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Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 10:40:02am

I love that this piece is straight up finger-picking. I’m at the point with these solo acoustic guitar pieces that I just shut the video off if it has that way-overused thumping of the strings on the downbeats. It’s much more difficult (but much more interesting) to convey the rhythm without clubbing people over the head with it.

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 10:48:05am
Joe Bacon  Feb 19, 2023 • 10:52:49am

re: #2 Charles Johnson

No matter what Moe Matt Taibbi, Larry Glenn Greenwald and Curly Bari Weiss post for Sleazy E well…we know they’re lying.

Maybe Sleazy E needs to enlist Shemp Jordan Peterson next…

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 10:59:44am

All morning Musk has been hanging with right wing goons telling him that ALL content moderation is censorship, and there’s no such thing as misinformation.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:03:04am
Eventual Carrion  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:04:33am

re: #4 Charles Johnson

All morning Musk has been hanging with right wing goons telling him that ALL content moderation is censorship, and there’s no such thing as misinformation.

So all those people that say Elon eats babies is true? Well, this shines a different light on him.

Belafon  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:05:07am
Patricia Kayden  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:05:48am

re: #5 Backwoods_Sleuth

She’s an idiot. My mixed Boxer has a greater chance of being the GOP nominee than she does. I have no idea why she’s running except perhaps she wants Trump to pick her as his VP.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:06:56am

Wingnut flags out at this Mardi Gras parade I am currently at:

sizzzzlerz  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:07:36am

re: #5 Backwoods_Sleuth

I love the smell of RW money burning on a dumpster fire.

Moe Avattar  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:08:11am

re: #3 Joe Bacon

This is Stooge libel. Remember, they were the first in Hollywood to make a movie criticizing the nazis.

Barefoot Grin  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:08:47am

re: #9 Eclectic Cyborg

Wingnut flags out at this Mardi Gras parade I am currently at:

[Embedded content]

Let the good times roll. ///

Dangerman  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:08:49am

I made a cassoulet for dinner
Having leftovers for lunch and I started to muse

The Princess Bride would have been an entirely different movie if billy crystal had said…well, you know

Joe Bacon  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:09:48am

re: #9 Eclectic Cyborg

Wingnut flags out at this Mardi Gras parade I am currently at:

[Embedded content]

What? No Assault Rifles?

jaunte  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:10:20am

Musk’s taste for misinformation probably explains a lot of the Tesla crashes and explosions.

jaunte  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:11:18am

Genius management technique to bully subordinates into lying to you any time they think they can get away with it.

BeachDem  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:17:04am

re: #8 Patricia Kayden

She’s an idiot. My mixed Boxer has a greater chance of being the GOP nominee than she does. I have no idea why she’s running except perhaps she wants Trump to pick her as his VP.

It’s all about the grift with opportunistic, lying, creepy Nikki Haley. I had started a collection of her “greatest hits” and I guess I’m going to have to update and complete it soon. I am already sick of hearing about her “great achievement” of getting the confederate flag removed from the statehouse grounds—total bullshit.

And many other examples, i.e.

July 17, 2013 11:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time
WASHINGTON—(BUSINESS WIRE)—Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) named Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina one of the worst governors in America. Gov. Haley has undermined transparency in state government by withholding details about her outside employment while she served in the state legislature and shielding her communication with her staff. She also appointed donors to powerful posts and accepted private flights from donors and people with business before the state. Her actions have earned her a spot in the latest edition of CREW’s Worst Governors in America report, an examination of shady and unethical conduct by the nation’s governors.

“I believe she is the most corrupt person to occupy the governor’s mansion since Reconstruction,” declared John Rainey, a longtime Republican fundraiser and power broker who chaired the state’s Board of Economic Advisers for eight years.

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:21:46am
The Pie Overlord!  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:24:56am

Here is me with my granddogger Ms. Hazel.


Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:25:30am
BigPapa  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:25:49am

re: #1 Charles Johnson

I love that this piece is straight up finger-picking. I’m at the point with these solo acoustic guitar pieces that I just shut the video off if it has that way-overused thumping of the strings on the downbeats. It’s much more difficult (but much more interesting) to convey the rhythm without clubbing people over the head with it.

RD King compositions are lusciously full of nuance and musicality. If my last day on Earth was camping by a lake with him playing I’d die happy. With my Boo by my side, of course.

steve_davis  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:29:11am

I have become my father, finding that all the 2 for 1 spices I just bought at Publix are mostly shit I’ve already got at home. well, no problem. I just need to start making more french toast, and then sprinkling it with cinnamon. Should get me out of cinnamon some time in 2065.

Joe Bacon  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:29:35am

re: #5 Backwoods_Sleuth

Dangerman  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:31:37am

re: #18 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Haley Is polling 40+ points behind tfg
She’s 1-2 points over Kanye west and is about as serious a candidate as he is

Patricia Kayden  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:35:19am

BigPapa  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:40:30am

Most of my friends were in bands so I hung out with a lot of musicians. Being in a band wasn’t my cup of tea. However, I got corraled into a few jams at parties and camping. One dude had a beat-up Martin with a few buzzes that he’d give me when it became time.

Even the flaws and battle scars in that Martin looked and sounded good.

Dangerman  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:41:06am
Kentucky has seen its first infant anonymously dropped off at one of its “baby box” safe surrender locations, the AP reports.

Theyre fine with drop boxes for babies, not ballots

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:42:29am

re: #1 Charles Johnson

Everyone on the Candyrat record label thinks they’re Michael Hedges.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:52:03am

re: #9 Eclectic Cyborg

Wingnut flags out at this Mardi Gras parade I am currently at:

[Embedded content]

They love Old Glory so much…..

William Lewis  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:54:21am
Patricia Kayden  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:57:55am
DodgerFan1988  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:02:39pm
Patricia Kayden  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:04:31pm
Patricia Kayden  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:08:37pm
Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:14:00pm
Belafon  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:20:29pm

Charles, I noticed on Android Chrome that I can’t scroll by dragging on a tweet or a Mastadon post. I’m pretty sure that used to work. It could be the most recent update to Chrome, which also broke the “I DON’T want tab groups” flag.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:33:43pm
Thanos  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:34:12pm

re: #22 steve_davis

I have become my father, finding that all the 2 for 1 spices I just bought at Publix are mostly shit I’ve already got at home. well, no problem. I just need to start making more french toast, and then sprinkling it with cinnamon. Should get me out of cinnamon some time in 2065.

