Romney Sets World Record for Rapid Flip-Flop

Politics • Views: 29,795

Practically in the same sentence as his announcement of Paul Ryan as his VP pick, Mitt Romney threw Ryan’s ridiculously extreme “budget” under the bus… but in an amazingly rapid reversal, now he’s back to saying he “would have signed” it.

Just moments after Mitt Romney announced Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as his vice presidential nominee on Saturday, his campaign tried to distance itself from Ryan’s signature House budget. Although Romney has admitted he would sign the Ryan budget if it crossed his desk, calling it “marvelous” and an “important step”, the campaign’s internal talking points were careful to avoid endorsing the Republican blueprint: “Gov. Romney applauds Paul Ryan for going in the right direction with his budget, and as president he will be putting together his own plan for cutting the deficit and putting the budget on a path to balance,” they argued.

But a day later, the campaign switched tactics and went back to embracing the document, insisting that Romney would have happily signed it into law.

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1 erik_t  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:23:15am

With each passing screwup, I'm getting more and more excited for the debates. The possibility of a truly magnificent unscripted moment grows by the day.

2 dragonfire1981  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:24:28am

[comic book guy]

Worst...Presidential Campaign...ever!

[/comic book guy]

I mean really, the guy has an absolute shit ton of money at his disposal and he manages to run a campaign THIS bad?

3 jaunte  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:26:20am

Hemidemisemiquaver/Ryan 2012

4 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:26:36am


I'm so tired of the GOP.

5 Kronocide  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:29:36am

re: #3 jaunte

Hemidemisemiquaver/Ryan 2012

Somebody with photoshop skillz should make a Romney 2012 logo with a pair of flip flops.

6 jaunte  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:30:40am

re: #5 Kronocide

Someone anticipated that:

7 moderatelyradicalliberal  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:31:10am

re: #2 dragonfire1981

[comic book guy]

Worst...Presidential Campaign...ever!

[/comic book guy]

I mean really, the guy has an absolute shit ton of money at his disposal and he manages to run a campaign THIS bad?

I'm starting to believe that Romney was an absentee CEO at Bain because this guy doesn't seem to be very decisive or take charge at all.

8 Mich-again  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:31:35am

Mitt messed up the dials on his time machine and came back to the wrong place and didn't realize he had already retroactively changed his mind about the Ryan plan.

9 jaunte  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:31:58am

Yes, we have meme:

10 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:32:06am

Footage of Romney's initial reaction to the Ryan plan:

11 dragonfire1981  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:32:06am

Our local daily paper ran a lovely Paul Ryan butt kissing story courtesy of Greg Gilbert at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Here are some of the "highlights":

MILWAUKEE -- Paul Ryan has spent the past three years urging Republicans to be bold, to pursue a politically risky overhaul of the nation's health-care entitlements, and to turn the 2012 election into a stark and defining contest of opposing world views.

Mitt Romney appeared to embrace that strategy Saturday -- by picking Ryan as his running mate.

The decision to tap the 42-year-old House budget chair from Janesville, Wis., for the GOP ticket signaled a new direction for a Romney campaign seen as struggling this summer and sometimes criticized for an excess of caution.

In Ryan, Romney is getting his party's most influential politician on the budget and economy, a huge favorite of pro-business and free-market conservatives, a skilled politician and self-styled "policy wonk," a prolific fundraiser and ubiquitous cable news presence, and the architect of two deeply controversial federal budget plans that sharply scale back social spending and health care entitlements.

Ryan's selection punctuates a remarkable rise to influence on the part of the seven-term congressman from southern Wisconsin, who has methodically seized control of his party's economic agenda, first in Congress, and now in a presidential election.

In recent days, influential conservatives had mounted a lobbying campaign on Ryan's behalf, arguing Romney needs to sharpen the ideological contrast between himself and President Barack Obama, offer a clearer policy agenda, and turn the race into a battle of values and ideas, not just a referendum on the Obama economy.

Ryan's view of the 2012 election, expressed in interviews and speeches, rests on a few basic articles of faith.

One is that the United States is approaching a debt crisis and point of no return in which the arc of government spending transforms the nation into a "European-style" social welfare state.

"This is a Churchill moment. We see the storm on the horizon. We know it's coming," Ryan said in the same 2011 interview.

Another is that Republicans should run on an explicit agenda of cutting government, cutting taxes and scaling back the big health entitlements -- Medicare and Medicaid -- so that an election victory would deliver not just power but a clear mandate.

And a third is that in such an election the American people would be fundamentally choosing -- possibly in some lasting way -- between the competing world views of the left and right.

"Everybody knows this is politically risky territory. Republicans have their battle scars on entitlement reform," Ryan said in a speech earlier this year at the Conservative Political Action Conference. "That's why some argue that we should downplay bold agendas and simply wage a campaign focused solely on the President and his party. I firmly disagree. Boldness and clarity offer the greatest opportunity to create a winning coalition."

Earlier this year, speaking to reporters at a breakfast organized by the Christian Science Monitor, Ryan said Republicans "can't just run against the bad news."

While the idea of Ryan on the ticket excites many on the right, it also unnerves some party strategists, worried that Republican election prospects would become hostage to the controversy over Ryan's Medicare proposals.

Ryan is an unconventional choice in many ways. He would be the third youngest running mate since World War Two. He would be only the third sitting U.S. House member to be chosen for vice president since 1948.

But Ryan joked four years ago, when his name surfaced as a possible running mate for John McCain, that, "I check a series of boxes" for vice president.

