Keith Jarrett: The Köln Concert (Full Album)

Simply one of the greatest solo piano recordings in the history of music
Music • Views: 37,686

I’ll never forget the first time I heard Keith Jarrett, in Japan. In 1973. In a tiny, smoky, crowded sushi bar/jazz club in Tokyo’s Shinjuku district, drinking hot sake, transported to a new understanding of music. The realization that a human being could improvise such transcendent music was a huge inspiration, a door opening to a new universe of possibilities. That night we listened to the entire vinyl recording of Facing You and it changed my life.

The Köln Concert was released two years later in 1975, and it remains one of the pinnacles of Jarrett’s live improvised work, with moments so beautiful they’re not of this earth. This YouTube recording is the full album, in high resolution.

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1 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:21:49pm

OT, but I loved the Christmas Special Episode of Doctor Who.

I would love to know what the deal is with Clara Oswin Oswald is though.

2 austin_blue  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:26:38pm

"Lalene" on Facing You is one of the best tunes evah! That't what got me hooked. The last section of the The Koln Concert is unbelievable.

3 freetoken  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:26:40pm

Jarrett stands out against the sea of pop music, as an innovator and not just a copier. A creative type, not a marketing tool.

4 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:28:47pm

re: #1 ProMayaLiberal

I have no clue in hell how she will end up as a Companion in the traditional manner. I mean we have already seen her die twice. The best I can come up with is that the key she was given to the Tardis has done something.

Or maybe she is a child of Jack Harkness? I got nothing.

Also, some thinkiing about the last episode has made me despise River Song.

Hopefully she is sent off to the Library soon.

5 bratwurst  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:34:12pm

Although I've been a music freak for most of my life, I have to thank Charles for turning me onto Jarrett...never really gave him a serious listen until I ran into so many clips right here over the past several years. I was predisposed to like this particular album having lived a significant % of my life within about an hour of Köln! I am presently counting the days until I make my annual visit early in 2013.

By way of thanks to Charles (and a treat for any other fans out there), here is a complete performance Todd Rundgren gave in Amsterdam with the Metropole Orchestra last month. This one is quite unique for a number of reasons. First of all, the video is "crowd sourced"...but the audio was brilliantly recorded for a radio broadcast. Second, the set list is an unusual balance of hits and more obscure material (including a world premiere and a favorite album track that had never been played before this night). Finally, Todd seems to have rehearsed for this performance...something one can not, unfortunately, take for granted these days. Please enjoy!


6 freetoken  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:35:17pm

re: #1 ProMayaLiberal

I would love to know what the deal is with Clara Oswin Oswald is though.

Well, it's an anagram for "A Sardonic Swallow", if that helps.

As well as "Casino Lord Saw Law", but that probably helps even less, though "Sonic Lord Saw A Law" might be better.

8 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:37:13pm

His version of "My Back Pages" got me. I soon found a copy of The Köln Concert at a used record store and that was it. I've been gathering his materials ever since.

Though it's probably naughty of me to say, I find as I get older, I love the Standards Trio the most.

9 A Man for all Seasons  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:37:29pm

Wow! I think the craziest RW pundit I have every heard. He made Glenn Beck look like he made it past 7th grade.. I mean It caught my attention from the other room.. He was screaming like a mad man. And I guess he is a 'star' of the GOP on the radio like Rush. I had never heard of him before.
His name is Bill Cunningham...This is why we can never have a nice Grand Old Party..

10 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:38:40pm

re: #6 freetoken

I like this new companion.

From the Christmas special she is seems to be aggressive, a companion will to drag the doctor along, and more flirty than Amy Pond.

Maybe, she can replace River Song.

11 Gus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:39:11pm

Early years

Jarrett grew up in suburban Allentown, Pennsylvania, with significant early exposure to music.[2] He possessed absolute pitch, and he displayed prodigious musical talents as a young child. He began piano lessons just before his third birthday, and at age five he appeared on a TV talent program hosted by the swing bandleader Paul Whiteman.[3] The young Jarrett gave his first formal piano recital at the age of seven, playing works by composers including Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, and Saint-Saëns, and ending with two of his own compositions.[4] Encouraged especially by his mother, Jarrett took intensive classical piano lessons with a series of teachers, including Eleanor Sokoloff of the Curtis Institute.

12 freetoken  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:41:24pm

Fearful of ban, frenzied buyers swarm gun stores

The phones at Red's Trading Post wouldn't stop ringing. Would-be customers from as far away as New York wanted to know if the Twin Falls, Idaho gun shop had firearms in stock. Others clamored to find out if their orders had been shipped.

