Read: Trump’s Deranged Impeachment Brief

Politics • Views: 22,795

The worst president in US history has filed his brief for the Senate impeachment trial, and of course it’s chock full of bad craziness, including claims that “anti-Trump groups primarily perpetrated” the insurrection — citing as evidence none other than the Stupidest, Most Dishonest Blogger on the Internet, Gateway Pundit.

You didn’t expect anything else, did you? At this point reading Trump’s lawyers’ bizarre defenses is like dimly remembering a terrible nightmare.

Here’s Trump’s brief:

And here’s the House Democrats’ response:

UPDATE at 2/8/21 11:03:16 am by Charles Johnson

And now, a professor cited in the brief says it drastically misrepresented his opinion.

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Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:55:27am

Their response should just be a GIF of J. Jonah Jameson laughing.

sagehen  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:55:38am
🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:55:52am

Only mentions Gateway Pundit TWICE?????

I expected more! 😉

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:56:00am

Suffering from a hangover and want to get the poison out?

Imagine Trump in his impeachment briefs.

You’re welcome.


marcusgorillius  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:56:17am


🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:56:51am

re: #4 Nyet

Suffering from a hangover and want it to get the poison out?

Imagine Trump in his impeachment briefs.

You’re welcome.



O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:59:53am

re: #4 Nyet

Suffering from a hangover and want it to get the poison out?

Imagine Trump in his impeachment briefs.

You’re welcome.


That… just makes me want to go back and get another hangover.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:59:55am

Hilarious responses, too numerous to quote.
Additional points: 1.Perry is in trouble for “inappropriate behavior” with a female employee of his ministry.
2. It looks like a bird, or perhaps a bat, shit all over his shirt.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:01:29am
Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:01:43am

re: #7 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

That… just makes me want to go back and get another hangover.

Shuddup, Russian.


lawhawk  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:01:57am


The reply is from the first impeachment, not the second.

It’s referring to the specific facts and allegations of the Ukraine call and pressuring a foreign country to interfere in our election.

And it’s dated 1/20/2020

stpaulbear  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:05:04am

CL’ed from the last thread: The problem is that all of these crappy, bogus Trump submittals will be accepted and cited by republican senators as proof positive that Trump could never be guilty. We don’t have a judge to throw them out. Roberts was smart if not patriotic to remove himself from the republican circus that’s about to take place.

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:05:21am

from below

re: #266 Belafon

“If the Senate holds me accountable, then I will just have to see if someone else will ignore it.”

imagine the court calendar working to his disadvantage
enough secretaries of state (or equiv) will reject his application and tell him where to go
there won’t be enough time for him to litigate before the deadlines

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:05:33am


Dizzy  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:06:16am

Deleted: redundant.

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:08:00am

I havent read any of the brief yet

this from the OP

claims that “anti-Trump groups primarily perpetrated” the insurrection — citing as evidence none other than the Stupidest, Most Dishonest Blogger on the Internet, Gateway Pundit.

watch the managers counter with pictures of those arrested so far
picture after picture all pro-trump

lawhawk  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:09:06am

re: #14 Nyet

Also the second document is the House’s response to Trump, not vice versa.

Yup. The embedded pdfs are all related to the 2020 impeachment.

2021 Trump impeachment brief is here:

The House 2021 impeachment trial brief is here:

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:09:37am

re: #8 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

[Embedded content]

lawhawk  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:10:56am

re: #16 Dangerman

I havent read any of the brief yet

this from the OP

watch the managers counter with pictures of those arrested so far
picture after picture all pro-trump

Democrats can actually get sworn testimony from the insurrectionists themselves saying that they were Trump supporters. SMOTI and GOPers like Rudy are trying to project their crimes on BLM and antifa with precisely ZERO evidence. FBI and all investigations have turned up no evidence of BLM or antifa involvement in the insurrection. It’s all right wing domestic terror groups like Proud Boys and Oathkeepers and the like.

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:11:13am

One of the Superbowl ads was for Ilya Naishuller’s new movie:

Nobody - The Big Game Spot

He’s known for Hardcore Henry, which I will be watching this Sun. with a friend, but in Russia mostly for his action-filled Leningrad videos:

Ленинград — Кольщик

Ленинград — Вояж / Leningrad — Voyage

Ленинград и Глюк’oZa - Жу Жу (Официальный клип)

Charles Johnson  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:12:30am

re: #11 lawhawk


The reply is from the first impeachment, not the second.

It’s referring to the specific facts and allegations of the Ukraine call and pressuring a foreign country to interfere in our election.

And it’s dated 1/20/2020

You’re correct - I removed that section to avoid causing confusion.

lawhawk  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:14:21am

re: #21 Charles Johnson

You’re correct - I removed that section to avoid causing confusion.

It’s pathetic that we have to differentiate between Trump’s impeachments - 2 in 2 years will do that. GOP refused to remove him after the first felony conduct, and that enabled Trump to plot for the second.

Charles Johnson  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:16:53am

Argh. I seem to have copied and pasted the wrong PDFs somehow. Working on it.

Belafon  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:16:54am

re: #8 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Hilarious responses, too numerous to quote.
Additional points: 1.Perry is in trouble for “inappropriate behavior” with a female employee of his ministry.
2. It looks like a bird, or perhaps a bat, shit all over his shirt.

And Republicans were found wanting.

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:19:44am


Daily Beast: “In the three months since the election was called for Joe Biden, most of the lawyers and MAGA enthusiasts who decided to play a consequential role in the ex-president’s efforts to overturn the Democratic nominee’s 2020 win (efforts that led directly to the Jan. 6 mob violence), have had their jobs or businesses shredded, their personal lives shaken, or their reputations irrevocably tarnished—all while Trump’s been relaxing and playing his rounds of golf in the Sunshine State. …

“Of this band of MAGA allies (which most prominently included people like Rudy Giuliani, Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Jenna Ellis, Cleta Mitchell, John Eastman, and Peter Navarro), arguably none of them has lost more in the time since the election than Mike Lindell.”

Charles Johnson  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:21:17am

OK, the real documents are now linked above.

Florida Panhandler  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:21:53am

re: #25 Dangerman

Being exposed as a willful traitor to the United States of America will do that.

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:23:15am


nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:24:03am

Pat Toomey is a worthless Tea Party lickspittle to Donald Trump and the only reason he’s retiring is the stench will take years to scrub off and if a dick like Rick Santorum can grab a paying gig on CNN……Well….

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:26:07am
darthstar  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:31:12am

A lot of people buying Pelotons apparently. Yesterday at lunch my wife said, “Joe Biden rides a Peloton so now I want one too.” So I pulled out my phone and bought one. Doesn’t get delivered until April 2.

Charles Johnson  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:33:05am
jaunte  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:33:37am

re: #11 lawhawk

I see Trump’s reply leaves out the part where he said “And after this we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you.”
Along with a lot of other rabble-rousing talk.

lawhawk  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:33:41am

Do not mess with law professors on their citations. They will drag you. They will cite chapter, verse, footnote, and dicta.

That’s how lawyers who do their jobs properly work.

Trump’s lawyers know that they don’t have a case, so they’re engaging in flim flam. Professor Kalt is essentially giving Trump’s lawyers an F in their trial prep.

danarchy  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:35:45am

re: #29 nines09

Pat Toomey is a worthless Tea Party lickspittle to Donald Trump and the only reason he’s retiring is the stench will take years to scrub off and if a dick like Rick Santorum can grab a paying gig on CNN……Well….

Fetterman seems like a good guy, but I swear every time I see his picture I think “This dude totally missed his calling as a villain in a bad sci-fi movie.”

sagehen  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:35:57am

re: #31 darthstar

A lot of people buying Pelotons apparently. Yesterday at lunch my wife said, “Joe Biden rides a Peloton so now I want one too.” So I pulled out my phone and bought one. Doesn’t get delivered until April 2.

it wasn’t that long ago Pelaton was famous for the “my husband thinks I’m fat” commercial; and Ryan Reynolds’ answer ad where the same actress is at a bar with her friends congratulating her (with Reynolds’ signature gin) for leaving the cad.

darthstar  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:36:30am

re: #30 Dread Pirate Ron

He’s not worth 40% anymore.