"Young guy, economics guy, swing state, Catholic," he said.

12 dragonfire1981  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:32:34am

A Ryan pick would seem to guarantee a major GOP effort in a state where Romney hasn't been advertising this summer. Flipping Wisconsin from blue to red would be a major boon to Republicans in a close national election.

But Ryan's ability to change the outcome in his home state is so uncertain (he is well-known but has never run for statewide office) that it's doubtful his Wisconsin roots were primary in Romney's calculus.

Instead, the choice seems to have more to do with the thematics of the campaign, and perhaps a calculation by the Romney campaign as it labored politically through the summer months that it couldn't afford to play it safe with its vice presidential choice, that it needed to shake things up and also energize its political base.

13 Big Joe  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:32:40am

re: #5 Kronocide

Somebody with photoshop skillz should make a Romney 2012 logo with a pair of flip flops.

How about some fashion accessories?


edit : too slow

14 moderatelyradicalliberal  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:32:55am

re: #6 jaunte

Someone anticipated that:

Mitt Flops!

15 Kronocide  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:32:58am

How soon before we can visit if Ryan is worse for Romney than Palin for McCain?

I'm starting to wonder now.

16 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:34:01am

Does anyone on this ticket have any foreign policy experience?

No, forgetting Milliband's name doesn't count.

17 God of Binders with Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:34:37am

Remember those idiots on the floor at the 2004 GOP convention waving flip-flops every time Sen. Kerry was mentioned? They'd die from exhaustion if they applied it to Romney.

18 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:34:48am

And the grand premiere of "November for Romney and America" is just a few weeks away in Tampa. We've just been entertained with the preliminaries so far.

19 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:35:51am

I think the Rolls-Royce logo take on Romney/Ryan was simply brilliant. Flip-flops are so low-brow in comparison.

20 moderatelyradicalliberal  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:36:12am

Heh. Willard asked for "several" tax returns from his possible VP choices.


21 Mattand  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:37:04am

re: #2 dragonfire1981

[comic book guy]

Worst...Presidential Campaign...ever!

[/comic book guy]

I mean really, the guy has an absolute shit ton of money at his disposal and he manages to run a campaign THIS bad?

That's what I'm not getting. I kind of wonder if Mitt hot swaps his internal drives when he's not in public and runs on a Palin 2.0 diva suite. I'm really beginning to think he's making these decisions and everyone is too afraid to call him out on it.

May not be the best evidence, but look at the compulsory family vacations the Romneys take. IIRC, one of his adult sons is a big muckety muck with the Dodgers. The son tried to beg off because baseball tends to be played in the summer.

This 42 year old guy who helps run the Dodgers went back to the management and said he had to leave because his dad said he had to.

Mitt doesn't like taking "no" for an answer. So if an underling says to avoid talking about Ryan's budget at all costs, Mitt lets the underling know who the boss is and does what he wants.

Full Metal Palin.

22 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:37:32am

So far the choice of Ryan isn't impressing Intrade, Obama at 59.1% to win.

23 dragonfire1981  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:37:32am

re: #7 moderatelyradicalliberal

I'm starting to believe that Romney was an absentee CEO at Bain because this guy doesn't seem to be very decisive or take charge at all.

I disagree I think the very qualities that made Romney a successful CEO are hurting him big time as a Presidential contender: Staying where the money is, two facing whenever he needs to so he can look good in front of whatever crowd he's playing for, his opinion that the past doesn't matter and it's only what's up ahead that counts.

All straight from the world of business: It's all about the NEXT big quarter, the NEXT big stock sale, the NEXT big acquisition. Yesterday doesn't matter.

And also the fact that, as CEO, you can have a lot people do stuff for you without having to become personally involved in any of it.

24 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:37:58am

re: #9 jaunte

Yes, we have meme:

extremely bizarre

25 God of Binders with Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:38:39am

re: #24 Stanley Sea

extremely bizarre

OMFG, that's making me dizzy.

26 dragonfire1981  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:39:52am

Unconfirmed sources suggest that, in a desperate attempt to look cool and breathe some life into a sagging campaign, The Romney team will design and trademark a new R² (Romney/Ryan) logo within the next few days...

27 Kragar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:41:55am

re: #2 dragonfire1981

[comic book guy]

Worst...Presidential Campaign...ever!

[/comic book guy]

I mean really, the guy has an absolute shit ton of money at his disposal and he manages to run a campaign THIS bad?

Expensive does not automatically equal better.

28 AK-47%  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:41:57am

re: #26 dragonfire1981

Unconfirmed sources suggest that, in a desperate attempt to look cool and breathe some life into a sagging campaign, The Romney team will design and trademark a new R² (Romney/Ryan) logo within the next few days...

How about one with two pirates on it?

29 God of Binders with Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:42:03am

The level of disinterest in Romney is breathtaking. I thought McCain sucked as a candidate, but Romneybot just will not click the button on "Software update is now available. Would you like to install now?" and he is paying the price.

30 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:43:01am

re: #26 dragonfire1981

Unconfirmed sources suggest that, in a desperate attempt to look cool and breathe some life into a sagging campaign, The Romney team will design and trademark a new R² (Romney/Ryan) logo within the next few days...

The campaign of the inverse squares.

31 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:43:10am

re: #26 dragonfire1981

Unconfirmed sources suggest that, in a desperate attempt to look cool and breathe some life into a sagging campaign, The Romney team will design and trademark a new R² (Romney/Ryan) logo within the next few days...

Rup Row?

(Hmm, Hanna-Barbera willing to sell Astro for a few ads?)

