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1 SpaceJesus  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 10:55:36am

whoever made this deserves a raise

2 Mattand  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 10:56:01am

Ouch. As someone said earlier, that's gonna a leave a mark.

3 prairiefire  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 10:56:12am

And the hits just keep on coming!

4 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 10:56:27am

Nice. I can't wait for them to make one with Mitt saying the buck doesn't stop with him.

5 Sionainn  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 10:56:33am

I love these ads.

6 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 10:56:43am

Mitt Romney chose to leave Bain suddenly and remain nominally in charge "while the paperwork was being sorted out". He also chose to accept a $100K salary for "doing nothing" in that time.

Is "personal responsiblity" not a cardinal conservative virtue?

7 nines09  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 10:57:29am

Mitt will soon demand an apology and all the usual suspects will be howling at "Obamas Dirty Campaign." I agree with SpaceJesus. Give them a raise.

8 steve_davis  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 10:58:23am

I've now watched this advertisement on 3 different sites. It just keeps getting better and better....

9 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 10:58:25am

Wife and I paid for .003 seconds of that. Money well spent.

10 Sionainn  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 10:58:27am

re: #6 Expand Your Ground

Mitt Romney chose to leave Bain suddenly and remain nominally in charge "whie the paperwork ws being sorted out". He also chose to accept a $100K salary for "doing nothing" in that time.

Is personal respnsiblity not a cardinal conservative virtue?

I've discovered that "personal responsibility" only belongs to liberals...at least according to wingnuts who throw around that "personal responsibility" crap without being accountable themselves.

11 Sionainn  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:00:50am

re: #5 Sionainn

I love these ads.

While I'm sure that wingnuts will be screaming about how negative these ads are, I find them refreshing because they don't have the scary, "the world is ending" music.

12 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:02:26am

re: #11 Sionainn

While I'm sure that wingnuts will be screaming about how negative these ads are, I find them refreshing because they don't have the scary, "the world is ending" music.

no, but that singing could well bring about the end of the world...

13 diamonda2u  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:07:12am

If this keeps up, the Republican National Convention is going to be a doooooooozy! RMoney might be challenged from all sides.... time for the popcorn and fireworks!

14 simoom  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:08:00am

The Boston Globe has a followup Bain story today:
Evidence mounts of Mitt Romney's continuing ties to Bain after 1999

It was not until 2002 that Romney finalized a severance agreement with Bain, a 10-year deal with undisclosed terms that was retroactive to 1999.

Financial disclosure forms Romney filed in Massachusetts indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.

In addition, Bloomberg news service reported Friday, Romney is named as one of two managing members of Bain Capital Investors LLC in annual reports filed in Massachusetts as late as 2002, “adding a new corporate entity to a growing number of Bain-related investments and funds that list the Republican presidential candidate as controlling the company three years after he said he left it.”

On the day after Romney took over the Winter Olympics, the Boston Herald reported that “Romney said he will stay on as a part-timer with Bain, providing input on investment and key personnel decisions.”

On July 19, 1999, a news release about the resignation of two Bain Capital managing directors describes Romney as CEO and “currently on a part-time leave of absence to head the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee.”

A Harvard Business School bulletin from October 1999 reported that “Romney is currently on leave as CEO of Bain Capital” and not that he had “retired” from Bain. In a November 2000 interview with the Globe, Romney’s wife, Ann, said he had been forced to lessen, but not end entirely, his involvement with Bain Capital.

Romney also testified that “there were a number of social trips and business trips that brought [him] back to Massachusetts, board meetings” while he was running the Olympics. He added that he remained on the boards of several companies, including the Lifelike Co., in which Bain Capital held a stake until 2001.

15 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:11:30am

The people who are going to be the most outraged are not even the people who lost jobs to outsourcing. We have all come to see that as a part of busioness in America. But the fundamentalists are going to be very upset at Bain's role in an aborted fetus-desposal company.

Let the chivarees begin!

16 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:15:36am

Yunno, the "I had to leave suddenly and sort the paperwork out later" defense might even wash with me if he had really left the company due to some family-related crisis or to help sort out some other unexpected, major event where his presence was demanded.

But this was a personal choice. We like to have the freedom to make such choices, but we must be aware that we are expected to own up for our choices.

17 Mattand  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:15:53am

re: #1 SpaceJesus

re: #7 nines09

Mitt will soon demand an apology and all the usual suspects will be howling at "Obamas Dirty Campaign." I agree with SpaceJesus. Give them a raise.

I honestly don't remember seeing a Democrat hit this hard before. Did a medical supply house ship a bunch of spines to the DNC?

18 McSpiff  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:16:42am

re: #17 Mattand

re: #7 nines09

I honestly don't remember seeing a Democrat hit this hard before. Did a medical supply house ship a bunch of spines to the DNC?

They're covered under Obamacare ;-)

19 Gus  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:17:29am

OT - Mondoweiss is trending. Yes. That Mondoweiss.

20 bronxboy47  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:18:24am

It's the "singing" that's truly brutal.

21 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:18:25am

re: #17 Mattand

re: #7 nines09

I honestly don't remember seeing a Democrat hit this hard before. Did a medical supply house ship a bunch of spines to the DNC?

Obama has started to come out of his corner. I was hoping he would do so, and even said so to people who found him too passive and accomodating. But he has managed to pitch it just right to get people annoyed at Mitt and the GOP without pressing the "outrage" button.

22 dragonath  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:19:09am

CNN reporter tells Bill Nye that he doesn't understand climate change

Watch in awe as CNN's Carol Costello tells Bill Nye, a respected scientist, engineer, and science educator, that he's a "kooky guy who doesn't know what he's talking about" when he asserts the scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change.

*puts glasses on*


23 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:19:28am

Disappointing that in the youtube/web version of the ad they did not include links to the source material for the ad's claims. I guess we just have to find our own citations based on date and news organization, still, for the doubters, it would have been nice if they were already there...

Good ad nonetheless, but it could have been a bit more web friendly. ;)

/(yes I'm a picky bastard)

24 aagcobb  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:19:40am

re: #16 Expand Your Ground

Yunno, the "I had to leave suddenly and sort the paperwork out later" defense might even wash with me if he had really left the company due to some family-related crisis or to help sort out some other unexpected, major event where his presence was demanded.

But this was a personal choice. We like to have the freedom to make such choices, but we must be aware that we are expected to own up for our choices.

However, the reality is that even if you believe he was completely divorced from decision making at Bain after 1999, Romney would still own Bain's investment in outsourcing prior to 1999.

25 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:20:34am

Back to painting the kitchen--BBL.

26 nines09  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:21:38am

re: #17 Mattand

Or as previously thought; Gee. The Republicans are all pricks and the Democrats have no balls. I love it. Mr Empty Suit will need a massive makeover. Shake that etch there sketchy.

27 Political Atheist  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:22:21am

Three things you must not do if you want to get elected, laid or even dated twice-

Sing badly, dance badly, go out in ugly drag.

I think Mitt has hit 2 of 3.

28 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:23:12am

re: #19 Gus

OT - Mondoweiss is trending. Yes. That Mondoweiss.

At ‘Daily Kos,’ a liberal Zionist calls for BDSThe tip jar for the diary is now at (495+ / 0-)

29 Mich-again  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:24:32am

re: #22 Be Zorch, Daddio

CNN reporter tells Bill Nye that he doesn't understand climate change

*puts glasses on*


CNN reporter Bill DeNye, the anti-science guy..

30 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:25:16am

re: #23 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You

Disappointing that in the youtube/web version of the ad they did not include links to the source material for the ad's claims. I guess we just have to find our own citations based on date and news organization, still, for the doubters, it would have been nice if they were already there...

Good ad nonetheless, but it could have been a bit more web friendly. ;)

/(yes I'm a picky bastard)

It all the same recycled stuff used in previous ads. Some of it semi-true, some of it not so much. You can venture to the dreaded fact checking sites for links to the source material

31 Mich-again  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:25:38am

When I heard Mitt sing it reminded me of my advice for his campaign from months ago. Mitt on Mute.

32 Mattand  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:25:52am

re: #23 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You

Disappointing that in the youtube/web version of the ad they did not include links to the source material for the ad's claims. I guess we just have to find our own citations based on date and news organization, still, for the doubters, it would have been nice if they were already there...

Good ad nonetheless, but it could have been a bit more web friendly. ;)

/(yes I'm a picky bastard)

Yeah, I noticed that, too. It's a good ad, but the one sentence pull quotes with no citations is a bit of a bullshit flag.

33 Mich-again  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:26:54am

re: #14 simoom

It was not until 2002 that Romney finalized a severance agreement with Bain, a 10-year deal with undisclosed terms that was retroactive to 1999.

Ha. When Mitt says he left in 1999, he really means he left in 2002 retroactively to 1999.

34 Gus  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:27:22am

re: #28 Killgore Trout

At ‘Daily Kos,’ a liberal Zionist calls for BDSThe tip jar for the diary is now at (495+ / 0-)

This isn't about Daily Kos. In fact, Mondoweiss is banned from Daily Kos. This is in relation to an article recently published at the Atlantic, A Reminder That Anti-Semitism Has no Place in Debates Over Israel.

35 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:27:43am

re: #22 Be Zorch, Daddio

CNN reporter tells Bill Nye that he doesn't understand climate change

*puts glasses on*


Not her characterization. She says ". . . if you Google your name, Bill Nye, you're the kooky guy . . .". She's asking him to respond to what the wingnuts and deniers have said about him on the web.

36 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:27:59am

re: #34 Gus

This isn't about Daily Kos. In fact, Mondoweiss is banned from Daily Kos. This is in relation to an article recently published at the Atlantic, A Reminder That Anti-Semitism Has no Place in Debates Over Israel.

Kudos to the Atlantic, shame on DKos.

37 Sionainn  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:32:02am

re: #30 Killgore Trout

It all the same recycled stuff used in previous ads. Some of it semi-true, some of it not so much. You can venture to the dreaded fact checking sites for links to the source material

Which ones are incorrect?

38 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:33:22am

re: #30 Killgore Trout

It all the same recycled stuff used in previous ads. Some of it semi-true, some of it not so much. You can venture to the dreaded fact checking sites for links to the source material

You keep saying that, but you never actually identify the points that you think are false. Where are the lies, in your opinion?