Go whole hog, cut to the chase with Cinnamon toast

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:45:46pm


Jay C  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:49:32pm

re: #32 DodgerFan1988

SO I have to wonder just how many folks this “anti-war” rally is actually drawing? The few streams I’ve been able to find are the usual tight-focus shots of the podium: and even so, it looks like there are as many (more?) tourists wandering around as rally-goers.
I was going to add some commentary about how pathetic this whole thing seemed, them I found this piece on LGM noting that Jill Stein, Ron Paul and Tulsi Gabbard were going to be featured speakers: along with this modest list of demands:

Not one more penny for war in Ukraine;
Negotiate peace;
Stop the war inflation;
Disband NATO;
Global nuclear de-escalation;
Slash the pentagon budget;
Abolish the CIA and military-industrial deep state;
Abolish war and empire;
Restore civil liberties;
Free Julian Assange.

So yeah: “pathetic”….

sizzzzlerz  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:49:32pm

re: #24 Dangerman

Haley Is polling 40+ points behind tfg
She’s 1-2 points over Kanye west and is about as serious a candidate as he is

But according to an interview, us liberal’s heads are ‘asploding cause she’s runnin’.

Belafon  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:50:37pm

re: #41 sizzzzlerz

But according to an interview, us liberal’s heads are ‘asploding cause she’s runnin’.

They’re not reporting the laughing they’re hearing first.

aatharuv  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:52:26pm

re: #33 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

But what about windmill cancer. /s

Seriously, go Denmark. They can even export it across a Europe wide grid to even out power demand and supply. Let the Spaniards and other Southern Europeans build solar, the windier places build wind, everyone keep your nuclear plants running, and build batteries, and only spin up gas in times of extreme demand/ supply shortfall.

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 19, 2023 • 12:53:41pm

re: #32 DodgerFan1988

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:01:10pm
Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:03:02pm

re: #36 Belafon

Charles, I noticed on Android Chrome that I can’t scroll by dragging on a tweet or a Mastadon post. I’m pretty sure that used to work. It could be the most recent update to Chrome, which also broke the “I DON’T want tab groups” flag.

Sounds like a Chrome issue - it’s probably because they’re in iframes, so they aren’t treated as part of the main document.

Nojay UK  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:04:23pm

re: #43 aatharuv

It just so happens that there’s a series of storms hitting north-western Europe at the moment. This may be why Denmark’s wind generating figures are so high right now.

I track power generation in the UK sometimes, when it’s windy and trees are being blown down, houses wrecked etc. we generate a lot of electricity from wind farms. When it’s not so windy and there’s no weather-damage happening we don’t generate so much electricity from wind. I wonder if there’s a connection?

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:07:30pm

Artists fight back against AI.


Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:10:42pm

Here’s how they do it.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:19:10pm

Grunthos the Flatulent  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:21:34pm

re: #272 Eclectic Cyborg

There’s also a legitimate photo floating around (I think from WWII) of a naked gunner firing at Nazis. Story is dude was asleep when the enemy showed up and he suddenly had to swing into action without even having the time to get dressed.

In Spike Milligan’s war autobiography series (couldn’t find it in a PDF of Monty: His Part In My Victory so possibly in Rommel. Gunner Who?) he relates an incident in North Africa where entire crews in the 19th Heavy Artillery (D Battery, 7.2” 200-lb howitzers) were scrambled to their guns, most of them naked. It’s probably just as well those photos don’t exist.

Belafon  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:30:45pm

re: #48 Charles Johnson

Artists fight back against AI.

[Embedded content]

Pretty cool, and also pretty cool that they’re supplying more training data for the algorithms.

Unabogie  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:31:26pm

When my dad died, he left behind his “other guitar” that he’d once tried to refret and failed. It had sat in a closet for decades, the tuners turning to dust. I took it to a luthier to see if I could salvage his 1950 nylon Martin. He could. I play it with affection. It’s now a 73-year-old instrument.

Unabogie  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:40:40pm

1950s Martin nylon string

BigPapa  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:43:55pm

re: #54 Unabogie

I bet that sounds like heaven. But it’s dad’s, so, even more amazing.

Unabogie  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:46:15pm

Yes to both. He bought that guitar new in (I think) 1950. If he wasn’t such a stubborn guy he would have let someone fix it for him, but he refused, so he never got to play it.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:46:30pm
Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:47:05pm

re: #54 Unabogie


BigPapa  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:48:01pm

The truth always comes out. They just want to shoot people. The patriotism and heroism of defending blah blah blah is a laughable farce.

They just want to shoot people
PhillyPretzel  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:50:26pm

re: #53 Unabogie

re: #55 BigPapa

re: #58 Charles Johnson

You guys know this website very well:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:50:54pm
PhillyPretzel  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:53:07pm

It is February and an ice cream truck just rolled down my street.

jaunte  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:53:36pm

re: #61 Backwoods_Sleuth

It’s all blown over to Canada.

Unabogie  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:56:20pm

re: #60 PhillyPretzel

You guys know this website very well:

I didn’t, but they don’t have my model listed there. It’s a 00-28G, which apparently was made from the 1940s to 1960-ish.

I’m fascinated by old instruments. I have a friend who plays cello for the symphony in my city. Her cello was made in the 1700s.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:56:26pm

re: #54 Unabogie

You literally have to burn a Martin to destroy it.
Sad he didn’t know that, or was able to afford it, or was just as uninformed as I was once.
You take care of that, it will be here another 70 plus years.
In fact, you may make some money.
Can you see the label through the sound hole?
Contact Martin.
Good on you.

jaunte  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:56:30pm

Or maybe western New York.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:57:53pm

re: #64 Unabogie

CALL Martin. They are very good about finding your guitar.
You might just have…

Unabogie  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:58:10pm

re: #65 nines09

You literally have to burn a Martin to destroy it.
Sad he didn’t know that, or was able to afford it, or was just as uninformed as I was.
You take care of that, it will be here another 70 plus years.
In fact, you may make some money.
Can you see the label through the sound hole?
Contact Martin.
Good on you.

Yeah, see the comment above. It’s a 00-28G. Pretty much this one, but a few years earlier.