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:37:17am

re: #35 danarchy

Fetterman seems like a good guy, but I swear every time I see his picture I think “This dude totally missed his calling as a villain in a bad sci-fi movie.”

More of a henchman type.

darthstar  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:37:54am

re: #36 sagehen

it wasn’t that long ago Pelaton was famous for the “my husband thinks I’m fat” commercial; and Ryan Reynolds’ answer as where the same actress is at a bar with her friends congratulating her (with Reynolds’ signature gin) for leaving the cad.

I remember that. This wasn’t my suggestion, but as I used to do spin classes 15 years ago and found them to be quite effective for weight management, and I still have pounds to lose, I jumped at the chance when she suggested it.

danarchy  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:38:31am

re: #31 darthstar

A lot of people buying Pelotons apparently. Yesterday at lunch my wife said, “Joe Biden rides a Peloton so now I want one too.” So I pulled out my phone and bought one. Doesn’t get delivered until April 2.

That’s an awful expensive spontaneous purchase.

darthstar  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:39:00am

re: #39 darthstar

And if, after a year we find ourselves not using it, I’ll sell it on NextDoor for about a third of the price and no harm done.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:44:17am

re: #35 danarchy

Fetterman seems like a good guy, but I swear every time I see his picture I think “This dude totally missed his calling as a villain in a bad sci-fi movie.”

His look is very appropriate especially the first time Mitch Mc Connell looks at him and dumps in his Depends!

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:44:21am

Nice choice of a photo.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:45:39am

nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:47:46am

re: #35 danarchy

Fetterman seems like a good guy, but I swear every time I see his picture I think “This dude totally missed his calling as a villain in a bad sci-fi movie.”

He’s big and when he stands next to his petite wife Giselle he looks larger. He’s lost a bit of weight. I’d be very happy with him in office.
Toomey is such a loathsome kiss ass.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:48:15am

re: #38 Nyet

More of a henchman type.

Big axe and his longship landing on the shores of Texas in order to search for Patrick.

danarchy  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:54:57am

re: #45 nines09

He’s big and when he stands next to his petite wife Giselle he looks larger. He’s lost a bit of weight. I’d be very happy with him in office.
Toomey is such a loathsome kiss ass.

Not so much his size. It is a combination of the shaved head, large ears, pronounced brow ridge, deep furrows in his forehead, and the way he shaves his facial hair. He looks sort of like a human-klingon hybrid.

Image: fetterman_hpMain_20210108-165139_16x9_1600.jpg

jeffreyw  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:56:31am
🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:56:32am

re: #47 danarchy

Not so much his size. It is a combination of the shaved head, large ears, pronounced brow ridge, deep furrows in his forehead, and the way he shaves his facial hair. He looks sort of like a human-klingon hybrid.

The kind of partner Bob Casey needs to fight for Pennsylvania!

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:56:32am

re: #47 danarchy

Not so much his size. It is a combination of the shaved head, large ears, pronounced brow ridge, deep furrows in his forehead, and the way he shaves his facial hair. He looks sort of like a human-klingon hybrid.

Image: fetterman_hpMain_20210108-165139_16x9_1600.jpg

Has a sort of “out of fvucks to give” look as a default.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:56:48am

re: #45 nines09

He’s big and when he stands next to his petite wife Giselle he looks larger. He’s lost a bit of weight. I’d be very happy with him in office.
Toomey is such a loathsome kiss ass.

Although it was a couple weeks late, Toomey did wholeheartedly congratulate Biden on winning the election. His official press release stated:

“With today’s decision by Judge Matthew Brann, a longtime conservative Republican whom I know to be a fair and unbiased jurist, to dismiss the Trump campaign’s lawsuit, President Trump has exhausted all plausible legal options to challenge the result of the presidential race in Pennsylvania.

“This ruling follows a series of procedural losses for President Trump’s campaign. On Friday, the state of Georgia certified the victory of Joe Biden after a hand recount of paper ballots confirmed the conclusion of the initial electronic count. Michigan lawmakers rejected the apparent attempt by President Trump to thwart the will of Michigan voters and select an illegitimate slate of electoral college electors. These developments, together with the outcomes in the rest of the nation, confirm that Joe Biden won the 2020 election and will become the 46th President of the United States.

“I congratulate President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their victory. They are both dedicated public servants and I will be praying for them and for our country. Unsurprisingly, I have significant policy disagreements with the President-elect. However, as I have done throughout my career, I will seek to work across the aisle with him and his administration, especially on those areas where we may agree, such as continuing our efforts to combat COVID-19, breaking down barriers to expanding trade, supporting the men and women of our armed forces, and keeping guns out of the hands of violent criminals and the dangerously mentally ill.

If he were running for re-election, perhaps he would not have taken this route; but there was no ambiguity in his acceptance of Biden’s victory.

nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:57:04am
nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:58:01am

re: #51 Hecuba’s daughter

He’s one of my Senators. Trust me when I say he is a lickspittle kiss ass.

And if you search his record of actually meeting with the voters in his years in office, he’s avoided it like the plague. Because is is a craven lickspittle rubber stamp for GOP malfeasance. Think Rick Santorum.

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:58:19am

re: #31 darthstar

A lot of people buying Pelotons apparently. Yesterday at lunch my wife said, “Joe Biden rides a Peloton so now I want one too.” So I pulled out my phone and bought one. Doesn’t get delivered until April 2.

i once said to my dad, Matty, next door has an encyclopedia, so now i want one too.

dad said i should walk to school like everyone else

Jay C  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:06:45pm

re: #52 nines09

Actually, I had thought that Trump (typically) had stacked the USPS Board with (R) hacks so as to give DeJoy a freer hand to fuck up the election. However, I guess they had fallen back on their usual Plan B: I.e., leave governing-boards under-appointed to accomplish the same hackery.

And maybe the Biden Admin will actually look into NoJoy’s corrupt dealings: ISTR right after becoming PG, he let out a bunch of Postal Service contracts to companies he had a financial interest - without making the proper filings or whatever, and ignoring/dismissing the criticism….

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:09:49pm

re: #8 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

[Embedded content]

Hilarious responses, too numerous to quote.
Additional points: 1.Perry is in trouble for “inappropriate behavior” with a female employee of his ministry.
2. It looks like a bird, or perhaps a bat, shit all over his shirt.

יוסף = “He shall add”
בדין = “[years] To the judgment [of Trump]”

Yeah, that would work.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:10:11pm

re: #55 Jay C

Actually, I had thought that Trump (typically) had stacked the USPS Board with (R) hacks so as to give DeJoy a freer hand to fuck up the election. However, I guess they had fallen back on their usual Plan B: I.e., leave governing-boards under-appointed to accomplish the same hackery.

And maybe the Biden Admin will actually look into NoJoy’s corrupt dealings: ISTR right after becoming PG, he let out a bunch of Postal Service contracts to companies he had a financial interest - without making the proper filings or whatever, and ignoring/dismissing the criticism….

Something additional for Attorney General Merrick Garland to take a peep at!

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:11:10pm

re: #56 The Pie Overlord!

He can’t afford the hair dye anymore!

Charles Johnson  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:12:05pm
Charles Johnson  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:15:41pm
Eventual Carrion  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:18:36pm

re: #53 nines09

He’s one of my Senators. Trust me when I say he is a lickspittle kiss ass.

And if you search his record of actually meeting with the voters in his years in office, he’s avoided it like the plague. Because is is a craven lickspittle rubber stamp for GOP malfeasance. Think Rick Santorum.

I’ve got Mike Kelly as my rep. I feel your pain.

Charles Johnson  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:19:43pm
nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:21:01pm

re: #55 Jay C
Biden can appoint Board Members. I heard Biden could/couldn’t do anything himself but the Board is a different story. I hope.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:22:26pm

Ugh, the GOP senators are going to fight tooth and nail against those confirmations.

nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:23:32pm

re: #51 Hecuba’s daughter

Although it was a couple weeks late, Toomey did wholeheartedly congratulate Biden on winning the election. His official press release stated:

Key phrase. “A couple of weeks late.”