Overwhelmed, gun store manager Ryan Horsley had to do what no employee would ever think of doing just days before Christmas: He disconnected the phone lines for three whole days.

"We had to shut everything off," says Horsley, whose family has owned Red's Trading Post, the state's oldest gun shop, since 1936. "We were swamped in the store and online."


When asked how much sales have increased in the past few weeks, Horsley just laughed.

"We haven't even had a chance to look at it," he says. Horsley spends his days calling manufacturers around the country trying to buy more items for the store. Mainly, they tell him he has to wait.

Franklin Armory, a firearm maker in Morgan Hill, Calif., is telling dealers that it will take six months to fulfill their orders. The company plans to hire more workers and buy more machines to catch up, says Franklin Armory's President Jay Jacobson.

The shortage is leaving many would-be gun owners empty handed.


Luke Orlando's parents were able to get him the 12-gauge shotgun he wanted for Christmas to bird hunt, but his uncle wasn't as lucky.

"At Christmas dinner, my uncle expressed outrage that after waiting six months to use his Christmas bonus to purchase an AR-15, they are sold out and back ordered over a year," says Orlando, 18, a student at the University of Texas.


Bullet Blocker, which makes bulletproof vests, briefcases and insert panels, saw sales of its children's backpacks suddenly jump.

"That's how I found out about the tragedy. I saw the sales rise and then turned on CNN," says Elmar Uy, vice president of business operations at the Billerica, Mass., company.

Bullet Blocker has sold about 50 to 100 bulletproof backpacks a day since the shooting, up from about 10 to 15 in a regular week. The children's backpacks, which are designed to be used as shields, cost over $200 each.

"I've never seen numbers like this before," says Uy.

Stimulate the economy - buy MOAR GUNZ!!

13 freetoken  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:42:00pm

A nation gone mad.

14 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:42:00pm

re: #10 ProMayaLiberal

The weird part is, each time Clara has died, she has said the same thing:

Run, you clever boy. And remember.


15 Shiplord Kirel  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:44:11pm

Freeper Madness update:

Newsflash! Obama has no plans to leave office!

Everyone keeps saying.. oh Obama won't go over the fiscal cliff because he'll be too worried about his legacy.
"People will attach bad economic times to his legacy"
Obama has already stole 1.. maybe 2 elections. He has successfully stolen the vote.
He has NO plans on leaving office. There will be a "crisis" .. either economically.. or otherwise.. which he will use to stay in power.
Obama will simply sign an executive order. Do you really think Congress would stop him? By this point he'll have picked 2 more judges.
The Courts won't stop him either.

Some aren't buying it:

Step away from the crack pipe. One thing Americans hold dear is orderly transition from their bastards to our bastards or vice-versa.

You think Hillary will let him stay if she thinks she has a chance to get elected. There is a long of other democrats that also would drop support of Obama to get there own share of power. And if this could happen Clinton would still be in office.

There’s no conceivable crisis that can keep America from showing “professor” Obama the door in 2016.... If not sooner.

Others, though, are swallowing it whole and adding their own scarifying elaborations:

Obama will make sure Clinton will be so damaged by Benghazi and other State Department failings that she can’t run.
He’ll do exactly what he’s done in every other race. Simply destroy the opponent.
There’s a reason he hasn’t lost a political race.

Think of a scenario where a nuclear device goes off in a major metropolis (sic) area but, far enough away where those in DC are not immediately harmed.And maybe a month or so before Election Day.
Think then of a President who suspends elections, institutes Marshall (sic) Law and suspends The Constitution in order to effectively track down those responsible and hold them to account.
Think then of a Supreme Court that allows this to happen because Congress is now (temporarily) stripped of it's Constitutional powers.
Think then of a President who would then ignore any subsequent rulings from The Supreme Court because there is now nobody standing in the Presidents way to do as he pleases.
Think about it.

16 jaunte  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:47:12pm

re: #15 Shiplord Kirel

Marshall Law...

Think about it!!!!

17 Shiplord Kirel  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:49:02pm

re: #16 jaunte

Marshall Law...

Think about it!!!!

Perhaps related to Jude Law.

18 Gus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:50:07pm

re: #16 jaunte

Marshall Law...

Think about it!!!!

I love the Martial Tucker band.


19 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:50:07pm

re: #15 Shiplord Kirel

Freeper Madness update:

Newsflash! Obama has no plans to leave office!

