Weekly Standard Blatantly Distorts Obama Official’s Quote on Syrian Chemical Weapons

Another word for this is lying
Politics • Views: 41,832

Here’s a perfect example of how the right wing media distorts information to create false impressions, as the Weekly Standard’s Daniel Halper (who specializes in drumming up fake outrages) takes a quote from an anonymous Obama official completely out of context: Obama Aide on Syria’s Assad: ‘If He Drops Sarin on His Own People, What’s That Got Do Do With Us?’ | the Weekly Standard.

President Barack Obama got ahead of himself and his advisers when he said that Syria using chemical weapons would cross a “red line,” the New York Times reports.

“How can we attack another country unless it’s in self-defense and with no Security Council resolution?” an unnamed Obama administration official tells the paper. “If he drops sarin on his own people, what’s that got to do with us?”

This is an amazingly dishonest misrepresentation of the New York Times report. Here’s the actual article, and here’s the section with the out-of-context quote:

While concerns about Syria’s chemical arsenal go back years, apprehension rose sharply last July when American intelligence agencies detected signs that the Assad government was moving part of its huge stockpile out of storage. There was some evidence that the Syrian military was mixing chemicals, a possible indication that they were being prepared for use.

The reports grew more disturbing, if still fragmentary, by the weekend of Aug. 18 and 19. Denis McDonough, then the president’s principal deputy national security adviser and now the White House chief of staff, coordinated a series of urgent classified meetings in the West Wing. “It was a catalyzing event,” said one official involved.

The advisers reviewed an array of pre-emptive military options and quickly discounted them as impractical. The evidence was not strong enough to warrant a pre-emptive strike, they concluded, and military officers said the best they could do with airstrikes or commando operations would be to limit the use of chemical weapons already deployed.

Mr. Obama’s advisers also raised legal issues. “How can we attack another country unless it’s in self-defense and with no Security Council resolution?” another official said, referring to United Nations authorization. “If he drops sarin on his own people, what’s that got to do with us?”

Let us list the dishonesty:

  • Halper’s headline and opening paragraphs give the impression that the quote came from a recent statement, indicating that the Obama administration is backing down on action against Syria. In fact, the quote refers to a discussion that took place last August.
  • Halper wants you to think his quote shows the Obama administration being callous and blasé about Syria’s Assad using sarin nerve gas against his own people — but in context, you can clearly see that it was in a discussion about the legal issue of attacking another country that has not directly attacked the US. The question, “If he drops sarin on his own people, what’s that got to do with us?” refers to the difficulty of making a case for military action when there has been no direct attack against the US.
  • The New York Times article even specifically says that this quote is “referring to United Nations authorization,” yet somehow this little detail was completely left out of Halper’s distorted article.

This kind of stuff is why whenever you see the right wing media using a quote to attack the Obama administration, you must always go to the source. Nine times out of ten, you’ll discover that something is being either drastically distorted or completely made up.

UPDATE at 5/5/13 12:10:53 pm

Daniel Halper, by the way, was also the original source for that completely false (and never retracted) report that Obama’s children attend a school with “11 armed guards.”

UPDATE at 5/5/13 1:28:39 pm

The right wing echo chamber is already spreading this dishonest article; it’s now featured at the top of Drudge Report:

Jump to bottom

1 Sol Berdinowitz  Sun, May 5, 2013 11:51:38am

Too late, this is going to be tweeted around the world and the ensuing “controversy” and “outrage” will be picked up by Fox as if it were actual news.

2 Iwouldprefernotto  Sun, May 5, 2013 11:52:35am

Ok. Syria should be stopped, but what is the right-wing suggesting? Invasion? A few cruise missiles or drones will not stop the problem.

3 jaunte  Sun, May 5, 2013 11:53:48am

“I am… (several weeks interval)… a dishonest hack.”
— Daniel Halper

4 Targetpractice  Sun, May 5, 2013 11:54:24am

re: #2 Iwouldprefernotto

Ok. Syria should be stopped, but what is the right-wing suggesting? Invasion? A few cruise missiles or drones will not stop the problem.

If anything, missile strikes on chemical weapons plants would be the absolute last thing we’d want. Even if there wasn’t an immediate release of gas into the vicinity, we’d be leaving the plants open to outside groups to move in and help themselves, whether they be terrorists looking to cart off very useful chemical weapons or scavengers looking to make a buck off what they could pick from the ruins.