Martin 1961 00-28G Nylon String Vintage Acoustic Guitar Quick n’ Dirty

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 1:59:30pm

re: #68 Unabogie

Call Martin. Trust me. Call them. Talk to a human. They good folk.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:00:15pm

re: #65 nines09

yep, it’s the right timeframe, year-wise…no matter the condition, that’s a valuable guitar

Unabogie  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:02:14pm

re: #70 Backwoods_Sleuth

yep, it’s the right timeframe, year-wise…no matter the condition, that’s a valuable guitar

I know, but I’ll never sell this thing. It’s for playing and leaving to one of my nephews or nieces some day.

jaunte  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:03:14pm

Amazon’s Zoox tests robotaxi on public road with employees as passengers
crash dummies.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:05:36pm

re: #71 Unabogie

I know, but I’ll never sell this thing. It’s for playing and leaving to one of my nephews or nieces some day.

sorry, I didn’t mean to imply you would ever sell it…just pointing out that it’s something that should be treated with more care than otherwise expected.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:06:12pm

re: #71 Unabogie

Find out what it is first.
I will say it once more.
Take photos.
All angles.
Like 30.
Have them ready.
Luthiers come and go and leave signatures on what they make.
Custom shops sell high end things by who made them.
Amps have mods from people who changed the sound of music.
You might just get a visit from a rep.
I won’t bore you with I let slip through my hands.
Do. It.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:09:17pm

also, depending on it’s actual value, unabogie might want to consider a very secure way of storing it.

also, not keep it laying around outside of a good case on the front porch in the rain…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:09:38pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:10:43pm
BigPapa  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:11:30pm

re: #76 Backwoods_Sleuth

I wish them all the happiness they deserve.

(Stares Motherfuckerly like Samuel Jackson)

Which means I hope they’re miserable.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:26:41pm

It’s going to rain.

Right now a low pressure system a few hundred miles southwest of San Diego is bringing in the heavy clouds and sprinkles.

But the big rain will happen this coming Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday will rain a bit, Thursday a bit more (of course, because I have to go out to the doctor), and then perhaps heavier rain.

Y’all up north will get even colder.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:32:08pm

re: #76 Backwoods_Sleuth

Gold digging bitch needs to suffer for another 35 years.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:38:43pm

re: #80 nines09

Gold digging bitch needs to suffer for another 35 years.

I don’t really care. Do u?

So yeah, fuck her

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:39:45pm
nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:40:36pm

re: #81 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I don’t really care. Do u?

So yeah, fuck her

If I spoke my mind…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:49:53pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:56:04pm
nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:56:48pm

re: #61 Backwoods_Sleuth

Go back to sleep.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 2:58:14pm
nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:03:12pm

re: #68 Unabogie


And in the details, it has a repaired back crack.

Have fun.

wrenchwench  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:08:26pm

re: #62 PhillyPretzel

It is February and an ice cream truck just rolled down my street.


Dopamine Fish  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:23:50pm

Here in the wild north country, we are bracing for a real pounding. Forecasts are ranging up to 18” of snow this week. How go things among the lizardfolk on this mild winter Sunday?

William Lewis  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:24:17pm
Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:27:08pm

re: #89 wrenchwench


I would kill for a Orange Dreamsicle right about now. Bring on the Ice cream trucks. Taco truck can come by next week.

Dangerman  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:29:09pm

re: #62 PhillyPretzel

It is February and an ice cream truck just rolled down my street.

But this is south florida

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:33:08pm

Speaking of Tacos. I’m all set for next Taco Tuesday. Picked up 2 lbs of fresh Adobada today (container to the right of the divide). The marinated chicken just to the left of the blur fuzzy thing is tonight’s dinner. Along with Spanish rice and refried black beans.

Captain Ron  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:36:20pm
mmmirele  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:40:02pm

re: #7 Belafon

Well duh. I am one of those people told to return to office, and I can tell you that having to spend the better part of an hour on the road to get there, then sit in a chair that may have cost $1000 but is ergonomic hell on my back and leg, and then drive home (another almost hour), just because some suits spent $$$$$$$$ on prettying up a room with 288 computer screens that don’t work with our current monitoring software is making me fucking cranky.

Oh, and it shows! I turned on my camera for our morning standup call on Thursday and one of my teammates told me on Friday I looked like I was in a lot of pain. Why yes, yes I was.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:42:55pm

I’ll quit before I return to an office.

ckkatz  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:43:04pm

re: #32 DodgerFan1988

More on the “Rage against the War Machine Rally” at the US Mall in Downtown DC today.

Major organizers included the Libertarian Party and the Peoples Party. A lot of Lyndon Larouche scent on this.

Demands include abolishing the CIA and NATO, freeing Julian Assange, and stopping support for Ukraine.

Speakers included Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Jimmy Dore, Tulsi Gabbard, Roger Waters, Cynthia McKinney, Jill Stein, Max Blumenthal, and Tara Reade.

(Other photos also show various white, black, and yellow Czarist banners favored by Russian Neo-Nazis.)

Long thread by Molly Conger


Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:44:33pm

re: #95 Captain Ron

“For our kids’ protection, we need someone who is more responsible with a gun,” said local resident Elizabeth Lee, whom KTXS reports has two grandchildren in the school system. “Mr. Stuteville is a good man. But that was irresponsible.”

No. Mr. Stuteville is not a good man.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:50:59pm

re: #1 Charles Johnson

I love that this piece is straight up finger-picking. I’m at the point with these solo acoustic guitar pieces that I just shut the video off if it has that way-overused thumping of the strings on the downbeats. It’s much more difficult (but much more interesting) to convey the rhythm without clubbing people over the head with it.

MrBWS just agreed 100% (using almost the exact same words).

gocart mozart  Feb 19, 2023 • 3:57:56pm
Joe Bacon  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:01:26pm

re: #92 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

I would kill for a Orange Dreamsicle right about now. Bring on the Ice cream trucks. Taco truck can come by next week.

WOW! I’m trying to think of the last time I saw Orange Dreamsicles and Fudgsicles in a supermarket!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:03:23pm

re: #101 gocart mozart

yeah, but downstairs there’s a dead thread opinion dissing Belzer for wasting his life on “copaganda”.


ckkatz  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:06:53pm
ckkatz  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:09:31pm

You folks here have done it now…

Now I’m facing a dilemma.

Do I pick up Dreamsicles or Fudgesicles at the grocery store next week? I only have room in the freezer for one box. :(

Dopamine Fish  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:10:27pm

re: #105 ckkatz

You folks here have done it now…

Now I’m facing a dilemma.

Do I pick up Dreamsicles or Fudgesicles at the grocery store next week? I only have room in the freezer for one box. :(

You make room for both.///

I’m always a sucker for Dreamsicles. I don’t quite like chocolate quite as much.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:12:06pm

re: #105 ckkatz

You folks here have done it now…

Now I’m facing a dilemma.

Do I pick up Dreamsicles or Fudgesicles at the grocery store next week? I only have room in the freezer for one box. :(

take them out of their boxes and find the nooks and crannies where they’ll fit

eat the ones that don’t

problem solved

Barefoot Grin  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:13:14pm

re: #100 Backwoods_Sleuth

MrBWS just agreed 100% (using almost the exact same words).

I remember when I went to hear a hot young player in Bloomington, IN. I think his name was Michael Kelly, but I can’t recall. I will not detract from his talent—it was massive. But it was all that kind of percussive picking. Lots of folks liked it, I did for about two songs.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:13:42pm

re: #105 ckkatz

You folks here have done it now…

Now I’m facing a dilemma.

