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Charles Johnson  Mar 1, 2022 • 10:39:58am
Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 10:40:15am
Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 10:40:30am

Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 10:43:22am

re: #1 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

You can “believe” what you want.
Doesn’t change what happened.

Dr Lizardo  Mar 1, 2022 • 10:43:43am

Life comes at you fast…..

No Malarkey!  Mar 1, 2022 • 10:45:20am

re: #5 Dr Lizardo

Life comes at you fast…..

The current generation of Russians should ask their parents to tell them about what life was like in the Soviet Union, because they are headed there very quickly.

darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 10:50:32am

Look what Putin has accomplished. Muslims offering to help Jews. How nice. Also the

Dr Lizardo  Mar 1, 2022 • 10:51:11am

re: #6 No Malarkey!

The current generation of Russians should ask their parents to tell them about what life was like in the Soviet Union, because they are headed there very quickly.

I give it 90 days and then they’ll be singing “Back in the USSR”…..and not because of nostalgia for The Beatles.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 1, 2022 • 10:56:19am

re: #7 darthstar

Who was the February 31st Chechen then?

Belafon  Mar 1, 2022 • 10:57:21am

re: #1 Charles Johnson

Actually, Ivan, you aren’t allowed to your opinions. Just you. Well, and a few others, but definitely you.

No Malarkey!  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:06:06am
darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:07:22am

re: #9 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Who was the February 31st Chechen then?

I can’t keep my Chechens straight. Some like Putin, some want to pop his eyes out and skull fuck him. The second group is referenced here I believe.

darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:08:35am

re: #11 No Malarkey!

They made it to DC?!!?? Congratulations Freedom Convoy 2022.

No Malarkey!  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:10:58am

re: #13 darthstar

They made it to DC?!!?? Congratulations Freedom Convoy 2022.

Not many truckers though. As in, none at all. LOL

Teukka  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:12:07am
darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:12:17am

re: #11 No Malarkey!
From the replies.

Rightwingconspirator  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:13:03am

re: #11 No Malarkey!

re: #13 darthstar

It’s a sad note about our media that if Ukraine was not at war, these truckers would be headline news. All 6 of them.

A Cranky One  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:13:53am

Kilroy was here  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:14:09am

DirecTV cutting access to Russia-funded media organization RT America

Russian President Vladimir Putin explicitly created RT to compete with English-language multinational news organizations, including CNN and the BBC, so viewers and readers would perceive Russia as a great power.

Teukka  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:15:08am


A Cranky One  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:16:15am


Things that scare me besides the world situation…

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:16:45am

re: #11 No Malarkey!

Damn. There aren’t even tens of people there. There’s, like, no one.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:17:22am

re: #11 No Malarkey!

roughly 50 minutes of video.
Good lord, definitely not suggesting anyone watch it all. But you can jump through to see the general crowd size (or lack there of)

darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:17:39am

re: #21 A Cranky One


Things that scare me besides the world situation…

[Embedded content]

I don’t wanna know what’s in your browser cache if you’re getting ads like that. //

b.d  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:18:03am

re: #22 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Damn. There aren’t even tens of people there. There’s, like, no one.


A Cranky One  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:18:46am

re: #24 darthstar

I don’t wanna know what’s in your browser cache if you’re getting ads like that. //

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:19:15am
aatharuv  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:20:19am

re: #12 darthstar

I can’t keep my Chechens straight. Some like Putin, some want to pop his eyes out and skull fuck him. The second group is referenced here I believe.

Ramzan Kadryov and his father launched a blood war of independence against the Russian state in the late 1990’s after a few years where the Russian state was still imploding. Putin came into power, at least partly by really really crushing the Chechen independence movement, at the cost of 100 thousand dead.

Ramzan Kadryov then switched his loyalty over to _Putin_, and has been feel free to rule Chechnya as his own repressive fiefdom as long as he obeys Putin.

The February 31st Chechen who was killed in Ukraine was loyal to Kadyrov, and known for persecuting and murdering Chechen gays in and outside Chechnya.

Edit: Woops, I was confusing some people. The February 31st Chechen is Kadyrov. The Chechen military man killed in Ukraine was loyal to Kadyrov, but was responsible for an antigay purge of Chechens in and outside of Chechnya.


FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:20:29am
aatharuv  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:21:12am

re: #20 Teukka


Is the Daily Mirror reputable? Or is it just the Daily _Mail_ that’s unreliable.

nicdanger  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:21:52am

from Digby…

John Hughes  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:22:41am


France has been sending the chasseurs alpins from Annency to Roumania as part of the NATO defensive build up.

How to get the armoured vehicles there rapidly?

No problems, Antanov are on the job.

Nice big Antanov with blue and yellow markings.

JC1  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:26:38am

re: #6 No Malarkey!

The current generation of Russians should ask their parents to tell them about what life was like in the Soviet Union, because they are headed there very quickly.

Worse. They won’t have Warsaw pact countries available for plunder.

Belafon  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:27:33am
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:27:46am

re: #27 Punish Domestic Terrorists


Shropshire Slasher  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:29:15am
Ukraine’s ambassador to the US will attend President Biden’s State of the Union address later tonight as a guest of first lady Jill Biden, the White House has confirmed.