32 erik_t  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:45:39am

re: #30 goddamnedfrank

The campaign of the inverse squares.

Romney is very much the regular kind of square.

33 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:47:46am


34 God of Binders with Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:50:40am

re: #26 dragonfire1981

Unconfirmed sources suggest that, in a desperate attempt to look cool and breathe some life into a sagging campaign, The Romney team will design and trademark a new R² (Romney/Ryan) logo within the next few days...

Repulsive & Repugnant?

35 dragonfire1981  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:51:37am

I think it's time for another of these...

INITIALIZE Romneybot software ver. 2.012

Accessing policy files...

WARNING! ECONOMICS.EXE has been altered from it's original form, load anyway? Y/N



WARNING! ECONOMICS.EXE has been altered AGAIN from its original form. Load anyway? Y/N


Load complete

WARNING! This file contains significant similarities to files already in system, loading may cause undesired operation. Proceed anyway? Y/N


Load complete

Loading TAXES.EXE...

WARNING! Taxes.exe is missing key components and loading this file may cause problems with certain voting blocs and the mainstream media. Load anyway? Y/N


Load complete.

Initializing Romney base files...


Warning! There 3 different versions of BAIN.EXE in the database...

BAIN.EXE ...... last modified 2/1/1999
BAIN(1).EXE ...... last modified 7/12/1999
BAIN(2).EXE .......last modified 3/5/2002

Which file do you wish to load? BAIN.EXE

Load complete.

Accessing vice presidential database.

Loading files...


WARNING! RYAN.EXE may cause compatibility errors with other files within Romneybot system. Load anyway? Y/N


Load complete.

Initialization complete. Romneybot is now online.

36 Kragar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:53:08am

re: #34 Summer Lovin' Torture Party

Repulsive & Repugnant?

Robot and Rand

37 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 10:58:41am

The plastic men. They bend and twist and flip back again.

38 God of Binders with Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:00:07am

OMFG, Robot & Rand are live on CNN now, and Rand is blabbering about exploding debt, expanding government, etc. The last time I checked, you voted for every single fucking bill that Bush 43 signed into law, you supported TARP, the auto-bailouts, etc., but now that a Republican is not in the White House, oh, the budget & debt are priorities. This is why I saw right through the Tea Party from day one. It's ideological and nothing more.

39 b_sharp  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:00:45am

re: #35 dragonfire1981

I think it's time for another of these...

Did you initialize the cron daemon to automate regular state changes?

40 Shiplord Kirel  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:02:10am

Doubling down on the crazy:

Five Republicans who were elected to the Tennessee legislature with tea party support in 2010 were dis-owned, systematically "targeted", and tossed out in the primaries. The reason was inadequate support for tea party positions.

Tea Party, NRA throw 5 RINOS out of Tennessee Legislature

On August 2nd, 5 GOP candidates seeking re-election to the Tennessee State legislature discovered just how dangerous it can be to disdain the wishes of those conservatives who helped put them in office.

In 2010, members of various Tea Party groups in Tennessee donated the necessary time and money to put Republicans in charge of both the legislature and the governor’s mansion for the first time in 150 years. But after 2 years, not one of the top 10, Tea Party priorities placed before the Republican–controlled legislature had been implemented. Those priorities were based upon “…re-asserting state sovereignty over unconstitutional Federal abuses,” writes Tea Party steering committee member Van Irion. Yet rather than assist the Tea Party groups which had both drafted legislation and lobbied members of both legislative houses, “…the Tennessee Republican Party treated the Tea Party with contempt.”

In 2012, Tea Party officials decided the only way to gain the respect and attention of Republican politicians was to “…PROVE to the [GOP] that the Tea Party had power at the ballot box.” And the best way to do that was to initiate a “RINO Hunt!”

Four term incumbent and Chairwoman of the Republican Caucus, Debbie Maggart was selected as the RINO upon whom the sights of these Tea Party hunters would be trained. A ranking member of GOP leadership, Maggart had a bunch of campaign cash to spend and enjoyed the endorsement of both the Party and its leaders.

BUT, she had also “actively fought” against the wishes of state Tea Partiers, incurring the wrath of voters and the National Rifle Association for her stance against NRA backed legislation.

41 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:02:53am

Dude's a hardcore religious extremist:

Less attention has been paid, though, to Ryan’s hard-right positions on social issues. Indeed, on abortion and women’s health care, there isn’t much daylight between Ryan and, say, Michele Bachmann. Any Republican vice-presidential candidate is going to be broadly anti-abortion, but Ryan goes much further. He believes ending a pregnancy should be illegal even when it results from rape or incest, or endangers a woman’s health. He was a cosponsor of the Sanctity of Human Life Act, a federal bill defining fertilized eggs as human beings, which, if passed, would criminalize some forms of birth control and in vitro fertilization. The National Right to Life Committee has scored his voting record 100 percent every year since he entered the House in 1999. “I’m as pro-life as a person gets,” he told The Weekly Standard’s John McCormack in 2010. “You’re not going to have a truce.”

42 erik_t  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:03:25am

re: #41 goddamnedfrank

Dude's a hardcore religious extremist:

But I thought the Freepers told me Ryan was a RINO, or something?

43 God of Binders with Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:03:42am

If the Tea Party were out surrounding the Washington Mall, organizing, waving placards, etc. when Bush was starting two ill-begotten wars, a Medicare drug program that costs well over $1.5T (remember, everything sold by politicians is always low-balled. When they say "$X," multiple by at least 1.5) that most seniors did not want, then I might give them a level of credit for sincerity and consistency.