5 Decatur Deb  Sun, May 5, 2013 11:58:14am

re: #2 Iwouldprefernotto

Ok. Syria should be stopped, but what is the right-wing suggesting? Invasion? A few cruise missiles or drones will not stop the problem.

When did it become our destiny to jump into every nation that chooses to save itself or destroy itself? There are no identifiable good guys there.

6 RealityBasedSteve  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:04:05pm

It’s always easier to distort / create / misinterpret facts and evidence to support your own point of view than deal with the facts as they are. The RW Blog / Forums / News (and quite frankly, I really don’t bother to make a distinction between them anymore) specialize in making mountains not only out of molehills, but in many cases it seems the mere suggestion that there may have once been a mole in that general area is enough to cause the immediate headlines “OBAMA SELLING THE US TO THE MOLE-MEN!!!!”.

They (the RW wackos) LOVE to go on about “LOW INFORMATION VOTERS”, but when you get down to it, if you have a TON of information, but it’s a pack of tissue thin lies, suppositions, exaggerations and wildly interpretative readings of actual documents, all you have is a lot a crap, not info.


7 Decatur Deb  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:06:05pm

re: #6 RealityBasedSteve

It’s always easier to distort / create / misinterpret facts and evidence to support your own point of view than deal with the facts as they are. The RW Blog / Forums / News (and quite frankly, I really don’t bother to make a distinction between them anymore) specialize in making mountains not only out of molehills, but in many cases it seems the mere suggestion that there may have once been a mole in that general area is enough to cause the immediate headlines “OBAMA SELLING THE US TO THE MOLE-MEN!!!!”.

They (the RW wackos) LOVE to go on about “LOW INFORMATION VOTERS”, but when you get down to it, if you have a TON of information, but it’s a pack of tissue thin lies, suppositions, exaggerations and wildly interpretative readings of actual documents, all you have is a lot a crap, not info.


Too many high-misinformation voters?

8 RealityBasedSteve  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:08:37pm

re: #7 Decatur Deb

Too many high-misinformation voters?

ROFLMAO!!!! EXACTLY!!!!! Now that you’ve said it, it makes perfect sense to me.

Who now has a new pet phrase, thanks to DD.

9 Charles Johnson  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:10:07pm

Daniel Halper, by the way, was also the original source for that completely false report that Obama’s children attend a school with “11 armed guards.”

More on this fake outrage: NRA Cites Breitbart.com to Falsely Claim School Attended by Obama’s Daughters Has ‘11 Armed Guards’.

10 Ming  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:11:38pm

re: #5 Decatur Deb

…There are no identifiable good guys there.

Responding to the recent attacks, Syria is now accusing Israel of siding with Al Queda. “No identifiable good guys” indeed. From what I’ve read, Al Queda is a significant part of the Syrian opposition. So whom are we supposed to support?

What Israel did, destroying dangerous weapons in Syria, is one thing, and I support and admire that. But us getting involved in one side or another in Syria? I see no justification to put the lives of our troops at risk.

11 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:14:08pm

re: #10 Ming

One wonders how we can pay for more war without revenue too. All the bitching about how broke we are goes right out the window when it comes to dropping bombs and sending troops somewhere, funny that.

12 Sol Berdinowitz  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:26:16pm

re: #11 A Mom Anon

One wonders how we can pay for more war without revenue too. All the bitching about how broke we are goes right out the window when it comes to dropping bombs and sending troops somewhere, funny that.

That is covered, remember the Ohio congressment trying to get the Army to take tanks that it does not want or need? “We are supposed to spend money to keep America safe”.

13 AlexRogan  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:29:18pm

re: #12 Sol Berdinowitz

That is covered, remember the Ohio congressmen trying to get the Army to take tanks that it does not want or need? “We are supposed to spend money to keep America safe”.

Just so long as the GOP’s buddies in the 1% don’t have to pay for it.

14 Sol Berdinowitz  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:32:10pm

re: #13 AlexRogan

Just so long as the GOP’s buddies in the 1% don’t have to pay for it.

They are the ones who profit from these revolving-door, no-bid, cost-plus defense contracts.

15 stabby  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:33:53pm

re: #2 Iwouldprefernotto

Ok. Syria should be stopped, but what is the right-wing suggesting? Invasion? A few cruise missiles or drones will not stop the problem.

They’re suggesting that we stop electing Democrats, especially black men.

They don’t give a shit about Syria. Not in the tiniest way.