Some aren't buying it:

Others, though, are swallowing it whole and adding their own scarifying elaborations:

"hink of a scenario where a nuclear device goes off in a major metropolis (sic) area but, far enough away where those in DC are not immediately harmed.And maybe a month or so before Election Day.
Think then of a President who suspends elections, institutes Marshall (sic) Law and suspends The Constitution in order to effectively track down those responsible and hold them to account.
Think then of a Supreme Court that allows this to happen because Congress is now (temporarily) stripped of it's Constitutional powers.
Think then of a President who would then ignore any subsequent rulings from The Supreme Court because there is now nobody standing in the Presidents way to do as he pleases.
Think about it."

I'm thinking about it and I think its bullshit.

20 Charles Johnson  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:50:56pm

re: #5 bratwurst

Wow, this concert is exceptional! Thanks.

21 jaunte  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:51:08pm

Freepers writing their own "24" fanfiction.

22 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:51:50pm

re: #15 Shiplord Kirel

-facepalm- Stupid freeper, thinking is for sane people.

23 Iwouldprefernotto  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:53:20pm

re: #21 jaunte

Freepers writing their own "24" fanfiction.

Unfortunately they will use these sick fantasies to justify their stand against any type of gun control.

24 Shiplord Kirel  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:53:56pm

Freeper RIghtwardHO chimes in with the most reasonable statement seen at Freeperland in many a blue moon:

This is absurd. No wonder no one takes us seriously.

25 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:54:35pm

re: #21 jaunte

Freepers writing their own "24" fanfiction.

It's not true to the series, though: Jack Bauer wasn't a racist nor a sexist.

26 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:56:10pm

re: #14 ProMayaLiberal

It's really too bad that the new episodes don't start again until April.

That is entirely too long to wait.

27 b_sharp  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:56:29pm

re: #16 jaunte

Marshall Law...

Think about it!!!!

The hanging sheriff.

28 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:56:38pm

re: #24 Shiplord Kirel

Freeper RIghtwardHO chimes in with the most reasonable statement seen at Freeperland in many a blue moon:

The Most Reasonable Man in Freeperland:

"I don't always panic, but when I do I still make sure not to drink the Racist Kool-Aid. Stay decent, my friends."

29 Gus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:57:35pm
30 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 6:59:40pm

re: #26 ProMayaLiberal

You don't leave us with a massive, huge plot question, then go on break for 4 f***ing months.

Bad BBC! No Biscuit!

31 lawhawk  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:00:23pm

re: #4 ProMayaLiberal

Awww... how can you hate River Song? She's one of the few people who can actually surprise the Doctor in every conceivable manner. Which, you have to admit is pretty hard to do. Amy did it through her strength of personality and character, and some of that rubbed off on River.

As to Clara/Oswin, I think Steve Moffat's got something up his sleeve and that we're quite possibly seeing the Teselecta at work, or some new being/creature pushing the strings.

It's the mystery that will drive the Doctor in to a new and different direction - where the focus is on what the meaning of Clara is, and how that affects the timeline.

32 Interesting Times  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:04:04pm

re: #24 Shiplord Kirel

Have a Texas geography question for you, if you'd be so obliged :) If I want to create a fictional small town (say, between 10-15k people), where would be a good place to situate it if I want it somewhere in the Northwest? I thought of between Midland and Lubbock, which, as per Google Maps, looks pretty empty...but then again, is that emptiness for a reason, i.e. not enough water to support another town that size?

33 allegro  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:06:25pm

re: #32 Interesting Times

Have a Texas geography question for you, if you'd be so obliged :) If I want to create a fictional small town (say, between 10-15k people), where would be a good place to situate it if I want it somewhere in the Northwest? I thought of between Midland and Lubbock, which, as per Google Maps, looks pretty empty...but then again, is that emptiness for a reason, i.e. not enough water to support another town that size?

Shiplord Kirel lives in Lubbock, I believe. He could be a good resource to answer that question.

34 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:07:24pm

re: #32 Interesting Times

Have a Texas geography question for you, if you'd be so obliged :) If I want to create a fictional small town (say, between 10-15k people), where would be a good place to situate it if I want it somewhere in the Northwest? I thought of between Midland and Lubbock, which, as per Google Maps, looks pretty empty...but then again, is that emptiness for a reason, i.e. not enough water to support another town that size?

Question; How could you capture the insanity of that part of Texas without being driven insane, or at least being driven to drink?


36 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:12:33pm

re: #31 lawhawk

It's an implication thing that I recently got struck with.