39 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:34:45am

re: #19 Gus

OT - Mondoweiss is trending. Yes. That Mondoweiss.

Looks like it's emanating from the usual suspects. Antiwar.com is Jayson Raimondo, correct?

40 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:35:09am

They have turned Bain into a real albatross around Mitt's neck. It was supposed to be his flagship argument: the successful businessman who will use his leadership skills to restore America.

Now that he has to disown and distance himself from it to save his own neck, what else can he offer?

41 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:36:41am

re: #30 Killgore Trout

Can you explain how someone can legally get 100 million dollars into a 401K in a short time the way it appears that Mitt did? That one still has me scratching my head.

42 Gus  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:37:29am

re: #39 Randall Gross

Looks like it's emanating from the usual suspects. Antiwar.com is Jayson Raimondo, correct?

Yeah, hard to pinpoint though. I thought it was because of the Atlantic piece.

43 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:38:02am

re: #42 Gus

Yeah, I haven't looked into it much

44 gwangung  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:39:28am

re: #38 Charles Johnson

You keep saying that, but you never actually identify the points that you think are false. Where are the lies, in your opinion?

Yes, please.

And don't recycle the crap that people who have read far more SEC documents than Mr. Trout have say doesn't hold up.

45 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:39:32am

re: #38 Charles Johnson

You keep saying that, but you never actually identify the points that you think are false. Where are the lies, in your opinion?

All the claims in this ad have been used previously. You've read the fact checking articles. I think the fact checkers did an accurate and reasonable job, you don't. We aren't going to agree.

46 Targetpractice  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:39:39am

re: #40 Expand Your Ground

They have turned Bain into a real albatross around Mitt's neck. It was supposed to be his flagship argument: the successful businessman who will use his leadership skills to restore America.

Now that he has to disown and distance himself from it to save his own neck, what else can he offer?

Not much, hence the lengths he's gone to split hairs over the meaning of words in the SEC filings and subsequent press releases.

47 Targetpractice  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:40:41am

re: #45 Killgore Trout

All the claims in this ad have been used previously. You've read the fact checking articles. I think the fact checkers did an accurate and reasonable job, you don't. We aren't going to agree.

The fact-checkers based their initial "debunking" on asserting that Bain's word was enough for their sensibilities, and now refuse to budge in light of further revelations. The "why" behind that refusal is up for debate.

48 gwangung  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:41:44am

re: #45 Killgore Trout

All the claims in this ad have been used previously. You've read the fact checking articles. I think the fact checkers did an accurate and reasonable job, you don't. We aren't going to agree.

Because you are an inexperienced and ignorant reader of SEC documents. This is not a he-said, she-said discussion.

As a more experienced person, I think the fact checkers did a TERRIBLE job and actually lied in several parts.

Yes, an intelligent design advocate and a biologist will not agree.

49 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:43:20am

The "fact checkers" believed the convenient lies. With the new documents, they better recheck if they want to be considered "factual fact checkers".

50 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:43:31am

re: #41 Randall Gross

Can you explain how someone can legally get 100 million dollars into a 401K in a short time the way it appears that Mitt did? That one still has me scratching my head.

No, but you could check the Fourtune guy's articles. He may have discussed that, I'm not sure.

51 Gus  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:44:03am
52 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:45:20am

re: #49 Randall Gross

The "fact checkers" believed the convenient lies. With the new documents, they better recheck if they want to be considered "factual fact checkers".

The "New" SEC documents don't show anything different from the ones previously discussed. His name was on the filings, we already knew that.

53 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:46:57am

re: #50 Killgore Trout

Until they show us docs Pre-1999 that list Mitt as Charles mentioned yesterday, this is laughable. You shouldn't lie to the SEC, so is he comMitting Fraud, or just lying to the American public? It's one or the other.

54 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:47:33am

re: #45 Killgore Trout

All the claims in this ad have been used previously. You've read the fact checking articles. I think the fact checkers did an accurate and reasonable job, you don't. We aren't going to agree.

See, that's why I keep asking you to identify the claims you think are false -- because you never do. You just say, "go read the fact checkers."

So are you saying the claims that Bain invested in companies that outsourced American jobs are false? Because they're not false. This is well-documented.

Or are you saying that the claims that Romney has tens of millions of dollars stashed away in overseas investments are false? Because they're not false, either -- he does.

So where are the false claims?

55 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:49:37am

I did not see anything about the IRA account

[Link: tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com...]

56 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:51:30am

re: #41 Randall Gross

Can you explain how someone can legally get 100 million dollars into a 401K in a short time the way it appears that Mitt did? That one still has me scratching my head.

The only way I know to do this is to radically undervalue the investments at the time they're added to the 401K.

57 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:52:30am

re: #56 Charles Johnson

That's an angle I hadn't considered. Mitt would know how to do that.

58 Gus  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:52:31am

re: #54 Charles Johnson

See, that's why I keep asking you to identify the claims you think are false -- because you never do. You just say, "go read the fact checkers."

So are you saying the claims that Bain invested in companies that outsourced American jobs are false? Because they're not false. This is well-documented.

Or are you saying that the claims that Romney has tens of millions of dollars stashed away in overseas investments are false? Because they're not false, either -- he does.

So where are the false claims?

Not just Bain but the Swiss bank accounts and the "tax heavens like Bermuda and the Grand Cayman Islands" which are all true.

59 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:53:18am

Some interesting analysis of when the shoe was on the other foot and wingnuts were crowing from my friend Digby:

[Link: digbysblog.blogspot.co.uk...]

60 gwangung  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:53:39am

re: #52 Killgore Trout

The "New" SEC documents don't show anything different from the ones previously discussed. His name was on the filings, we already knew that.

Then FULL STOP. Claims are proven. End of story.

61 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:54:07am

re: #40 Expand Your Ground

They have turned Bain into a real albatross around Mitt's neck. It was supposed to be his flagship argument: the successful businessman who will use his leadership skills to restore America.

Now that he has to disown and distance himself from it to save his own neck, what else can he offer?

"I'm rich too, maybe even richer than you, so you know that I will fight tooth and nail to prevent any tax increases on rich people. Fuck the country, I want to keep every cent of the money I stole earned thru day after grueling day of business networking on golf courses, in casinos, and 5 star hotel suites around the world. So what if your pool boy pays a higher percentage of his income to the IRS than you do? You deserve to pay less because your a money hoarder job creator!" (after all, who do they think pays for your accountant, ehh?)

I'm Mitt Romney and I approved this message...


62 CriticalDragon1177  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:54:09am

Charles Johnson,

I wonder how Romney will try to defend himself against this ad.

63 Varek Raith  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:54:20am

I demand to see the longform SEC filings!

64 Gus  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:55:11am
65 Targetpractice  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:57:46am

re: #62 CriticalDragon1177

Charles Johnson,

I wonder how Romney will try to defend himself against this ad.

Keep whining that it's "dirty politics" and demand an apology.

66 wrenchwench  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:58:14am

I disagree with what the WSJ said about this ad:

The Obama campaign is putting out a new TV ad Saturday, stepping up its attack on Republican rival Mitt Romney’s personal finances and business practices, while mocking his singing voice.

Quoting is not mocking (unless they doctored it).

And you know the comparison is to Obama singing "Let's Stay Together".

Romney is dead. At least to women...

67 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:59:58am

This is a big problem for Mitt, it's one that will disaffect a large portion of his base. I suspect that portion will still vote for him, just in fewer numbers. The enthusiasm just isn't going to be there.

68 Kid A  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:01:35pm

re: #67 Randall Gross

This is a big problem for Mitt, it's one that will disaffect a large portion of his base. I suspect that portion will still vote for him, just in fewer numbers. The enthusiasm just isn't going to be there.

True, but there's a black man born in Kenya in the Oval Office that must be stopped at all costs. That'll take care of the enthusiasm gap.

69 blueraven  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:01:58pm

re: #66 wrenchwench

I disagree with what the WSJ said about this ad:

Quoting is not mocking (unless they doctored it).

And you know the comparison is to Obama singing "Let's Stay Together".

[Embedded content]

Romney is dead. At least to women...

Didn't Romney or one of his "independent" super pacs use a bit of this clip in a negative Obama ad?

70 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:02:29pm

Counter-talking points:

"Outsourcing is a part of modern buiness in America, we all benefit from it in the form of cheaper consumer products."

"A businessman is there to make a profit for his shareholders. Jobs are a by-product."

"Businessmen are there to make money, that is why they are in business."

All reasonable arguments. For a businessman. Not for someone who is supposed to represent us all, not just his colleagues and shareholders.

Greed is not evil in itself, but like any other force of nature, it needs to be contained in order to benefit everyone. Flowing water can irrigate a field or power a turbine. it can also scour the countryside and level cities.

Greed can help build empires and employ thousands of people. It can also nearly wipe out an economy, as it would have done in America in 2008 without government intervention. Good thing the dikes held...

71 wrenchwench  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:03:39pm

re: #69 blueraven

Didn't Romney or one of his "independent" super pacs use a bit of this clip in a negative Obama ad?

Didn't see that.

Wouldn't be prudent....

72 Targetpractice  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:04:31pm

re: #70 Expand Your Ground

Counter-talking points

"Outsourcing is a part of modern buiness in America, we all benefit from it in the form of cheaper consumer products."

"A businessman is there to make a profit for his shareholders. Jobs are a by-product."

"Businessmen are there to make money, that is why they are in business."

All reasonable arguments. For a businessman. Not for someone who is supposed to represent us all, not just his colleagues and shareholders.

Greed is not evil in itself, but like any other force of nature, it needs to be contained in order to benefit everyone. Flowing water can irrigate a field or power a turbine. it can also scour the countryside and level cities.

Greed can help build empires and employ thousands of people. It can also nearly wipe out an economy, as it would have done in America in 2008 without government intervention. Good thing the dikes held...

That's a forbidden word. The PC term is "women in comfortable shoes."


73 SteveMcG  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:06:06pm

re: #56 Charles Johnson

The only way I know to do this is to radically undervalue the investments at the time they're added to the 401K.