I wonder, now that we have the tea party, I suppose we’ll never have a working congress again. If we replace Obama with Hillary the only way that things will get better is the Republicans will unmask themselves as extreme misogynists in the same way that they’ve unmasked themselves as white racists. :) Go Hillary go!

16 sauceruney  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:36:31pm

This sort of dishonesty is what slowly erodes our system and enrages our neighbors, friends, and co-workers against us. “The news” would never lie to them, and it’s nearly impossible to correct.

This isn’t free speech, by any measure.

18 stabby  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:46:00pm

I take it back, I think the GOP racism stems from desperation as well as racist hysteria, they calculated (and lost the bet) that if they went racist enough, they could energize enough nazis to keep them winning… But no one could possibly think that there are more misogynist votes out there than women could they?

19 Kragar  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:46:03pm

Fox News host blames mass shootings on ‘liberal Hollywood’s violent video games’

Because prior to video games, there were no killings ever.

20 Charles Johnson  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:46:21pm

It’s pathetic the way people like Daniel Halper never have to face any consequences for this kind of journalistic malpractice. Check his output - this is one of the main guys pumping out one fake story after another. And I’ve never seen him post a correction, ever.

21 Kragar  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:50:41pm

Gingrich: LGBT rights fight ‘one sided’ because Catholics are oppressed too

“I haven’t heard you say if you think a Republican nominee for president can support gay marriage,” NBC host David Gregory asked Gingrich.

“I doubt it,” the former House Speaker replied. “I think that’s up in the air, because I do think things are changing.”

“But what I’m struck with is the one-sidedness of the desire for rights,” Gingrich continued. “There are no rights for Catholics to have adoption services in Massachusetts, they’re outlawed. There are no rights in D.C. for Catholics to have adoption services, they’re outlawed. This passing reference to religion — ‘We sort of respect religion.’ Well, sure. As long as you don’t practice it.”

“I think it will be good to have a debate over — beyond this question of are you able to be gay in America, what does it mean? Does it mean that you actually have to affirmatively eliminate any institution which does not automatically accept that?”

The Grio Managing Editor Joy Reid pointed out that Catholic charities in Massachusetts had made the decision to halt all adoptions to prevent same sex couples from becoming parents.

“They withdrew them because they were told that you cannot follow Catholic doctrine, which is for marriage between a man and a woman,” Gingrich insisted.

22 Varek Raith  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:54:29pm

re: #19 Kragar

Fox News host blames mass shootings on ‘liberal Hollywood’s violent video games’

Because prior to video games, there were no killings ever.

First off, Hollywood doesn’t make games…
Ah fuck it.

23 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:55:07pm

re: #20 Charles Johnson

There’s never consequences for any of these people. Glenn Beck gets fired from his TV shows and still makes money hand over fist. Limbaugh has lost tons of sponsors, and still makes somewhere around 40 million a year(or more). There are no consequences and that’s why the shit has got so deep over the last couple of decades. If you or I did our jobs that sloppily we’d be fired in a minute. One of these fools does that and they get rewarded. That’s why it keeps happening in an endless loop.

24 stabby  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:57:20pm

re: #21 Kragar

Gingrich’s idea of “oppression” is defined as “having to follow the same anti-discrimination laws as everyone else”.

I wonder how he’d react to a gay-only adoption agency.

25 Vicious Babushka  Sun, May 5, 2013 12:59:42pm

re: #19 Kragar

Fox News host blames mass shootings on ‘liberal Hollywood’s violent video games’

Because prior to video games, there were no killings ever.

Do you know which country plays the MOST VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES?

It’s Japan!

That’s right, violent video games caused the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Rape of Nanking, and the Bataan Death March!!//

26 Vicious Babushka  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:00:40pm


27 sauceruney  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:01:11pm

“If he drops sarin on his own people, what’s that got to do with us?” and a link to the WeeklyStandard is at the very top of Drudge right now.

28 stabby  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:05:04pm

Remember how Quagmire from Family Guy found out that there was porn on the internet, and ended up with an arm as wide as his torso?

Well I’m trying to stir the oil down into the natural peanut butter brick-in-a-jar and I’m going to end up the same way. Arrrrghhhh!

29 stabby  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:05:35pm

I mean Quagmire.

30 AlexRogan  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:06:35pm

re: #29 stabby

I mean Quagmire.

Either way, you’re right.

Glenn Quagmire.

Image: 2008-12-29-quagmire.jpg

31 sauceruney  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:09:22pm

re: #28 stabby

Maybe Popeye was ambidextrous.