Lickspittle craven coward.

lawhawk  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:25:12pm

re: #64 Eclectic Cyborg

Ugh, the GOP senators are going to fight tooth and nail against those confirmations.

Just wait till Democrats push legislation to end the way the USPS accounts for the pensions, which is how and why the USPS has been in dire financial straits.

Should the USPS get more compensation from FedEx and UPS as a last mile delivery service? Absolutely. No one else is doing that the way USPS does. That’s money USPS leaves on the table, but balance that with the costs that have to pass on to customers - for both USPS and those other private delivery services.

danarchy  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:29:27pm

re: #66 lawhawk

Just wait till Democrats push legislation to end the way the USPS accounts for the pensions, which is how and why the USPS has been in dire financial straits.

Wasn’t there a bipartisan bill submitted last week to remove the requirement for fully funding pensions in advance?


nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:30:27pm

re: #61 Eventual Carrion

Fred Keller. Walking piece of human excrement. Toady in the Corbett campaign. Got into a heated argument with one of his staff members one day in a barbershop about no severance tax for fracking in Pa. “Oh but they pay an impact fee.” Yes that is not enough and those trucks and that polluted water doesn’t stay in them counties.
“But if we tax them they will just go elsewhere.”
And this is where it got real uncomfortable for him. I asked him to give me a state they would move to because Pa would tax them. “THEY ALL TAX THEM. So answer that.”
He told me I wouldn’t understand, I told him lying isn’t a good look. The barber asked us to stop. I don’t go there anymore.

darthstar  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:31:36pm
Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:32:39pm

re: #62 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

shorter: we’re coming for ya, Louie

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:33:20pm

re: #64 Eclectic Cyborg

Ugh, the GOP senators are going to fight tooth and nail against those confirmations.

gee i wonder for what possible reason they could object?

other than ‘then we wont have the majority’

darthstar  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:34:28pm

Also, Donovan had to have been trippin’ balls when he wrote that song.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:36:46pm

re: #65 nines09

Although it was a couple weeks late, Toomey did wholeheartedly congratulate Biden on winning the election. His official press release stated:

Key phrase. “A couple of weeks late.”

Lickspittle craven coward.

It was November 21 — which is way before McConnell congratulated Biden. He may be a coward, but he was braver and more ethical than at least 43 other GOP Senators, most of whom waited until after the December 14 certification except for the 13 or 14 treasonweasels aligned with Hawley and/or Cruz.

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:38:02pm

re: #72 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Also, Donovan had to have been trippin’ balls when he wrote that song.


Mattand  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:38:18pm

re: #69 darthstar

Man, @PressSec came with the damn receipts for Doocy’s bad faith question.

Dude is as stupid as his father.

Best part of that is how you can hear the mounting panic in Doocy’s voice on Jen calls him out on his bullshit. Full on “Shit, Trump’s people never made me back up my statements!”

Charles Johnson  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:38:32pm
nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:39:39pm

re: #73 Hecuba’s daughter

I wish I could find one thing he did that actually benefitted anyone besides himself and the GOP “party line” which was Trump Trump Trump.
And he’s retiring so how could the GQP do anything to him now?

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:42:49pm

god i cant stand looking at his mug

i’m gonna have to reinstall the make america kittens again app

nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:44:00pm

And in the 10 years Toomey has pocketed tax dollars he was absent from Town Hall meetings and when he did it was hand picked small crowds and then remote meetings on CCTV.
I would call that craven.

You can look that up.

lawhawk  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:44:34pm

re: #76 Charles Johnson

Doocey: But X said… this would cost 100s of jobs, and 1000s of potential jobs.

Press Secretary: Now tell everyone in the studio audience the rest of that statement.

Doocey: You mean ..

Press Secretary: Yes. The rest of that statement. The part you omitted because it included President Biden saying that the Green New Deal would create millions of well paying new union jobs.

This is how you deal with these propagandists. You hold them to account for their lies and omissions.

nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:47:41pm

Chores. later

Decatur Deb  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:50:52pm

re: #47 danarchy

Not so much his size. It is a combination of the shaved head, large ears, pronounced brow ridge, deep furrows in his forehead, and the way he shaves his facial hair. He looks sort of like a human-klingon hybrid.

Image: fetterman_hpMain_20210108-165139_16x9_1600.jpg

He’s from Pittsburgh. We don’t vote for “pretty”.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:52:31pm
Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:52:50pm

re: #80 lawhawk

Doocey: But X said… this would cost 100s of jobs, and 1000s of potential jobs.

Press Secretary: Now tell everyone in the studio audience the rest of that statement.

Doocey: You mean ..

Press Secretary: Yes. The rest of that statement. The part you omitted because it included President Biden saying that the Green New Deal would create millions of well paying new union jobs.

This is how you deal with these propagandists. You hold them to account for their lies and omissions.

there was an old Lou Grant episode
guy comes in claiming he was misquoted
Rossi plays the (cassette) tape for all to hear
this is in front of Lou etc, seeming making his case.
then the guy says, ‘play the rest of it’ and rossi is nailed

sent to newspaper siberia for a while

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:53:09pm

re: #81 nines09

Chores. later

later. always

Belafon  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:53:34pm

re: #64 Eclectic Cyborg

Ugh, the GOP senators are going to fight tooth and nail against those confirmations.

That’s probably why the announcement came after the swapover in the senate.

Belafon  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:55:46pm

At least the Democrats finally taking control was supposed to happen today.

makeitstop  Feb 8, 2021 • 12:59:47pm

re: #72 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Also, Donovan had to have been trippin’ balls when he wrote that song.

I’m curious as to who ‘Juanita’ is…

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:00:17pm

thegreatpoolpondconversion - 210207 edition ——————->
“Another Light Day”

Here’s an index of all the postings in #thegreatpoolpondconversion

danarchy  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:02:17pm

re: #75 Mattand

Dude is as stupid as his father.

Best part of that is how you can hear the mounting panic in Doocy’s voice on Jen calls him out on his bullshit. Full on “Shit, Trump’s people never made me back up my statements!”

I was listening to an AM radio show on the car on my way to a client site and they were playing this clip as evidence of how Psaki was floundering and evasive. We truly live in 2 separate realities.

austin_blue  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:02:20pm

re: #88 makeitstop

I’m curious as to who ‘Juanita’ is…

A Welshman named Ian wearing a skirt?

William Lewis  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:02:32pm

I found this whole chicken from my father’s farm hiding in the back of the freeze, good one alone knows how long it’s been there. Thawed it turned out to be skinned. Sprayed it with cooking spray, dusted with a bunch of herbs, popped it in for 15 minutes in the air fryer. Tossed in a couple of quartered taters at that point. Now 15 minues later, flipped it over, sprayed the bottom of the chicken and popped it back in for 15 remaining minutes at 375. Be interesting to see how it works.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:05:43pm

re: #92 William Lewis

Be sure the internal temps get above 150F. Many bacteria can survive being frozen.

retired cynic  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:08:51pm

Biden’s already “uniting” the country — his agenda is wildly popular
From Covid to climate change, Eric Boehlert, PressRun

I’m actually surprised at how high the numbers are.

Politically, the bill represents a home run for Democrats, but the Associated Press depicts it as a “dilemma” for them because Republicans oppose it. (Why isn’t it a “dilemma” for the GOP?) And The Wall Street Journal stressed that Biden faced a “big decision” whether to pass the bill even if all Republicans objected. (Spoiler: He does not.)

Meanwhile, Biden continues to garner high marks for his leadership on fighting the pandemic, the most pressing issue facing the country.

Biden is already helping to unify the country, even if Republicans and the press don’t want to acknowledge it.

mmmirele  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:09:54pm

re: #8 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Perry Stone is a piece of work.

He does not appear to have any college degrees, but he does have three honorary doctorates. So yeah, also not qualified to mouth off.

Charles Johnson  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:13:22pm
Decatur Deb  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:16:31pm

re: #94 retired cynic

Biden’s already “uniting” the country — his agenda is wildly popular
From Covid to climate change, Eric Boehlert, PressRun

I’m actually surprised at how high the numbers are.