Before the Christmas Special, we saw Amy and Rory get killed, more or less. Separated from the Doctor forever. And what does River do? Stays for a little while, and then leaves again.

At the beginning of the Special, he has completely fried, it seems. The usual helper attitude gone, replaced with antipathy and resentment to everything. In fact, the Doctor was quite mean for the first 20-40 minutes.

In short, Doctor needed support, and River Song was off NOT supporting the Husband. And she says she loves him?

In fact, I hope she has already been sent to the Library. I can see why so many disliked River Song.

37 lawhawk  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:14:27pm

re: #36 ProMayaLiberal

Yeah, there's a dichotomy there - on the one hand she says (as did Amy) that the Doctor should never travel alone, but then she goes and disappears for significant periods of time. It's entirely possible that her absence and Oswin/Clara are related.

38 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:16:00pm

re: #37 lawhawk

I have a big thing on loyalty. Not to mention, that, after seeing so many "friends" of mine abandon me in the past year, River hit a raw nerve the size of Alaska.

39 Gus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:16:03pm
40 Shiplord Kirel  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:24:59pm

re: #32 Interesting Times

Have a Texas geography question for you, if you'd be so obliged :) If I want to create a fictional small town (say, between 10-15k people), where would be a good place to situate it if I want it somewhere in the Northwest? I thought of between Midland and Lubbock, which, as per Google Maps, looks pretty empty...but then again, is that emptiness for a reason, i.e. not enough water to support another town that size?

Water is a big issue once you get south of Lamesa, roughly halfway between Lubbock and Midland. A little farther east might be good. The whole zone east of Lubbock and north of Abilene is almost devoid of good size towns until you get to Wichita Falls. That might be a good area.

Light green area on map

41 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:25:26pm

re: #38 ProMayaLiberal

I have a big thing on loyalty. Not to mention, that, after seeing so many "friends" of mine abandon me in the past year, River hit a raw nerve the size of Alaska.

You and me both, brother. Disloyal characters are impossible for me to root for, since they are almost always slime in my eyes. We're both honest and loyal men, so its not a surprise we take betrayal badly.

43 DobermanBoston  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:37:14pm

re: #3 freetoken

Jarrett stands out against the sea of pop music, as an innovator and not just a copier. A creative type, not a marketing tool.

Hear, hear!

He stands out against a sea of lousy contemporary "jazz", too.

44 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:37:38pm

re: #36 ProMayaLiberal

In short, Doctor needed support, and River Song was off NOT supporting the Husband. And she says she loves him?

In fact, I hope she has already been sent to the Library. I can see why so many disliked River Song.

River's future is the Doctor's past. She can't just stick around and spend time with him without jeopardizing established events in his timeline.

45 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:40:40pm

Watching the WTFIWWY Episode from 2 weeks ago.

The highlight story? Someone gunned down a toilet.

Also, the host is such frequent customer of Excedrin at Wal-Mart, he got that as a Christmas gift from them.

46 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:44:48pm

re: #45 ProMayaLiberal

The Toilet Shooting occurred in Madison, WI, by the way.

47 freetoken  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:47:10pm

re: #36 ProMayaLiberal

ahem... SPOILERS!!

Other than that, I agree with you about the irritating River Song.

48 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:53:59pm

re: #45 ProMayaLiberal

I've never seen an episode of NCIS broach the topic of a murdered Toilet.

Or CSI for that matter.

49 austin_blue  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:55:19pm

re: #42 Gus

A Volvo 142 supercharged v8, Volvo 242 v8 and a Volvo 242 with a lot of boost havin...

[Embedded content]

This is not my wife's Volvo...

50 Interesting Times  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 7:58:37pm

According to the #DelhiGangRape hashtag, the capital is pretty much under lockdown right now (Metro stations closed, police out in full force, etc). Stupid, corrupt, worthless Indian gov't more concerned about protecting their own hides than women, of course. That's one miserable excuse of a "democracy" you got there, where half your citizens have to live in terror. Scum.

51 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:05:28pm

re: #50 Interesting Times

At least they're not Pakistan. And the Hindutva follows are even worse.

52 freetoken  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:07:43pm

Me being a curmudgeon here... but even though the BBC is well noted for its high production value documentaries no program can escape the biases of its producers/writers.

Case in point: the recent BBC series The Dark Ages: An Age of Light, hosted by the amiable Waldemar Januszczak, who often takes an artistic look at history, or maybe that should be a look at art history, which just finished its run.