Do I pick up Dreamsicles or Fudgesicles at the grocery store next week? I only have room in the freezer for one box. :(

We buy Fudgesicles in the summer.
Somehow my memory of how Dreamsicles were never matched up with the new ones.
Like Tastykakes.
Not quite what they were.
The Fudgesicles still rock.

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:15:36pm

re: #105 ckkatz

Try to find orange Push-ups. I haven’t seen them in decades.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:20:59pm

thread, ICYMI:

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:21:28pm

Fell back into this band last night.
Still rocks.

Crank it.


Depeche Mode- Policy of Truth

Joe Bacon  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:22:43pm

WOW! I found this Spinners concert that they did live on Chicago’s WTTV in 1977!

Soundstage - “Goin’ Round With The Spinners” - WTTW Channel 11 (Complete Broadcast, 5/8/1977) 📺

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:27:11pm

re: #112 nines09

Industrial new wave is so awesome.

William Lewis  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:28:50pm

re: #110 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Try to find orange Push-ups. I haven’t seen them in decades.

Schwan’s still sells them.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:35:26pm

re: #114 Colère Tueur de Lapin

Industrial new wave is so awesome.

This is from 1990. Grabbed me. That album is stone keeper.
I ran down the slabs in my Bunky Big Rig screaming along to bands.
This was one.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:41:28pm

re: #114 Colère Tueur de Lapin

1982 kids….

The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another (Official Video)

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:42:54pm
Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:45:45pm

re: #117 nines09

My HS days and then college days were filled with this music. I hate the 80’s fashion, hair, etc. But I love the music.

Elvis is King
nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:48:05pm

re: #118 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

The music biz has always been a shark filled trench. Badfinger was brought up here a day or so earlier.
What a tragedy. They were fucked sideways. Never recovered. Two of them committed suicide.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:49:48pm

re: #119 Colère Tueur de Lapin

He kicked in the early days.

Elvis Costello & The Attractions - Pump It Up

Joe Bacon  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:50:33pm

re: #118 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

When it comes to Bauhaus…this is their signature tune.

Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi’s Dead @ Athens, 8/6/2022

Jebediah, RBG  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:51:00pm

Bequeathed by my late, great Grand-Uncle Meniscus

This seems like a good home for a green roadster.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:56:38pm

re: #123 Jebediah, RBG

You have a ride like that, you need therapy when you run into bugs….

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:59:30pm

AI: US Presidents portrayed as Pixar characters.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 19, 2023 • 4:59:42pm

re: #121 nines09

Two of his best concerts that I attended: one at DAR Constitution hall in DC where he did a solo acoustic; the second was at UPenn when he was touring with Nick Lowe on his wheel of music tour. That may not have been the actual name, but he spun a giant wheel with song names on it and played whatever song the ticket landed on.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:01:21pm

Netflix I think has this bands concerts. Paris and New York and it is incredible.

ah, you say, I say, we say…

Rammstein - Du Hast (Official Video)

Moe Avattar  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:05:01pm

re: #122 Joe Bacon

It’s their first single. Also, David J is very nice.

mmmirele  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:10:44pm

re: #97 Colère Tueur de Lapin

I’ll quit before I return to an office.

I have four years and four months to go before I can retire and I’d really like to work until I’m 70 to get the whole SSA benefit. I’m not going to give those asshats any reason to say that I’m not worth my job. (And at least my partners still work well with me.)

ckkatz  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:11:58pm


Come for the sane, knowledgeable and courteous discussions on Music and Politics.

Stay for the amazing breadth of knowledge!

re: #110 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Try to find orange Push-ups. I haven’t seen them in decades.

re: #115 William Lewis

Schwan’s still sells them.

Jebediah, RBG  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:12:58pm

re: #19 The Pie Overlord!


sizzzzlerz  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:15:53pm

re: #54 Unabogie

[Embedded content]

Lucky you! It would be worth your while to get the instrument appraised by someone who knows Martin guitars. It’s good to know the value of what you have even if you have no plans to sell it. If it’s worth a good bit, consider insuring it. Old Martins can be a treasure even if repaired assuming the repairs were done competently.

I am jealous.

darthstar  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:20:19pm

Gettings from Monte Rio on the Russian river.


jaunte  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:22:11pm

re: #133 darthstar

Tom Waits - Hold On

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:24:52pm

re: #121 nines09

He’s gonna break an ankle horsing around like that!

Cheechako  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:25:31pm
Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:28:05pm

re: #129 mmmirele

I plan to retire at 63. Start taking SS, then, or possibly at 65. The per month payout is lower, but the accumulated amount will be greater.

ckkatz  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:38:21pm

re: #121 nines09

What’s up with his guitar?
(Around 1:16 is a close up.)

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:46:21pm

re: #138 ckkatz

Looks like he broke off some kind of switch there, with his crazy horsing around.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:47:00pm

re: #138 ckkatz

What’s up with his guitar?
(Around 1:16 is a close up.)

If you mean the back of the neck, some players strip the finish off and oil it. Smoother.
Personal taste.
If not that, what?
Ah, that’s the bass players neck.
Not sure of the model Strat he has. Jag? Broken switch, or removed.

ckkatz  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:48:13pm

re: #135 Charles Johnson

He’s gonna break an ankle horsing around like that!

Every Mom -

If you break your ankle horsing around like that; Don’t come running to me!

ckkatz  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:50:36pm

re: #140 nines09

If you mean the back of the neck, some players strip the finish off and oil it. Smoother.
Personal taste.
If not that, what?

There seem to be a couple of holes in the body.

BigPapa  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:53:22pm

It’s still close enough to Valentine’s Day, innit?

You blow me away
jeffreyw  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:56:24pm

Someone mention Dreamsicles?

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:57:07pm

re: #142 ckkatz
Missing a switch it looks like.
It’s an early Fender Jazzmaster.

Some insight on that axe.

holes in my axe

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Feb 19, 2023 • 5:57:49pm

re: #125 The Pie Overlord!

AI tools.

Warren Harding looks like a nasty boss caricature.

piratedan  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:03:34pm

re: #146 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

so many of them were reminiscent of Burgermeister Meisterburger…..

Dangerman  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:07:50pm

re: #137 Colère Tueur de Lapin

I plan to retire at 63. Start taking SS, then, or possibly at 65. The per month payout is lower, but the accumulated amount will be greater.


And if you wait, it takes *a lot* of years for the increase in benefits to pay back the “lost” untaken early benefits

Ie 10+ or more just to break even.