44 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:07:25am

It puts the jelly on the skin or else it gets the wand again:

Donna Crane, policy director for NARAL Pro-Choice America, called the bill “terribly un-American.”

“In this country we don’t force people to undergo medical procedures just because a politician says to,” Crane said, adding that the bill is “one of just a number of terrible positions” on women’s rights issues.

Romney Saturday formally announced that he was tapping Ryan as his vice presidential running mate, a move that delighted conservative supporters of Ryan.
Ryan is one of more than 60 lawmakers who have signed on to the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act in the House.

45 Kragar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:07:55am
46 William Barnett-Lewis  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:15:24am

re: #45 Kragar

Image: demotivational-posters-republicans.jpg

Someone should print 10,000 of those and put them on every light post and building within walking distance of where they are holding the convention in Tampa. So that every delegate can see it every day... ;)

47 dragonath  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:15:54am

re: #40 Shiplord Kirel

One of those NRA guided pieces of legislation is the amazing "Safe Commute Act", which would allow people to carry guns in their cars, any gun, onto company owned property.

This is what the Chamber of Commerce gets for supporting these goons.

48 Kragar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:21:34am
49 dragonath  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:21:51am



The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has rated Tennessee the most business-friendly state in the nation, Ozier told the Senate Commerce Committee, but he warned the guns-in-parking-lots bill would hurt that image.


Belmont president Bob Fisher said, “In 12 years, I know of no shots ever fired on our campus, and I want to keep it that way. … I simply cannot logically connect how it could be any safer with untrained students or untrained employees having easy access to firearms on our private property.”

A companion bill, which purports to stamp out discrimination against gun owners, bars businesses from forcing workers to tell whether they own or use firearms. It also bans employers from basing hiring, firing or benefits on gun ownership or use, putting gun owners on the same level in state law as protected classes of people such as the disabled.


Majority Leader Gerald McCormick has proposed a compromise in which workers could bring firearms into store parking lots and other public lots but not fenced employee-only lots. It covers only workers with state-issued handgun carry permits.

But the NRA and Tennessee Firearms Association have denounced that bill and threatened political reprisals against moderate Republicans in the House, including McCormick, Speaker Beth Harwell and GOP Caucus chair Debra Maggart. The Firearms Association has branded them the “axis of evil” and claimed they are “dancing like puppets in the financial purse strings of Big Business.”

50 engineer cat  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:22:14am

we have got to counteract ayn ryan's lies about social security - its problems can be fixed by lifting the cap on contributions

they need to be asked why this solution is "unacceptable" but cutting benefits is "necessary"

facts here:



51 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:23:47am

Image: warning.jpg

The new Romney/Ryan logo. //

52 dragonfire1981  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:24:45am

re: #49 Fred Galt



A companion bill, which purports to stamp out discrimination against gun owners, bars businesses from forcing workers to tell whether they own or use firearms. It also bans employers from basing hiring, firing or benefits on gun ownership or use, putting gun owners on the same level in state law as protected classes of people such as the disabled.

Since this is Tennessee, such a bill would guarantee gun owners more legal rights than gays.

53 engineer cat  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:25:05am

re: #41 goddamnedfrank

Dude's a hardcore religious extremist:

ayn ryan is just primed to start making extremist statements that mitt will have to walk back

he's a tea party time bomb

54 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:25:21am
55 dragonath  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:27:25am

re: #51 PhillyPretzel

Image: warning.jpg

The new Romney/Ryan logo. //

56 engineer cat  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:28:55am

he needs to be heckled by crowds of angry grannies

57 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:30:06am

re: #56 engineer cat

Yes and add women with cast iron frying pans and PMS. (big evil grin)

58 jaunte  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:32:11am

According to this piece, Ryan is a politician who got elected, went off to Washington and worked for himself, on his own career, without managing to help the people who put him in office. A typical "I've got mine" Randian.

What Wisconsin Journalists Want You To Know About Paul Ryan

59 darthstar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:34:31am

They need one of those cameras like they use for the divers at the Olympics to follow Romney as he flips and twists from position to position.

60 Sheila Broflovski  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:37:04am

My son, the wingnut, called this morning and said "What do you think about this guy Ryan? He sounds like a total nazi! He's gonna make all the Jews vote for Obama!"

Yes, my WINGNUT son. He lives in Canada and enjoys their health care system, so that kind of mitigates the wingnuttery a bit, but if Ryan even freaks him out, that's scary.

UPDATE on my grandson, he is home from the hospital. They are still waiting on a diagnosis of what was wrong with him but the symptoms have diminished.

61 Varek Raith  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:38:14am

Mitt was in town yesterday.

62 Kragar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:40:20am

re: #61 Varek Raith

Mitt was in town yesterday.

“If you could say one word about Ryan, it is ‘leader,’

Not the word that springs to mind.

63 Mentis Fugit  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:42:49am

re: #47 Fred Galt

One of those NRA guided pieces of legislation is the amazing "Safe Commute Act", which would allow people to carry guns in their cars, any gun, onto company owned property.

This is what the Chamber of Commerce gets for supporting these goons.

"This is obviously some strange use of the word 'safe' that I wasn't previously aware of." -- Arthur Dent

64 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:43:25am

re: #62 Kragar

“If you could say one word about Ryan, it is ‘leader,’

Not the word that springs to mind.

Billy Donovan had the title of Eddie Munster for me forever, but Ryan has taken the title.