32 stabby  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:10:36pm

re: #31 sauceruney


33 Kragar  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:14:21pm

re: #26 Vicious Babushka


Germany loosened gun control laws, making it easier for those favored by the Nazi party to own guns.

34 Sol Berdinowitz  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:16:00pm

re: #33 Kragar

Germany loosened gun control laws, making it easier for those favored by the Nazi party to own guns.

That is a nuance. Gn control oppnents are immune to nuance. They do not retreat, they reload.

Point is they instituted controls on some sorts of weapons, which opened up the inevitable slippery slope to mass murder on an industrial scale.

35 Patricia Kayden  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:22:31pm

It really doesn’t matter how much the Rightwingers distort President Obama or his Officials’ words about Syria. There will be no war on Syria. That’s all they seem to be agitating for. We just got out of Iraq and are planning to get out of Afghanistan. The American people don’t want the US to get involved with Syria in another unnecessary war.

36 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:28:42pm

re: #33 Kragar

Germany loosened gun control laws, making it easier for those favored by the Nazi party to own guns.

Also, the Nazis didn’t pass gun control in Poland, Czechoslovakia, USSR, etc.

Mind you, I suspect the people that talk the loudest about this kind of stuff, given the authority, would totally take away firearms from their perceived enemies.

37 stabby  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:30:54pm

re: #36 The Ghost of a Flea

So true, if they could restrict guns by race they’d be in heaven.

38 William Barnett-Lewis  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:36:20pm

re: #37 stabby

So true, if they could restrict guns by race they’d be in heaven.

Thing is, that’s what most gun control laws in America have been about historically - keeping guns out of the hands of the poor & the minority. The Sullivan Act in New York is a prime example. Elinor Roosevelt had no trouble getting a concealed carry permit but an equally threatened poor black man?

39 klys  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:41:43pm

HOORAY today’s high temperature is below 80 degrees.

40 Varek Raith  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:44:45pm
41 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:47:16pm

re: #38 William Barnett-Lewis

Wasn’t that also behind Governor Reagan’s gun control epiphany?

42 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:52:08pm

Going off topic for a moment:

My husband has been out of work since March 11. Both of us have been scouring the web looking for companies in the business he’s in. I even looked up the trade publication for Atlanta and got a pretty big list of all the companies that are members and looked on all their websites for job openings. The Husband has sent out resumes to all of the ones accepting them.

So, where else do you look for work? It seems like no one will talk to you anymore until you’ve submitted something online. Are we missing something here?

43 Sol Berdinowitz  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:55:25pm

Guns are to be kept in the hands of “good guys” who are willing (if not necessarily able) to defend innocent people against criminals and to defend our American Freedoms against tyrannical usurpers.

These people have very clear ideas about who and what constitutes a “good guy”.

44 William Barnett-Lewis  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:56:29pm

re: #42 A Mom Anon

To answer your 41: Yes, exactly.

To answer your 42: Can you tell us what field he’s looking for work in?

45 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 1:58:38pm

re: #43 Sol Berdinowitz

I think I may ask the next wingnut who goes on and on about the 2nd Amendment how they feel about me and all my liberal friends buying up as much weaponry as we can to protect ourselves from people who think liberals are the enemy.

46 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:00:05pm

re: #44 William Barnett-Lewis

He’s in residential maintenance as a supervisor. He oversees and does everything from HVAC to hiring subcontractors for large jobs in upscale apartment complexes.

47 Lidane  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:00:39pm

re: #2 Iwouldprefernotto

Ok. Syria should be stopped, but what is the right-wing suggesting?

Duh. The same thing they’re always suggesting:


There is no good outcome here in Syria. This isn’t something where we send in troops and come out as liberators.

48 Iwouldprefernotto  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:01:30pm

re: #46 A Mom Anon

He’s in residential maintenance as a supervisor. He oversees and does everything from HVAC to hiring subcontractors for large jobs in upscale apartment complexes.

Everything is online. You don’t have much of a choice but submitting resumes online. Calls can work, but only after you submit a resume. IMO

49 Lidane  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:01:31pm

re: #5 Decatur Deb

When did it become our destiny to jump into every nation that chooses to save itself or destroy itself?

When we single-handedly saved the world back in WW2, of course.


50 PT Barnum  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:01:42pm

re: #46 A Mom Anon

He’s in residential maintenance as a supervisor. He oversees and does everything from HVAC to hiring subcontractors for large jobs in upscale apartment complexes.