We must unite—the Democrats, Independents, Undecided, the Young, and the Apathetic.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:18:06pm

re: #95 mmmirele

Perry Stone is a piece of work.

[Embedded content]

He does not appear to have any college degrees, but he does have three honorary doctorates. So yeah, also not qualified to mouth off.

When it comes to Three Degrees I prefer…

-The Three Degrees- -When will I see you again-

nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:18:16pm


Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:23:56pm

re: #94 retired cynic

Fundamentalists wanting to impose theocracy and Trump playing along with them in regards to the judges meant said fundamentalists were all on board with Trump, but it turns out Trump’s actual policies (few that they were) outside of that were not popular with the majority.

Trump support is all about the Trump cult.

So yeah, Biden actually doing good for the country is going to be broadly popular. It’s the opposite of Trump.

William Lewis  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:25:21pm

re: #93 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Be sure the internal temps get above 150F. Many bacteria can survive being frozen.

Went to stick the thermometer in and the meat fell off of the leg and thigh bones…

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:25:23pm

Don’t forget that we have to thank Stacey Abrams and Lin Wood that we’re even discussing this.

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:26:20pm

oh gee

“A large part of the phase one trade deal between China and the United States that entered into force almost one year ago was a “failure,” the South China Morning Post reports.

“US. exports of phase one goods to China in 2020 fell more than 40% short of the target.”

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:27:07pm

re: #95 mmmirele

Perry Stone is a piece of work.

[Embedded content]

He does not appear to have any college degrees, but he does have three honorary doctorates. So yeah, also not qualified to mouth off.

Possession of a college degree has little to do with knowledge or insight or honesty or skill. After all several well known billionaires who were college dropouts — Gates, Jobs, Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Sheldon Adelson — acquired great wealth through their own skills and not through inheritance. Almost 50 years ago at the beginning of my career, I worked with a successful actuary who had no college, but taught himself statistics and calculus and passed all the actuarial exams.

It’s not Stone’s lack of education that matters — it’s his character.

EPR-radar  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:31:49pm

re: #104 Hecuba’s daughter

Possession of a college degree has little to do with knowledge or insight or honesty or skill. After all several well known billionaires who were college dropouts — Gates, Jobs, Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Sheldon Adelson — acquired great wealth through their own skills and not through inheritance. Almost 50 years ago at the beginning of my career, I worked with a successful actuary who had no college, but taught himself statistics and calculus and passed all the actuarial exams.

It’s not Stone’s lack of education that matters — it’s his character.

It also works the other way around. E.g., Peter Thiel is well-educated, but that is irrelevant to his crank hard-right libertarian views.

I Would Prefer Not To  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:33:52pm

Charles Johnson  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:40:54pm

Just switched over to a different way of displaying PDFs. Much better than the Google viewer I was using.

jaunte  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:43:42pm
Teddy's Person  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:49:57pm

re: #99 nines09

[Embedded content]


Charles Johnson  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:52:14pm
Patricia Kayden  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:53:28pm

re: #8 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

When I was a kid, some fundies believed that Ronald (six letters) Wilson (six) Reagan (six) was the Anti-Christ. 😂

gocart mozart  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:56:05pm

New account. Follow me I’ll follow back

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:57:10pm

My RW brother who is absolutely convinced that Biden has dementia told us that he thought one reason behind Fox dumping Dobbs is that Dobbs is failing intellectually and often appears to lose his train of thought in mid-sentence; I don’t watch so cannot attest to the accuracy of this evaluation. My brother also said that, although he disagrees with him on most issues, Bernie Sanders is very sharp.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:58:38pm

re: #111 Patricia Kayden

When I was a kid, some fundies believed that Ronald (six letters) Wilson (six) Reagan (six) was the Anti-Christ. 😂

[Embedded content]

I remember how Jerry Falwell and Pat Robetson shut that down!

sagehen  Feb 8, 2021 • 1:58:40pm

Tonight on PBS — American Experience does a whole hour on Tulsa (Greenwood) 1921.

Belafon  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:01:25pm

re: #113 Hecuba’s daughter

My RW brother who is absolutely convinced that Biden has dementia told us that he thought one reason behind Fox dumping Dobbs is that Dobbs is failing intellectually and often appears to lose his train of thought in mid-sentence; I don’t watch so cannot attest to the accuracy of this evaluation. My brother also said that, although he disagrees with him on most issues, Bernie Sanders is very sharp.

very sharp = says things that whites what to hear.

Jay C  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:01:36pm

re: #111 Patricia Kayden

When I was a kid, some fundies believed that Ronald (six letters) Wilson (six) Reagan (six) was the Anti-Christ. 😂

[Embedded content]

I’m still unimpressed - and not just because of Perry Stone’s shirt - Jewish rabbis who have studied the language their whole lives can’t always decide on what is what when “translated into Hebrew” (and never mind the numerology business) - why would some shlock online/TV preacher from Tennessee have a better handle on it?

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:04:42pm

re: #117 Jay C

I’m still unimpressed - and not just because of Perry Stone’s shirt - Jewish rabbis who have studied the language their whole lives can’t always decide on what is what when “translated into Hebrew” (and never mind the numerology business) - why would some shlock online/TV preacher from Tennessee have a better handle on it?

Because that Pulpit Pimp is running short on cash and he needs to fleece the marks!

nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:05:01pm
Mattand  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:05:09pm

re: #113 Hecuba’s daughter

My RW brother who is absolutely convinced that Biden has dementia told us that he thought one reason behind Fox dumping Dobbs is that Dobbs is failing intellectually and often appears to lose his train of thought in mid-sentence; I don’t watch so cannot attest to the accuracy of this evaluation. My brother also said that, although he disagrees with him on most issues, Bernie Sanders is very sharp.

My Blue Dog Dam-turned-Libertarian acquaintance was big on the “Biden has dementia” horseshit. One way to shut down that line of questioning is ask if the accuser realizes Biden has a stutter, and is choosing his words carefully.

Usually the answer is they don’t and it shuts that shit down ASAP.

Patricia Kayden  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:07:00pm
Belafon  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:09:38pm

re: #121 Patricia Kayden

Is Bolton an attorney?

JC1  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:10:46pm

re: #119 nines09

[Embedded content]

Amazing amount of diversity on that bus. Old white men AND old white women. Not a mask in sight. Pretty funny that if they just followed CDC mask guidelines they’d be far less likely to get identified.

Patricia Kayden  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:12:48pm

re: #122 Belafon

It’s Bolton’s attorney.

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:13:32pm

Still can’t get over how quick Atlas Juggs dropped Bolton after he started being critical of Trump.

Terror nation Iran welcomes Bolton’s dismissal
By Geller Report Staff - on September 12, 2019

You know who else welcomes John Bolton’s dismissal? Some of the worst of American society.


Judge says Bolton ‘gambled’ with national security, ‘exposed his country to harm and himself to civil (and potentially criminal) liability’, but will allow book to be released
By Pamela Geller - on June 20, 2020

Bolton has lost the plot. Utterly. And with it, his mind, it seems.

Forced to resign under Bush, Bolton stood by the RINO President. Despite their policy disagreements, Bolton would describe his loyalty to the spineless, gutless Bush, saying, “I serve at the pleasure of the President.” And yet he afforded no such pleasure to the President who gave him his most senior position. And how badly, how desperately, he wanted to be part of the Trump administration. What a rat.

I thought I knew him. I was wrong. He’s a small, narcissistic thirst monster. His betrayal is nothing short of shocking.

And WTH has he been doing in Qatar, the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today?

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:17:18pm

Bolton turned out to be a Trotskyite-Zinovievite wrecker.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:22:27pm
Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:23:38pm

re: #127 Dread Pirate Ron

Evil Biden!

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:23:50pm

re: #121 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

bears repeating over and over
though The Hill is late to this party

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:24:30pm

re: #127 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

im not falling for this twice

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:24:30pm

re: #111 Patricia Kayden

When I was a kid, some fundies believed that Ronald (six letters) Wilson (six) Reagan (six) was the Anti-Christ. 😂

Can we be entirely sure they were wrong, or maybe a precursor kind of like John the Baptist? ///

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:24:56pm

Good to see the Dems not being maddeningly dumb.

