Update: WFAA Reports It’s Not Even Confirmed the Ebola Patient “Vomited” at All

Fake outrage of the week
US News • Views: 31,233

Following up on our story from yesterday about Gateway Pundit’s ridiculous, false fear-mongering post about “Ebola vomit” being cleaned up by WORKERS WITHOUT SUITS OMG!, here’s a video clip from WFAA in Dallas, in which we learn reports that the Ebola patient “vomited” on the ground five days ago outside his apartment are not even confirmed, and that the apartment complex owners ordered the sidewalks to be power-washed just to be on the safe side.

The entire right wing media machine is pimping the fake story today, all of them screaming about EBOLA VOMIT! Here’s a Google search: Ebola vomit is everywhere! So far I don’t think it’s shown up on Fox News, but it probably will. These fake stories usually do.

And now we know the entire story about the vomit hasn’t even been confirmed. This is an amazingly good example of how crazy and irrational the right wing media have become.

[Video removed.]


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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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