James O’Keefe’s “Scoop” on Hillary Clinton Is Yet Another #EpicFail

Politics • Views: 64,753

Here’s the video, and look what they unearthed about Hillary.

No, it isn’t “smoking gun” evidence that she murdered Vince Foster.

No, it isn’t “smoking gun” evidence that she is a lesbian.

No, it isn’t “smoking gun” evidence that she is really a man (as some wingnuts actually believe about Michelle Obama).

What this video exposes is that a Canadian citizen received Hillary Clinton souvenirs in exchange for a $75 contribution to her campaign, made via an American citizen, a Project Veritas “journalist,” standing next to her. A straw donation, in other words.


O’Keefe warns that more videos are coming, showing the Clinton campaign breaking laws “at every level.”

This is Hillary, showing just how worried she is about this:

More: Reporters Scoff at James O’Keefe’s Big New ‘Scoop’ to Destroy Hillary

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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