Jay C  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:25:17pm

re: #125 Nyet

Qatar is the “preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today”??

WTF? I thought Iran was….
Or China…
Or Hamas in Gaza…

Geez, it’s hard to keep your International Terrorist Boogeymen straight without a handy chart: now that Pam’s been axed from Twitter, how are we going to tell??

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:26:22pm

re: #133 Jay C

It’s whatever her Magic 8 Ball tells her any on given morning.

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:27:41pm

She recast Gritty.

Belafon  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:28:09pm

re: #124 Patricia Kayden

It’s Bolton’s attorney.

Thanks. It was funny that the picture has Trump blurred, and Bolton in focus.

Jay C  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:28:13pm

re: #134 Nyet

It’s whatever her Magic 8 Ball tells her any on given morning.

So “Reply Hazy, Try Again Later” Repeated for 20 years?

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:29:11pm

re: #137 Jay C

So “Reply Hazy, Try Again Later” Repeated for 20 years?

After that much vodka it’s all hazy to her indeed.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:31:14pm

re: #131 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Can we be entirely sure they were wrong, or maybe a precursor kind of like John the Baptist? ///

Correction—Mommy Reagan was the Virgin Mommy who paved the way for Trump!

William Lewis  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:37:21pm

Just got a call from my VA social worker. Vaccine date of March 20 & April 10 set up for me, now I just have to take the days off (thankfully I have vacation time I can use.

danarchy  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:37:29pm

Last March when you couldn’t find paper towels anywhere I ordered some from amazon. The least you could order was 12 rolls. I just put the last roll on. Apparently I use almost exactly one roll of paper towels per month.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:40:03pm
BlueSpotinAL  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:40:33pm

re: #80 lawhawk

Doocey: But X said… this would cost 100s of jobs, and 1000s of potential jobs.

Press Secretary: Now tell everyone in the studio audience the rest of that statement.

Doocey: You mean ..

Press Secretary: Yes. The rest of that statement. The part you omitted because it included President Biden saying that the Green New Deal would create millions of well paying new union jobs.

This is how you deal with these propagandists. You hold them to account for their lies and omissions.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:42:08pm
Decatur Deb  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:43:29pm

re: #131 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Can we be entirely sure they were wrong, or maybe a precursor kind of like John the Baptist? ///

The Ante-Anti-Christ.

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:44:52pm

re: #143 BlueSpotinAL

OK, this is now in the Weekend at Bernie’s zone.

Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:48:54pm

re: #140 William Lewis

Just got a call from my VA social worker. Vaccine date of March 20 & April 10 set up for me, now I just have to take the days off (thankfully I have vacation time I can use.

today danger mom got a call from the county for her first vaccine appointment
(she’s 92)

of course it’s this sunday. Marathon race day.

mrsdm won’t be at the race - it’s not really safe enough for her.
so she’ll take danger mom.

we placed the ‘appointment’ call with the automated system on january 22, so 17 days to get a call back.
i was floored that they called at all.
and that it was a person. a really nice person.

retired cynic  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:50:00pm
ipsos  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:52:20pm

re: #147 Dangerman

today danger mom got a call from the county for her first vaccine appointment
(she’s 92)

of course it’s this sunday. Marathon race day.

mrsdm won’t be at the race - it’s not really safe enough for her.
so she’ll take danger mom.

we placed the ‘appointment’ call with the automated system on january 22, so 17 days to get a call back.
i was floored that they called at all.
and that it was a person. a really nice person.

I’m not sure I remember what “hope” feels like anymore, but the last few days have been pretty darned optimistic. As a diabetic, I become eligible for the jab here in NY starting a week from today, with the ability to sign up starting Sunday. It looks like supply is starting to increase… maybe by March-ish I can at least get the first shot? My parents get their second shots next week. Progress!

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:54:22pm

Pretty excited about this book.

Book of Abraham Apologetics: A Review and Critique
Dan Vogel
Said to have been dictated by Joseph Smith as a translation of an ancient Egyptian scroll purchased in Kirtland, Ohio, in 1835, the Book of Abraham may be Mormonism’s most controversial scripture. Decades of impassioned discussion began when about a dozen fragments of Smith’s Egyptian papyri, including a facsimile from the Book of Abraham, were found in the New York Metropolitan Museum in 1966. The discovery solved a mystery about the origin of the Egyptian characters that appear in the various manuscript copies of the Book of Abraham from 1835, reproduced from one of the fragments. Some LDS scholars devised arguments to explain what seemed to be clear evidence of Smith’s inability to translate Egyptian. In this book, Dan Vogel not only highlights the problems with these apologetic arguments but explains the underlying source documents in revealing detail and clarity.

paperback: $18.95 | ebook: $9.99

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:55:20pm


No fucking way I’d send any kid to school where the teacher refuses to get vaccinated.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:57:01pm

re: #151 Backwoods_Sleuth


No fucking way I’d send any kid to school where the teacher refuses to get vaccinated.


Kentucky school districts are not required to offer alternative or virtual work assignments to employees who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine, according to new guidance released Monday by the Kentucky Department of Education.

Read more here:

Belafon  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:58:26pm

re: #152 Backwoods_Sleuth


So the schools can basically say that you either get a vaccine or you’re out of a job.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:59:02pm
Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 2:59:44pm

re: #142 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

“Senior Dems” are constantly scared of their own shadows. I don’t doubt that more than a few of them resent the fact that their House colleagues went forward with impeachment rather than just accepting that Trump was gonna be gone after Jan 20th and it would have been better to just “wait it out.”

jaunte  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:00:10pm
calochortus  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:00:53pm

re: #149 ipsos

I’m not sure I remember what “hope” feels like anymore, but the last few days have been pretty darned optimistic. As a diabetic, I become eligible for the jab here in NY starting a week from today, with the ability to sign up starting Sunday. It looks like supply is starting to increase… maybe by March-ish I can at least get the first shot? My parents get their second shots next week. Progress!

Yeah, I have an appointment for Friday. Mr. C. has one the following Wed. I won’t believe it until they’ve stuck the needles in our arms because it just feels that dicey here.

We’re with Kaiser, but the appointments are with Stanford Med. I don’t have any idea what is going on at Kaiser. No one does. Apparently their own doctors are in the dark as to where their vaccines are going and why they seem so undersupplied.

Patricia Kayden  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:00:59pm
Jack Burton  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:01:58pm

re: #153 Belafon

So the schools can basically say that you either get a vaccine or you’re out of a job.

I hope that’s what they are saying (haven’t read it all yet), but it’s Kentucky so I’m not going to hold my breath. Seems like the Governor is the only one with any authority there trying to do anything right while everyone else is 3 blocks down on kook street.

Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:03:41pm

re: #148 retired cynic

[Embedded content]

If the failed coup had occurred in any other country, the NYT stories would be referring to those treasonous bastards as “regime loyalists” and not “veterans.”

jaunte  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:03:44pm

re: #158 Patricia Kayden

Complete with fake Churchill quote.

“…Loren Collins, an Atlanta lawyer and author of Bullspotting: Finding Facts in the Age of Misinformation, questioned the quote as soon as he heard of it. “There’s a whole chapter on spurious quotations in my book,” he said, “so that set off some alarms for me. When I searched online, most of the results were just neo-Confederate sites, which doesn’t necessarily prove it’s not legit, of course, but I just couldn’t find any credible source.”

Among the earliest appearances of the phrase that he can find come from the “Southerners Left a Legacy of Courage,” a 1990 editorial in Virginia’s Daily Press defending Civil War reenactments. Another, from around the same time, comes from a newspaper ad placed by the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

cat-tikvah  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:07:43pm

re: #119 nines09

Wonder if this was one of the buses Mastriano funded.

stpaulbear  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:10:02pm

re: #119 nines09

Scott MacFarlane


Charging document against Pennsylvania man accused of role in US Capitol Insurrection includes a smiling photo from the group bus trip to DC on Jan 6.

The man smiling with the rifle image on his shirt is now charged

Is that one of Charlie Kirk’s 80 busses?

Jack Burton  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:10:38pm

re: #156 jaunte

Why is this system connected to the Internet in the first place? Or at the very least why isn’t it on a VPN laid over the Internet with no actual connection to it?