Have you thought about checking with trade schools or community colleges in the area? Sometimes real world experience can be a reasonable substitute for a degree.

51 PT Barnum  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:04:27pm

re: #50 PT Barnum

Have you thought about checking with trade schools or community colleges in the area? Sometimes real world experience can be a reasonable substitute for a degree.

Meaning they may want to hire him as an instructor. Sorry Didn’t make that clear

52 Lidane  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:04:40pm

re: #42 A Mom Anon

So, where else do you look for work? It seems like no one will talk to you anymore until you’ve submitted something online. Are we missing something here?

LinkedIn is his friend.

SO many companies will only look at resumes online that his best bet is to go through an online site like LinkedIn. It’s a massive pain in the ass, but it’s true.

53 PT Barnum  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:05:37pm

re: #52 Lidane

LinkedIn is his friend.

SO many companies will only look at resumes online that his best bet is to go through an online site like LinkedIn. It’s a massive pain in the ass, but it’s true.

I have generally found Linked in to be useless and I’m in IT.

54 wrenchwench  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:07:21pm
55 PT Barnum  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:09:50pm

Try Monster, Careerbuilder, and look for industry specific job sites. I’ve been working as a contractor for the last 13 years and that’s where I look straight off.

56 PT Barnum  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:13:34pm

Depending on your husbands age and level of experience, he may want to only go back 10 years. 20 years of experience is sometimes a disqualifier since there’s a tendency to think “oh, he’s old”

57 Vicious Babushka  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:14:53pm


58 Lidane  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:15:03pm

re: #53 PT Barnum

I have generally found Linked in to be useless and I’m in IT.

I have to use it for work and I used it to get my job, but it’s not something I’m crazy about. My company pays for the super duper sales account for all of the account managers and I’m expected to use it to prospect. I’ve actually had better luck using my existing contacts that I inherited from the previous account managers along with just going out and meeting people in person.

That said, it’s a definite tool for job searching. The way it’s set up you can easily send dozens of job applications a day. I know. I did that for months last year.

59 Sol Berdinowitz  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:17:40pm

re: #57 Vicious Babushka


Breit Twit? How fitting!

Ted Cruz is looking to be the Sarah Palin of the 2016 campaign, the one they will support because he is perceived as ideologically pure (i.e. 100% opposed to anything that Obama supports) and a political gadfly who annoys liberals by his very presence (i.e. 100% opposed to anything that Obama supports), which seem to be their main criteria.

60 PT Barnum  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:18:59pm

re: #58 Lidane

I have to use it for work and I used it to get my job, but it’s not something I’m crazy about. My company pays for the super duper sales account for all of the account managers and I’m expected to use it to prospect.

I’ve actually had better luck using my existing contacts that I inherited from the previous account managers along with just going out and meeting people in person.

It’s basically facebook for business people. More superficial relationship building.

61 PT Barnum  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:28:43pm

The only downside of going through recruiters is that you are really nothing more than a piece of meat.

62 bratwurst  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:31:34pm

If anyone would like to see Israel being compared to Iran, by all means…follow Glenn Greenwald’s Twitter feed right now.

63 freetoken  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:34:24pm

I see there is yet another Benghazi article up in the Pages.

Apparently there is something magical about the word “terror”.

At length I rant here about the magick of words and religion being about magickal books.

We humans really are stuck on the magick of words and language.

Anyway, it looks like the big deal is that someone claims they knew Benghazi was “terrorism” from the get-go. The talking heads are still stuck on that Sec. Rice didn’t invoke the magickal word of “terrorism” even though some underlings used that word.

And then we marvel at how the same wingnuts who BENGHAZI!!!!! all over the place take the (English) word “day” in Genesis 1 to mean their own 24-hour time unit.

It’s all in the magick of words.

Lesson to all future cabinet secretaries - make sure you utter the short list of magickal words when you speak in public.

64 ProTARDISLiberal  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:38:37pm

re: #62 bratwurst

He actually tried to defend Ferguson, at least to a point.

Saying that we shouldn’t judge a person by his worst moments. While this is true, Ferguson has had these moments alot.

Is Greenwald even a Liberal, if he is defending that clown?

65 freetoken  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:39:02pm

re: #5 Decatur Deb

When did it become our destiny to jump into every nation that chooses to save itself or destroy itself? There are no identifiable good guys there.

In this case it’s because Syria borders Israel.

The religious right is trying to “save” Israel for the day the Anti-Christ slaughters them all.