I remember a friend of mine who challenged Frank Purdue in court over something related. Purdue had invested in Mel Fisher's Atocha expedition. He ultimately donated coins to charity and tried to overvalue them for the deduction, based on the amount of his investment in the venture, as opposed to the appraised value of the coins. Opposite direction, but still, I guess manipulating the value of an investment still applies.
I wonder if the unreleased tax returns would have shed any light on the IRA investment?

74 kirkspencer  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:07:42pm

KT, it is documented fact that through 2002 documents filed with the US government said Romney was CEO, President, Directing Manager, and sole shareholder of Bain. There were other Directing Managers, two of whom held the offices of Secretary and Treasurer.

It is documented fact that Romney, by his own testimony, returned to Massachusetts to sit on boards and meetings of companies. He did not hold those seats by virtue of holding the stock. He held those seats by virtue of BAIN holding stock in those companies. In other words, he was acting as Bain's representative.

Romney was CEO, President, sole shareholder, directing manager, and representative for the company on boards of companies in which Bain invested. Those are indisputable, documented facts.

Now, the claim is that despite all this Romney wasn't really in charge and in fact Bain was for all intents and purposes a blind trust that used his name with his permission. It's possible. It doesn't speak well for a man claiming personal responsibility and hands-on business experience, but it's possible. It just doesn't seem reasonable, however. Most people think that if you own a company and are the senior officer (both of the board and of the execution) you should be doing something, especially when you're getting a paycheck.

So what I'm wondering is what's buried in the 1999-2002 operations. Was it Stericycle? maybe, but I'm thinking that can be smoked - it's a medical waste disposal company, and Romney didn't have control over what waste was handled. Was it Global-Tech Appliances, a Chinese company that officially relied on being an outsource operator? maybe, but he acquired it in 1998 and so is stuck with that blot anyway.

Romney and company are fighting hard to take 1999-2002 off Romney's resume, forcing stretches that make discussing the definition of 'is' seem reasonable. I keep wondering why, and wondering if this constant cover-up (which is what it smells like to me) isn't going to turn even uglier down the road.

75 moderatelyradicalliberal  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:10:08pm

Damn. Nobody at the Prudential Building in Chicago is playing with Willard's ass anymore. Chicago style politics indeed.

76 kirkspencer  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:11:17pm

re: #70 Expand Your Ground

Counter-talking points:

"Outsourcing is a part of modern buiness in America, we all benefit from it in the form of cheaper consumer products."

"A businessman is there to make a profit for his shareholders. Jobs are a by-product."

"Businessmen are there to make money, that is why they are in business."

All reasonable arguments. For a businessman. Not for someone who is supposed to represent us all, not just his colleagues and shareholders.

Greed is not evil in itself, but like any other force of nature, it needs to be contained in order to benefit everyone. Flowing water can irrigate a field or power a turbine. it can also scour the countryside and level cities.

Greed can help build empires and employ thousands of people. It can also nearly wipe out an economy, as it would have done in America in 2008 without government intervention. Good thing the dikes held...

Walk into most middle class neighborhoods and praise sending jobs overseas. Doesn't matter if it's offshoring or outsourcing, just "Yeah, we're going to send jobs overseas." Count smiles and frowns. You might want to make sure you've got a good getaway vehicle and maybe a bodyguard for some regions.

The only people who seem to like that are senior executives who aren't seeing THEIR jobs moved. It's why "it's not outsourcing, it's offshoring" is a stupid argument to make.

77 blueraven  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:11:54pm

re: #70 Expand Your Ground

Counter-talking points

"Outsourcing is a part of modern buiness in America, we all benefit from it in the form of cheaper consumer products."

"A businessman is there to make a profit for his shareholders. Jobs are a by-product."

"Businessmen are there to make money, that is why they are in business."

All reasonable arguments. For a businessman. Not for someone who is supposed to represent us all, not just his colleagues and shareholders.

Greed is not evil in itself, but like any other force of nature, it needs to be contained in order to benefit everyone. Flowing water can irrigate a field or power a turbine. it can also scour the countryside and level cities.

Greed can help build empires and employ thousands of people. It can also nearly wipe out an economy, as it would have done in America in 2008 without government intervention. Good thing the dikes held...

The problem is that big corporations use to have a sense of social/economic justice in this country, an interest in the community.
Now with all the multi nationals and outsourcing that is no longer true on a grand scale.
The result has been that the government has had to fill in the gap. So the very thing the conservative base screams about...big government vs free enterprise...the welfare state, food stamps, unemployment etc.. their policies, in part, has led to the expansion of those programs.

78 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:13:52pm

re: #77 blueraven

The problem is that big corporation use to have a sense of social/economic justice in this country, an interest in the community.
Now with all the multi nationals and outsourcing that is no longer true on a grand scale.
The result has been that the government has had to fill in the gap. So the very thing the conservative base screams about...big government vs free enterprise...the welfare state, food stamps, unemployment etc.. their policies, in part, led to the expansion of those programs.

There also used to be huge barriers to the movement of capital and labor overseas. It meant that the "trickle-down" theory had some degree of validity.

But now that capital is free to follow the path of highest returns, it will foll them wherever they are to be found. And things like social services, labor and environmnental safety cut into profit margins and serve to channel capital overseas to where those things are rudementary if they exist at all.

79 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:14:05pm

re: #74 kirkspencer

Romney and company are fighting hard to take 1999-2002 off Romney's resume, forcing stretches that make discussing the definition of 'is' seem reasonable. I keep wondering why, and wondering if this constant cover-up (which is what it smells like to me) isn't going to turn even uglier down the road.

I'm pretty sure there's going to be more coming out.

80 Sionainn  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:16:14pm

re: #69 blueraven

Didn't Romney or one of his "independent" super pacs use a bit of this clip in a negative Obama ad?

Superpac ad

81 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:18:50pm

re: #74 kirkspencer

Most of that is reasonable and not under dispute.

Romney and company are fighting hard to take 1999-2002 off Romney's resume, forcing stretches that make discussing the definition of 'is' seem reasonable. I keep wondering why, and wondering if this constant cover-up (which is what it smells like to me) isn't going to turn even uglier down the road.

I think he's fighting back because the ads and accusations overreached. Past '99 there's no evidence Mitt was calling the shots at Bain. It would be fair and accurate to say something like "while Mitt was CEO of Bain, the company bought Stericyle". It would be technically true and hard for him to weasle out of. However if you say "Mitt invested in Stericycle" he gets an easy out. There's no evidence he made the decision. A lot of this can be improved with the wording. Bain is fair game but I do think the allegations of Mitt committing a felony by lying to the FCC is over the top. I think people are losing touch when they start fantasizing about Mitt being imprisoned for fraud or tax evasion before the election. This story is getting into creepy territory.

82 McSpiff  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:19:30pm

I'm not a legal scholar on these sorts of complex financial and business arrangements. But here's my straight forward test: Am I in charge of the company I work for? No, my manager can fire me. Is my manager in charge? No, his director can fire him. Etc, etc up to the board of directors which are responsible to our share holders.

If between 1999-2001 no one could fire Romney from Bain, he was in charge. Doesn't matter if he never showed up once. Legally and morally, he was the man in charge. Everything else is just semantics.

83 Targetpractice  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:22:10pm

re: #81 Killgore Trout

And that's what I said when this first started getting fired up, that you can argue all you like if Mitt was making the decisions, but what is not in dispute is that he was CEO at the time these things were going on. If he didn't approve of them, then he needs to demonstrate that and give reasons why. Just saying "I wasn't around" is not an excuse.

84 SpaceJesus  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:22:21pm

why can't breaking bad be on right now?

85 kirkspencer  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:22:30pm

re: #81 Killgore Trout

Most of that is reasonable and not under dispute.

I think he's fighting back because the ads and accusations overreached. Past '99 there's no evidence Mitt was calling the shots at Bain. It would be fair and accurate to say something like "while Mitt was CEO of Bain, the company bought Stericyle". It would be technically true and hard for him to weasle out of. However if you say "Mitt invested in Stericycle" he gets an easy out. There's no evidence he made the decision. A lot of this can be improved with the wording. Bain is fair game but I do think the allegations of Mitt committing a felony by lying to the FCC is over the top. I think people are losing touch when they start fantasizing about Mitt being imprisoned for fraud or tax evasion before the election. This story is getting into creepy territory.

So you're saying Romney was stupid and lazy. Oh, and don't forget greedy. He kept his name in the key spots (as sole shareholder he held the votes), he collected a salary, but he just acted like any other absentee landlord.

86 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:22:30pm

re: #81 Killgore Trout

Saying he either lied to the SEC or the US public isn't creepy, it's true.

87 uncah91  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:24:09pm

re: #81 Killgore Trout

Most of that is reasonable and not under dispute.

I think he's fighting back because the ads and accusations overreached. Past '99 there's no evidence Mitt was calling the shots at Bain. It would be fair and accurate to say something like "while Mitt was CEO of Bain, the company bought Stericyle". It would be technically true and hard for him to weasle out of. However if you say "Mitt invested in Stericycle" he gets an easy out. There's no evidence he made the decision. A lot of this can be improved with the wording. Bain is fair game but I do think the allegations of Mitt committing a felony by lying to the FCC is over the top. I think people are losing touch when they start fantasizing about Mitt being imprisoned for fraud or tax evasion before the election. This story is getting into creepy territory.

I think this is more of a case of Romney laying spin on top of spin.

He says now he had nothing to do with Bain after 1999. That is clearly false. If he simply said that his role was greatly reduced, and that he did not make the decisions on what companies to invest in, he'd be fine. But he has gone all the way to "no involvement".

I'm not sure he even realizes he has made a falsehood out of truth.

88 Targetpractice  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:25:49pm

re: #87 uncah91

I think this is more of a case of Romney laying spin on top of spin.

He says now he had nothing to do with Bain after 1999. That is clearly false. If he simply said that his role was greatly reduced, and that he did not make the decisions on what companies to invest in, he'd be fine. But he has gone all the way to "no involvement".

I'm not sure he even realizes he has made a falsehood out of truth.