Most of this kind of equipment doesn’t need to be on a network outside of the damn building it’s in.

I Would Prefer Not To  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:11:31pm

Just got another online comedy gig. Saturday Night. With a fantastic line-up. Details to follow.

sagehen  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:13:20pm

re: #158 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]



nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:17:26pm

re: #162 cat-tikvah

re: #163 stpaulbear

There were all sorts of buses from all over Pennsylvania. Here’s one from Bloomsburg Pa that day. And he died.
“Very nice individual. Warm.”
Not no mo byotch.
And that pink hat “bullhorn woman” was supposedly on the bus from Bloomsburg that day, or another. I recall reading she was waiting for the bus in Williamsport Pa, and she was supposed to be at Lewisburg Pa to get picked up. My neighborhood.
There were quite a number of buses and I hope every single one is dragged into court.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:17:36pm
🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:25:12pm

re: #163 stpaulbear

Is that one of Charlie Kirk’s 80 busses?

Is it one of Ginny Thomas’ busses?

I Would Prefer Not To  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:25:27pm

It took me at least 30 seconds to get this. some of you will get it much faster, but I old.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:27:23pm

I had NO FREAKING IDEA how nasty the floor was under the dead fridge.

Thought I was prepared.

I was not.

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:27:59pm

re: #170 I Would Prefer Not To

It took me at least 30 seconds to get this. some of you will get it much faster, but I old.

[Embedded content]


Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:28:23pm

re: #170 I Would Prefer Not To

It took me at least 30 seconds to get this. some of you will get it much faster, but I old.

[Embedded content]

Bach, obviously

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:29:24pm

re: #170 I Would Prefer Not To

It took me at least 30 seconds to get this. some of you will get it much faster, but I old.

[Embedded content]


Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:29:44pm

That said, Arnie is a native speaker so he would probably pronounce Bach correctly and the joke would not work ;)

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:30:00pm

re: #170 I Would Prefer Not To

It took me at least 30 seconds to get this. some of you will get it much faster, but I old.

[Embedded content]

I got it, but because it’s one of my favorite dad jokes to use.

nines09  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:31:22pm

re: #174 The Pie Overlord!

Thank you. I was lost.

EPR-radar  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:31:43pm

re: #171 Backwoods_Sleuth

I had NO FREAKING IDEA how nasty the floor was under the dead fridge.

Thought I was prepared.

I was not.

Look at the bright side. That nastiness was under the fridge for years and years without leaping out and killing you.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:31:53pm

re: #171 Backwoods_Sleuth

I had NO FREAKING IDEA how nasty the floor was under the dead fridge.

Thought I was prepared.

I was not.

Let me guess: Unexpected smells?

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:33:51pm
jaunte  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:34:15pm

re: #171 Backwoods_Sleuth

I had NO FREAKING IDEA how nasty the floor was under the dead fridge.

Thought I was prepared.

I was not.

“Life… finds a way.”
–Jeff Goldblum

Nyet  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:35:38pm

re: #181 jaunte

“Life… finds a way.”
–Jeff Goldblum

You forgot the uh.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:35:52pm

re: #179 Eclectic Cyborg

Let me guess: Unexpected smells?

dead things…and other things…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:39:54pm
Decatur Deb  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:40:22pm

re: #183 Backwoods_Sleuth

dead things…and other things…

Dead things is better than live things.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:41:36pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:42:23pm

re: #186 Backwoods_Sleuth

I’m going to need buckets of brain bleach after reading that, aren’t I?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:42:56pm
Dangerman  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:43:02pm

re: #165 I Would Prefer Not To

Just got another online comedy gig. Saturday Night. With a fantastic line-up. Details to follow.

You are smokin’!

Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:44:25pm

re: #186 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Jay C  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:44:28pm

re: #187 Eclectic Cyborg

I’m going to need buckets of brain bleach after reading that, aren’t I?

55-gallon barrels….

sagehen  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:44:33pm
🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:45:13pm

re: #186 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Stormy probably needed a set of rabies shots after that encounter…

I Would Prefer Not To  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:46:11pm

re: #189 Dangerman

You are smokin’!

Doing the best I can. Online shows allow me to practice and I don’t have to travel.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:46:17pm

re: #188 Backwoods_Sleuth

It is physically painful to me that SCOTUS is feeding the fundamentalist Christians’ perpetual victim complex by telling them that the government overreached in trying to protect them from themselves and stop them from spreading a deadly virus all over the country.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:47:28pm
Hecuba's daughter  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:54:40pm

Have an appointment for my first shot: February 26!

Not in the most convenient spot — about 40 minutes away — so will be checking regularly on other potential openings.

Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:56:04pm

re: #196 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

What seems to be driving the MAGAts crazy is that, despite weeks of investigations and hundreds of arrests and arraignments, the elusive “proof” that Antifa/BLM were responsible for the riot remains that…elusive. So far every single one has been either a full-blown Quack or a MAGAt.

Wait, I forgot, they caught John Sullivan. So I guess all the other arrests can be dismissed./////

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:56:11pm

funny story about the old fridge:
I asked MrBWS to have one of the neighbors help him move it out.
He said he would if he needed the help, but it was no problem because he has a handtruck…
Last thing I said as he hauled it out on the handtruck: “Do NOT let it fall down on you because I won’t be able to save you.”

I am soooo nice.

I did not take pictures.

Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 3:57:20pm

re: #185 Decatur Deb

Dead things is better than live things.

Sometimes, dead is better…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:04:22pm

MrBWS just said that he is glad to be a source of amusement.

I just smiled.

Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:05:11pm

re: #201 Backwoods_Sleuth

MrBWS just said that he is glad to be a source of amusement.

I just smiled.

At least he’s being a good sport about it.

Sherlock Hound  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:05:54pm

re: #173 Backwoods_Sleuth

Bach, obviously

Johann Sebastian Schwarzenegger

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:06:33pm

re: #199 Backwoods_Sleuth

funny story about the old fridge:
I asked MrBWS to have one of the neighbors help him move it out.
He said he would if he needed the help, but it was no problem because he has a handtruck…
Last thing I said as he hauled it out on the handtruck: “Do NOT let it fall down on you because I won’t be able to save you.”

I am soooo nice.

I did not take pictures.

There is video out there somewhere of some of my church’s former staff. They were attempting to remove a TV from a wall, and it had been hard-wired to mains power (instead of using an outlet). These idjits decided not to shut off the power, and the live wires can be seen sparking and scaring the ever-loving crap out of our worship/tech director as they’re trying to get this thing down the ladder.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:07:28pm

Meanwhile Trump’s Legal Team is having their final meeting before the Impeachment trial begins!

Circus Music

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:09:36pm

re: #202 Targetpractice

At least he’s being a good sport about it.

It would have been a great photo.

mmmirele  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:10:49pm

re: #104 Hecuba’s daughter

Possession of a college degree has little to do with knowledge or insight or honesty or skill. After all several well known billionaires who were college dropouts — Gates, Jobs, Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Sheldon Adelson — acquired great wealth through their own skills and not through inheritance. Almost 50 years ago at the beginning of my career, I worked with a successful actuary who had no college, but taught himself statistics and calculus and passed all the actuarial exams.

It’s not Stone’s lack of education that matters — it’s his character.

In the matter of Hebrew translation, I believe I’d like someone who actually has an education, rather than someone who may not even be dinking around in Logos software, but dreaming this up in his head. And he’s not the only one who is doing this.

darthstar  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:11:12pm
Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:12:48pm

re: #204 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

There is video out there somewhere of some of my church’s former staff. They were attempting to remove a TV from a wall, and it had been hard-wired to mains power (instead of using an outlet). These idjits decided not to shut off the power, and the live wires can be seen sparking and scaring the ever-loving crap out of our worship/tech director as they’re trying to get this thing down the ladder.

So instead of taking the time to assess the situation, they just yanked it down and assumed they’d be alright?

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:13:46pm

re: #209 Targetpractice

So instead of taking the time to assess the situation, they just yanked it down and assumed they’d be alright?