66 Vicious Babushka  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:40:04pm

This asshole is spamming Derpshit all over Twitter AND STUPID MORONS KEEP RETWEETING IT!


67 BishopX  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:40:10pm

re: #46 A Mom Anon

If he’s sending out resumes and not getting call back, I would take a look at the key words he’s using in his resumes. Many places filter resumes, and the technology is actually fairly bad so getting an exact match on the filters is increasingly important.

Aside from that, network network network. I hate to say it but it works better than the alternatives.

68 freetoken  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:52:52pm

Working on my genealogy… and one GG grandmother whose parents I thought I had identified now appears to be a different person than what I had thought.

Why, or why, does everyone name their children what everyone else in the region uses? C’mon - how many “Elizabeth”s have to be born in a single year?

Fashion in baby-names - aaaacchhhh…

69 Targetpractice  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:54:42pm

re: #66 Vicious Babushka

This asshole is spamming Derpshit all over Twitter AND STUPID MORONS KEEP RETWEETING IT!


Yeah, it would have been overlooked just like the other 7 attacks on US embassies. Or it would have been blamed on the CIA, like 9/11.

70 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:54:42pm

RE: the job thing, thanks for the feedback everyone. He’s actually had 5(yes FIVE)interviews with one company, and they still haven’t made a final decision. I checked and they’ve removed the job from their job board, so I’m not sure what that means since they told him there were 2 other final candidates besides him. It’s partially due to construction overruns on a new property so they won’t need him til it’s finished and ready for occupancy. He had another interview last week with a different company and they are supposed to let him know sometime soon, but this is also a new property that’s not quite finished. Sigh. So neither company is in a hurry. His resume is really polished, in fact he’s had both of these companies tell him that the resume put him on top of their lists.

I guess I’m getting kinda scared, we don’t have health insurance anymore and that scares the crap outta me. We are fortunate we had some savings, even though that was supposed to be to try and start over saving for retirement. But that won’t last forever, something has to give.

71 klys  Sun, May 5, 2013 2:58:37pm

re: #70 A Mom Anon

I wish I had helpful feedback to give, instead of just sending good vibes your direction, but my experience with the job market is limited. :( I am sending lots of good vibes your direction though.

Pulled out and played the harp outside of lessons for the first time since January. Tuning 36 strings is a pain. I am reminded how strongly I want a big one of my own now though.

72 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 3:02:37pm

re: #71 klys

You play the harp? How cool is that? When I was a little girl I wanted one SO bad,lol. My Mom, in her infinite wisdom sent me to(wait for it…)accordion lessons instead.

73 ProTARDISLiberal  Sun, May 5, 2013 3:13:06pm

And now Egypt is going nuts:

74 wrenchwench  Sun, May 5, 2013 3:33:11pm

re: #68 freetoken

Working on my genealogy… and one GG grandmother whose parents I thought I had identified now appears to be a different person than what I had thought.

Why, or why, does everyone name their children what everyone else in the region uses? C’mon - how many “Elizabeth”s have to be born in a single year?

Fashion in baby-names - aaaacchhhh…

My cousin Mary Elizabeth was born two days before my sister Elizabeth Mary. There’s another cousin Elizabeth on the other side, daughter of Aunt Elizabeth.

75 kirkspencer  Sun, May 5, 2013 3:39:03pm

re: #70 A Mom Anon

RE: the job thing, thanks for the feedback everyone. He’s actually had 5(yes FIVE)interviews with one company, and they still haven’t made a final decision. I checked and they’ve removed the job from their job board, so I’m not sure what that means since they told him there were 2 other final candidates besides him. It’s partially due to construction overruns on a new property so they won’t need him til it’s finished and ready for occupancy. He had another interview last week with a different company and they are supposed to let him know sometime soon, but this is also a new property that’s not quite finished. Sigh. So neither company is in a hurry. His resume is really polished, in fact he’s had both of these companies tell him that the resume put him on top of their lists.

I guess I’m getting kinda scared, we don’t have health insurance anymore and that scares the crap outta me. We are fortunate we had some savings, even though that was supposed to be to try and start over saving for retirement. But that won’t last forever, something has to give.

Dispatches from the ugly side of the war — just three more months and I’ll have been unemployed for six years. sigh. but I digress. See, I’ve helped a lot of others find jobs by pointing out my mistakes.

Decide now whether it matters if you stay in Atlanta — or even Georgia.