Except if he said that, he'd be admitting he still had power, still had a say, in how Bain was operating. And that would mean he could no longer defend himself from what Bain was doing in those years by declaring that he'd left to handle the Olympics.

89 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:25:56pm

re: #81 Killgore Trout

Past '99 there's no evidence Mitt was calling the shots at Bain.

That's not true. There's quite a bit of evidence that Romney was much more involved than he wants to admit. You're just ignoring it ... again.

1) His name on SEC filings as CEO and Managing Director.

2) His testimony that he made trips to Massachusetts to attend board meetings after February 1999.

3) A Bain press release in which he's quoted very clearly making a statement as an acting CEO, about the departure of two Bain officials.

That's just some of the stuff you insist on ignoring. There's more. And yes, this is evidence that Mitt Romney continued to have an active role in Bain Capital long after he claimed he "retired." You may not like the evidence, for whatever reason, but it is evidence, and it's all based on facts.

90 gwangung  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:28:27pm

re: #87 uncah91

I think this is more of a case of Romney laying spin on top of spin.

He says now he had nothing to do with Bain after 1999. That is clearly false. If he simply said that his role was greatly reduced, and that he did not make the decisions on what companies to invest in, he'd be fine. But he has gone all the way to "no involvement".

I'm not sure he even realizes he has made a falsehood out of truth.

Circling back to the fact-checkers, even if Romney had a greatly reduced role, giving three Pinnochios to the charge that he oversaw outsourcing, etc. is itself a distortion, because he still had to have some involvement, even if it's to sign off--that's because he's legally responsible for decision, even serving in a greatly reduced capacity. (One Pinnochio, I might buy. Three? Sorry, no----I'm seeing YOUR nose now).

91 Cinnabar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:29:08pm

So just for the sake of the argument, let's say we all believe that Romney was absentee "owner and sole stockholder" in 1999-2002. In other words, he left others to plan and carry out his dirty work, while he took the profits.

Romney supporters, don't you feel better now?

92 Varek Raith  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:29:09pm
93 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:29:13pm

re: #81 Killgore Trout

Most of that is reasonable and not under dispute.

I think he's fighting back because the ads and accusations overreached.

In a purely tactical sense, they have gone a bit too far.

We just need to get people thinking about what sort of Chief Executive an absentee CEO like this would make.

It does not hurt that we get the fundamentalists riled up over his role in disposing of aborted fetuses, they get riled up over things like that in a big hurry and need little prodding to do so.

And again, it was a matter of his choice. He chose to leave suddenly "and leave the paperwork to be sorted out", it is not as if there were massively compelling personal or social reasons behind his decision to take over managing the Winter Olympics.

And nobody compelled him to take a $100K salary for his "not being there". That is another thing that gets people thinking about just what sort of Chief Executive this fellow would turn out to be.

94 blueraven  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:32:41pm

re: #80 Sionainn

Superpac ad


95 McSpiff  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:35:09pm

re: #93 Expand Your Ground

In a purely tactical sense, they have gone a bit too far.

We just need to get people thinking about what sort of Chief Executive an absentee CEO like this would make.

It does not hurt that we get the fundamentalists riled up over his role in disposing of aborted fetuses, they get riled up over things like that in a big hurry and need little prodding to do so.

And again, it was a matter of his choice. He chose to leave suddenly, it is not as if there were massively compelling personal or social reasons behind his decision to take over managing the Winter Olympics.

And nobody compelled him to take a $100K salary for his "not being there". That is another thing that gets people thinking about just what sort of Chief Executive this fellow would turn out to be.

Seriously, how great is this? He got paid $100k for what he describes as doing nothing. That's going to come out in the debates

96 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:35:58pm

re: #95 McSpiff

Maybe Mitt watched too many episodes of "The Sopranos".

97 engineer cat  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:36:30pm


and since when have gop ads ever been the least bit respectful of the truth?

98 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:37:03pm

re: #94 blueraven


Looks like a misfire to me. It really did make the Prez look 'cool'. The snark won't reach a lot of people.

99 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:37:25pm

re: #89 Charles Johnson

That's just some of the stuff you insist on ignoring

I'm not ignoring it. We've discussed it to death and there's no sense in debating it further. We aren't going to agree.

100 blueraven  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:38:32pm

re: #99 Killgore Trout

I'm not ignoring it. We've discussed it to death and there's no sense in debating it further. We aren't going to agree.

He said as he still continues to debate it.

101 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:39:17pm

Presidential salary is currently around $230K. That will certainly motivate him to do at least twice as much nothing for America than he did for Bain...

102 Varek Raith  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:39:36pm

re: #99 Killgore Trout

I'm not ignoring it. We've discussed it to death and there's no sense in debating it further. We aren't going to agree.

Yes, you are ignoring it because you can't explain it away.
Instead of debate you just drop it.

103 Kragar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:41:29pm

Iowa GOP State Senate Candidate Joins ‘Alternative’ U.S. Government

A Republican state Senate candidate in Iowa has decided to bow out of the race and become a U.S. senator of an alternative form of government.

In a letter released Friday, Randi Shannon informs supporters of her new position as “U.S. Senator in the Republic of the United States of America.” You see, according to Shannon, the U.S. government has been acting unlawfully as the “‘official government,’ which clearly it is not!”

The libertarian-leaning group she joined claims it “re-inhabited” the government on March 30, 2010. The group claims the “United States Corporation” unlawfully formed in 1871 without the American people’s consent. “Since 1871, the abuses of this corporation upon both the international community as well as the American people are inestimable and unconscionable,” the group’s website claims.

In her announcement letter, Shannon outlined her political plans. As someone who home schooled her own children, Shannon supports abolishing the Department of Education. She opposes unnecessary foreign wars. She believes life begins at conception. And she blames government abuse, invasive TSA screenings, “Obamacare,” and the 14th amendment on the corrupt “United States Corporation.”

104 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:41:32pm

re: #99 Killgore Trout

I'm not ignoring it. We've discussed it to death and there's no sense in debating it further. We aren't going to agree.

I totally get that your mind is closed on the subject, but when you say things like "there's no evidence Romney was involved with Bain after 1999," I'm going to challenge that because it's not true.

105 gwangung  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:42:04pm

re: #99 Killgore Trout

I'm not ignoring it. We've discussed it to death and there's no sense in debating it further. We aren't going to agree.

Says Mr. Dembski to the biologist.

Yes, you are, indeed, ignoring it.

106 engineer cat  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:43:19pm

it was just depressing to watch mitt on teevee yesterday looking tense and unhappy as he did a very poor job of answering questions about all this

107 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:44:34pm

re: #93 Expand Your Ground

In a purely tactical sense, they have gone a bit too far.

We just need to get people thinking about what sort of Chief Executive an absentee CEO like this would make.

It does not hurt that we get the fundamentalists riled up over his role in disposing of aborted fetuses, they get riled up over things like that in a big hurry and need little prodding to do so.

And again, it was a matter of his choice. He chose to leave suddenly "and leave the paperwork to be sorted out", it is not as if there were massively compelling personal or social reasons behind his decision to take over managing the Winter Olympics.

And nobody compelled him to take a $100K salary for his "not being there". That is another thing that gets people thinking about just what sort of Chief Executive this fellow would turn out to be.

More or less agreed with the possible exception of "It does not hurt that we get the fundamentalists riled up..." The religious right doesn't need much help getting riled up, they'll do that on their own. I see a lot of potential downsides to stretching this story too far. Already we see the friction it causes even among Obama supporters (yes, I am one) concerning the honesty of the attacks. I realize politics get nasty and isn't always honest but it's going too far for my taste. Somebody mentioned the Hillary Clinton cattle futures story upthread, we've all seen this played out before. It often adds up to nothing.

108 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:44:50pm

This wouldn't be news except for the fact that Mitt and partisan people keep trying to say it's not true, when it very obviously is. Cover ups and denials will just keep it out front with the public until election day because the facts are there, and more will come out.

109 blueraven  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:45:13pm

Silence! The great and powerful OZ has spoken.

pay no attention to that politician/businessman behind the curtain

110 TedStriker  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:45:52pm

re: #89 Charles Johnson

That's not true. There's quite a bit of evidence that Romney was much more involved than he wants to admit. You're just ignoring it ... again.

1) His name on SEC filings as CEO and Managing Director.

2) His testimony that he made trips to Massachusetts to attend board meetings after February 1999.

3) A Bain press release in which he's quoted very clearly making a statement as an acting CEO, about the departure of two Bain officials.

That's just some of the stuff you insist on ignoring. There's more. And yes, this is evidence that Mitt Romney continued to have an active role in Bain Capital long after he claimed he "retired." You may not like the evidence, for whatever reason, but it is evidence, and it's all based on facts.

I get the vibe that KT, BryanS, and Mitt's other Lizard defenders over this are just basically sticking their fingers in their virtual ears and go "LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!", because they can't logically dispute the SEC filings and Mitt's own statements from back then, they have to obfuscate and distract from the facts at hand.

It really comes off sounding like a variant of the Chewbacca Defense to me, in a way...

111 Randall Gross  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:46:45pm

Well I have some carpets to clean... later.

112 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:48:22pm

re: #105 gwangung

Says Mr. Dembski to the biologist.

Yes, you are, indeed, ignoring it.

It's not Killgore's task to match your pathetic level of detail.


113 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:49:45pm

re: #107 Killgore Trout

It is a very hard thing to call off a successful attack before it overstretches itself and becomes vulnerable. If people think they have Mitt by the jugular and this will finish him off politically, then they will get crazed by it and overcome by their own hubris.

I do not see this as a smoking gun or felonious intent, I just see it as evidence that he would make a bad choice as Chief Executive the USA.

114 TavernWench  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:49:54pm

Saw this today, here in Cincinnati, while watching ESPN. I gasped. That's exactly how good this ad is.

115 TedStriker  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:50:39pm

re: #102 Varek Raith

Yes, you are ignoring it because you can't explain it away.
Instead of debate you just drop it.

