Donald Trump Campaign Paid Breitbart “News” Editor

Paid “news”
Politics • Views: 60,302

Many people (including yours truly) have questioned the incredibly friendly — one might almost say sycophantic — relationship between the Donald Trump campaign and Breitbart “News,” but today Rosie Gray at Buzzfeed reports that at least one Breitbart editor has actually been paid by the Trump campaign for “consulting work.”

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump’s campaign paid Breitbart News national security editor Sebastian Gorka $8,000 for “policy consulting” last year, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

The filings show that the payment to Gorka was made in October.


Gorka has been repeatedly identified on Breitbart as Breitbart’s national security editor, with an appearance on Monday on Breitbart chairman Steve Bannon’s satellite radio show being the most recent example. Gorka has also written frequently for the site, though not since December.

Earlier this year, Gorka was reportedly caught trying to go through security at Reagan Airport in February with a handgun.

In the right wing media world, this kind of cozy relationship between candidates for office and the people reporting on them is not unusual at all.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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