In the first episode Waldemar starts out with the end of the Roman empire, and as you can see from the snap shot on the BBC page he is holding up a Sator Square. Waldemar is in Pompeii holding up that square, and asserts the square is evidence that Christianity was already in Pompeii before 79AD.

Now, that claim may be true, but the square itself doesn't prove it. For while later Christians incorporated the square into medieval religious buildings, it is unclear if some primal Christianity created the square or, as I think more likely, the square represents a Roman cult practice that later became incorporated into the later syncretic "Christianity".

The proof offered by Waldemar is the same one you can read at the Wiki page, wherein one can rearrange the letters on the square to read two copies of "PATERNOSTER" with an "A" and "O" left over (implying they stand for the Greek alpha and omega), and furthermore that PATERNOSTER pair can be made into a cross shape by overlapping the "N"s.

Anyway, as I showed upstream here with the anagrams of the latest companion to Dr. Who, anagrams can be pulled out of just about anything. In this case the argument also calls for interpreting only two of the Roman letters as stand-in for Greek letters - special pleading!

And furthermore, to endow word games of Roman letters with magic is not a practice that falls under what anyone would ascribe as early (Palestinian) Christianity, if one expects the origins of Christianity to be a mix of Jewish sects.

It all goes to show about how careful one has to be about trying to find causality.

As a television show The Dark Ages: An Age of Light does it thing in trying to entertain and titillate the audience just enough to keep them watching for 4 hours, but once again we see the urge of producers to give easy answers to issues, issues that call for a deeper questioning to really learn about what is going on.

53 sagehen  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:09:14pm

re: #16 jaunte

Marshall Law...

Think about it!!!!

If it's related to the Marshall Plan, maybe we'll get some new water mains and bridges repaired.

54 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:16:40pm

re: #52 freetoken

This is the same channel that allows that prick Jeremy Clarkson to have a TV Show.

BBC doesn't have the best judgement. They cancelled Doctor Who in 1989, remember? Reviving it was one of the few good ideas they have had recently. Along with a number of the Discovery Channel/BBC specials.

55 jaunte  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:16:51pm

Now that the conservative side of the House has become an obstructionist operation, others are following suit.

Hobby Lobby To Deny Contraception To Employees, Ignoring Court Order

With Wednesday’s rejection of an emergency stay of that federal health care law by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Hobby Lobby and sister company Mardel could be subject to fines of up to $1.3 million a day beginning Tuesday.

56 Interesting Times  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:32:51pm
57 freetoken  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:35:25pm

re: #54 ProMayaLiberal

The BBC suffers from being dependent upon public funds, which in these days means they feel they have to give every "side" and airing, even if it is worthless.

Sort of like what is happening to NPR, though they are far less dependent upon tax dollars for productions (yet most public radio stations in the US are indeed dependent upon tax funded institutions such as universities.)

58 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:36:36pm

re: #57 freetoken

And having certain audiences that yell when you reprimand somebody for being a dick.

59 wrenchwench  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:51:08pm
Frank says:

Jazz is not just smells funny.

60 calochortus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:55:44pm

re: #55 jaunte

Who knew for profit businesses had religious convictions? I guess it goes with corporations being people.

61 Gus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 8:57:16pm

Still freezing here.

62 wrenchwench  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:02:02pm

re: #61 Gus

Still freezing here.

We had snow last night. About a third of an inch accumulation!

63 calochortus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:02:04pm

re: #50 Interesting Times

[Embedded content]

According to the #DelhiGangRape hashtag, the capital is pretty much under lockdown right now (Metro stations closed, police out in full force, etc). Stupid, corrupt, worthless Indian gov't more concerned about protecting their own hides than women, of course. That's one miserable excuse of a "democracy" you got there, where half your citizens have to live in terror. Scum.

Apparently the police haven't been interested in pursuing crimes against women for decades-maybe they never did. Groping on buses, rape, domestic violence? Not their problem. Time for it to change. Maybe this will be the thing that finally brings some change.

Interestingly, about half the Freepers commenting on this simply want the perpetrators to be Muslim and the applicable law to be Sharia. Several others pointed out that it wasn't Muslims, and Sharia isn't involved, but then the conversation sort of petered out. No discussion of women's rights or even social attitudes that permit this sort of thing. It might have been interesting to see their attitudes in that respect...

64 austin_blue  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:02:16pm

re: #60 calochortus

Who knew for profit businesses had religious convictions? I guess it goes with corporations being people.

