Dumbest Man on Internet Uses Infamous Fake Photo of Fonda and Kerry

Jim Hoft’s fail of the day
Wingnuts • Views: 23,349

Yoda may have had The Force on his side, but Jim Hoft, the legendary Dumbest Man on the Internet, has something much more powerful: The Fail.

And today he’s workin’ that Hoft magic again, as he whips out an infamous, long-debunked fake photograph of John Kerry and Jane Fonda purportedly at an “anti-war rally:”

More Bad News for Generations X, Y and Z… It Looks Like You’re Stuck With an Aging Infrastructure, Too | the Gateway Pundit.

The Snopes entry for this hoax is dated 2004, and it includes the two photos that were merged together to create the fake. But as you can see, it’s still being recycled as truth in the closed environment of the Wingnut Echo Chamber.

Keep up the good work, Jim!

UPDATE at 2/9/13 2:19:13 pm

But wait, the derp continues! LGF contributor Gus points out:

Oops. Another mistake that he made. Jane Fonda was born in 1937 while John Kerry was born in 1943. Ding, ding, ding. Neither of them are baby boomers.

UPDATE at 2/9/13 2:40:06 pm

Hoft has now closed comments and apparently deleted all the existing ones for his post.

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1 Stanley Sea  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:00:06pm

Booga Booga, Jane Fonda!

2 wrenchwench  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:00:23pm


3 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:03:59pm

christ, a close look at the photo tells you its a bad cut-and-paste job.

4 b_sharp  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:04:48pm

Why would he use that picture? It has nothing to do with the story.

Oh, sorry, I forgot.

He has to create a boogieman to make the story appeal to his target audience, hateful little shits with no brains and even fewer morals.

5 lawhawk  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:05:43pm

re: #4 b_sharp

Anything to go and smear Kerry now that he’s Sec. State. And by extension Obama = Evil.

6 Gus  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:09:42pm

re: #4 b_sharp

Why would he use that picture? It has nothing to do with the story.

Oh, sorry, I forgot.

He has to create a boogieman to make the story appeal to his target audience, hateful little shits with no brains and even fewer morals.

Teh Baby Boomers are leaving future generations with the bill.

I could be wrong but he sure looks like a boomer himself…

Image: JimHoftGatewayPundit1.jpg

7 Gus  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:10:50pm

Oops. Another mistake that he made. Jane Fonda was born in 1937 while John Kerry was born in 1943. Ding, ding, ding. Neither of them are baby boomers. Derp.

8 RealityBasedSteve  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:12:41pm

I just posted a response to it on his site. Be interesting to see just how long it stays up. Over/Under is 1 Hour, who wants a piece of the action?

Who is too bored for his own good this afternoon.

9 b_sharp  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:13:25pm

re: #7 Gus

Oops. Another mistake that he made. Jane Fonda was born in 1937 while John Kerry was born in 1943. Ding, ding, ding. Neither of them are baby boomers. Derp.

He really does earn his !honorific doesn’t he?

10 b_sharp  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:14:22pm

re: #8 RealityBasedSteve

I just posted a response to it on his site. Be interesting to see just how long it stays up. Over/Under is 1 Hour, who wants a piece of the action?

Who is too bored for his own good this afternoon.

1hr 27 minutes.

11 Sionainn  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:16:39pm

re: #6 Gus

Teh Baby Boomers are leaving future generations with the bill.

I could be wrong but he sure looks like a boomer himself…

Image: JimHoftGatewayPundit1.jpg

Aaagghhhh! My eyes!

12 Gus  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:17:11pm

re: #9 b_sharp

He really does earn his !honorific doesn’t he?

I think that 2nd falsehood should be added to the post. :D Double derping.

13 b_sharp  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:17:55pm

re: #12 Gus

I think that 2nd falsehood should be added to the post. :D Double derping.

Charles will pick it up from your comment.

14 Gus  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:21:33pm

re: #13 b_sharp

Charles will pick it up from your comment.

Up already. :D

15 Gus  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:24:17pm

Da Derp Dee Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb!

16 RadicalModerate  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:32:11pm

dimJim has locked comments on the thread.

17 thedopefishlives  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:34:10pm

re: #16 RadicalModerate

dimJim has locked comments on the thread.

Surprise, surprise. I wonder if that’s to quell the probable outburst of derp that his frothing wingnut readers would spew forth, or to prevent the truth from penetrating his little echo chamber.

18 Charles Johnson  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:36:58pm

I wonder if Jim ever hears a ghostly voice saying, “Use The Fail, Jim!”

19 thedopefishlives  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:39:13pm

re: #18 Charles Johnson

I wonder if Jim ever hears a ghostly voice saying, “Use The Fail, Jim!”