Assuming no other tax consequences, take the early cash

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:10:05pm
Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:10:25pm
nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:11:03pm

Stevie Ray Vaughan.
All the sounds in my head were suddenly right there in front of me.
This is a cut from his Live At Mocambo CD.
Get it.
Now this is his Number ONE Strat.
After he passed, collectors put it’s worth at over a million bucks.
This is Stevie in the zone, and nothing better get in his way.
His tech was in the back chewing razor blades I suspect.
That crowd had quite a few who had NO idea what was to transpire.

Light it up and burn that motherfucker down.

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Third Stone from the Sun (from Live at the El Mocambo)

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:14:55pm

re: #151 nines09

He was trying to kill that poor guitar.

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:16:14pm

Is that tremolo arm backwards or am I seeing things?

Dangerman  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:17:36pm

re: #153 Charles Johnson

Is that tremolo arm backwards or am I seeing things?

Just happy to see you

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:19:52pm

re: #153 Charles Johnson

He wanted to emulate Jimi, so he had a left handed tremolo/vibrato on his #1.
Upside down.

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:20:08pm
steve_davis  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:21:10pm

re: #120 nines09

The music biz has always been a shark filled trench. Badfinger was brought up here a day or so earlier.
What a tragedy. They were fucked sideways. Never recovered. Two of them committed suicide.

then there’s moby grape. then there’s john fogerty, who still can’t play his own music without their old manager picking up the royalties for it. got sued because he wrote something his manager thought sounded too much like ccr. that had to hurt.

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:21:31pm

Didn’t mean to post that twice, sorry. Working on code that uses the Clipboard API.

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:22:36pm

re: #120 nines09

The music biz has always been a shark filled trench. Badfinger was brought up here a day or so earlier.
What a tragedy. They were fucked sideways. Never recovered. Two of them committed suicide.

Tell me about it. I have missing limbs.

steve_davis  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:25:31pm

re: #148 Dangerman


And if you wait, it takes *a lot* of years for the increase in benefits to pay back the “lost” untaken early benefits

Ie 10+ or more just to break even.

Assuming no other tax consequences, take the early cash

this is good to know. i’m 57 and most of the people I work for hate me, though I’m competent, so they have to pretend not to. Knowing I can draw ss at 63 and not screw myself helps.

William Lewis  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:28:48pm

re: #151 nines09

Stevie Ray Vaughan.
All the sounds in my head were suddenly right there in front of me.
This is a cut from his Live At Mocambo CD.
Get it.
Now this is his Number ONE Strat.
After he passed, collectors put it’s worth at over a million bucks.
This is Stevie in the zone, and nothing better get in his way.
His tech was in the back chewing razor blades I suspect.
That crowd had quite a few who had NO idea what was to transpire.

Light it up and burn that motherfucker down.

[Embedded content]


December 11, 1985. Only time he played in Eau Claire, WI. I’ve never seen anything like it before or since. Texas Flood, Voodoo Child (Slight Return), Couldn’t Stand the Weather… amazing stuff.

BigPapa  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:30:05pm
The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.

Hunter S Thompson

ckkatz  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:33:32pm

Meanwhile in Iran -



GlutenFreeJesus  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:35:35pm
mmmirele  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:35:36pm

re: #148 Dangerman


And if you wait, it takes *a lot* of years for the increase in benefits to pay back the “lost” untaken early benefits

Ie 10+ or more just to break even.

Assuming no other tax consequences, take the early cash

I also need the insurance more than anything else, too.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:36:36pm

re: #159 Charles Johnson

Tell me about it. I have missing limbs.

Most of your real talent isn’t on the radio these days, it’s indie and touring.
Shoot the executives.
“We need another one like the other one and you owe us three more like the first one.”
300 nights a year on the road.
How you stay still after 20 plus years of that?
I’m seeing more and more American acts touring Europe for longer stretches.

Beth Hart would play here and draw 300 in Glenside Pa.
She plays Europe and she sells out 2000 seat theatres. Town after town.
She’s booked solid in Europe, I see no North America dates yet.
And they know what they are listening to.
Pure talent.

Grunthos the Flatulent  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:37:15pm

Tomorrow’s Wordle is the worst on a purely technical front.

Wordle 611 4/6


Yes, it’s a par, but lines 2 and 3 each had a different yellow left in the same place as the first line and it just feels undeserved.

Lesson learned. Do not Wordle immediately after waking. Twit.

SibData: 4,4,4

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:38:54pm

re: #166 nines09

That’s why the Al Jarreau band did so much touring overseas.

Belafon  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:40:28pm

The fact that this cop is holding his gun sideways should cause him to lose his badge because he’s just in it to be macho:

BigPapa  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:45:30pm

I saw SRV twice. First time was at Shoreline Amphitheater and he was good. But we were way far back and wasted so I didn’t get a lot out of it. The second time was when he toured with Jeff Beck and Terry Bozzio. That was epic.

nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:46:00pm

re: #134 jaunte

National Treasure.
Tom Waits. I never saw him live. One of my regrets. But I hear him. Oh, I hear him.
Here’s him at his best story telling. An old trucker myth, song, story.

If you out on the road long enough, the night will get you and you will see things that you will not tell others about. Roundabout two million miles under your belt and, na.
Be quiet.

Nite nite lizards. My honey is calling me.

Tom Waits - “Big Joe And Phantom 309”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:48:03pm

re: #148 Dangerman


And if you wait, it takes *a lot* of years for the increase in benefits to pay back the “lost” untaken early benefits

Ie 10+ or more just to break even.

Assuming no other tax consequences, take the early cash

I think it depends on what you need monthly. If you want payback of what you’ve put in, take it early. If you need more money monthly for the rest of your life, I’d hold off. I’m not planning on taking SocSec until the latest possible moment. I’m making good money and for the first time in my life bonuses (like real $$, 5 figure bonuses), so I’m wanting to maximize SocSec for the remainder of my years once I do retire.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:50:13pm

re: #168 Charles Johnson

Umphrey’s McGee has consistently played nearly 100 shows a year for 25 years. It’s the only way they can make money doing what they do.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 6:51:40pm

There were a few years in the mid aughts where Umphrey’s McGee were playing 150, 160 shows a year. They’ve played more shows than the original lineup of the Grateful Dead.

ckkatz  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:02:16pm

More on the DC Mall “Rage” today -

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:06:28pm

darthstar, come to Red Rocks in June for moe. and Umphrey’s McGee!

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:09:28pm

Oh, a novel thing happened to me today, I rode in a Tesla for the first time, a Model Y. I had to leave my car at my boss’s house this weekend ‘cause they had to do major snow removal for the parking lots at headquarters. I dropped off the work truck today and he picked me up in his wife’s car to fetch my car at his house. I gotta admit, it seems like a fun car to drive. The acceleration is nutty.