I think this about covers KT's current position on Mitt and Bain (circa 1999-2002):

116 palomino  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:51:23pm

re: #107 Killgore Trout

More or less agreed with the possible exception of "It does not hurt that we get the fundamentalists riled up..." The religious right doesn't need much help getting riled up, they'll do that on their own. I see a lot of potential downsides to stretching this story too far. Already we see the friction it causes even among Obama supporters (yes, I am one) concerning the honesty of the attacks. I realize politics get nasty and isn't always honest but it's going too far for my taste. Somebody mentioned the Hillary Clinton cattle futures story upthread, we've all seen this played out before. It often adds up to nothing.

Hillary's cattle futures "scandal" was merely an investment she made. Bain is Romney's life work. Just a tad different.

117 gwangung  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:51:53pm

re: #113 Expand Your Ground

It is a very hard thing to call off a successful attack before it overstretches itself and becomes vulnerable. If people think they have Mitt by the jugular and this will finish him off politically, then they will get crazed by it and overcome by their own hubris.

I do not see this as a smoking gun or felonious intent, I just see it as evidence that he would make a bad choice as Chief Executive the USA.

Yeah, I'd agree.

It pretty much shows is that Romney is sloppy, not good on the details and doesn't feel the rules need to apply to him in any way, shape or form.

Not Presidential material.

118 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:52:58pm

re: #98 Decatur Deb

Looks like a misfire to me. It really did make the Prez look 'cool'. The snark won't reach a lot of people.

What I don't see is what the "celebrity" status has to do with anything. A, all presidents are celebrities to some degree (even Nixon had his Laugh-In spot). B, are we to think that Obama spent so much time with Jimmy Fallon that he didn't have time for his day job?

119 Sionainn  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:53:47pm

re: #103 Kragar

Iowa GOP State Senate Candidate Joins ‘Alternative’ U.S. Government

I'm embarrassed for all people named "Shannon."

120 allegro  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:54:25pm

Obama ran an almost flawless campaign in '08 from the nomination through to the final stretch. And now he has the added experience of having done it once successfully. I think this ad is a brilliant sign of what's to come in the next 3 months. Major popcorn consuming is fixin' to ensue.

121 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:54:41pm

I think it probably is going too far to accuse Romney of crimes, but I don't know the laws enough to say whether it could be true or not.

But I think it's clear that whatever the letter of the law says, he was playing fast and loose with the spirit of the law, by remaining CEO and allowing his name to be used as such for years, then obtaining a "retroactive" retirement agreement.

This is actually the first time I've ever heard of a "retroactive" retirement. I guess that kind of thing is possible when you're also the sole shareholder.

122 Varek Raith  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:55:14pm
123 gwangung  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:56:18pm

re: #118 Hercules Grytpype-Thynne

What I don't see is what the "celebrity" status has to do with anything. A, all presidents are celebrities to some degree (even Nixon had his Laugh-In spot). B, are we to think that Obama spent so much time with Jimmy Fallon that he didn't have time for his day job?

I think even the most die-hard Tea Partyist will admit that the President has a tremendous edge in "coolness" over Romney.

124 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:56:30pm

re: #103 Kragar

Iowa GOP State Senate Candidate Joins ‘Alternative’ U.S. Government

In other words, a call for Civil War. And not just a "War Between the States" with parts of the Union seceeding, but a true struggle between two groups for control of the entire USA.

I have not seen any sort of behavior like this from any elected official outside the Third World.

125 Stanghazi  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:56:30pm

Weird grin when answering the questions. Dude was nervous as hell.

126 uncah91  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:58:37pm

re: #110 TedStriker

I get the vibe that KT, BryanS, and Mitt's other Lizard defenders over this are just basically sticking their fingers in their virtual ears and go "LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!", because they can't logically dispute the SEC filings and Mitt's own statements from back then, they have to obfuscate and distract from the facts at hand.

It really comes off sounding like a variant of the Chewbacca Defense to me, in a way...

Well, I'm sympathetic to the idea that the attack of "Mitt is completely responsible for Bain's actions after 1999" is likely overreach.

But Romney screwed the pooch on this way back in 2002 when he claimed he had "no involvement". Now he is forced to repeat that, even to the point of filing it with the FEC. It shows his basic prediction to severely bend the truth, if he believes it to be to his advantage.

127 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:59:08pm

re: #113 Expand Your Ground

It is a very hard thing to call off a successful attack before it overstretches itself and becomes vulnerable. If people think they have Mitt by the jugular and this will finish him off politically, then they will get crazed by it and overcome by their own hubris.

I do not see this as a smoking gun or felonious intent, I just see it as evidence that he would make a bad choice as Chief Executive the USA.

Well said.

128 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:59:10pm

re: #120 allegro

Obama ran an almost flawless campaign in '08 from the nomination through to the final stretch. And now he has the added experience of having done it once successfully. I think this ad is a brilliant sign of what's to come in the next 3 months. Major popcorn consuming is fixin' to ensue.

The reviews of Mitt's hootenany are on Freep. They're reaching hopelessly for the hook.

129 JamesWI  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 12:59:37pm

I think I know how to spoil the "non-partisan fact-checkers" for KT. Just ask the fact-checkers the following question: "Is it true that OWS is really just an organization for murderers, rapists, communists, and every other sort of horrible person?"

After they come back in the negative, you know he'll have to disown them.

130 uncah91  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:01:00pm

re: #121 Charles Johnson

I think it probably is going too far to accuse Romney of crimes, but I don't know the laws enough to say whether it could be true or not.

But I think it's clear that whatever the letter of the law says, he was playing fast and loose with the spirit of the law, by remaining CEO and allowing his name to be used as such for years, then obtaining a "retroactive" retirement agreement.

This is actually the first time I've ever heard of a "retroactive" retirement. I guess that kind of thing is possible when you're also the sole shareholder.

I think his filing to the FEC might be technically criminal. Not that these sorts of things are likely to lead to charges.

131 blueraven  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:01:23pm

re: #121 Charles Johnson

I think it probably is going too far to accuse Romney of crimes, but I don't know the laws enough to say whether it could be true or not.

But I think it's clear that whatever the letter of the law says, he was playing fast and loose with the spirit of the law, by remaining CEO and allowing his name to be used as such for years, then obtaining a "retroactive" retirement agreement.

This is actually the first time I've ever heard of a "retroactive" retirement. I guess that kind of thing is possible when you're also the sole shareholder.

Yes, I agree. But I think the phrasing was "possible felony"
I also think the intent for that was to get Romney incensed enough to come out and try to defend himself.

He did a very poor job of that yesterday, which will only add fuel to the fire.

132 dragonath  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:02:39pm

re: #124 Expand Your Ground

1871 is a weird freakin' date. Oh wait... here's a clue. The Civil Rights Act of 1871.

133 TedStriker  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:05:06pm

re: #132 Be Zorch, Daddio

Don't you mean the Civil Rights Act of 1871?

134 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:05:24pm

re: #124 Expand Your Ground

In other words, a call for Civil War. And not just a "War Between the States" with parts of the Union seceeding, but a true struggle between two groups for control of the entire USA.

I have not seen any sort of behavior like this from any elected official outside the Third World.

Rarely see the crazy in such elegant typography.

135 dragonath  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:06:00pm

re: #133 TedStriker

dang it


136 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:06:18pm

re: #131 blueraven

Yes, I agree. But I think the phrasing was "possible felony"
I also think the intent for that was to get Romney incensed enough to come out and try to defend himself.

He did a very poor job of that yesterday, which will only add fuel to the fire.

I think retroactive retirement works best if you're a Time Lord.

137 blueraven  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:07:30pm

re: #136 Decatur Deb

I think retroactive retirement works best if you're a Time Lord.

Or an Overlord. Either one

138 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:07:44pm

I'd like a retroactive retirement back-dated to 2000, please.

139 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:07:54pm

WaPo's factchecker:Weighing the evidence on Romney’s departure from Bain: A response to readers

I readily concede that the years 1999-2002 represent a gray period in Romney’s background.

The SEC documents, especially the ones Romney signed, do raise some questions. One could suggest that because Romney did not fully extricate himself from Bain until after his Olympic sojourn ended, he should bear some responsibility for what happened at Bain in these years. You could even say he hired the people who made these mistakes.

But that is entirely different from suggesting that he had a direct role in these suspect transactions — as Obama’s ads claim — or that the SEC documents open Romney up to civil or even potential criminal investigation, as the Obama campaign has charged.

I will continue to evaluate the claims made by each campaign on a case -by-case basis. If new evidence emerges showing Romney had a direct involvement in suspect transactions, that certainly would become part of the evaluation.

140 allegro  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:08:39pm

re: #121 Charles Johnson

I don't really see the legality raising issues as being of much importance. It isn't the details that matter as much as the growing narrative of this man's ethics and actions. He has made much of his vast fortune leaving a trail of trashed lives behind him. He clearly gets to play by a different set of rules (see IRA) than the rest of us. He lies/panders/says whatever is the most convenient at the time without regard to the truth. He puts his dog on the roof and pushes his children's faces into their ice cream as a joke. He likes to fire people who provide services to him and you know he loves that nice 5 figure tax credit for his horse. On and on..

He is becoming the icon of the reasons behind the real hurt and anger people are feeling - why this ad is so brilliant.

141 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:08:56pm

re: #138 Charles Johnson

I'd like a retroactive retirement back-dated to 2000, please.

There's a new company called Total Recall. I hear they do nice work.

142 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:09:02pm

re: #138 Charles Johnson

I'd like a retroactive retirement back-dated to 2000, please.

I want a proactive retirement at full salary...

143 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:09:10pm

re: #139 Killgore Trout

He's starting to walk it back. Now it's a "gray period."

Glenn Kessler has not covered himself in glory on this story.

144 blueraven  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:09:23pm

re: #139 Killgore Trout

WaPo's factchecker:Weighing the evidence on Romney’s departure from Bain: A response to readers

That's a good start. Glad to know they are now open to more investigation of the facts.

145 Mattand  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:11:45pm

#143 Charles Johnson

He's starting to walk it back. Now it's a "gray period."

Glenn Kessler has not covered himself in glory on this story.

How much you want to bet Kessler winds up working for Fox in some capacity after the election?

146 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:12:36pm

re: #143 Charles Johnson

He's starting to walk it back. Now it's a "gray period."

Glenn Kessler has not covered himself in glory on this story.

IMHO, The best of his gray period paintings was Willard's Motherfucker.