Oksana Markarova will return to Capitol Hill one day after meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers to watch the president’s speech to a joint session of Congress.


A Cranky One  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:30:38am

Just found out my grandmother worked as a model for the Far Side cartoons.

JC1  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:31:11am

re: #7 darthstar

Look what Putin has accomplished. Muslims offering to help Jews. How nice. Also the

Crimean muslims (Tartars) have a lot of reasons to hate Russia.

JC1  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:32:27am

re: #9 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Who was the February 31st Chechen then?

Feb 31st?

lawhawk  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:33:52am

re: #29 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

I think that’s the start sequence for the War Rig in Max Max: Fury Road. /

Youtube Video

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:35:23am

RE: Texas trying to enforce abbott’s and paxton’s horrific legal opinion.

Shropshire Slasher  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:36:06am

Reported earlier, but LOL

It turns out that the command of the Russian Navy planned a large amphibious landing and they were going to moor to the Luzanovsky beach mined and blocked by anti-tank hedgehogs, after having previously worked out the surroundings from multiple rocket launchers. At the same time, enemy helicopters and a large number of UAVs were flying in the bay.

The Ukrainian Anti-aircraft warfare and other defenders of Odessa were preparing to give a decisive rebuff to the enemy, but at the very last moment, the Russians got in touch and asked to be allowed to leave the bay.

It looks like that a rebellion took place on the ships of the Russian Navy: the young conscripts refused to obey the order and to attack the coast of a million-plus city. They might have been horrified at the perspective of ​​such a crazy operation, because they were frightened by Ukrainian marines, most of whom spent five years or more in the war. It must be said that the Ukrainian naval defences acted very merciful, not shooting at the leaving landing squad.


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:36:07am

re: #39 JC1

Feb 31st?

Yeah. Look in the last thread. I’m on my phone and going back to work.

Belafon  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:36:22am

re: #39 JC1

Feb 31st?

darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:39:40am

re: #23 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

roughly 50 minutes of video.
Good lord, definitely not suggesting anyone watch it all. But you can jump through to see the general crowd size (or lack there of)

[Embedded content]

Okay, I skipped around and found a few highlights:
At 11:45 a guy jogs across in front of the stage…in shorts. A few minutes later another jogger goes the opposite direction.
At 20 minutes he opens his reserve of word salad and it makes no sense - now a few cameras are set up. Kids with sidewalk chalk aren’t being disturbed by the crazy man shouting above them in a red jump suit.
32 minutes he passes the mic to a pastor who says he also sometimes coaches wrestling, then says that red suit guy is a “scrapper who doesn’t mind going down.” Put that on your grindr profile, buddy!

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:41:49am

re: #43 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Yeah. Look in the last thread. I’m on my phone and going back to work.

Found it. littlegreenfootballs.com

and my response:

Oh brother.

According to Kadyrov, the Chechen Republic will introduce mirror sanctions if British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and The head of European Diplomacy Josep Borrell do not abandon their statements against Russia.

“And yet, despite all this comedy, it is time for harsh revenge, and the measures should be mirrored … Close the Chechen sky for the flights of their jets; - Freeze all of Johnson’s ruble-denominated assets in Chechen banks; - Impose an embargo on all assets of British oligarchs in Achkhoy-Martan, and in case of deterioration - in Samashki; - To recognize the left-hand drive movement as a nefarious relic of the Middle Ages; “And finally, to admit that there is no English tea!”, - the politician emphasized.

The head of Chechnya gave these persons “a deadline of February 31.” Kadyrov said that this would be an example for other countries to “henceforth think before imposing any sanctions.”

Considering where they are in the world, the only impact might be someone from one of the Stans trying to fly to Moldova.

And I am sure that Boris has a ton of assets in Chechen banks.

Is this the Russian version of The Onion?

And NOW I am going back to work. :-(

darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:44:58am

re: #42 Shropshire Slasher

Reported earlier, but LOL


Remember the Battle of Odessa!
It didn’t happen…
I know…remember that!

JC1  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:45:30am

re: #46 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Found it. littlegreenfootballs.com

and my response:

And NOW I am going back to work. :-(

Oh got it. That had to be a joke/sarcasm post.

Amory Blaine  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:45:50am

Not too sad for the truckers. We all know the next freedom grift is right around the corner.

Shropshire Slasher  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:45:52am

Breaks my heart.

A massive cargo ship carrying 4,000 luxury sports including Lamborghinis, Porsches, Audis, and Bentleys worth an estimated total of $400 million sank off the coast of Europe on Tuesday.

The Felicity Ace, a 60,000-ton merchant ship that caught fire on Feb. 17, ran aground about 253 miles from the Azores, a Portuguese archipelago in the mid-Atlantic Ocean.

The ship’s owner, MOL Ship Management Singapore Pte Ltd, said that the Panama-flagged vessel sank at around 9am local time.


darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:47:29am

b.d  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:47:56am

re: #50 Shropshire Slasher

Breaks my heart.