Billy Donovan

65 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:44:03am

Ooh, the wingnuts on Twitter really didn't like my last tweet. A nerve was hit.

66 CarleeCork  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:45:21am

re: #65 Charles Johnson

Ooh, the wingnuts on Twitter really didn't like my last tweet. A nerve was hit.

What was it? I don't tweet.

67 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:52:25am

re: #66 CarleeCork

See comment #54.

68 Shiplord Kirel  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:52:49am

re: #46 William Barnett-Lewis

Someone should print 10,000 of those and put them on every light post and building within walking distance of where they are holding the convention in Tampa. So that every delegate can see it every day... ;)

Throughout his second term Eisenhower had to contend with a constant barrage of allegations that he had allowed the US to fall behind the Soviet Union in military capability. These claims originated with the "military industrial complex" (as Eisenhower so memorably termed it later) and were eagerly promoted by its legislative lap-dogs. First there was the "bomber gap" of 1956, then the "missile gap" of 1960, with a variety of lesser gaps in the meantime.
In 1956, lurid media reports claimed "solid evidence" that the Soviets had built a fleet of "thousands" of intercontinental bombers. In fact, they had fewer than 100 such aircraft, while we had more than 2000.
In 1960 Senator Stuart Symington, who represented Missouri but was called "the senator from the Air Force," claimed the Russkies already had hundreds of operational ICBMs. In fact, they had about 10, of which only half could reasonably be expected to make it off their horribly exposed above-ground launch pads without blowing up. This is assuming they weren't caught and destroyed by American aircraft during the several hours it took to prep them for launch.
Eisenhower had the cold hard facts that would have crushed the critics, but he could not reveal his source publicly. That source was the secret U-2 flights that had been going on since 1956. They finally became public only when the Russians shot down a U-2 on May Day, 1960. For four years, Eisenhower was forced to endure what he knew were outrageous fabrications aimed purely at increasing the profitability of the big defense contractors.

69 Daniel Ballard  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:52:51am

re: #65 Charles Johnson

Ordinarily I'd object to using a mans religion against him. But Ryan deliberately brings his religious values to his policy. That makes it as legit as his voting record or finances to call out.

70 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 11:56:19am

re: #65 Charles Johnson

Ooh, the wingnuts on Twitter really didn't like my last tweet. A nerve was hit.

Still, an apt comparison.

Unilateral economic restraint in the name of fighting global warming has been a tough sell in our communities, where much of the state is buried under snow ...

Typical anti-science derp.

71 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:05:40pm

Romney Campaign Describes Thrill of Keeping VP Pick Secret, Even Though They Failed

Everything went according to plan, except when it didn't.

The key piece of information missing from Businessweek's article on how the Romney campaign kept the Paul Ryan VP pick a secret is that they didn't. "It was a scene more fitting for a whodunit mystery than a vice-presidential rollout," the piece begins. Sure, but the killer's name started trending on Twitter hours before Poirot fingered his suspect.

...But when Romney aide Beth Myers describes the "cloak-and-dagger tactics they used to pull it off," she neglects to mention that Paul Ryan was identified by Twitter hours before the official announcement. Perhaps more importantly, NBC got the scoop.

...And yes, in the longrun, it doesn't really matter that Romney's nightmarish VP pick was discovered a little before he was supposed to be announced. What the story underlines, however, is the repeated hubris with which the Romney campaign has dealt with the media — in this case, trying to deliberately fool them, failing, and then saying, "Haha, gotcha!" anyway.

Romney's campaign is the most aggressively postmodern yet: you keep presenting the narrative and ignore any interfering details.

72 Kragar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:08:32pm

re: #71 The Ghost of a Flea

Romney Campaign Describes Thrill of Keeping VP Pick Secret, Even Though They Failed

Romney's campaign is the most aggressively postmodern yet: you keep presenting the narrative and ignore any interfering details.

#Fail: Media — Not App — Breaks Mitt’s VP News

Thousands of eager Mitt Romney supporters downloaded the campaign’s highly touted phone app, which promised to break the news of his VP pick. “There’s no telling when Mitt will choose his VP,” the campaign’s website said. “But when he does, be the first to find out with Mitt’s VP app.”

But in the end, the media got there first — and app subscribers felt gipped.

The idea that the announcement would come as a surprise didn’t pan out. The Romney campaign announced late Friday night that he would announce his selectionat 9 a.m. the following morning in Norfolk, Va., giving reporters hours to find out who the VP pick was before the app made it official. And before midnight, multiple outlets, including the Associated Press, had correctly reported that Romney would be unveiling Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan.

The app didn’t break the news — it merely confirmed it.

73 JamesWI  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:09:50pm

re: #71 The Ghost of a Flea

Romney Campaign Describes Thrill of Keeping VP Pick Secret, Even Though They Failed

Romney's campaign is the most aggressively postmodern yet: you keep presenting the narrative and ignore any interfering details.

....Shaking my head..... That article is even being generous in describing how long they kept it a secret. I think that "secret" lasted about half an hour after they announced that Romney would announce the pick. It was about 15 minutes before everyone saw that it was on the USS Wisconsin and assumed it was Ryan, then another 15 minutes before it was confirmed.