147 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:13:46pm

I know Kessler is supposed to be the Post's fact-checker, but there are plenty of other Post writers and columnists who don't support his attempts to soft-pedal this story. Must be a lot of tension at those meetings these days.

148 Targetpractice  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:14:06pm

re: #141 Killgore Trout

There's a new company called Total Recall. I hear they do nice work.

I tried, but all I got was this video of me telling me to get my ass to Mars.


149 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:14:23pm

re: #143 Charles Johnson

He's starting to walk it back. Now it's a "gray period."

Glenn Kessler has not covered himself in glory on this story.

I think he's softened his phrasing under the heat. I know Both Factcheck.org and CNN's Fortune guy both have previously acknowledged that it is possible that Mitt played a larger role in Bain past 99 but the evidence being cited (SEC forms, etc) did not prove it. I think they're all open to new evidence but what has been presented so far is unconvincing.

150 Interesting Times  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:16:04pm

re: #131 blueraven

Yes, I agree. But I think the phrasing was "possible felony"
I also think the intent for that was to get Romney incensed enough to come out and try to defend himself.

You know that old cliché, "It's not the Crime, it's the Cover-up"? It's what got Martha Stewart thrown in jail (though in hindset, she sure deserved it a HELL of a lot less than the execs of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, etc etc etc ad naseam)

So if Mitt did indeed lie to the SEC at some point, it's entirely fair game to speculate he may have committed that rarest of offenses*

*a crime that actually can send a rich person to jail

151 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:17:18pm

I watched that ad with the sound off this morning in bed (didn't want to wake the missus)...great effects on Romney's voice (adding echo). Makes the ad all the more haunting and effective. Let's hope it plays nationwide in October.

152 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:18:44pm

Yes, Charles...'brutal' is the perfect word to describe that ad. Romney needs to learn that if you're going to run with the big dogs, you're not going to be able to keep them on the roof of your car.

153 uncah91  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:19:22pm

Kornacki at Salon had the best take I have seen on this. He didn't unwind things until 2002 because he had every intention of comin back.

Quoting Mitt:

"When I left my employer in Massachusetts in February of 1999 to accept the Olympic assignment, I left on the basis of a leave of absence, indicating that I, by virtue of that title, would return at the end of the Olympics to my employment at Bain Capital, but subsequently decided not to do so and entered into a departure agreement with my former partners, I use that in the colloquial sense, not legal sense, but my former partners"

Mitt's story doesn't add up.

154 freetoken  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:19:45pm

re: #103 Kragar

Iowa GOP State Senate Candidate Joins ‘Alternative’ U.S. Government

This "United States Corporation" stuff has been around a long time, and while it is true that there is the Civil Rights Act of 1871 that certain types despise, the Paulians of course care about one thing: GOLD!!

Here's just one example of very many of a (lefty) blogger who was arm-twisted to looking into this looniness: “United States corporation” and the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 – more anti-”banker” misinfo (disinfo?)

155 blueraven  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:20:27pm

re: #150 Interesting Times

You know that old cliché, "It's not the Crime, it's the Cover-up"? It's what got Martha Stewart thrown in jail (though in hindset, she sure deserved it a HELL of a lot less than the execs of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, etc etc etc ad naseam)

So if Mitt did indeed lie to the SEC at some point, it's entirely fair game to speculate he may have committed that rarest of offenses*

*a crime that actually can send a rich person to jail

I think the Obama team have done their homework on this. They dont think he actually lied then to the SEC, they think he is lying now.
Using this heated rhetoric was their tactic to make him respond and dig in even deeper, which will be worse when the truth comes out.

156 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:20:38pm

Hilarious ... Romney's response to this ad is to claim that Barack Obama is making fun of "America the Beautiful!"

Perfect wingnut talking point. They'll love this one.

157 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:20:52pm

For all you listless hipster shitheads...some street poetry

Image: 403891_10150916935262007_1071464349_n.jpg

158 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:23:04pm

re: #156 Charles Johnson

Hilarious ... Romney's response to this ad is to claim that Barack Obama is making fun of "America the Beautiful!"

[Embedded content]

Perfect wingnut talking point. They'll love this one.

Already read a couple Freep threads on it--their unhappiness is focused on Romney for a flailing response. Usual homophobic crap, turned his way.

159 blueraven  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:23:30pm

re: #156 Charles Johnson

Hilarious ... the Romney's response to this ad is to claim that Barack Obama is making fun of "America the Beautiful!"

[Embedded content]

Perfect wingnut talking point. They'll love this one.

Looks like even Byron York is not buying the Romney claim on this.

160 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:23:58pm

re: #156 Charles Johnson

161 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:25:19pm

re: #159 blueraven

Looks like even Byron York is not buying the Romney claim on this.

Wasn't he Superman's mother in the first movie...or was that Susannah York?

162 freetoken  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:25:24pm

re: #159 blueraven

Looks like even Byron York is not buying the Romney claim on this.

I think the reality is rather, York doesn't want to carry the water this time. He'll do the bidding of his masters on many an occasion, but sometimes something is so stupid that it is just too much for him.

163 gwangung  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:26:01pm

re: #139 Killgore Trout

WaPo's factchecker:Weighing the evidence on Romney’s departure from Bain: A response to readers

If it's a "gray period", you have no grounds to be awarding Pinnochios, dude.

164 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:30:13pm

re: #163 gwangung

If it's a "gray period", you have no grounds to be awarding Pinnochios, dude.

I disagree. The evidence provided didn't support the claims in the ads. It would be a logical fallacy require a fact checker to prove a negative (eg. "Mitt never worked for Bain past '99'). He checked the evidence provided for the positive claims in the adds and found them unconvincing.

165 dragonath  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:30:53pm

re: #154 freetoken

You know what the really crazy part about her letter is? She capitalizes every word at random, like some crazed freeper.

In point of fact, it is the reason why “We the People” Instead of Experiencing Freedom and Prosperity, suffer under the weight of Oppressive Statutes and an Out of Control, Monstrous National Debt which is Robbing Us and All Future Generations of Americans of Our Treasure and Our Legacy for which Our Founding Fathers’ so Valiantly Fought and Died.

166 uncah91  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:34:02pm

re: #164 Killgore Trout

I disagree. The evidence provided didn't support the claims in the ads. It would be a logical fallacy require a fact checker to prove a negative (eg. "Mitt never worked for Bain past '99'). He checked the evidence provided for the positive claims in the adds and found them unconvincing.

What do you think would happen if they fact checked Romney's claim that he had "no involvement" with Bain past 99?

167 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:35:46pm

This looks really good....
The Walking Dead Season 3 Comic-Con Trailer

I really want to like this series but I found the writing last season to be not so great.
168 gwangung  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:35:49pm

re: #164 Killgore Trout

I disagree. The evidence provided didn't support the claims in the ads. It would be a logical fallacy require a fact checker to prove a negative (eg. "Mitt never worked for Bain past '99'). He checked the evidence provided for the positive claims in the adds and found them unconvincing.

The evidence with the signatures, and all, it is consistent with the claims.

You have yet to say where it is not consistent.

169 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:36:36pm

re: #166 uncah91

What do you think would happen if they fact checked Romney's claim that he had "no involvement" with Bain past 99?

They might have already. That would be an untrue statement.

170 b_sharp  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:36:49pm

re: #164 Killgore Trout

I disagree. The evidence provided didn't support the claims in the ads. It would be a logical fallacy require a fact checker to prove a negative (eg. "Mitt never worked for Bain past '99'). He checked the evidence provided for the positive claims in the adds and found them unconvincing.

Perhaps he should do what science does, try to disprove the hypothesis by looking for evidence Romney did work for Bain after '99.

171 freetoken  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:37:07pm

re: #139 Killgore Trout

Once again, I'll take up what I think is the important question: Does Mitt Romney bear any responsibility for Bain between 1999 and 2002?

This is a question that the fact checker isn't directly addressing - they are still stuck on technicalities of "tenure" in management decisions. Thus when Kessler sees that more documents without Romney's name than with he calls it a "gray period".

However, Romney still having ownership is not disputed. And with that ownership I claim comes responsibility. It wasn't until Romney announced he wanted to get into politics that he negotiated himself totally out of the Bain picture.

172 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:38:50pm

re: #165 Be Zorch, Daddio

You know what the really crazy part about her letter is? She capitalizes every word at random, like some crazed freeper.

No, that is a vaunted 18th-century style of capitalizing the Important Words in a document. In fact, they often capitalized WHOLE WORDS that they thought were IMPORTANT.

But that also fits in with the fact that her head is still stuck in the Days Before
!(/! (that's 1871 in caps)

173 gwangung  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:39:24pm

re: #171 freetoken

However, Romney still having ownership is not disputed. And with that ownership I claim comes responsibility.

The law does, too.

174 kirkspencer  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:39:34pm

CEO, President, Directing Manager, sole shareholder, company representative on purchased companies, but not really "involved" in the business.

What is "is", anyway?

175 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:41:56pm

re: #171 freetoken

However, Romney still having ownership is not disputed. And with that ownership I claim comes responsibility. It wasn't until Romney announced he wanted to get into politics that he negotiated himself totally out of the Bain picture.

I keep beating on the idea of Choice (which I have capitalized because it is important), and that he Chose to take the position with the Olympics at short notice, Chose to accept a six-figure salary and Chose to keep his options open with Bain, which meant remaining the owner and CEO.

176 uncah91  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:42:38pm

re: #169 Killgore Trout

They might have already. That would be an untrue statement.

Not " would be", is ... it is an untrue statement.

Romney has been making this untrue statement since late in 2002 governors election. And he is stuck on it. It's not defensible. And the claims in the ads in question essentially rest on the fact that Romney was in fact involved with Bain.

177 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:46:50pm

Romney took today off from campaigning. Here he is relaxing in front of his home in New Hampshire.

Image: enhanced-buzz-17438-1342298104-7.jpg

iPod, iPhone...probably simply not looking at his blind trust.

Wider shot.
Image: enhanced-buzz-30158-1342298126-13.jpg

178 freetoken  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:48:17pm

re: #175 Expand Your Ground


And after the Olympics whetted his appetite for politics on a non-local scale, Romney decided to go into politics full time (something else he denies - having been a politician since 2001.) It was then that Romney negotiated his way to settlements that could be put into blind trusts (as would be expected of a rich politician).