If I’m the insurance company I’m gonna need to see some sunken cars before I write a check.

A Three Hour Tour  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:48:37am

re: #14 No Malarkey!

Not many truckers though. As in, none at all. LOL

[Embedded content]

“Have you ever got the feeling you’ve been cheated?” - Johnny Rotten, final disastrous Sex Pistols concert in San Francisco ( 1976?)

Kilroy was here  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:48:39am

re: #48 JC1

Oh got it. That had to be a joke/sarcasm post.


darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:48:46am

re: #49 Amory Blaine

Not too sad for the truckers. We all know the next freedom grift is right around the corner.

They still have to drive home…and because they spent all their money on Trump flags and red white and blue bunting for their trucks, they have no spare cash for hookers and casinos on the drive back.

b.d  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:51:48am

re: #49 Amory Blaine

Not too sad for the truckers. We all know the next freedom grift is right around the corner.

poor wingnut

steve_davis  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:52:07am

I live in the only area of the upstate where one can come across this sort of stash at the Good Will.

darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:52:44am

re: #54 Kilroy was here


You know who’s going to love reading about this? Vladimir Putin. Wanna know why? Because if he loses control of his navy the Russian air force will follow suit. Then all he’ll have is a shit-ton of hardware stretched out on a Ukrainian highway near Kyiv and the Ukranians will proceed to begin blowing up every third vehicle until they leave.

Oh, and the oligarchs he needs. They, too, will find this mutiny telling.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:54:09am

re: #57 steve_davis

I live in the only area of the upstate where one can come across this sort of stash at the Good Will.

[Embedded content]

Why is your zipper down? What are you doing to those poor books?

Ming5000  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:54:12am

There is a lot of information in this thread about the Russian planning and communications.

Amory Blaine  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:56:37am

re: #59 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Looks like the old movie popcorn trick.

Kilroy was here  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:58:04am

Stingers at work -

Youtube Video

Charles Johnson  Mar 1, 2022 • 11:59:21am
lawhawk  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:01:22pm

re: #63 Charles Johnson

He and the GOPers were quick to boot Cheney from leadership for bucking Trump. But being an overt white nationalist/goddamned Nazi? Yeah, your silence is assent.

The GOP is a white nationalist party.

The only difference between the GOP and KKK is that the KKK masked.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:03:27pm
A Mom Anon  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:03:32pm

re: #63 Charles Johnson

Seriously, how fucking difficult is it to denounce fucking Nazis? They chose the name America First PAC by design FFS. Trump may not have known the significance of that, but you can be damned sure assholes like Stephen Miller know . Fuentes sure as hell does. They are Nazis. The admire and respect them. So if McCarthy can’t do that, it makes him what then? Nazi? Traitor? All of the above?

darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:03:42pm

re: #60 Ming5000

There is a lot of information in this thread about the Russian planning and communications.

[Embedded content]

Holy shit…they’re communicating via analog radio? They don’t have encrypted comms? Might as well use MySpace or create a Google Hangout…actually, a google hangout would be more secure as it uses HTTPS.

Ming5000  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:05:47pm

re: #62 Kilroy was here

Stingers at work -

[Embedded content]


The youtube auto translate sorta works. Seems like the person whose voice you hear count 17 helos. He then seems to say, “2! 2!”
The Blyat! was not translated

gocart mozart  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:05:56pm
Amory Blaine  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:07:47pm
Ming5000  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:09:06pm

re: #67 darthstar

Some were crapping on Zelensky for the first day’s apparent failure to completely block the Russian advance, but the Ukrainian army seems very competent compared to the Russian mess. The Ukrainians have a bunch of veterans now from the Donbas frontier posting.

No Malarkey!  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:09:28pm

re: #58 darthstar

You know who’s going to love reading about this? Vladimir Putin. Wanna know why? Because if he loses control of his navy the Russian air force will follow suit. Then all he’ll have is a shit-ton of hardware stretched out on a Ukrainian highway near Kyiv and the Ukranians will proceed to begin blowing up every third vehicle until they leave.

Oh, and the oligarchs he needs. They, too, will find this mutiny telling.

The February Revolution started when Russian troops revolted against orders from the last Tsar to suppress striking workers, many of them women, with force. en.wikipedia.org

Jay C  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:10:07pm

re: #67 darthstar

Holy shit…they’re communicating via analog radio? They don’t have encrypted comms? Might as well use MySpace or create a Google Hangout…actually, a google hangout would be more secure as it uses HTTPS.

[Embedded content]

JFC - what are their fallback comms in case their off-the-shelf civilian shit gets hacked? Writing their commands down on paper and having a junior officer (maybe on horseback because of the mud?) ride them up and down the column??

gocart mozart  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:12:13pm
steve_davis  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:13:18pm

re: #59 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Why is your zipper down? What are you doing to those poor books?

Lol! Because I’m an old man who took a leak and forgot to put the zipper back up. I live on my own except for the cat, and fortunately it doesn’t bother her.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:14:30pm
Ming5000  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:15:14pm

re: #75 steve_davis

Lol! Because I’m an old man who took a leak and forgot to put the zipper back up. I live on my own except for the cat, and fortunately it doesn’t bother her.