My sister was put on birth control pills at 15 because she had endometriosis that crippled her 4 days a month. Religious conviction does not trump medical necessity. Saying that birth control causes promiscuity is like saying that umbrellas cause rain.

It's just a stupid argument.

65 calochortus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:05:38pm

re: #64 austin_blue

My sister was put on birth control pills at 15 because she had endometriosis that crippled her 4 days a month. Religious conviction does not trump medical necessity. Saying that birth control causes promiscuity is like saying that umbrellas cause rain.

It's just a stupid argument.

Of course it is. And the types of birth control pill needed for uses other than contraception are often the very expensive ones.

66 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:08:53pm

re: #63 calochortus

This was (is?) a problem in Japan as well.

Western Europe and us are in the minority, sadly.

67 Gus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:11:56pm

re: #62 wrenchwench

We had snow last night. About a third of an inch accumulation!

Billions will die! Act now! I'll wait.

68 Interesting Times  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:12:04pm

re: #63 calochortus

Interestingly, about half the Freepers commenting on this simply want the perpetrators to be Muslim and the applicable law to be Sharia. Several others pointed out that it wasn't Muslims, and Sharia isn't involved, but then the conversation sort of petered out. No discussion of women's rights or even social attitudes that permit this sort of thing.

Of course not. They only bother with those issues when the perpetrators are Muslim, black, or "illegal".

69 Amory Blaine  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:12:44pm

re: #55 jaunte

Now that the conservative side of the House has become an obstructionist operation, others are following suit.

Hobby Lobby To Deny Contraception To Employees, Ignoring Court Order

Should be 10x that. The Supreme Court has spoken. Don't like it? GTFO.

70 Gus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:16:54pm

Now that you saw Django you know what it's like. Hahahaha!

71 calochortus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:17:31pm

re: #66 ProMayaLiberal

This was (is?) a problem in Japan as well.

I did not know that.

72 ProMayaLiberal  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:22:31pm

re: #71 calochortus

There is a picture of the anti-groping sign or something that is on the subways.

73 calochortus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:23:54pm

re: #68 Interesting Times

Of course not. They only bother with those issues when the perpetrators are Muslim, black, or "illegal".

A sad lack of both self awareness and interest in analyzing the reasons for people's behavior.

74 Interesting Times  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:28:23pm
75 calochortus  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:43:37pm

It's getting to be time to get ready for bed. Hasta mañana.

76 Kragar  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 10:20:18pm
77 Four More Tears  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 10:30:30pm

re: #76 Kragar

[Embedded content]


78 Targetpractice  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 10:56:06pm

re: #76 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Bryan Fischer, proving daily just how lucrative a job being an ignorant asshole is in America.

79 freetoken  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 10:57:24pm
80 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 11:31:32pm

Alleged, Mr Fischer, alleged.

Due Process and all that are enshrined in another part of our dear Constitution.

81 freetoken  Fri, Dec 28, 2012 11:58:40pm
82 freetoken  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 12:25:16am

One more Charlie Byrd for the year:

83 researchok  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 12:30:08am

Morning, all

84 researchok  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 12:32:28am

re: #79 freetoken

I guess Dean Martin slept in the day that was recorded.

85 prairiefire  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 12:33:56am

re: #82 freetoken

One more Charlie Byrd for the year:

[Embedded content]

Play some more, FT. I lost a day and 1/2 to a nasty virus.

86 researchok  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 12:36:02am

re: #81 freetoken


87 freetoken  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 12:43:30am

re: #86 researchok



88 freetoken  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 12:44:47am

Ok, I lied. Here is the last Charlie of the year:

89 researchok  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 12:45:04am

re: #87 freetoken


Long shot here...


90 researchok  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 12:46:51am

re: #88 freetoken


91 freetoken  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 1:44:56am

re: #89 researchok


Long shot here...


Nope. It's an otherwise little known jazz trio.

92 freetoken  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 1:50:24am
93 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 5:00:49am

re: #68 Interesting Times

Of course not. They only bother with those issues when the perpetrators are Muslim, black, or "illegal".

The Rule of Law is a hard concept for haters, since it gives rights to the targets of their hate.

94 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 5:30:56am
95 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 7:46:53am

Anyone awake yet?

96 darthstar  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 7:52:44am

re: #95 Dark_Falcon

Anyone awake yet?

Mornin' sunshine.

97 Gus  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 7:57:09am

re: #96 darthstar

Mornin' sunshine.