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:11:51pm

On the topic of Florida book banning:


teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:12:00pm

Next Super Bowl Halftime Show should be

cat-tikvah  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:14:09pm

re: #175 ckkatz

Re: DC Mall Rage today
Next Saturday February 25 will see a DC event supporting Ukraine. My Philly suburb alone is sending 4 busfulls of folks to DC.
Including me!

Dangerman  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:16:54pm

re: #172 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I think it depends on what you need monthly. If you want payback of what you’ve put in, take it early. If you need more money monthly for the rest of your life, I’d hold off. I’m not planning on taking SocSec until the latest possible moment. I’m making good money and for the first time in my life bonuses (like real $$, 5 figure bonuses), so I’m wanting to maximize SocSec for the remainder of my years once I do retire.

That’s why I said no other tax consequences.
If you’re working and want to keep working then what I said doesn’t apply.
The income taxes and the early payback rules would kill it.

Charles Johnson  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:17:04pm
teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:17:16pm

Weird Al’s The Unfortunate Return of The Ridiculously Self-Indulgent Ill Advised Vanity Tour concert I saw at the Avalon Theater in Grand Junction, CO stands as one of the coolest greatest concerts I’ve ever been to. Helped that I sat in the front row center, got an autographed poster and had my picture taken with him. I got to go VIP, present from my sisters for my 40th birthday.

teleskiguy photographed with American Treasure “Weird Al” Yankovic
TedStriker  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:17:43pm

re: #133 darthstar

Gettings from Monte Rio on the Russian river.

[Embedded content]

“We’re on a mission from God.”

TedStriker  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:21:44pm

re: #183 teleskiguy

Weird Al’s The Unfortunate Return of The Ridiculously Self-Indulgent Ill Advised Vanity Tour concert I saw at the Avalon Theater in Grand Junction, CO stands as one of the coolest greatest concerts I’ve ever been to. Helped that I sat in the front row center, got an autographed poster and had my picture taken with him. I got to go VIP, present from my sisters for my 40th birthday.

[Embedded content]


That’s so damn cool!

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:24:55pm

re: #183 teleskiguy

The setlist…

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:32:45pm


Belafon  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:36:35pm

re: #179 teleskiguy

Next Super Bowl Halftime Show should be

[Embedded content]

We should start a GoFundMe to send Weird Al to play, since the performers pay for the show.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:36:42pm

re: #187 teleskiguy

If it’s any consolation the tweet has an impressive ratio.

Dopamine Fish  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:37:06pm

re: #187 teleskiguy


ALL mRNA technology? So human beings are banned from the State of Idaho? Your terms are acceptable.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:38:04pm

re: #188 Belafon

The NFL doesn’t pay the performers of the Halftime Show. Bogus. I mean, I guess I get it, that kind of exposure is the most valuable in music. Still, bogus.

Belafon  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:39:06pm

re: #187 teleskiguy


[Embedded content]

Look at that ratio.

jaunte  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:40:07pm

re: #187 teleskiguy

Talk about regressive Republicans.

jaunte  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:43:02pm

Not willing to settle for a return to the days of Coolidge, the senator advocates for a return to Hadean Earth.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:43:33pm

re: #193 jaunte


Crush White Nationalism  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:45:10pm

re: #187 teleskiguy

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:46:13pm

re: #196 Crush White Nationalism

Yup. There’s some good ones in there!

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:47:57pm

Despite Elmu’s promise for clemency on Twitter for “anyone suspended that didn’t commit a crime” my old Twitter @/teleskiguy remains suspended.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:48:43pm

I mean, I did commit a crime and was convicted in a court of law back in January 2020 but that had nothing to do with Twitter.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:56:13pm

Umphrey’s McGee are currently playing shows on a cruise ship in the Caribbean.

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:59:06pm

re: #198 teleskiguy

Despite Elmu’s promise for clemency on Twitter for “anyone suspended that didn’t commit a crime” my old Twitter @/teleskiguy remains suspended.

@viciousbabushka hasn’t been reinstated either, but then again, I didn’t ask for it.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 7:59:21pm

re: #185 TedStriker

I took two pictures with my phone during the whole show. This one turned out pretty good.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:00:31pm
Ace Rothstein  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:01:00pm

Anyone here ever been to Poland? Looking at going later this year with some friends.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:02:16pm

Joe Bacon  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:02:23pm

re: #148 Dangerman

re: #137 Colère Tueur de Lapin

I plan to retire at 63. Start taking SS, then, or possibly at 65. The per month payout is lower, but the accumulated amount will be greater.


And if you wait, it takes *a lot* of years for the increase in benefits to pay back the “lost” untaken early benefits

Ie 10+ or more just to break even.

Assuming no other tax consequences, take the early cash

To see what would be more advantageous go to socialsecurity.gov and register for a My Social Security Account. Once you have done that you can get a benefit estimate and I also suggest you download your Social Security Statement and check to make sure all of your covered wages and/or net earnings from self employment have been posted at least up to 2021.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:03:41pm

That’s better. If you reload my #202 the picture is its actual size.

Moe Avattar  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:05:56pm

re: #157 steve_davis

then there’s moby grape. then there’s john fogerty, who still can’t play his own music without their old manager picking up the royalties for it. got sued because he wrote something his manager thought sounded too much like ccr. that had to hurt.

John Fogerty did finally get his rights back, just recently.

Joe Bacon  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:06:09pm

Please lets help get this great thespian back on his feet!

austin_blue  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:07:44pm

Here’s a nice little bit of harp music:

Sophia Dussek, Scottish composer, from around 1805:

Captain Ron  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:15:17pm

re: #204 Ace Rothstein

Anyone here ever been to Poland? Looking at going later this year with some friends.

I think Anymouse has been there.

BigPapa  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:15:42pm

My wife and I are getting married again! I crushed an omelet with veggies, creamy french style, over Japanese ramen noodles in a miso/chicken stock saucy sauce. She was so happy I figured it was time to go back for Marriage Seconds. She said yes! After I make dessert, of course.

OK so I don’t want another wedding. But it was a really good omelet. I made a spicy sauce with reduced chook stock, spicy banana sauce, and my own chili pepper water.

BigPapa  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:16:49pm

His name is missing me right now but one of our long time lizards has fam in Poland and he went back a few years ago. We’re buds on FB. Totally forgot his nic.