😂🤣 lol. I missed that at first glance.

lawhawk  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:15:18pm

re: #67 darthstar

I’m leery to consider this as trustworthy reporting about Russian comms being out in the open. Did we have similar types of reporting about when Russia invaded Crimea? Or Chechnya? Would they regress on their comms? Is this disinformation?

I’ve got a lot of uncertainty about the provenance to take it seriously. I’ll leave it to the pros to know whether that’s happening.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:15:31pm

re: #75 steve_davis

Lol! Because I’m an old man who took a leak and forgot to put the zipper back up. I live on my own except for the cat, and fortunately it doesn’t bother her.

I don’t even button if I’m in my recliner with jeans on. Having my belly constricted can make me feel awful.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:16:35pm

re: #56 b.d

Rally organizer Kyle Sefcik claims he “lost money” setting up today’s event.

so, it was just a money grab after all.

steve_davis  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:17:03pm

This cat is just comfortable as fuck right now.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:17:20pm

re: #80 Backwoods_Sleuth

so, it was just a money grab after all.

Everything “Conservatives” do seems to be a grift.

Ming5000  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:17:22pm

re: #78 lawhawk

I know we cannot know. Seems plausible based on R performance.
Also, Malcomb Nance retweeted it, for what it is worth.

b.d  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:22:21pm

re: #80 Backwoods_Sleuth

so, it was just a money grab after all.

They weren’t in it for the hot women and Junior took all the drugs.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:24:10pm

also, Biden don’t need no stinkin’ fan base

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:25:05pm

Got some bobotie baking in the oven and the kitchen SMELLS WONDERFUL!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:25:38pm


jaunte  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:26:42pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:26:46pm

hey Shiplord, look at who’s on the list:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:27:46pm
No Malarkey!  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:28:04pm

re: #87 Backwoods_Sleuth


Rick Scott doesn’t understand why it would be controversial to make those lucky ducky poor people pay more taxes.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:28:47pm

re: #89 Backwoods_Sleuth

hey Shiplord, look at who’s on the list:

I only recognize the female “Cletus” from that list.

No Malarkey!  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:32:42pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:33:18pm

re: #52 b.d

If I’m the insurance company I’m gonna need to see some sunken cars before I write a check.

It’s the same one that was ghosted and on fire a couple of weeks ago.

A Mom Anon  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:34:18pm

re: #85 Backwoods_Sleuth

And that right there is what the fuck is wrong with our stupid media. The President isn’t supposed to have a damned “fan base” FFS. This isn’t American Idol. JFC I am so sick of this crap.

One of the huge news media problems we have is that there are few if any actual journalists among them. Some hosts are good without that journalism education and reporting experience, but the vast majority are ass bonnets like Todd who obviously was excluded from the cool kids table in the cafeteria and hasn’t got over it yet. I wish I was able to buy a media channel and hire actual journalists, but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards. I still think protesting and other actions should be directed at media outlets/particular show hosts as much as it should be politicians and political institutions. The assholes funding and encouraging this crap too.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:34:52pm

re: #56 b.d

[Embedded content]

poor wingnut

Your heart bleeds, doesn’t it? (serious side eye)

Patricia Kayden  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:35:14pm
Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:35:27pm

re: #93 No Malarkey!

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:40:06pm
A Mom Anon  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:40:31pm

re: #98 Punish Domestic Terrorists

She works for them, it’s an income stream, of course she supports them. She’s also gross and evil, but I digress.

Ming5000  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:40:42pm

Leaked audio from the Lukashenko debrief. We translation. /

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:41:31pm

re: #98 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:41:57pm

re: #36 Shropshire Slasher


I understand Rubio’s seat is available

lawhawk  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:43:41pm

re: #101 Ming5000

I know a few other people have pointed this out, but what’s the 1st Cav logo doing on the Russian presentation graphic?

steve_davis  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:47:29pm

re: #99 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

I rate that as a four: “pantsir on fire” on my five point scale. Five is somebody getting blown into the neighbor’s yard, along with the grill, after detonating the propane tank due to shoddy maintenance in the off-season.

A Three Hour Tour  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:48:14pm

re: #92 Punish Domestic Terrorists

I only recognize the female “Cletus” from that list.

That’s Shiplord’s relative.

BeachDem  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:49:57pm

re: #97 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

A revealing reaction to Elise from the first impeachment hearing.

No Malarkey!  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:50:07pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:50:52pm

re: #80 Backwoods_Sleuth

so, it was just a money grab after all.

Isn’t it always?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:51:14pm

While there are plenty of stories (and propaganda?) of Ukrainians fighting off the Russians, it does appear that Russia is in this for the long haul.

I suspect that whether Putin succeeds only depends on him avoiding assassination.

There are enough Russians who will go along with him, in the military, to make Ukraine a broken country.

Even if there are resistance fighters, Putin will wear any Russian losses as a badge of honor and he will tell his fellow Russians that the fallen are heroes for the cause.

I cannot see this ending any other way but badly for all.

