Video: Breitbrat Ben Shapiro vs. Piers Morgan

Shapiro: “You demonize people by standing on the graves of the children of Sandy Hook”
Wingnuts • Views: 32,597

Witness the spectacle, if you will, of human-weasel hybrid Ben Shapiro vs. Piers Morgan. Morgan has done more than anyone in mainstream media to publicize the Breitbart-style far right, and I’m not sure that’s a good thing.

The entire right wing blogosphere is giving Shapiro virtual high fives for this belligerent performance; it was a “takedown,” Morgan was “schooled” and “crushed,” “cut down” and “owned” and “humiliated,” etc.

Shapiro’s trying to emulate Andrew Breitbart, obviously, and I must admit he has the smirking self-satisfied assholishness down, yet somehow manages to come off as even more unlikeable than his dead idol.

Putting aside Shapiro’s obnoxious personality, what’s interesting is that he makes it very clear once again that the ultimate right wing rationale behind stockpiling semi-automatic weapons is a loopy paranoid fear that they’re going to need them in an uprising against the US government. Yes, really.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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