Good morning starshine, the earth says hello
You twinkle above us, we twinkle below
Good morning starshine, you lead us along
My love and me
As we sing our
Early morning singing song

Gliddy glub gloopy nibby nabby noopy
La la la - lo lo
Sabba sibbi sabba nooby aba naba
Lee lee - lo lo
Tooby ooby wala
Nooby aba naba
Early morning singing song

Good morning . . .

Gliddy glub gloopy . . .

Singing a song, humming a song
Singing a song
Loving a song, laughing a song
Singing a song

Sing the song
Song the sing
Song song song sing
Sing sing sing song

Song song song sing
Sing sing sing song

98 Sionainn  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 7:58:53am

Mornin', everyone. Sitting in my dad's newly purchased home in Santa Fe, waiting for him to finish a workout so I can hang his art.

99 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:02:26am

re: #98 Sionainn

Mornin', everyone. Sitting in my dad's newly purchased home in Santa Fe, waiting for him to finish a workout so I can hang his art.

How's the weather down New Mexico way?

100 darthstar  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:11:34am

re: #97 Gus

Good morning starshine, the earth says hello
You twinkle above us, we twinkle below
Good morning starshine, you lead us along
My love and me
As we sing our
Early morning singing song

Gliddy glub gloopy nibby nabby noopy
La la la - lo lo
Sabba sibbi sabba nooby aba naba
Lee lee - lo lo
Tooby ooby wala
Nooby aba naba
Early morning singing song

Good morning . . .

Gliddy glub gloopy . . .

Singing a song, humming a song
Singing a song
Loving a song, laughing a song
Singing a song

Sing the song
Song the sing
Song song song sing
Sing sing sing song

Song song song sing
Sing sing sing song

Love that song, quoted for joy.

101 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:13:02am

Breakfast, bbl

102 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:18:18am

re: #97 Gus


Now I have to dig out my fringe suede jacket!

103 Sionainn  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:20:27am

re: #99 Dark_Falcon

How's the weather down New Mexico way?

It's clear and cold...I think the high is supposed to be 33 degrees. It's beautiful here!

104 Gus  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:22:08am

re: #102 sattv4u2


Now I have to dig out my fringe suede jacket!


105 Gus  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:24:45am

All those gun enthusiasts innocently browsing the latest firearms, coolest survivalist gear, and Hitler’s china—there’s almost always some of Hitler’s china on display at gun shows—are sitting ducks for the next crazed mass murderer all hopped up on video games and birth control.

106 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:26:40am

re: #104 Gus


happily, at my age, I still have all of mine (albeit not as long as I wore it in the 60's/ 70's)

107 Gus  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:30:15am

re: #106 sattv4u2

happily, at my age, I still have all of mine (albeit not as long as I wore it in the 60's/ 70's)

I still got mine. Don't worry about it anymore like I did when I was younger.

108 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:32:36am

re: #107 Gus

I still got mine. Don't worry about it anymore like I did when I was younger.

I didn't even worry about it then

Shampoo while showering. Towel dry. Quick brush and out the door never to think about it again till next shower

109 Mattand  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:41:11am

Still got all of mine. I used to joke that it can turn gray or purple or whatever, as long as it didn't fall out. Now that it's turning gray, I'm beginning to reconsider that.

I'm absolutely convinced it's growing slower than it used to. Even my roots are having trouble getting out of bed in the morning.

110 Gus  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 8:42:29am

Cold weather. Yuck.

111 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 9:00:35am

re: #110 Gus

Cold weather. Yuck.

Warm coffee. Yuck

112 Political Atheist  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 9:07:06am

re: #98 Sionainn

Good morning. Awoke to thunder this morning, kinda rare in the LA basin/valley area.

113 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 9:08:14am

re: #112 Political Atheist

Good morning. Awoke to thunder this morning, kinds rare in the LA basin/valley area.

maybe it was just your neighbors being frisky!!

114 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 9:28:48am

Just a drive-by.

Have a great day all!

115 Feline Fearless Leader  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 9:29:10am

Snowing here in Philly. Picked a good day (yesterday) to drive back home from western NY. Looks like I made the out-going and in-coming drives between storms coming through and making the roads ugly.

A good day to sit back and eat pumpkin pie and drink tea.

116 Political Atheist  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 9:31:50am

A new study might have some good data for police to consider when dealing with spree killers/mass shooters. Paged

These patterns have significant implications for improving emergency response tactics and saving lives. For example, police responding to mass shootings at government installations or other terrorist targets should anticipate that the perpetrator is likely to attempt suicide by cop, and prepare accordingly for the mortal risks of a likely firefight.