I suppose it is possible for Putin to be satisfied with splitting Ukraine into two parts, with the eastern part being “saved” from the barbarian westerners.

See the current state of Kharkiv. Either it becomes a Russian city, or it will end up being demolished. Even if Kyiv remains free, the cities in the east are in trouble.

If Putin sees himself as the great incarnation of the Rus, then he believes he is starting something that will go on long after him.

What this means for us is not clear to me. We could be in a cold war that goes on for many years.

Or it could be a shooting war.

Or a nuclear war.

Best thing would be if someone does in Putin (and his closest henchmen.) Whether than can occur I don’t know, given how that recent picture of Putin sitting a great distance at a table from his fellow meeting members tells me that he is aware that he has to keep everyone beyond stabbing distance.

jaunte  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:53:05pm

re: #104 lawhawk

Maybe it was supposed to be a reference to the 1st Cavalry Army and the graphics person got sloppy.

Florida Panhandler  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:54:03pm

re: #99 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Well, that burning Pantsir there is $14 Million just right there down the drain for Putin. ..or about 147 Kabillion Rubles right now.

Charles Johnson  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:54:56pm
No Malarkey!  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:55:55pm
Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:57:18pm

re: #113 Charles Johnson

You tagged the wrong Bob Cesca in that followup. It’s @bobcesca_go

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:57:54pm

re: #60 Ming5000

There is a lot of information in this thread about the Russian planning and communications.

[Embedded content]

A couple posters in that thread claim that much of this is Ukraine propaganda and that the Russian forces are steadily moving in according to the Russian timetable, not ours. Their assertion is that the supposed 2 day victory plan was fabricated in the West and that the Russians were always preparing for a longer conflict. We will see how all this ultimately plays out. My hope is that Ukraine prevails and that the Russians never expected this level of resistance and do not have a successful strategy to counteract it.

jaunte  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:58:42pm

re: #116 Hecuba’s daughter

“We always planned to run out of gas.”

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:58:55pm

re: #81 steve_davis

This cat is just comfortable as fuck right now.

[Embedded content]

Did not know that your calling on this planet was to be a feline pillow, did you?

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 1, 2022 • 12:59:43pm

re: #82 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Everything “Conservatives” do seems to be a grift.

The only thing they want “free” is the transition of money from your wallet to theirs.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:01:02pm

re: #116 Hecuba’s daughter

A couple posters in that thread claim that much of this is Ukraine propaganda and that the Russian forces are steadily moving in according to the Russian timetable, not ours. Their assertion is that the supposed 2 day victory plan was fabricated in the West and that the Russians were always preparing for a longer conflict. We will see how all this ultimately plays out.


ладно бумер

Charles Johnson  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:01:26pm
b.d  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:02:56pm

re: #121 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

They got caught in traffic?


Charles Johnson  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:07:51pm

re: #115 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

Argh, I always forget the _go.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:09:25pm

re: #121 Charles Johnson

Patricia Kayden  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:11:03pm
No Malarkey!  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:12:11pm

This is big.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:14:01pm

Presidents should have supporters, not fan bases.

We’re talking about a politician, not Justin Bieber.

Charles Johnson  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:14:12pm
Jay C  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:14:15pm

re: #126 No Malarkey!

This is big.

Probably not gonna happen, but worth floating anyway.

Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:14:23pm
“Mitch McConnell and Senate Republican leaders are warning Rick Scott that his agenda for the GOP could expose the party to unnecessary attacks this fall, a significant intraparty rebuke for the Floridian,” Politico reports.

“The Senate minority leader, who has declined thus far to release a party agenda, advised Scott at a GOP leadership meeting on Monday afternoon that his 11-point proposal gave Democrats ammunition for millions of dollars of ads in the midterms.”

they cant attack us if we dont have an agenda!

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:16:27pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:17:19pm
steve_davis  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:17:23pm

recently discovered pro tip: those bags of Uncle Ben’s rice aren’t bad, just don’t microwave them. in the skillet, this wild rice came out tasting fine. in the microwave, they come out tasting like used socks.

Renaissance_Man  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:19:07pm

re: #130 Dangerman

they cant attack us if we dont have an agenda!

Republicans never have to have an agenda. US media and journalists never ask them about any such agenda, because it is tacitly understood that Republicans don’t do things. Doing things - promoting the general welfare, passing legislation, budgets - are things Democrats are supposed to attempt and fail, and Republicans are supposed to oppose. Somehow, the US media has convinced Americans that this is the natural order of things.

sagehen  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:19:45pm

re: #76 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Pikuach nefesh

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:21:45pm


Please, no steppy

jaunte  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:22:42pm

re: #136 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

It couldn’t manage the clutch.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:23:01pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:23:26pm
Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:23:42pm

re: #131 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

For which terrible thing that she said or did? I can guess that it involved white nationalism, because it’s Wendy, but it could be just about anything she’s said and done.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:23:51pm

Took me a sec to realize it was real

Eventual Carrion  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:24:17pm

re: #44 Belafon

[Embedded content]

JOHNNY MATHIS ~ The Twelfth Of Never ~.wmv

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:25:35pm

re: #39 JC1

Feb 31st?