This bailing on the concept of responsibility is something that I think is worth noting.

This is the goal of the modern American "capitalist": to sit on boards of companies but never be held responsible for the decisions of the corporation.

Mitt Romney wants the fruit of the position - taking the money in the end - but not be held responsible for the decisions.

This is how he now approaches his time as governor of MA also - note how he runs from his (previously thought as pretty decent) record as governor, in this case obviously to run from Romneycare and abortion.

179 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:50:33pm

re: #41 Randall Gross

Can you explain how someone can legally get 100 million dollars into a 401K in a short time the way it appears that Mitt did? That one still has me scratching my head.

I found the answer a couple of days ago.

But the way described in the Vanity Fair article and in the WSJ article doesn’t appear to be legal in Romney’s instance, even though this tactic would be legal in other instances—i.e., when there is some actual tangible difference between the risk and value of the two classes of stocks, and when the stock placed in the IRA is given a legitimate, rather than fraudulently low, value.

The relevant paragraphs of the WSJ article read:
The tax-deferral opportunity stemmed from the way Bain often chose to structure the shares of companies after taking them over.

Even if the companies had only one share class, Bain frequently gave them two classes, usually called Class L and Class A, according to former employees, Bain internal documents and securities filings. Because Bain controlled the companies, it had flexibility in assigning values to the classes.


Can it really be that all that was legally necessary was to simply separate objectively identically-valuable stocks from a single company into two classes of stocks whose only difference is the arbitrary value that the company assigns the stocks, rather than the actual tangible value of the stocks?

Basically Charles nailed it. Because Bain controlled the companies it bought (with leverage) it was able to arbitrarily split a single class of stock into two pools, and stuff one of these pools into Bain board member IRAs at ridiculously low valuations.

180 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:51:05pm

Another thought on what Romney's doing with his iPad...

181 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:52:09pm

re: #177 darthstar

That second shot should convey (at least for Romney's campagn) the message of "Vote for me and I will increase the chance that you too might be able to live like this some day!", but what Mitt and his campaign have turned it into is "I've got mine, suckah! You're on your own!"

182 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:54:07pm

Diary with link to SEC filings for anyone interested in reading them for themselves...

[Link: www.dailykos.com...]

183 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:54:57pm

re: #180 darthstar

Another thought on what Romney's doing with his iPad...

[Embedded content]

Relatively few people watch web ads like that, maybe 1 in 5 would do that in July. And most Americans won't see the ads on TV, because only 12 of the Lower 48 states are seeing major ad buys. New Hampshire is one of them, though.

184 Stanghazi  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:55:28pm

re: #180 darthstar

Another thought on what Romney's doing with his iPad...

[Embedded content]


185 wrenchwench  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:57:44pm

re: #180 darthstar

Another thought on what Romney's doing with his iPad...

[Embedded content]

Romney is at least going to avoid the bad photo there was of Obama four years ago--the flat tire.

Image: enhanced-buzz-22774-1342298179-7.jpg

I don't see him on the bike, but he has the helmet and the pump.

186 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:58:49pm
187 Stanghazi  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 1:59:34pm
188 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:00:32pm

redundant...Stanley posted it one up.

189 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:01:05pm

re: #187 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

I saw you RT that so I posted it too...GMTA.

190 wrenchwench  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:01:36pm

re: #189 darthstar

I saw you RT that so I posted it too...GMTA.

Great Minds Tweet Alike?

191 palomino  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:02:03pm

As far as Obama's admin crossing a line in attacking Romney, we should get a few things straight.

First, we all know politics ain't beanbag, especially at the presidential level. Examples: The Willie Horton ad that basically called Dukakis an accessory to rape. The attacks on Bill Clinton that he was a traitor for protesting the War while studying abroad in college. Kerry, a highly decorated soldier, being swift boated and labeled a traitor. And Obama being accused of "paling around with terrorists" (by Palin) AND not loving or understanding America (by Romney himself) AND being an un-American socialist (by virtually everyone in the GOP).

Should Obama just sit back and play nice when no one else is? It is in fact true that if Romney lied on SEC docs, he's susceptible to a perjury charge. And clearly Bain engaged in conduct Romney wants to dissociate himself from. It would be campaign malpractice not to jump all over this.

192 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:02:31pm

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck...

193 dragonath  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:02:41pm

re: #188 darthstar

It would suck to be a kayaker on Romney Pond.

194 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:03:21pm

re: #183 Dark_Falcon

And most Americans won't see the ads on TV, because only 12 of the Lower 48 states are seeing major ad buys.

You're missing the point of doing quality Youtube ads. The investment is incredibly low and if they can generate enough buzz to get aired for free on the news networks and written about by pundits then the bang to buck ratio goes through the roof. I'm guessing at least one if not two Obama ads get shown on virtually every morning show tomorrow - McLaughlin Group, Meet the Press, CBS Sunday Morning, ABC's This Week, and even Fox News Sunday.

195 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:03:23pm

re: #187 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

re: #188 darthstar

and again, instead of Romney's image telling voters "This could be you at the helm!", the message comes across as "Eat my wake, muthafuckah!"

196 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:03:47pm

re: #187 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

[Embedded content]

Mitt's got a pretty big family, judging by the number of children on that boat. On that matter, I can relate (heh), or more accurately my father and his siblings can.

197 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:03:55pm

re: #193 Be Zorch, Daddio

It would suck to be a kayaker on Romney Pond.

Go run over those poor people, gran-pa!
Image: enhanced-buzz-17438-1342298227-12.jpg

198 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:06:06pm

re: #194 goddamnedfrank

You're missing the point of doing quality Youtube ads. The investment is incredibly low and if they can generate enough buzz to get aired for free on the news networks and written about by pundits then the bang to buck ratio goes through the roof. I'm guessing at least one if not two Obama ads get shown on virtually every morning show tomorrow - McLaughlin Group, Meet the Press, CBS Sunday Morning, ABC's This Week, and even Fox News Sunday.

I really wish there was a law that said News networks could only show 10 seconds of a campaign ad as part of the news story. The Romney ads (and some Obama ones) get national airing multiple times a day as 'news'...and it's not news, it's manipulating the system to get free air time.

199 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:07:45pm

Hey CNN...It's not 'swiftboating'

200 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:07:57pm

re: #197 darthstar

Go run over those poor people, gran-pa!
Image: enhanced-buzz-17438-1342298227-12.jpg

Have a care, DS, and don't fling the insults at the kids. That's like flinging insults at Barack Obama's daughters: Tasteless, hurtful and wrong.

201 blueraven  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:07:57pm

re: #191 palomino

As far as Obama's admin crossing a line in attacking Romney, we should get a few things straight.

First, we all know politics ain't beanbag, especially at the presidential level. Examples: The Willie Horton ad that basically called Dukakis an accessory to rape. The attacks on Bill Clinton that he was a traitor for protesting the War while studying abroad in college. Kerry, a highly decorated soldier, being swift boated and labeled a traitor. And Obama being accused of "paling around with terrorists" (by Palin) AND not loving or understanding America (by Romney himself) AND being an un-American socialist (by virtually everyone in the GOP).

Should Obama just sit back and play nice when no one else is? It is in fact true that if Romney lied on SEC docs, he's susceptible to a perjury charge. And clearly Bain engaged in conduct Romney wants to dissociate himself from. It would be campaign malpractice not to jump all over this.

All very true. But here is the right wing talking point on that

Obama said he was going to be different!!

They somehow took that to mean he would be passive and not punch back, and punch back hard. Obama is no stranger to hardball politics. He can be brutal.
But I think it is when he has been provoked.

All this apologizing for America crap Romney spouts, campaigning with Donald freaking birther Trump!

Welcome to the show Mitt.

202 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:09:32pm

re: #198 darthstar

I really wish there was a law that said News networks could only show 10 seconds of a campaign ad as part of the news story. The Romney ads (and some Obama ones) get national airing multiple times a day as 'news'...and it's not news, it's manipulating the system to get free air time.

I think the bigger problem is that the news networks are allowed to sell ad time during informational broadcasts. I don't mind them airing political ad to report on them so much as letting paid for advertising concerns dictate what they report and how they report it.

203 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:10:10pm

re: #200 Dark_Falcon

Have a care, DS, and don't fling the insults at the kids. That's like flinging insults at Barack Obama's daughters: Tasteless, hurtful and wrong.

Ever vigilant with the unnecessary defense of simple humor. Nobody's insulting the kids.

204 wrenchwench  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:10:55pm

re: #182 darthstar

Diary with link to SEC filings for anyone interested in reading them for themselves...

[Link: www.dailykos.com...]

That's a good link. This is a small part of the delight it offers:

205 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:12:49pm

re: #204 wrenchwench

That's a good link. This is a small part of the delight it offers:

[Embedded content]

Ooh...I didn't know he gave McCain 20 years of records. Share the tax returns, McCain you addled old fart.

206 JAFO  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:14:10pm

re: #205 darthstar

Ooh...I didn't know he gave McCain 20 years of records. Share the tax returns, McCain you addled old fart.

And then McCain picked Sarah Palin!

207 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:14:38pm

re: #206 Big Joe

And then McCain picked Sarah Palin!

Well, when Mitt winked at him it creeped the fuck out of him.

208 palomino  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:14:41pm

re: #183 Dark_Falcon

Relatively few people watch web ads like that, maybe 1 in 5 would do that in July. And most Americans won't see the ads on TV, because only 12 of the Lower 48 states are seeing major ad buys. New Hampshire is one of them, though.

But, due to our electoral college, those 12 states are the only ones that matter...no other states are in play. People like you and me (in CA, IL, TX, etc) don't really cast votes that matter at the prez level because our states are so solidly blue or red.

A system that encourages candidates to spend more time in 10 states than the other 40 combined seems off kilter. And a system that encourages candidates to spend more time in Miami than NYC, LA, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Seattle, San Fran, etc. COMBINED is just downright ass-backwards.

209 wrenchwench  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:15:42pm

re: #206 Big Joe

And then McCain picked Sarah Palin!