117 Political Atheist  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 10:15:20am

Coffee anyone?

118 b_sharp  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 10:15:57am

re: #117 Political Atheist

Coffee anyone?

Black. No sugar.

119 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 10:19:28am

re: #118 b_sharp

Black. No sugar.


120 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 10:23:11am

Unseasonably mild and sunny weather here in Germany, temps in the 50's. Seasons are all askew here in recent years, we get a spring heat wave in May/June, a cold snap in November/early December but no sort of summer or winter in the familiar sense.

121 BongCrodny  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 10:46:29am

re: #105 Gus

Hero Patriot Literally Shoots Himself In Foot At Michigan Gun Show

From the comments section:

This tragedy could have been prevented if that leg was armed.


122 Stanghazi  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 10:48:50am

re: #121 BongCrodny

From the comments section:


haha, that is good.

123 wrenchwench  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:04:39am
124 Targetpractice  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:08:40am

re: #123 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

I don't go a year without hearing about one or more bus crashes, so hearing that bus drivers will now be trusted to be armed should be fun.

125 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:09:00am

re: #123 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

I don't think there's been an incident wrt a school bus since the mid 70's (iirc in California)

A school, a tad more recent!

126 bratwurst  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:14:45am
127 Renaissance_Man  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:22:23am

re: #116 Political Atheist

A new study might have some good data for police to consider when dealing with spree killers/mass shooters. Paged

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly Americans accept shooting deaths as the new normal, and shrug complacently when discussing gun battles in schools, arming teachers, coming under sniper fire while going about your business, or preparing for weekly spree shootings.

128 Gus  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:33:15am

re: #126 bratwurst

[Embedded content]

I have no plans to watch this movie. Just like all the other movies released during the past years. This one sounds particularly stupid.

129 bratwurst  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:37:25am

re: #128 Gus

I have no plans to watch this movie. Just like all the other movies released during the past years. This one sounds particularly stupid.

I used to go to the movies 8-10 times per year, now it is unusual if it is more than twice. On the rare occasions when I do go, it is never to a Tarantino movie...I got tricked into seeing one of his post-Pulp Fiction movies once, never again.

130 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:43:50am

re: #129 bratwurst

I used to go to the movies 8-10 times per year, now it is unusual if it is more than twice. On the rare occasions when I do go, it is never to a Tarantino movie...I got tricked into seeing one of his post-Pulp Fiction movies once, never again.

You're missing some good , recent ones (imho)

Flight and Skyfall are superb

Saw Billy Crystal/ Bette Midlers Parental Guidance last night. Even though it was predictable and formulaic it was heart warming and funny

131 Gus  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:45:25am

re: #129 bratwurst

I used to go to the movies 8-10 times per year, now it is unusual if it is more than twice. On the rare occasions when I do go, it is never to a Tarantino movie...I got tricked into seeing one of his post-Pulp Fiction movies once, never again.

I've stayed away from popular culture since I was about 16 years old. Walked out of A River Runs Through It, Pearl Harbor, The Royal Tenenbaums... Not sure if I've ever seen Pulp-Fiction straight through. Maybe if it's free I'll watch it just to see what the hype is about. But not to go into a movie theater and be around a bunch of people that laugh when someone gets shot in the head.

132 Gus  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:46:52am

re: #130 sattv4u2

You're missing some good , recent ones (imho)

Flight and Skyfall are superb

Saw Billy Crystal/ Bette Midlers Parental Guidance last night. Even though it was predictable and formulaic it was heart warming and funny

I'd watch Flight and Skyfall. In addition to True Grit. Adult movies as in mature movies.

133 wrenchwench  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:49:06am

Something like that happened to a friend, and she wasn't even 25 yet. She was talking to another friend and said, "I'm almost ready to go, I just have to find my phone!" He said, OK, why don't you hang up to look for it, and call me back when you find it." We weren't there, but we know exactly what face she made when she heard that.

134 wrenchwench  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:51:55am

re: #125 sattv4u2

I don't think there's been an incident wrt a school bus since the mid 70's (iirc in California)

A school, a tad more recent!

Chowchilla. That was horrifying.

Point is that arming schools is not a good idea either.

I know. You didn't say it was. Also, you didn't say it wasn't.

135 bratwurst  Sat, Dec 29, 2012 11:58:49am

re: #130 sattv4u2

You're missing some good , recent ones (imho)

Flight and Skyfall are superb

I generally see Bond films on airplanes. Somehow I don't think I will be able to see Flight this way though!

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