Ultra leap year.

Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:27:21pm

re: #133 steve_davis

recently discovered pro tip: those bags of Uncle Ben’s rice aren’t bad, just don’t microwave them. in the skillet, this wild rice came out tasting fine. in the microwave, they come out tasting like used socks.

how could you know that?

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:28:00pm

Bit over 10 minutes until launch

Youtube Video

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:28:24pm


Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:28:31pm

re: #144 Dangerman

how could you know that?

Really bad Jr. High locker room incident, obviously.

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:29:16pm

re: #95 A Mom Anon

And that right there is what the fuck is wrong with our stupid media. The President isn’t supposed to have a damned “fan base” FFS. This isn’t American Idol. JFC I am so sick of this crap.

One of the huge news media problems we have is that there are few if any actual journalists among them. Some hosts are good without that journalism education and reporting experience, but the vast majority are ass bonnets like Todd who obviously was excluded from the cool kids table in the cafeteria and hasn’t got over it yet. I wish I was able to buy a media channel and hire actual journalists, but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards. I still think protesting and other actions should be directed at media outlets/particular show hosts as much as it should be politicians and political institutions. The assholes funding and encouraging this crap too.


Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:29:33pm
A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:29:43pm

re: #136 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips


Please, no steppy

On second thought, I think I’ll walk.

Decatur Deb  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:30:48pm

About the Belorus briefing map: The 1st Cav is probably up there to provide a comparison with logistical demands of a similar red force division. It looks like a similar breakout with a home-team symbol is right above it.

source: Lots of briefings.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:31:27pm
Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:31:44pm

re: #145 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

Bit over 10 minutes until launch

[Embedded content]


A couple of twitter mutuals will be at the cape to watch the launch. One of them works there as a fire control engineer and has gotten them passes.

nines09  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:31:47pm

re: #121 Charles Johnson

There would be more but the Fire Marshall wouldn’t let them in….

jaunte  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:31:57pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:32:36pm

re: #149 Backwoods_Sleuth

GOP Reps. Mary Miller (Ill.), Bob Good (Va.), Matt Rosendale (Mont.) and Andrew Clyde (Ga.), meanwhile, all told The Daily Caller that they would not attend the speech.

“Members of Congress should not be subject to COVID-19 tests and social distance when it is not necessary, and the entire nation has ended most, if not all, coronavirus restrictions,” Rosendale told the outlet.

I will not submit to an unnecessary COVID test to attend a State of the Union only to hear this President whisper through a speech that will inevitably fail to take responsibility for the tremendous damage he has and continues to cause to our country,” Good told the Caller.

Capitol physician Brian Monahan told lawmakers on Sunday that masking would be made optional in the Capitol complex ahead of Biden’s first State of the Union, though a negative coronavirus test is required, and guests of lawmakers will not be allowed.

Florida Panhandler  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:33:10pm

re: #134 Renaissance_Man

Republicans never have to have an agenda. US media and journalists never ask them about any such agenda, because it is tacitly understood that Republicans don’t do things. Doing things - promoting the general welfare, passing legislation, budgets - are things Democrats are supposed to attempt and fail, and Republicans are supposed to oppose. Somehow, the US media has convinced Americans that this is the natural order of things.

“Cutting taxes” is their only real policy. And then the media every single time fails to follow up with the proper questions regarding funding a huge military or trying to keep schools afloat, you know… shit that simply takes care of itself.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:33:24pm

re: #149 Backwoods_Sleuth

lizardofid  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:34:23pm

re: #141 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

Took me a sec to realize it was real

Folks in huntin dog game would say that pup has a “soft mouth”. lol

Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:34:25pm

re: #149 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

As the world watches unarmed Ukrainians stopping tanks with their bare hands, you’d think these guys would be ashamed of making their big stand against a one-minute nose swab care about possibly endangering the life of the president and the other people in the room.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:35:25pm

re: #127 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]

Presidents should have supporters, not fan bases.

We’re talking about a politician, not Justin Bieber.

Not quite true. Zelenskyy has assembled a huge worldwide fan base over the past week!

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:35:53pm

For those who may prefer it, the NASA stream

Youtube Video

Barefoot Grin  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:38:26pm

re: #92 Punish Domestic Terrorists

I only recognize the female “Cletus” from that list.

We woke people describe them generically as Cletx.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:38:55pm

re: #162 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

For those who may prefer it, the NASA stream

[Embedded content]


Goes-T? Haunted Rocket!

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:39:07pm

re: #161 Hecuba’s daughter

Not quite true. Zelenskyy has assembled a huge worldwide fan base over the past week!

Yeah, but for doing a lot more than a usual politician does. Plus, he was an entertainer before taking office so he already had an established fanbase.

Dude is fucking awesome no matter what.

jaunte  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:39:25pm

re: #163 Barefoot Grin

(Don’t tell Greg Abbotx)

Charles Johnson  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:39:57pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:41:10pm

re: #161 Hecuba’s daughter

Not quite true. Zelenskyy has assembled a huge worldwide fan base over the past week!