Oh, no, this was their carefully considered plan. It goes without saying that as a tech director, this man had some… inadequacies.

darthstar  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:14:11pm

re: #199 Backwoods_Sleuth

funny story about the old fridge:
I asked MrBWS to have one of the neighbors help him move it out.
He said he would if he needed the help, but it was no problem because he has a handtruck…
Last thing I said as he hauled it out on the handtruck: “Do NOT let it fall down on you because I won’t be able to save you.”

I am soooo nice.

I did not take pictures.

I borrowed a refrigerator hand truck from a neighbor then I went to pick up my wine fridge (another generous friend gave me - 140 bottle capacity! $3500 new). It was so fuckin’ heavy. I barely got it out of the back of my truck on my own without killing myself. Waited until my gardener came on Friday to move it up the few steps from the garage into the house (it’s in the office by my desk where it belongs).

Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:14:39pm

re: #210 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

Oh, no, this was their carefully considered plan. It goes without saying that as a tech director, this man had some… inadequacies.

Naked Gun - Epic Facepalm [1080p]

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:15:17pm

re: #187 Eclectic Cyborg

I’m going to need buckets of brain bleach after reading that, aren’t I?

re: #191 Jay C

55-gallon barrels….

Help is on the way…..

stpaulbear  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:15:27pm

re: #210 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

Oh, no, this was their carefully considered plan. It goes without saying that as a tech director, this man had some… inadequacies.

Was it the tech director who decided to hardwire it to the wall in the first place? Weird move.

jaunte  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:17:00pm
🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:18:19pm

re: #216 jaunte

[Embedded content]

And I STILL have relatives who insist that Luap Nor isn’t a racist.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:19:23pm

re: #214 stpaulbear

Was it the tech director who decided to hardwire it to the wall in the first place? Weird move.

I keep trying to find a way to defend this, but I honestly don’t remember why that decision was made in the first place.

Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:19:39pm

re: #216 jaunte

[Embedded content]

IOW, Trump’s defense is pure whataboutism. Not that he’s innocent, just that his crimes are “the same” as Maxine Waters telling people to criticize Repubs to their face.

I’m sure the defense will be able to show examples of Repubs violently assaulted as a result of Waters’ statements./////

plansbandc  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:23:50pm

re: #186 Backwoods_Sleuth

I have to go vomit now.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:24:05pm

re: #219 Targetpractice

IOW, Trump’s defense is pure whataboutism. Not that he’s innocent, just that his crimes are “the same” as Maxine Waters telling people to criticize Repubs to their face.

I’m sure the defense will be able to show examples of Repubs violently assaulted as a result of Waters’ statements./////

They have one—involving poor Mikey Tracey who had the shaving cream beaten out of him by Maxine…

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:24:25pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:25:18pm

re: #201 Backwoods_Sleuth

MrBWS just said that he is glad to be a source of amusement.

I just smiled.

These days we need to find amusement where we can, amirite? 😁

Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:25:19pm

re: #221 🌹UOJB!

They have one—involving poor Mikey Tracey who had the shaving cream beaten out of him by Maxine…

You’re right, I forgot about that time Maxine Waters ripped out poor Mike Tracey’s heart out in full view of the public.

jaunte  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:27:23pm

re: #224 Targetpractice

Maybe he’ll be asked to testify about being attacked that time.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:27:51pm

re: #225 jaunte

Maybe he’ll be asked to testify about being attacked that time.

Trump’s shysters ARE that stupid!

darthstar  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:29:54pm

So when we get to cocktail hour (5pm, but now 4:30 because of home office) I jokingly said it was time “to make myself useful” - well, my wife adopted that phrase and when I am in the other room she’ll call out, “Isn’t it time for you to make yourself useful?” a phrase Merle came to associate with his getting a Greenie - so he will come over and bark at me because it’s fuckin’ greenie time.

Fast forward to a week ago, and I set an Amazon reminder for 4:33 to make myself useful as a joke (repeating daily)…my wife thought it funny, and after two days Merle began responding by again lecturing me about the absence of a greenie in his mouth.

I’m 3 or 4 minutes away from experiencing it again.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:30:15pm

re: #223 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

These days we need to find amusement where we can, amirite? 😁

he looked like that old school frog crossing video game what with his arms and legs the only things showing from under the fridge.
He says he was saved by the mud providing a soft landing (and claims it was the mud that caused the fall in the first place).

Oh, we did find something under the old fridge that bodes weird .

Sharing a photo will have to wait until tomorrow.

Stay tuned…

Barefoot Grin  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:35:16pm

I saw this, too. I don’t know wtf Ari’s producers are thinking to put this POS on, but it’s been too common.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:36:38pm

Authorities say 31-year-old Yuri Andrade scampered onto the field Sunday night in the fourth quarter of the game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs.

Andrade was wearing shorts and a pink leotard or swimsuit.

He was eventually tackled on about the 3-yard-line by security personnel and escorted out of Tampa’s Raymond James Stadium.

Hillsborough County jail records show Andrade posted $500 bail and was released early Monday.

The records did not indicate if Andrade has an attorney to speak for him.

According to The Associated Press, social media personality Vitaly Zdorovetskiy planted Andrade at the game.

Decatur Deb  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:36:53pm

re: #218 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

I keep trying to find a way to defend this, but I honestly don’t remember why that decision was made in the first place.

Faith-based electricianing.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:36:57pm


Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:39:17pm

re: #230 Backwoods_Sleuth

Got closer to the end zone than Kansas City did.

darthstar  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:40:47pm

I shit you not.

William Lewis  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:46:47pm

Made it up to -1 F today, now dark and starting back down to a predicted low of -20/wc -35… Nope nope nope. I’m right here in front of my space heater, under my blanket and enjoying a nice hot cup of Yorkshire tea on my day off while doing firearms and sword maintenance.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:49:04pm

re: #235 William Lewis

Made it up to -1 F today, now dark and starting back down to a predicted low of -20/wc -35… Nope nope nope. I’m right here in front of my space heater, under my blanket and enjoying a nice hot cup of Yorkshire tea on my day off while doing firearms and sword maintenance.

The rest of this week is supposed to be “warmer” (lows around -10 to -12 degrees F, -23.3 to -24.4 degrees C). Then this weekend, we’re back down into the -20 degrees F (-28.9 degrees C) territory again.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:50:03pm

re: #184 Backwoods_Sleuth

Shockingly Mike Lee (R-UT) has ended his streak. He voted ‘Yea’ for a Biden nominee for the first time. Leaving only Hawley to yet approve a Biden nominee.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:51:06pm

and I’m quietly whining about possible 4F on Sunday night.

Loudly whining about a possible icestorm mid-week

mmmirele  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:53:51pm

re: #216 jaunte

Just a reminder, in a normal trial, all this stuff about “well, the Democrats caused riots!” would be inadmissible as it’s not a defense against the charge of rioting. But this is a Senate trial, presumably the rules are different.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 8, 2021 • 4:56:19pm

re: #156 jaunte


[water operator hat]
If this is some sort of terrorist attack or workplace retaliation, then the size of the city or its importance does not matter. No matter where it occurs, it would get immediate international press attention.

In the case of city infrastructure, the smaller the city, the less money there is to defend it. Oldsmar, Florida only has 13,500 people.

My guess is while the Pinnelas County Sheriff is giving the initial press briefing, folks like the FBI are in the background investigating.

(Connecting your water system to the Internet is an entirely different moronic proposition, probably so the water operator or mechanics don’t have to go to the water works to make adjustments.)

Such a thing could not be done in my town. (Well, for one thing, we don’t use lye because our water is alkali already.) The only chemical we use is sodium hypochlorite (bleach), and only when the water system fails a test (most of the time our water is untreated). You have to physically connect the bleach tank to the suction pumps, and the suction pumps can only be controlled mechanically (you have to physically be there to adjust the flow, plus the hose size we use restricts the amount of bleach that can be drawn so it is not possible to poison the water supply that way).

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:00:19pm

re: #232 Dread Pirate Ron

If there’s a worse governor than DeSantis, I have no idea who it is. Greg Abbott of TX tries really hard, but he just can’t keep up.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:00:27pm

re: #235 William Lewis

Made it up to -1 F today, now dark and starting back down to a predicted low of -20/wc -35… Nope nope nope. I’m right here in front of my space heater, under my blanket and enjoying a nice hot cup of Yorkshire tea on my day off while doing firearms and sword maintenance.