Excepting unfriendly separations, have him call every boss and co-worker he’s had over the past decade. Ask each of them for three people he can call to see if they have a job using the person he called as an introduction. (Hi, Joe Doe told me you might be in the market for a residential supervisor. I’m available and want to know where to send the resume.)

Linked-in is great for some things and worthless for others. Your case is one I’d not expect much success in use. But it’s free and you can’t afford to leave a possibility on the ground. Oh - same for Monster.

On the “oh crap” side, if you haven’t done so go now to every help agency you know. Find out what they require to apply and what support they provide. Also ask them what other help organizations they know: government, non-profit, and community. That’s help for medical and food and housing and utilities and pet food/care and transportation and, well, all of it. On the one hand there is a LOT in Georgia. On the other hand there are some extremely unfortunate holes and hurdles. Know, be prepared, and hope you don’t need them.

And seriously, good luck. May you never come close to my scenario.

76 bratwurst  Sun, May 5, 2013 3:39:29pm

re: #64 ProBosniaLiberal

Is Greenwald even a Liberal, if he is defending that clown?

Some people here and elsewhere are desperate to place everyone and everything into a neat liberal or conservative cubby hole. Forget politics for a moment…the main tag that applies to BOTH Ferguson and Greenwald is ASSHOLE.

77 wrenchwench  Sun, May 5, 2013 3:41:07pm
78 ProTARDISLiberal  Sun, May 5, 2013 3:44:05pm

re: #76 bratwurst

Very true.

Greenwald is correct on not judging a person on their worst moment.

Unfortunately, Ferguson has a history of being a massive, homophobic, and racist tool.

79 klys  Sun, May 5, 2013 3:45:43pm

re: #72 A Mom Anon

You play the harp? How cool is that? When I was a little girl I wanted one SO bad,lol. My Mom, in her infinite wisdom sent me to(wait for it…)accordion lessons instead.

Accordion is …not a harp. As I’m sure you figured out from the get-go.

I started out about a year and a half ago? The Scottish Highland games around here have a harp contingent that always shows and I would see their shows and hang around the tent (where folks would frequently let you try the harp and play) and I oogled over the cross-strung harps for a while (full chromatics! but oh it messes with fingerings). Two years ago I finally bit the bullet and said I’ve wanted to do this forever, so dammit, I’m going to do it and started taking lessons. Rented a big one for a while, now borrowing another student’s while they’re at college, and drooling over the one I want to get (but may have to wait on pending job uncertainties for the husband - thanks, employer, for announcing the sale of his product…grrr…we’re still waiting for important details like new salary offer, vacation time, bonus, health insurance, etc.).

80 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 3:50:20pm

re: #75 kirkspencer

Oh my, many hugs to you Kirk. We’d move in a minute if a) we could sell our house and b) if the pay was right. It’s funny you mention contacting old employers and stuff, one of his old bosses does a quarterly company “alumni” lunch and that’s Monday, so maybe something will come of that. I’ll start looking at the different forms of help available this week. I’m probably going to have to try to find something too, I’ve been out of the workforce being a mom for 20 yrs except for one brief stint as a sales rep for Blue Buffalo dog food a couple years ago. I don’t look forward to retail again at age 53, but at least it would be a little money coming in, perhaps even insurance if I can find something full time.

81 Renaissance_Man  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:04:53pm

re: #80 A Mom Anon

I have nothing but the greatest sympathies for you both.

I would, however, like to add that the American notion of making your health care dependent on your employer, of all people, is nothing short of insanity. It makes you and millions of people like you dependent on a master not only for a living wage, but for actually living. It also is a huge barrier to employment - I can’t even imagine how many more people would be employed without that as a barrier. It’s a ridiculous convention.

For a country so big on freedom, Americans as a whole are remarkably comfortable with bonded servitude.

82 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:05:24pm

re: #79 klys

LOL, no an accordian is not even close to a harp. Heh. My mom, bless her heart, figured any musical instrument would do. Um no. I went through enough lessons to have a recital and that was it. I couldn’t tell you one thing I learned either.

83 darthstar  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:05:39pm

I interrupt this discussion of global war with an important announcement. Spaceballs starts in five minutes on Encore Action West (Comcast 530).

You may now return to your internet ranting.

84 klys  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:11:48pm

re: #82 A Mom Anon

LOL, no an accordian is not even close to a harp. Heh. My mom, bless her heart, figured any musical instrument would do. Um no. I went through enough lessons to have a recital and that was it. I couldn’t tell you one thing I learned either.