OTOH, Zalensky is not a politician, he’s a leader.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:41:15pm

re: #140 Punish Domestic Terrorists

For which terrible thing that she said or did? I can guess that it involved white nationalism, because it’s Wendy, but it could be just about anything she’s said and done.

Among her other sterling remarks:

And there is more on her twitter account.

lizardofid  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:41:45pm

re: #151 Decatur Deb

About the Belorus briefing map: The 1st Cav is probably up there to provide a comparison with a similar red force division. It looks like a similar breakout with a home-team symbol is right above it.

source: Lots of briefings.

My first thought was that somebody had drug out and old war game map from the Warsaw Pact days.


Charles Johnson  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:42:04pm
Hecuba's daughter  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:43:18pm

re: #157 Florida Panhandler

“Cutting taxes” on the wealthy is their only real policy. And then the media every single time fails to follow up with the proper questions regarding funding a huge military or trying to keep schools afloat, you know… shit that simply takes care of itself.


wrenchwench  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:43:26pm

re: #171 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

That rabbit really digs that cat.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:44:15pm

re: #167 Charles Johnson

Charles Johnson  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:45:05pm

Always a few dickheads like this.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:45:17pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:47:10pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:47:54pm
Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:49:04pm

re: #135 sagehen

Pikuach nefesh

Charles Johnson  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:49:07pm

This was a tough one.

wrenchwench  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:49:10pm

re: #175 Charles Johnson

Always a few dickheads like this.

[Embedded content]

If you changed your name to ‘the Little Green Footballs guy’ no one would ever mistake you for some shitty Charles Johnson ever again.

sagehen  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:49:31pm

re: #148 The Pie Overlord!


remember when the McCain campaign did an ad criticizing Obama for being a celebrity with a huge fan base?

Youtube Video

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:51:32pm

re: #177 Backwoods_Sleuth

Goddamn. That looks like a movie set…or something out of a Fallout game.

lizardofid  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:54:35pm

re: #180 Charles Johnson

This was a tough one.

Yep, it felt like the NYT’s heard that everybody was sayin the words were harder since they took over and said, oh, “How do you like me now?”

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:54:50pm

re: #183 Eclectic Cyborg

Goddamn. That looks like a movie set…or something out of a Fallout game.

I think it’s our level of privilege that makes us see that as something from fiction, when it’s just life in any region at war.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:55:18pm

re: #185 Punish Domestic Terrorists

I think it’s our level of privilege that makes us see that as something from fiction, when it’s just life in any region at war.

I agree 1000%

Patricia Kayden  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:55:38pm

re: #136 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:58:57pm

re: #187 Patricia Kayden

A rather outstanding physical advert for a roadside repair and snake removal service?

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 1:59:15pm

re: #187 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

When I bred and sold Ball Pythons, I’d joke that constrictors are the only pets that will hug you.

steve_davis  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:02:49pm

re: #144 Dangerman

how could you know that?

desperate times have occasionally called for desperate measures.

Charles Johnson  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:03:02pm

re: #184 lizardofid

Yep, it felt like the NYT’s heard that everybody was sayin the words were harder since they took over and said, oh, “How do you like me now?”

I actually tried the winning word because I couldn’t think of anything else, and didn’t expect it to work.

weststpaulbear  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:03:20pm

YAY!! According to an MSNBC clip, Marko Rubio thinks Putin would prefer not to escalate to the point of nuclear war. I feel better now.

I didn’t click on the video, just read the headline. I’m assuming it was a Chuck Todd segment.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:06:24pm

re: #191 Charles Johnson

I actually tried the winning word because I couldn’t think of anything else, and didn’t expect it to work.


wrenchwench  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:07:12pm

If you wish see me complain about getting a 2 in Wordle, at least you have to click.

Wordle 255 2/6


I put the blue one in the only available place, then tried everything on the keyboard* for that last letter. None of them were on the word list. Until…. The shameful 2 is worse then the stolen one. At least they took that away.

*some of them twice

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:07:49pm

This seems like an accusation that is almost always going to be true when you have a government like that.

Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:08:01pm

How do you not watch The Hot Hock (Redford, segal, mostel, etc) every time it comes on:

“Afghanistan Banana Stand*

wrenchwench  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:08:22pm

re: #193 Eclectic Cyborg

My third guess was a more common word made up of the same letters as the winning word. The winning word was one of two five letter words I could think of that matched all the letters in question. The other word I thought of was my failed third guess.

I’m really glad I didn’t read that before I wordled.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:08:24pm

Let the record show I do feel badly for many of the anti-Putin Russians who are currently taking it from all ends because of the sanctions. Some of these people aren’t going to be able to eat or do much of anything before long.

I understand the why of course, but collateral damage always fucking sucks even if it is by nature unavoidable.

Belafon  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:08:58pm

re: #110 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

While there are plenty of stories (and propaganda?) of Ukrainians fighting off the Russians, it does appear that Russia is in this for the long haul.

I suspect that whether Putin succeeds only depends on him avoiding assassination.

There are enough Russians who will go along with him, in the military, to make Ukraine a broken country.