74 engineer cat  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:11:12pm

I bet that people will be impressed with his honest presentation of the fiscal cliff we're heading off and how Medicare expenses fit into that picture. They will appreciate his sincerity and general niceness. They will understand that his plan doesn't threaten their retirement but works to help their children and grandchildren face a more secure future. And he will win them over.

excuse me for laughing so hard

only 24 hrs later, and the dittoheads are already nervous and defensive

76 JamesWI  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:14:30pm

re: #74 engineer cat

I bet that people will be impressed with his honest presentation of the fiscal cliff we're heading off and how Medicare expenses fit into that picture. They will appreciate his sincerity and general niceness. They will understand that his plan doesn't threaten their retirement but works to help their children and grandchildren face a more secure future. And he will win them over.

excuse me for laughing so hard

only 24 hrs later, and the dittoheads are already nervous and defensive

I just love the logic that it gives "their children and grandchildren a more secure future."

"If we do nothing, Medicare and SS might face funding problems. So, we're basically just going to completely gut Medicare and SS. Problem solved! Secure future!"

77 engineer cat  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:15:37pm

re: #23 dragonfire1981

I disagree I think the very qualities that made Romney a successful CEO.

i don't think mitt is sociopathic enough to be a really top ceo

78 Big Joe  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:16:34pm

re: #76 JamesWI

…I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

79 darthstar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:20:20pm

re: #72 Kragar

The app didn’t break the news — it merely confirmed it.

The app also got all of their personal information and cell phone numbers, so now they'll be getting robo-called and texted for donations. That's going to make them very happy.

80 engineer cat  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:28:15pm

and when ryan goes out there with his pious bullshit about how he is really "saving" medicare, he's gonna run right into the part of the wingnut base that says "save medicare? we're trying to get rid of medicare!"

81 abolitionist  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:29:19pm

If you have a problem with any of Romney's politics, you can simply wait a while.

82 Kragar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:37:19pm

Republicans Defend Paul Ryan: Obama Cut Medicare Too!

On the Sunday talk shows, Republicans continued to deflect criticism of Mitt Romney vice presidential pick Rep. Paul Ryan’s controversial Medicare plan by pointing out that ‘Obamacare’ cuts the program by $700 billion. But the same cuts are in Ryan’s budget.

“This president stole — he didn’t cut Medicare — he stole $700 billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare,” said Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, on NBC’s “Meet The Press.” “If any person in this entire debate has blood on their hands in regard to Medicare, it’s Barack Obama. He’s the one that’s destroying Medicare.”

The remarks oversimplify reality. The Affordable Care Act included $700 billion in reimbursement reductions under Medicare to hospitals, drug companies and supplemental private insurance plans, in an effort to slow the cost growth of the program. Benefits remain untouched; the cuts only target providers.

83 darthstar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:37:34pm

If you haven't seen Sarah Palin's post on Romney/Ryan, it's worth a chuckle...she spends five paragraphs railing on Obama and forgets to say anything positive about Paul Ryan. Linked on her twitter.

84 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:40:29pm

re: #54 Charles Johnson

re: #65 Charles Johnson

Ooh, the wingnuts on Twitter really didn't like my last tweet. A nerve was hit.

Stay on target!

/just like bullseye-ing wamp rats in your T-16 back home...

85 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:41:51pm

re: #62 Kragar

“If you could say one word about Ryan, it is ‘leader,’

Not the word that springs to mind.

I was thinking "shithead" myself...

86 God of Binders with Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:42:21pm

re: #83 darthstar

87 SpaceJesus  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:44:20pm

bristol is a knob and needs to gtfo

88 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:45:04pm

Paul Ryan speaks to NRO about Foreign Policy in 2009

His [Ryan's] foreign-policy concerns are numerous. “The president is separating the interests of our country from human rights,” says Ryan. “He believes in diplomacy at all costs, and his decisions have smacked of moral relativism. In contrast, I believe that our country’s strategy should be grounded in what I call ‘first principles’ — the core natural rights and classical principles that have guided out country for centuries. These principles need to be reapplied.”


Obama doesn’t think America is an exceptional nation, says Ryan. “It’s a shame that he doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism,” he says. Echoing a famous quote from Pres. George H.W. Bush, Ryan says Obama sees America as “just another country on the U.N. roll call somewhere between Albania and Zimbabwe.”

Read the whole thing. If nothing else, his positions (trite as they are) fit with Romney's in terms of being mindlessly hawkish and disdainful of diplomacy.

89 engineer cat  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:45:30pm

re: #82 Kragar

Republicans Defend Paul Ryan: Obama Cut Medicare Too!

mostly, it ended the expensive and wasteful republican addition - widely considered a failed privatization experiment - that basically resembled a small scale version of the ayn rand ryan plan

90 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:47:19pm

re: #73 JamesWI

....Shaking my head..... That article is even being generous in describing how long they kept it a secret. I think that "secret" lasted about half an hour after they announced that Romney would announce the pick. It was about 15 minutes before everyone saw that it was on the USS Wisconsin and assumed it was Ryan, then another 15 minutes before it was confirmed.

They thought they were being slick, but when they said it'd be on the USS Wisconsin, a moron could have figured out that it'd be Ryan and in short order.

Nothing like telegraphing your punches...

91 Kragar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:47:44pm

re: #86 Summer Lovin' Torture Party

[Embedded content]

"I don't hate gays, I just think they shouldn't be allowed to have the same rights as other Americans and I teach my kid to use homosexual slurs."

92 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:50:17pm

re: #86 Summer Lovin' Torture Party

Traditional marriage is where you get a reality show rather than a job, then party with your boyfriend while delegating the child-rearing to your younger sister, right?

93 dragonath  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:50:35pm

re: #82 Kragar

Republicans Defend Paul Ryan: Obama Cut Medicare Too!

If they're this muddled, Obama has them where he wants them.

