link:…]

McNaughton’s sources for his “mounting evidence” claim are Joe Arpaio’s waste of taxpayers’ dollars and’s article by Ben Shapiro regarding Obama’s “Kenya bio” nontroversy. Good job, Breitbrats!

Oh, and just in case you didn’t get it, McNaughton drew a picture for you: Obama burns the Constitution.

No racism there. Not at all. Nice furniture, though.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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