Another Mind-Bogglingly Dumb Post From GatewayPundit: “Unprotected Workers Cleaning Ebola Vomit!”

Incredibly stupid
Wingnuts • Views: 44,067

The entire right wing noise machine is now in full-on panic-spreading mode about the single Ebola patient in Dallas, and of course, the idiots at Gateway Pundit are getting in on the fear-peddling too. Second Dumbest Man on the Internet Kristinn Taylor has an utterly ridiculous post today with the screaming headline: What Quarantine?… Photos Show MEN CLEANING TX EBOLA VOMIT Without SUITS! | the Gateway Pundit.

(They’ve already stealth-edited the post twice that I know of; see below.)

OK, folks. First of all, let’s just point out that these photos were taken today.

The man diagnosed with Ebola reportedly vomited on the ground outside his apartment last Sunday on his way to being admitted to the hospital in Dallas.

Do these idiots really believe that the vomit just sat there on the sidewalk for four days? The stupidity is mind-boggling. What these photos show are workers hosing down a sidewalk, like workers do every single day in every city in the United States. And even if there had been vomit there, the Ebola virus does not survive outside the body more than a few hours.

But even more ridiculous, they completely made up this “Ebola vomit” angle out of absolutely nothing. Here’s the tweet with the first photo they used:

Notice: not a single word about “vomit.” And in fact, why would there be? This was four days after the patient supposedly vomited.

And notice the caption for the second “Ebola vomit” photo:

A worker power washes the sidewalk in front of the apartment unit at The Ivy Apartments where a man diagnosed with the Ebola virus was staying in Dallas, Texas October 2, 2014. Up to 100 people may have had direct or indirect contact with the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, and four people have been quarantined in a Dallas apartment, health officials said on Thursday. (REUTERS/Mike Stone)

Again — not a single word about “vomit.” This isn’t jumping to conclusions, folks, it’s jumping into outer space. Complete fear-mongering nonsense, with no evidence whatsoever.

And about that stealth editing: in the original version of this post, Taylor said the image was from “PBS.” Why did he say this? Because the filename of the image started with — and this is the URL for Twitter’s image filing system. It has nothing to do with PBS.

He also stealth-edited the description of the first photo, which originally claimed that an unprotected Red Cross worker was handing supplies to the quarantined family — when in fact the photo shows one of the quarantined family members bringing in supplies that were left at their door.

This is a first class self-beclowning effort from the dumbest site in the world. Keep up the good work, Kristinn Taylor!

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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