94 AK-47%  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:50:44pm

I believe in the traditional definition of marriage as a union between one slut and one redneck...


95 Kragar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:53:24pm

I love that the same people who argue the government can't force a citizen to serve a customer who violates their religious beliefs because of property rights turn around and say a citizen can't exercise his property rights and share his assets through marriage because it violates their religious beliefs.

96 funky chicken  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:53:29pm

re: #77 engineer cat

i don't think mitt is sociopathic enough to be a really top ceo

I think he is.

97 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:53:58pm

re: #94 Expand Your Ground

I believe in the traditional definition of marriage as a union between one slut and one redneck...


Eh...Bristol isn't a slut. She's more of the "do as I say, not as I do" sexual hypocrite.

Sluts...if they're mentally healthy, sexual confident people...can be great people and great fun.

Sexual hypocrites are never fun.

98 JamesWI  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:54:07pm

re: #86 Summer Lovin' Torture Party

[Embedded content]

So, when her adult (I'm using that term strictly in the legal sense, not referring to her maturity or intelligence) daughter tries to make political arguments, and Sarah pimps those arguments out to her followers, is the media allowed to tear into her? Or would that make them "LAAAAAME-STREAM!!!!!"

99 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:54:27pm

re: #83 darthstar

If you haven't seen Sarah Palin's post on Romney/Ryan, it's worth a chuckle...she spends five paragraphs railing on Obama and forgets to say anything positive about Paul Ryan. Linked on her twitter.

[Embedded content]

She is so bitter, after all these years and all the money she made. What a nasty person. But we all know this.

She's still not invited to the convention right?

100 AK-47%  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:54:55pm

re: #95 Kragar

I love that the same people who argue the government can't force a citizen to serve a customer who violates their religious beliefs because of property rights turn around and say a citizen can't exercise his property rights and share his assets through marriage because it violates their religious beliefs.

These arguments are all academic, (and we know about academia). It just says so in the Bible and our loaw must reflect (their bigoted, boneheaded interpretation of) the Bible or else the whole nation is DOOMED.

101 AK-47%  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:56:10pm

re: #97 The Ghost of a Flea

Eh...Bristol isn't a slut. She's more of the "do as I say, not as I do" sexual hypocrite.

Sluts...if they're mentally healthy, sexual confident people...can be great people and great fun.

Sexual hypocrites are never fun.

I guess you are right, by the Rush definition, only women who use contraceptives are sluts, not the ones who get pregnant out of wedlock...

102 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:57:34pm

re: #101 Expand Your Ground

I guess you are right, by the Rush definition, only women who use contraceptives are sluts, not the ones who get pregnant out of wedlock...


103 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 12:58:30pm

re: #101 Expand Your Ground

I guess you are right, by the Rush definition, only women who use contraceptives are sluts, not the ones who get pregnant out of wedlock...

Nah Fluke is a slut because she supports Obama

104 Big Joe  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:01:05pm
105 JamesWI  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:02:51pm

re: #104 Big Joe

He's been in Congress for nearly 13 years, but Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has only seen two of his bills pass into law during that time.

One was to name a Post Office and the other was a tax increase.

Raising taxes and wasting time and money on naming post offices.....I'm pretty sure Republicans were complaining about those things just the other day.....

106 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:04:27pm

re: #104 Big Joe

He's been in Congress for nearly 13 years, but Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has only seen two of his bills pass into law during that time.

One was to name a Post Office and the other was a tax increase.

Two bills?!?! What afraud.

107 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:05:51pm

re: #98 JamesWI

So, when her adult (I'm using that term strictly in the legal sense, not referring to her maturity or intelligence) daughter tries to make political arguments, and Sarah pimps those arguments out to her followers, is the media allowed to tear into her? Or would that make them "LAAAAAME-STREAM!!!!!"

You see, the simple fact that you're asking about the possibility of questioning the Palins shows that you're lamestream.

If you were righteous, you'd be alternately lining up for another helping of Palin dropping or viciously attacking anyone that questioned the Palins.

/? I wish this statement was satire, not reality, but it's closer to reality than satire

108 darthstar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:06:00pm

re: #99 Stanley Sea

She is so bitter, after all these years and all the money she made. What a nasty person. But we all know this.

She's still not invited to the convention right?

This. Obviously, money isn't all she cares about. She loves attention. And nobody in their right mind wants to have anything to do with her (give the GOP credit where credit is due). So yeah, she's bitter. Fuck her.

109 JamesWI  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:07:00pm

re: #106 HappyWarrior

Two bills?!?! What afraud.

And I believe nine of those years were with Republicans in control of the House, and several years with the House, Senate, and Presidency.

So, even Republicans weren't buying into his bills.

110 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:07:24pm

re: #108 darthstar

This. Obviously, money isn't all she cares about. She loves attention. And nobody in their right mind wants to have anything to do with her (give the GOP credit where credit is due). So yeah, she's bitter. Fuck her.

I'm not sure it won't turn out that she's a "surprise" guest or something. The degree of shoddy showmanship this election cycle seems to make this concept a possibility.

111 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:09:02pm

I think she likes the attention more than money. Havibg the talking heads on Fox tell her she'd be a good leader, etc

112 erik_t  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:10:08pm

re: #104 Big Joe

He's been in Congress for nearly 13 years, but Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has only seen two of his bills pass into law during that time.

One was to name a Post Office and the other was a tax increase.

Oh, hey, that arrow shaft tax. The one that fucked up children's archery.