She had better looking ...




...tax returns.

That's it.

Better looking tax returns.

210 uncah91  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:16:20pm

re: #208 palomino

But, due to our electoral college, those 12 states are the only ones that matter...no other states are in play. People like you and me (in CA, IL, TX, etc) don't really cast votes that matter at the prez level because our states are so solidly blue or red.

A system that encourages candidates to spend more time in 10 states than the other 40 combined seems off kilter. And a system that encourages candidates to spend more time in Miami than NYC, LA, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Seattle, San Fran, etc. COMBINED is just downright ass-backwards.

Now, if the election was in February, the whole Miami thing would make perfect sense.

211 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:17:09pm

re: #205 darthstar

Ooh...I didn't know he gave McCain 20 years of records. Share the tax returns, McCain you addled old fart.

I'm really hoping they get "accidentally" leaked. The Romney ragegasm would be epic.

Then twenty years later we find out it was Megan McCain who released them using her scary ninja skills.

212 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:17:13pm

re: #208 palomino

A system that encourages candidates to spend more time in 10 states than the other 40 combined seems off kilter.

I say we should keep the Electoral College - but only in reserve to sort out those elections where there is no clear majority winner in the popular vote.

213 JAFO  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:17:39pm

re: #209 wrenchwench

She had better looking ...




...tax returns.

That's it.

Better looking tax returns.

He thought she had less baggage. It turns out she just had cheaper luggage.

214 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:18:31pm
215 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:18:54pm

re: #213 Big Joe

He thought she had less baggage. It turns out she just had cheaper luggage.

It was not the baggage she brought along that sank her, it was the babbling...

216 palomino  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:19:28pm

re: #201 blueraven

All very true. But here is the right wing talking point on that

Obama said he was going to be different!!

They somehow took that to mean he would be passive and not punch back, and punch back hard. Obama is no stranger to hardball politics. He can be brutal.
But I think it is when he has been provoked.

All this apologizing for America crap Romney spouts, campaigning with Donald freaking birther Trump!

Welcome to the show Mitt.

Obama was different back in 2008. He continued to be deferential to Hillary even after she refused to concede despite having no chance to catch him in the delegate race.

He also showed great respect for McCain. Most of his attacks were understandably aimed at Bush, and he didn't have to dig deep or get mean since Bush was already the least popular president since Herbert Hoover.

This time not only has he been rat fucked by the GOP for the last 4 years, but he knows he won't win by being Mr. Nice Guy. He just can't run a 2008 campaign in a 2012 environment.

217 wrenchwench  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:19:44pm

re: #213 Big Joe

He thought she had less baggage. It turns out she just had cheaper luggage.

And all the hat boxes were empty.

218 TedStriker  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:22:09pm

re: #188 darthstar

[Embedded content]

re: #193 Be Zorch, Daddio

It would suck to be a kayaker on Romney Pond.

re: #197 darthstar

Go run over those poor people, gran-pa!
Image: enhanced-buzz-17438-1342298227-12.jpg

I'm sorry, but seeing Mitt at the helm reminds me too much of Al Czervik driving his yacht around in Caddyshack.

219 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:22:34pm

Andrew Sullivan pitches in on the Romney-Bain problem...and he's not exactly gentle...

[Link: andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com...]

I'm getting the feeling that Romney thinks he is above the level of accountability required in a presidential candidate or even in an average ethical businessman. He seems genuinely offended to be directly challenged with facts - which he still won't address or rebut in detail. So he simply huffs and puffs and uses words like "disgusting" for a perfectly valid charge in the big boy world of presidential politics.

This does not seem to me to be like a candidate ready for prime time.

220 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:23:33pm

re: #211 goddamnedfrank

I'm really hoping they get "accidentally" leaked. The Romney ragegasm would be epic.

Then twenty years later we find out it was Megan McCain who released them using her scary ninja skills.

she would never do that, she'd see that as a betrayal of her father's trust. And such a betrayal is something she, like all of her line, would rather die than do.

221 Archangelus  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:25:16pm

Hot damn, that was as spot on as it was brilliant!
About damn time too...

222 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:25:36pm

re: #213 Big Joe

He thought she had less baggage. It turns out she just had cheaper luggage.

Not after her shopping spree she didn't. She needed fancy bags to carry her 150,000 dollar wardrobe she got from the campaign.

223 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:30:12pm

Speaking of climate change...

[Link: www.dailykos.com...]

224 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:30:50pm

re: #208 palomino

But, due to our electoral college, those 12 states are the only ones that matter...no other states are in play. People like you and me (in CA, IL, TX, etc) don't really cast votes that matter at the prez level because our states are so solidly blue or red.

A system that encourages candidates to spend more time in 10 states than the other 40 combined seems off kilter. And a system that encourages candidates to spend more time in Miami than NYC, LA, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Seattle, San Fran, etc. COMBINED is just downright ass-backwards.

For most of American history, that wasn't one of the Electoral College's results. But now political polarization means that there are far fewer battleground states, and fewer swing voters, too.

225 freetoken  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:31:53pm

re: #223 darthstar

And when the warm weather goes away...?

226 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:32:20pm

Love Wonkette's tongue-in-cheek tone sometimes...

227 uncah91  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:34:44pm

re: #219 darthstar

From an earlier blog post by Sullivan.
"Romney basically said what was the most convenient for his self-interest at every juncture - and finally all the contradictions and changing stories caught up with him. "

Also, yesterday's series of posts was brutal.

Drowning, not waving

228 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:37:52pm

Out again, back later.

229 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:38:01pm

re: #220 Dark_Falcon

she would never do that, she'd see that as a betrayal of her father's trust. And such a betrayal is something she, like all of her line, would rather die than do.

She's a sexy ninja. All that shit you think you know about her is part of her sexy ninja game plan.

230 uncah91  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:47:05pm

As for the WaPo fact checker, her is Sullivan's takedown, which is fairly complete.

Drowning, not waving

"But according to Kessler, this must be a lie and therefore a felony. How does Romney attend board meetings of Bain acquisitions, sign six filings on Bain acquisitions, get a six figure salary as an executive, list himself as sole owner and CEO with the SEC in these years, and insist he was not "involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way"? Bain went further and stated that in the period involved Romney had "absolutely no involvement with the management or investment activities of the firm or with any of its portfolio companies." All of this is a spectacular contradiction - and yet Kessler, defending, one suspects, his own reputation, refuses to give an inch.

Is Kessler that much in the Romney tank? Or can he not read his own column?"

Is Kessler that much in the Romney tank? Or can he not read his own column?

231 freetoken  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:50:45pm

Religious fervor in Brazil:

At least 1 million in evangelical march in Brazil


Organizers have described the march as the "largest Christian event in the world," saying they expected at least 5 million people to rally behind 15 sound trucks and attend religious music shows likely to last well into the night.

Humans are scary animals.

232 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:53:33pm

re: #231 freetoken

Religious fervor in Brazil:

At least 1 million in evangelical march in Brazil

Humans are scary animals.

If they were truly marching "to promote peace and harmony" as the caption says, there is nothing scary about that. I think it is just that in America we have come to associate evangelicals with radical homophobia, bigotry, sexism, anti-feminism and anti-science.

233 darthstar  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:55:19pm

Okay...time to prep some food to deliiver to a friend tomorrow who's recovering from brain surgery...have a good day all.

234 austin_blue  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:59:17pm

The fun thing about this is that all the Mittens Crew is talking about is Bain. Wait until the next ad, which will emphasize the off-shore accounts and his tax records.

Or, as Charles Blow notes and Gail Collins digs:

[Link: www.nytimes.com...]

[Link: www.nytimes.com...]

235 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 2:59:39pm

re: #191 palomino

As far as Obama's admin crossing a line in attacking Romney, we should get a few things straight.

First, we all know politics ain't beanbag, especially at the presidential level. Examples: The Willie Horton ad that basically called Dukakis an accessory to rape. The attacks on Bill Clinton that he was a traitor for protesting the War while studying abroad in college. Kerry, a highly decorated soldier, being swift boated and labeled a traitor. And Obama being accused of "paling around with terrorists" (by Palin) AND not loving or understanding America (by Romney himself) AND being an un-American socialist (by virtually everyone in the GOP).

Should Obama just sit back and play nice when no one else is? It is in fact true that if Romney lied on SEC docs, he's susceptible to a perjury charge. And clearly Bain engaged in conduct Romney wants to dissociate himself from. It would be campaign malpractice not to jump all over this.

Good points. Dirty politics is dirty, I'm a realist about that but there's a larger context to all those examples you laid out. You aren't really supposed to believe everything somebody puts in a political ad. They aren't reliable sources of information. Same with beer and detergent ads. The purpose is to create an image, not impart valuable information.

236 Greup  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 3:21:08pm

Isnt this classic Rove tactics. Identify the strongest point of your political opponent and attack him there and turn that strong point to a liability. If Romney cant use his business credentials- what is he? Almost nothing.

237 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 3:27:25pm

You should hear Mitt sing Woody Guthrie.

This land is my land.
This land is my land.


238 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 3:28:28pm

re: #6 Expand Your Ground

Is "personal responsiblity" not a cardinal conservative virtue?

They tend to blame God a lot.

239 palomino  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 4:10:16pm

re: #235 Killgore Trout

Good points. Dirty politics is dirty, I'm a realist about that but there's a larger context to all those examples you laid out. You aren't really supposed to believe everything somebody puts in a political ad. They aren't reliable sources of information. Same with beer and detergent ads. The purpose is to create an image, not impart valuable information.

No question about that. You want to define your opponent as early as possible, creating an image of him for voters. And with 4 months to go, it's still pretty early.

240 sagehen  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 4:17:04pm

re: #234 austin_blue

The fun thing about this is that all the Mittens Crew is talking about is Bain. Wait until the next ad, which will emphasize the off-shore accounts and his tax records.

Or, as Charles Blow notes and Gail Collins digs:

[Link: www.nytimes.com...]

[Link: www.nytimes.com...]

best line from Collins piece:

The Democrats suggested all this could be cleared up if Romney would release his back tax returns. There are actually very few things in the universe that the Democrats do not think would be made better if Romney released his tax returns.

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