Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Creative editing, a la Andrew Breitbart
Wingnuts • Views: 40,563

The full unedited video of anti-choice group Live Action’s latest Planned Parenthood hit job shows something very interesting: Cutting Room Floor: Live Action Edited Out Adoption Discussion.

The edited video leaves the following on the cutting room floor:

  • The employee asked the activist, “And have you guys — you know, ‘cause we’re required to discuss all of the, you know, a patient’s options — is adoption something that you were interested in considering?” [53:45]
  • After the activist claimed she used a test designed to identify the sex of a fetus early in a pregnancy, the employee responded, “I’m also a social worker and not a medical provider, so, you know, so from, you know, my role here, that isn’t something I’ve ever heard of.” [40:10]
  • The employee asked the activist, “And have you decided that you — you know, have you definitely decided that you would like to terminate your pregnancy?” [38:40]
  • The activist asked whether Planned Parenthood had an OB/GYN it would “specifically … recommend” who “would be understanding of my situation.” The employee responded, “I really — no, I don’t really know of an OB/GYN prenatal doctor who — I can tell you that they do prenatal care. I can tell you that they, you know, that they would be able to do these tests for you. I can’t really say that there’s going to be someone in particular who is going to be necessarily understanding. Most OB/GYN doctors, hopefully, you know, are understanding that it’s a woman’s choice to decide if she’s interested in adoption, if she’s interested in prenatal care, if she’s interested in terminating. And whatever somebody’s decision is for having an abortion is really her choice.” [49:30]

They’ve learned quite a bit from the tactics of Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe; most importantly, that the initial releases of their creepy undercover videos are covered much more widely than their inevitable debunking. Bottom feeder politics, go for the throat, ethics be damned — that’s Andrew Breitbart’s legacy of dishonesty.

Here’s the complete video at YouTube:

Youtube Video

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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