The tax became a problem for Rose City and a handful of other companies in 2004, when lawmakers, while trying to correct another problem with the arrow tax, changed a 12 percent tax on all arrows to a flat 43-cent tax on arrow shafts. The tax, which got tacked on to every arrow shaft, goes to fund educational programs put on by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The change hit the youth archery market particularly hard, doubling the cost of arrows used by kids. That's the lowest-cost segment of the archery market and just a small part of the nation's $500 million archery industry.
Rose City Archery's wooden arrow shafts sell for 30 cents. The 43-cent tax took a huge toll on its youth archery business, Dishion said. The company also manufactures adult hunting arrows that retail for about $12.

113 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:11:23pm

re: #109 JamesWI

And I believe nine of those years were with Republicans in control of the House, and several years with the House, Senate, and Presidency.

So, even Republicans weren't buying into his bills.

Yep, this is a good question to ask both hi or Mitt.

114 Sheila Broflovski  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:11:27pm

re: #112 erik_t

Oh, hey, that arrow shaft tax. The one that fucked up children's archery.

There's a Robin Hood joke in there somewhere.

115 darthstar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:11:43pm

re: #110 The Ghost of a Flea

I'm not sure it won't turn out that she's a "surprise" guest or something. The degree of shoddy showmanship this election cycle seems to make this concept a possibility.

It would be fun to hire some thuggy looking dudes, put them in suits with dark glasses, and have them stand out in front of the convention Tampa with Sarah Palin's picture watching people go in, as if they were there to keep her out.

116 JamesWI  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:13:32pm

re: #113 HappyWarrior

Yep, this is a good question to ask both hi or Mitt.

Oh, I'm sure they'd just blame Bush and the "establishment Republicans," and ignore the fact that Ryan voted with Bush about 96% of the time, and that both are about as "establishment" as they come.

117 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:13:35pm

re: #105 JamesWI

Raising taxes and wasting time and money on naming post offices.....I'm pretty sure Republicans were complaining about those things just the other day.....

Well, it made me look up who the post office was named after (very important)

Leslie "Les" Aspin, Jr. was a United States Representative from 1971 to 1993, and the United States Secretary of Defense under President Bill Clinton from January 21, 1993 to February 3, 1994.

An honor to the good times I guess.

118 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:16:11pm

re: #116 JamesWI

Oh, I'm sure they'd just blame Bush and the "establishment Republicans," and ignore the fact that Ryan voted with Bush about 96% of the time, and that both are about as "establishment" as they come.

I don't know if they'd do that but they would make an excuse no doubt

119 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:16:16pm

re: #115 darthstar

It would be fun to hire some thuggy looking dudes, put them in suits with dark glasses, and have them stand out in front of the convention Tampa with Sarah Palin's picture watching people go in, as if they were there to keep her out.


120 Varek Raith  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:16:50pm

I'd much rather have a DMV office named after me.

121 dragonath  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:24:10pm

re: #114 Learned Mother of Zion

Gotta fund all those Patriot Arrows.

122 Kragar  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:25:16pm

Republicans Who Criticized Obama As Foreign Policy Novice, Say Romney’s Missing Experience Is A Plus

Former House Speaker New Gingrich (R) and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) on Sunday argued that Romney and Ryan are actually better equipped to lead on international relations than Obama and Biden:

GINGRICH: I think it’s an advantage that they’re not part of the current mess….Mitt Romney has the same amount of foreign policy experience as Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan defeated the Soviet empire decisively in 8 years. I would rather have Romney and Ryan rethinking everything than have the current team continue.

PAWLENTY: Romney and Ryan have a terrific national security policy team around them…Governor Romney spent his entire career in global business arrangements, transactions and traveling and understanding different countries, cultures and geography.

123 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:25:34pm

re: #114 Learned Mother of Zion

There's a Robin Hood joke in there somewhere.

re: #121 Fred Galt

Gotta fund all those Patriot Arrows.

A Mel Brooks reference is always in good taste.

/it's good to be the king!

124 jaunte  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:26:17pm

re: #122 Kragar

Romney can see Russia from his offshore accounts.

125 Varek Raith  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:26:42pm
126 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:29:02pm

re: #122 Kragar

Republicans Who Criticized Obama As Foreign Policy Novice, Say Romney’s Missing Experience Is A Plus

Frakking hypocrites...there's nothing like covering for glaring inadequacies when it's Your Team on the defensive.

/rah rah rah

127 engineer cat  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:29:31pm

we will have an excellent reading on mitt and ayn's chances rill soon: if they ain't a-leadin' in the polls in the days after mitt's convention speech, it's all over

128 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:30:03pm

re: #125 Varek Raith

Thanks. I needed a good laugh. ::: thumbs up :::

129 steve_davis  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 1:53:05pm

re: #1 erik_t

With each passing screwup, I'm getting more and more excited for the debates. The possibility of a truly magnificent unscripted moment grows by the day.

I'm hoping for something along the lines of, "Of course we Mormons are Christians....we believe, just as other Christians do, in a Father, Son, and....oops!" Too much to hope for?

130 SpaceJesus  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 2:14:31pm

The U.S. now has its first openly gay Army General


131 Lidane  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 2:40:48pm

re: #1 erik_t

With each passing screwup, I'm getting more and more excited for the debates. The possibility of a truly magnificent unscripted moment grows by the day.

I'm waiting for Mitt Romney to bet President Obama money on stage during a debate. That will be epic and hilarious.

132 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Aug 12, 2012 4:19:04pm

re: #124 jaunte

Romney can see Russia from his offshore accounts.

I would bet the Alps.

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