We got up to +8°F today after last night’s low of -15. Tonight we are scheduled to go down to -1 (a warming trend). Later in the week, lows are scheduled to be -15° to -20°F (lower windchills than that).

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:01:52pm

re: #213 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Help is on the way…..

[Embedded content]

Not much help. That tanker is empty. LoL

Barefoot Grin  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:02:53pm

re: #238 Backwoods_Sleuth

and I’m quietly whining about possible 4F on Sunday night.

Loudly whining about a possible icestorm mid-week

That’s where we’re headed for tomorrow morning’s dog walk. It’s about 10F right now, but I have never experienced the cold the other lizards are reporting since I’ve been in the northeast. Used to get that cold in Illinois sometimes with windchill. fun times trying to drive through the drifting snow—“I can’t see the road but I know it’s straight.”

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:04:32pm

re: #244 Barefoot Grin

That’s where we’re headed for tomorrow morning’s dog walk. It’s about 10F right now, but I have never experienced the cold the other lizards are reporting since I’ve been in the northeast. Used to get that cold in Illinois sometimes with windchill. fun times trying to drive through the drifting snow—“I can’t see the road but I know it’s straight.”

Back in fish country, we never quite got to this level of cold. I remember the first time I froze a battery; I didn’t even know such a thing was possible. The drifting snow road hazard is not a lot of fun either.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:05:08pm

re: #241 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

If there’s a worse governor than DeSantis, I have no idea who it is. Greg Abbott of TX tries really hard, but he just can’t keep up.

My vote is for Kristi Noem

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:05:10pm

re: #230 Backwoods_Sleuth

Authorities say 31-year-old Yuri Andrade scampered onto the field Sunday night in the fourth quarter of the game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs.

Andrade was wearing shorts and a pink leotard or swimsuit.

He was eventually tackled on about the 3-yard-line by security personnel and escorted out of Tampa’s Raymond James Stadium.

Hillsborough County jail records show Andrade posted $500 bail and was released early Monday.

The records did not indicate if Andrade has an attorney to speak for him.

According to The Associated Press, social media personality Vitaly Zdorovetskiy planted Andrade at the game.

Yep, looks like a Russian op.
In any case, they have succeeded where all others have failed: They have united the country since Democrats, Republicans and apolitical goobers alike hate, despise and revile the self-promoting assholes who do shit like this.

darthstar  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:05:40pm

re: #244 Barefoot Grin

That’s where we’re headed for tomorrow morning’s dog walk. It’s about 10F right now, but I have never experienced the cold the other lizards are reporting since I’ve been in the northeast. Used to get that cold in Illinois sometimes with windchill. fun times trying to drive through the drifting snow—“I can’t see the road but I know it’s straight.”

Y’all are making me feel guilty for not going paddleboarding at lunch today. In the 10 minutes I answered one last email, a light grey fog masked the sun and I looked at my wife and said, “Aw…it got cold. Think I’ll try again tomorrow.”

jaunte  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:06:17pm

re: #240 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

(Connecting your water system to the Internet is an entirely different moronic proposition, probably so the water operator or mechanics don’t have to go to the water works to make adjustments.)

This seemed like an extremely bad idea to me. Huge potential downside to solve minor or nonexistent problem.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:06:20pm

re: #244 Barefoot Grin

That’s where we’re headed for tomorrow morning’s dog walk. It’s about 10F right now, but I have never experienced the cold the other lizards are reporting since I’ve been in the northeast. Used to get that cold in Illinois sometimes with windchill. fun times trying to drive through the drifting snow—“I can’t see the road but I know it’s straight.”

we haven’t seen single digits here in more than two years.
so weird.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:07:28pm

re: #243 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

Not much help. That tanker is empty. LoL

Hasn’t loaded yet. You think they have 100,000 tons of bleach just floating our way without a specific order?

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:07:53pm

re: #249 jaunte

This seemed like an extremely bad idea to me. Huge potential downside to solve minor or nonexistent problem.

There is some value in being able to administer facilities remotely - for example, it enables centralized management, if we ever decided to move our infrastructure in that direction as a country. But that’s 1) a long-ass way down the road, and 2) a better and more secure implementation of remote access could be put in place at that time, rather than just doing it “because they can”.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:13:07pm

re: #245 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

Back in fish country, we never quite got to this level of cold. I remember the first time I froze a battery; I didn’t even know such a thing was possible. The drifting snow road hazard is not a lot of fun either.

oil filter freezes in under two hours and explodes.
That would have been in Joliet IL January 20, 1985
−27 °F (−33 °C), combined with 25 miles per hour (40 km/h) winds to produce a wind chill of −60 °F (−51 °C).

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:14:00pm

Confirmed her by unanimous consent, so I’m not sure if that counts as ending Hawley’s ‘Nay’ streak

jaunte  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:17:09pm
Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:21:31pm


Patricia Kayden  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:22:37pm
jaunte  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:23:40pm

re: #256 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Ooh, a sheer cliff created by shards of rock calving off the main mass! Let’s walk out to the edge.

Rightwingconspirator  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:23:42pm

re: #23 Charles Johnson

Argh. I seem to have copied and pasted the wrong PDFs somehow. Working on it.

No worries. You almost never make that kind of mistake.

Jay C  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:26:03pm

re: #254 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Confirmed her by unanimous consent, so I’m not sure if that counts as ending Hawley’s ‘Nay’ streak

[Embedded content]

Yeah: despite all the huffy “¡no pasaran!” BS from the usual gaggle of Senate GOPers, with the notable exception of Mayorkas at DHS, the confirmation process for Biden’s Cabinet/sub-Cabinet nominees has been pretty much well within the (partisan) norm for most Administrations.
Though Merrick Garland for Justice may be a thornier issue.

aatharuv  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:29:06pm

re: #257 Patricia Kayden

Well, one would be hard pressed to find any spouse of any Democratic administration official of any gender or orientation friends with the previous transportation secretary’s husband, Mitch McConnell.

William Lewis  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:29:25pm

re: #256 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo


Couldn’t pay me enough to do that even with a parachute on.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:29:37pm

this is just creepy

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:30:22pm

re: #263 Backwoods_Sleuth

this is just creepy

“Flight of the Bumblebee” comes to mind.

jaunte  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:30:56pm

re: #263 Backwoods_Sleuth

Rugby scrum.

Rugby’s GREATEST Dominant Scrums!

steve_davis  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:31:15pm

re: #60 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

did you just paraphrase Donovan?

steve_davis  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:32:30pm

re: #64 Eclectic Cyborg

Ugh, the GOP senators are going to fight tooth and nail against those confirmations.

who cares? appointments are now 50 plus 1, thanks to McConnell.

Jay C  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:33:01pm

re: #228 Backwoods_Sleuth

re: #263 Backwoods_Sleuth

Was this related to what you discovered when you removed your old fridge?

If so, “Ewwwww….!!!”

LadyBehir  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:34:21pm

re: #167 nines09

My husband, aka the Beloved Idiot, wanted to be on that Williamsport bus but didn’t know about it until it was too late.

plansbandc  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:35:13pm

re: #265 jaunte

Rugby is fun to watch. Nice free-flowing game.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:35:23pm

re: #269 LadyBehir

My husband, aka the Beloved Idiot, wanted to be on that Williamsport bus but didn’t know about it until it was too late.

He should be thanking his lucky stars. There’s even odds that he’d be sitting in a jail cell awaiting a bond hearing right now.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:37:30pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:48:27pm

re: #272 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 8, 2021 • 5:59:58pm

[moved by me]

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 8, 2021 • 6:05:42pm

re: #263 Backwoods_Sleuth

this is just creepy

[Embedded content]

Now imagine something like that, but the size of a Toyota.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Feb 8, 2021 • 6:09:50pm

re: #251 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Hasn’t loaded yet. You think they have 100,000 tons of bleach just floating our way without a specific order?

LoL. I’ll give you that one.

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