I’ve played a number of instruments through the years - piano, flute (and piccolo), handbells, panpipes, recorder, and now harp. And of course singing. I think I looked at an accordion once.

The biggest takeaway has been the ability to read music.

Of course, you can always start now! Where now is defined as a point where you have access to an instrument and a teacher, preferably.

85 William Barnett-Lewis  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:12:52pm

Testing test test test…

Seems that the distribution upgrade to Xubuntu 13.04 went smoothly. MS could learn a thing or two from them on inplace upgrades.

86 kirkspencer  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:15:39pm

re: #81 Renaissance_Man

I have nothing but the greatest sympathies for you both.

I would, however, like to add that the American notion of making your health care dependent on your employer, of all people, is nothing short of insanity. It makes you and millions of people like you dependent on a master not only for a living wage, but for actually living. It also is a huge barrier to employment - I can’t even imagine how many more people would be employed without that as a barrier. It’s a ridiculous convention.

For a country so big on freedom, Americans as a whole are remarkably comfortable with bonded servitude.

True. I argued for years - even prior to the Obamacare/ACA stuff - that the most significant thing we could do to have a positive impact on entrepreneurship of small businesses would be a sound national health care system. The average cost of healthcare for a family of four in the US is larger than the federal poverty line for that family of four.

What we got will help, some, but it’s not enough.

87 lawhawk  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:18:44pm

Not surprised that WS is busy hyping a version of events that takes the Administration’s position out of context and relies on positions that were stated a year ago - and before any kind of evidence began appearing that the Syrians were using chemical agents. The Administration’s current position is far more nuanced than what the WS portrays.

In fact, here’s what he had so say when he was in Jordan a few weeks ago:

But the main topic on today’s agenda was the ongoing crisis in Syria, including the impact it is having on Jordan, which has seen more than half a million refugees cross their border to escape the violence in their own country. The President addressed the reports that chemical weapons may have been used on the citizens of Syria and promised that the U.S and our partners in the region would pursue a “very rigorous investigation” of the evidence:

We have to act prudently. We have to make these assessments deliberately. But I think all of us, not just in the United States but around the world, recognize how we cannot stand by and permit the systematic use of weapons like chemical weapons on civilian populations.

So this is going to be something that we’ll be paying a lot of attention to — trying to confirm, and mobilize the international community around those issues.

For the US to get involved in a shooting war or even a no-fly zone action against Syria, there’s got to be some legal basis. The rationales can include some of those that were used in the Iraq war - human rights violations, sanctions failing, but the Syrians aren’t facing a no-fly zone already in place, the Syrians haven’t fired on US forces, etc.

Now, could the US act upon violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention. I’m not so sure. Syria’s not a signatory to the CWC, and while it has a framework for dealing with violations among signatories, it doesn’t address what to do when a nonsignatory violates.

A much stronger argument can be made for the Genocide Convention though here too we’re dealing not with a genocide - attacks based on race, religion, or creed, but democide - where the regime is killing all those who oppose to the regime. Arguably, there’s crossover here - those supporting the regime are largely Alawites, while the opposition is most every other religious and ethnic group across the country.

88 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:21:53pm

re: #86 kirkspencer

I think one of the biggest slaps in the face really is COBRA. So you lose your job,and then you get paperwork telling you that you can continue on with your prior insurance IF you want to dole out around 1500 dollars a month for a family of three, and that’s the cheap policy. It’s insane and frankly it pisses me off. Who can afford to do that? It’s more than the mortgage on my house and my car payment combined. It’s kinda terrifying.

89 A Mom Anon  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:38:07pm

Alrighty then Lizards, I think I’m going to go see what The Teenager is up to and maybe make some donuts, just because I can. Stay scaly my friends. Such nice people here, and smart too.

90 Dark_Falcon  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:38:55pm

re: #87 lawhawk

The really stupid thing, though, is that the line they take out of context is placed by the Weekly Standard in such a way as to go after Geogre W. Bush as much as Barack Obama. For Bush (like Clinton before him), justified* military action against Saddam Hussein by pointing to Saddam’s atrocities against his own people.

*: There were other justifications used, its true, but all I am saying is that Saddam’s atrocities was one of the justifications used.

91 7-y (Expectation of Great Things in Due Course)  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:39:13pm

re: #88 A Mom Anon


92 Bubblehead II  Sun, May 5, 2013 4:52:15pm

Going off line for the night. I leave you this.

Sleep well Lizard. May the Diety of YOUR CHOICE smile down upoun you.

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