Dammit, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a fact-checker!

20 Charles Johnson  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:40:27pm

Did he wipe out all his comments? Looks like he did.

21 thedopefishlives  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:43:11pm

re: #20 Charles Johnson

Did he wipe out all his comments? Looks like he did.

The Internet version of sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling “LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU”.

22 Gus  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:43:28pm

re: #20 Charles Johnson

Did he wipe out all his comments? Looks like he did.

The Disqus comments have been closed since you posted this. Not sure about the other comment section.

23 b_sharp  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:48:00pm

re: #16 RadicalModerate

dimJim has locked comments on the thread.

Run away!! Run away!!

24 Charles Johnson  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:52:46pm

re: #22 Gus

The Disqus comments have been closed since you posted this. Not sure about the other comment section.

When I posted this there were a couple of dozen comments - now there are three and it’s closed.

25 Gus  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:55:06pm

re: #24 Charles Johnson

When I posted this there were a couple of dozen comments - now there are three and it’s closed.

12? Ha. He’s embarrassed to even correct it. Typical.

26 A Mom Anon  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 2:57:40pm

He’s the depleted uranium of derp. I have to stop thinking there’s no way these freaks could be any more deranged, stupid, or just plain hateful. Every time I do they manage to outdo themselves. Lately that’s been every half an hour or so.

27 thecommodore  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 3:03:18pm

Well they were both against the war and Hanoi Jane turned in our POW’s to the NVA captors and John Kerry ran away from duty and lied about being in Cambodia as the Swift Boat guys said, so they actually had to have been together in that photo.


28 Gus  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 3:08:18pm

re: #27 thecommodore

Well they were both against the war and Hanoi Jane turned in our POW’s to the NVA captors and John Kerry ran away from duty and lied about being in Cambodia as the Swift Boat guys said, so they actually had to have been together in that photo.


Wingnut counter argument: so what, how can you defend those two traitors?

29 thecommodore  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 3:08:35pm

re: #26 A Mom Anon

He’s the depleted uranium of derp..

The Duke of Derp.

30 engineer cat  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 3:09:47pm

jane fonda can be shopped into a picture with me anytime

31 b_sharp  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 3:11:01pm

re: #30 engineer cat

jane fonda can be shopped into a picture with me anytime

I’m a Barbarella fella.

32 jaunte  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 3:14:54pm


Ron Paul Calls on United Nations (Which He Doesn’t Believe In) to Confiscate RonPaul.Com

…Yesterday morning, Ron Paul [filed] a complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization, an agency of Paul’s much-reviled United Nations, seeking the expropriation of both RonPaul.com and RonPaul.org from his supporters without any compensation.

33 thecommodore  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 3:20:03pm

Click here for a smorgasbord of wingnut rage over Jane Fonda:

[Link: www.google.com…]

34 Jimmah  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 3:29:14pm

re: #26 A Mom Anon

He’s the depleted uranium of derp. I have to stop thinking there’s no way these freaks could be any more deranged, stupid, or just plain hateful. Every time I do they manage to outdo themselves. Lately that’s been every half an hour or so.

The sheer dedication and energy they have for ensuring their own demise is impressive lol.

35 Bulworth  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 4:13:31pm

Wait, decaying infrastructure…when did this start being a wingnut concern and why is a wingnut blaming baby boomer conservatives (I assume at least some baby boomers are conservatives) for not raising taxes to pay to repair it? This is very confusing….

36 subterraneanhomesickalien  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 4:49:52pm

These mother fuckers are really something aren’t they?

Its seem as if the only things that in the fevered dreams of these people that the government is somehow qualified to take a lead in are materials for the use of bringing death to hostile foreign populations and making sure that they aren’t going to be left living in a pool of their own shit in some shanty town after they retire.

And I refuse to take seriously any one that bitches about anything infrastructural and then absolutely refuses to pay higher taxes for its implementation, or simply refuse to see it implemented out of spite because there is a chance a poor person of color might get to see the benefits of it as well.

There is something wrong with that generation. I’m hoping mine doesn’t turn out to be as irresponsible, callous, and self centered. Of course I’m not saying all of the baby boomers are like this, but it does seem as if a sizable portion are.

All I know is that they won’t give a shit when I am paying a fifty percent tax rate on my income after they all leave the workforce, even though it could have been avoided if they would had been willing to pay around thirty eight or forty when they were still working.

37 subterraneanhomesickalien  Sat, Feb 9, 2013 4:52:51pm

re: #35 Bulworth

I believe Orwell referred to this as doublethink.

38 Robur  Mon, Feb 11, 2013 8:00:51am

Just look at the lack of distance between his eyes..that denotes lack of intelligence this guy has no need for glasses all he needs is a monacle!

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