Moe Avattar  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:17:11pm

More nice harp music
François Couperin - Les Barricades Mystérieuses

Albany Symphony Harpist Lynette Wardle, Live From Home

austin_blue  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:18:34pm

re: #210 austin_blue

Here’s a nice little bit of harp music:

Sophia Dussek, Scottish composer, from around 1805:

Oh, that’s She Who Must Be Obeyed on her Starfish Clarsach:


nines09  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:28:43pm

One last semi obscure SRV number written by Howling Wolf.
With that Red Devil dye.
Reese Wynans on keys joined and made it complete.
Reese plays with Joe Bonamassa these days.
Chris “Whipper” Layton drums for Kenny Wayne Shepard.
Bassist Tommy “Slut” Shannon was at the first Woodstock with Johnny Winter and played with him for years before hooking up with Stevie.
He’s still kicking out there.

Stevie started to get clean around this time.
Nite nite lizards.

Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble - I’m Leaving You (Commit A Crime)

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:33:15pm

Speaking of which, Umphrey’s McGee just released a brand new song. I really like it.

Umphrey’s McGee - Staircase (Official Audio)

Joe Bacon  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:36:46pm

Now you got me thinking of Roy Buchanan. Saw Roy several times in a couple clubs in Western PA.

His signature song—The Messiah Will Come Again.

The day he died…so sad…but damn he could play!

roy buchanan - the messiah will come again

immigrant  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:37:18pm

re: #206 Joe Bacon

I wonder if everyone’s situation is different.

Our financial advisor advised us to wait until the latest moment to take Social Security. This was when I was 64 and the bride was 63.


Our neighbor downstairs, the same age as me, is getting by, but it’s marginal for him.

We are extremely fortunate, many are not. I really think that everyone’s situation is personal to them, and should be considered accordingly.


teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:37:43pm

Speaking of the suits in arts…

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:39:48pm

re: #218 Joe Bacon

He’s my father’s favorite guitarist. My old man saw Roy several times in Colorado, his first show was with his girlfriend at the time who introduced him to Roy. His girlfriend at the time is my mother now.

My father is convinced he was murdered in that jail in Virginia.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:40:07pm

Oh, are we on harp music tonight?

Classical Gas

darthstar  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:41:26pm

darthstar  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:43:12pm

Shit…two in a row.

Joe Bacon  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:44:04pm

re: #221 teleskiguy

He’s my father’s favorite guitarist. My old man saw Roy several times in Colorado, his first show was with his girlfriend at the time who introduced him to Roy. His girlfriend at the time is my mother now.

My father is convinced he was murdered in that jail in Virginia.

When he died the local Pittsburgh stations didn’t even take 30 seconds to report his death…When I saw him in person damn he was so powerful with his guitar!

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:44:14pm

Well, I provided some breakfast earlier. How about some dinner?

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:46:01pm

I’m going back to Silverton, CO to go skiing this weekend. I have to mount two pairs of skis for an athlete who lives there and I’m staying with, and bring them back. I also left my avalanche beacon at his house. It was meant to be. Oh, dumpage in the forecast week.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 8:55:20pm

There’s one, maybe two, things I should buy for backcountry skiing. One, for sure, is a CB radio. The other, maybe, is avalanche airbags, which you can deploy and theoretically they’ll keep you on top of the snow in an avalanche. They have been proven to work, including at the 2012 Tunnel Creek avalanche that killed three beloved skiers and was subject to a Pulitzer Prize winning article by the New York Times.

austin_blue  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:03:39pm

All right, these are friends of ours, (Catriona more so, Chris is dead quiet). He’s a fiddler from the Shetlands, way up north, no trees. She’s classically trained, from Fife and decided to pick up the Clarsach in Grad school and see what it could do and discovered it could have extended techniques, like using it as a strummed instrument like a guitar.

Understand that this is the best Fiddle/Clarsach duo in the world. No one comes close. Listen and be amazed:

Chris Stout & Catriona McKay WHITE NIGHTS-LIVE

ckkatz  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:05:30pm

re: #180 cat-tikvah

Re: DC Mall Rage today
Next Saturday February 25 will see a DC event supporting Ukraine. My Philly suburb alone is sending 4 busfulls of folks to DC.
Including me!

Sounds like a grand time!

Will you have a chance to check out any of the other sights along the Mall?

Sadly you will be month early for this event -
(On the other hand the Tidal Basin area of the Mall is crazy-crowded during Cherry Blossom time.)

If I hadn’t wrenched my back I might have been able to meander down and say hi.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:06:39pm

re: #228 teleskiguy

Avalanche airbags are *really expensive*, $1,400 for one piece of equipment. That’s the same as a top-end pair of skis.

austin_blue  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:11:17pm

re: #231 teleskiguy

Avalanche airbags are *really expensive*, $1,400 for one piece of equipment. That’s more than a top-end pair of skis.

Parachutes are also very expensive.

But if you do a cost/benefit analysis and your dead/alive status is one end of the analysis, well…

darthstar  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:20:21pm
teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:21:54pm

re: #232 austin_blue

I’ll probably still opt out of the airbags. As it is I don’t venture into that kind of avalanche terrain often enough to justify the expense. The last time I skied terrain besides yesterday that was avalanche prone in the backcountry was well before covid.

Here’s a good one of me above Vail Pass, circa 2015.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:24:53pm

The vast VAST majority (including my friends in Silverton, CO) of backcountry skiers don’t carry airbags. Because they analyze the snowpack carefully before they ski and are not afraid to turn around if conditions are sketchy.

darthstar  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:25:02pm
darthstar  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:27:12pm

re: #234 teleskiguy

Three years ago one of our pros was throwing dynamite and the crown raced up the hill and around the ridge behind him. He went for a 1500 vertical foot ride at 70mph over rocks and trees. The airbag is what kept him on top of the flow and prevented him from becoming ground meat.

They work.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:28:58pm

re: #233 darthstar


austin_blue  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:29:36pm

re: #234 teleskiguy

I’ll probably still opt out of the airbags. As it is I don’t venture into that kind of avalanche terrain often enough to justify the expense. The last time I skied terrain besides yesterday that was avalanche prone in the backcountry was well before covid.

Here’s a good one of me above Vail Pass, circa 2015.

[Embedded content]

If you are not stupid, you don’t need stupid protection, at least usually.

But if you fly airplanes, or ski down the sides of mountains, sometimes things break and you need parachutes or avalanche airbags. But I understand your point.

darthstar  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:29:42pm

re: #235 teleskiguy

The vast VAST majority (including my friends in Silverton, CO) of backcountry skiers don’t carry airbags. Because they analyze the snowpack carefully before they ski and are not afraid to turn around if conditions are sketchy.