Even if there are resistance fighters, Putin will wear any Russian losses as a badge of honor and he will tell his fellow Russians that the fallen are heroes for the cause.

I cannot see this ending any other way but badly for all.

I suppose it is possible for Putin to be satisfied with splitting Ukraine into two parts, with the eastern part being “saved” from the barbarian westerners.

See the current state of Kharkiv. Either it becomes a Russian city, or it will end up being demolished. Even if Kyiv remains free, the cities in the east are in trouble.

If Putin sees himself as the great incarnation of the Rus, then he believes he is starting something that will go on long after him.

What this means for us is not clear to me. We could be in a cold war that goes on for many years.

Or it could be a shooting war.

Or a nuclear war.

Best thing would be if someone does in Putin (and his closest henchmen.) Whether than can occur I don’t know, given how that recent picture of Putin sitting a great distance at a table from his fellow meeting members tells me that he is aware that he has to keep everyone beyond stabbing distance.

Yes, the Russians are in it for the long haul. Until they need parts and materials for their tanks. Until they need communications equipment. Until they need food for the troops. Until they need to pay the troops. And then what?

steve_davis  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:11:10pm

re: #176 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

look, as ghoulish as this sounds, if you’re ukraine, take the residential houses getting hit by missiles. missiles ain’t cheap. if they’re blowing up a civilian’s house, that’s millions of dollars blown for minimal help to the attackers.

Belafon  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:11:39pm

re: #117 jaunte

“We always planned to run out of gas.”

And Ukraine is still beating them. The Russian military planned to run out of gas, but didn’t prepare for Ukrainians towing their armor.

Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:11:46pm

re: #188 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

A rather outstanding physical advert for a roadside repair and snake removal service?


This video does not feature a real snake. The “snake” was created as an art installation for either a zoo or an amusement park.

wrenchwench  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:13:28pm

re: #202 Dangerman


Factcheckers down to the last snek.

Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:13:53pm

re: #195 Punish Domestic Terrorists

This seems like an accusation that is almost always going to be true when you have a government like that.

[Embedded content]We heard you don’t support the government,” they said.

“We heard you have a trans kid.”

Decatur Deb  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:14:22pm

re: #188 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

A rather outstanding physical advert for a roadside repair and snake removal service?

Outstanding “No Trespassing” sign.

steve_davis  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:16:03pm

re: #191 Charles Johnson

I actually tried the winning word because I couldn’t think of anything else, and didn’t expect it to work.

yes, I got it on the fourth attempt, but just literally because I could not think of another word that worked. wasn’t even sure it was technically english.

Belafon  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:16:42pm

re: #149 Backwoods_Sleuth

Biden should declare “We have a quorum, let’s pass some legislation.” I know it won’t work, but what if he caused a bunch of heart attacks?

Dangerman  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:19:49pm

re: #196 Dangerman

How do you not watch The Hot Hock (Redford, segal, mostel, etc) every time it comes on:

Really?. Nobody?

KingKenrod  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:20:25pm

GOPers bailing on the state of the union because they can’t afford to be seen applauding Biden on Ukraine, but also can’t afford to be seen sitting on their hands about it. So the sourpuss caucus will bravely run away…they won’t be missed.

lizardofid  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:21:45pm

re: #204 Dangerman

“We heard you have a trans kid.”


Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:26:09pm

re: #92 Punish Domestic Terrorists

I only recognize the female “Cletus” from that list.


ckkatz  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:34:15pm

re: #85 Backwoods_Sleuth

Methinks Todd is projecting.

Personally, I find Todd unwatchable.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:38:33pm

re: #195 Punish Domestic Terrorists

This seems like an accusation that is almost always going to be true when you have a government like that.

neighborhood snitches, like in Texas…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:41:44pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:42:08pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:42:54pm
ckkatz  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:44:28pm

Stonekettle had a few gems on that long Russian convoy:




A Three Hour Tour  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:54:17pm

re: #182 sagehen

remember when the McCain campaign did an ad criticizing Obama for being a celebrity with a huge fan base?

[Embedded content]


Old-School Lizards remember.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 1, 2022 • 2:56:43pm

re: #212 ckkatz

Methinks Todd is projecting.

Personally, I find Todd unwatchable.

Let’s run that through the Todd filter:

“Personally, [looks up at ceiling, strokes goatee] I find…myself [looks into the distance before refocusing on notes or something] … unwatchable.”

darthstar  Mar 1, 2022 • 3:22:34pm

re: #155 jaunte

That was beautiful…and finishing it with a partial I know you Rider verse to finish the transition. Thanks.

John Hughes  Mar 1, 2022 • 3:31:04pm

re: #149 Backwoods_Sleuth

One of the effects of the analogue of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis that attacks humans* is to make them avoid the possibility of diagnostic tests.

(* I used this term loosely here).

John Hughes  Mar 1, 2022 • 3:42:38pm

re: #110 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Even if there are resistance fighters, Putin will wear any Russian losses as a badge of honor and he will tell his fellow Russians that the fallen are heroes for the cause.

on past form he will just deny that there were any losses.

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