Donald Trump Boasts of Inciting Hatred Against Innocent Central Park Jogger Defendants

A true conservative
Politics • Views: 55,869

So today, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump retweeted this, from bigoted right wing bomb thrower Ann Coulter:

This advertisement from 1989 being touted by Trump and Coulter as proof of his conservative bona fides is actually calling for the execution of the five alleged rapists in the infamous Central Park jogger case; at the time Donald Trump was doing his best to spread fear and incite a lynch mob mentality in New York, as you can see from the ad.

The defendants in this case were convicted and spent years in prison — before another prisoner, Matias Reyes, confessed to the attack on the jogger and DNA evidence confirmed he was indeed the rapist. The five young men wrongly convicted of the crime had their sentences vacated in 2002, and subsequently sued New York City for, among other things, malicious prosecution. The city settled the suit for $42 million.

And yet, here we have Donald Trump boasting about his involvement in this dreadful miscarriage of justice, as if it confirms he’s always been a true conservative.

Come to think of it — maybe it does.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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