It integrates with a backpack you wear. If you need help, I’ll throw in the $400 or whatever it is you need. Big floats. The person wearing the airbag may be the one person who can help save the lives of the others in the group.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:30:36pm

re: #237 darthstar

That’s a unique and extraordinary situation. One that I think I’m very unlikely to encounter. But you’re right. They work. Glad the pro got through that! Must’ve been traumatic.

darthstar  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:31:38pm

re: #238 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

I just want that fucker to die before Jimmy. Jimmy is a saint and he deserves to live for as long as doing so makes him feel happy.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:32:46pm

re: #242 darthstar

I just want that fucker to die before Jimmy. Jimmy is a saint and he deserves to live for as long as doing so makes him feel happy.

Jimmy should be carved into Mount Rushmore. Fuck it.

darthstar  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:34:11pm

re: #241 teleskiguy

That’s a unique and extraordinary situation. One that I think I’m very unlikely to encounter. But you’re right. They work. Glad the pro got through that! Must’ve been traumatic.

Yes, he was traumatized…still was, for some time after. Badly bruised, but a full convert on the use of airbags for backcountry skiing. Now all of our pros wear airbag equipped backpacks even when doing recreational journeys…and wear beacons.

austin_blue  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:38:11pm

re: #244 darthstar

Yes, he was traumatized…still was, for some time after. Badly bruised, but a full convert on the use of airbags for backcountry skiing. Now all of our pros wear airbag equipped backpacks even when doing recreational journeys…and wear beacons.

Technology marches on!

Technology companies make dividends!

ckkatz  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:38:39pm

US Secretary of State Blinken publicly called out the Chinese for considering increasing their aid to Russia. The act of publicly stating what the Chinese (and our allies) have already been told privately, conveys a number of very specific messages.

Phillips O’Brien goes through some of what this statement means in the following thread -

darthstar  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:39:27pm

Okay…time to stop believin’ and get some sleep…the wheel in the sky can only keep on turning for so long before me and consciousness must go our separate ways…faithfully.


Belafon  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:43:57pm

re: #246 ckkatz

US Secretary of State Blinken publicly called out the Chinese for considering increasing their aid to Russia. The act of publicly stating what the Chinese (and our allies) have already been told privately, conveys a number of very specific messages.

Phillips O’Brien goes through some of what this statement means in the following thread -

China may be hoping that helping Russia will force the USA to send more hardware to Ukraine, lowering our supplies.

austin_blue  Feb 19, 2023 • 9:56:43pm

And I am off for the rack.

There were no Hispanic Zoot-Suited yoots or BLM terrorists who flash-mobbed a South Austin intersection last night and “terrorized” the City.

Just some goofball kids. You know, stupid fuckwits with very expensive automobiles.

There was no real negative reaction among Austinites over the flash mob that showed up to captcha the goofballs slinging their cars around and burning off their tires in the intersection of Barton Springs Road and South Lamar Avenue three blocks from my house.

It was just a normal day in the Old South Austin. Which made it a Red Letter Day!

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 19, 2023 • 10:22:45pm

I just got back from the Cheyenne VA Medical Center.

The wind was really bad driving west on Interstate 80 from Sidney to Pine Bluffs, Wyo. Overhead signs indicated Interstate 25 was closed in both directions for light and high-profile vehicles from the Colo. Line to Wheatland, Wyo.

I spent my Sunday in the Emergency Room (see behind the privacy bar for details, as more will be scheduled).

By the time we were done, Interstate 80 was closed for high wind from Interstate 25 in Cheyenne to Rawlins. Eastbound was still open. Thousands of trucks are pulled off the road. Coming home, there was no eastbound traffic at all between Cheyenne and Sidney. (Very few local people use Interstate 80 from Pine Bluffs to Sidney.)

We treated ourselves to haute cuisine at Arby’s in Sidney, and now here we are.


Captain Ron  Feb 19, 2023 • 10:26:28pm
Targetpractice  Feb 19, 2023 • 10:28:55pm

re: #246 ckkatz

US Secretary of State Blinken publicly called out the Chinese for considering increasing their aid to Russia. The act of publicly stating what the Chinese (and our allies) have already been told privately, conveys a number of very specific messages.

Phillips O’Brien goes through some of what this statement means in the following thread -

[Embedded content]

War’s been going on for almost a year now, yet the West continues to need a noisy and contentious public debate about “escalation” every time they even contemplate doing more than providing a drip-feed of munitions and supplies to Ukraine. The alliance that seemed to be united in bringing the sanctions hammer down on Moscow is now looking brittle again as the member states most susceptible to Russian influence are constantly flaring up like hemorrhoids while political scuffles in others presents the opportunity to cause them a lot of grief if the war remains a stalemate or Russia begins to regain lost ground.

Captain Ron  Feb 19, 2023 • 10:37:23pm

Hmmm, a Chinese Y20 is flying into Europe.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 19, 2023 • 10:38:31pm

re: #82 Backwoods_Sleuth

That would be Civil Rights leader and future Nebraska state Senator Ernie Chambers (I-North Omaha). He was such a force in the Unicameral that the state passed the term limits law for senators just to get rid of him. Two years after he was ousted, he was reëlected.

He is Senator Megan Hunt’s (D-West Omaha) mentor today.

Mr. Chambers was calling out the preacher in public in his barber shop because Ernie Chambers is an atheist, and he saw how Christians treated Black people during Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Era. In the Unicameral, he never stopped pushing for equality for all (as our state motto says) and ending religious oppression by Christians of other faiths and atheists.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 19, 2023 • 10:48:15pm

re: #6 Eventual Carrion

So all those people that say Elon eats babies is true? Well, this shines a different light on him.

teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:01:55pm

re: #217 teleskiguy

Speaking of Staircase, that’s one of my favorite pitches to ski at Crested Butte Mountain Resort in Colorado. Spicy.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:03:19pm

re: #167 Grunthos the Flatulent

Tomorrow’s Wordle is the worst on a purely technical front.

[Embedded content]

birbie for Monday

Wordle 611 3/6


teleskiguy  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:10:13pm

I took this picture of the middle of a pitch called Solar Plexus in the Crested Butte Mountain Resort over a decade ago.

JC1  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:23:05pm

2/6. First 2 in a while.

Wordle 611 2/6


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:34:48pm

re: #110 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Try to find orange Push-ups. I haven’t seen them in decades.

Move to the Nebraska Panhandle, where you go back in time to the mid-XX Century. We have orange push-ups, creamsicles, Nehi soda, you name it.

Of course it could be expensive. While sitting in a restaurant this morning in Sidney, I was watching one of those advert panels that show local businesses.

A Realtor had for sale a double-wide (although fixed up nicely inside) smaller than my house for $250,000 in Gering, Nebraska (the cultural centre of the Universe and county seat of Scotts Bluff County)

They also had a house smaller than mine for sale in my county seat of Bridgeport for $390,000.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:42:02pm

re: #148 Dangerman


And if you wait, it takes *a lot* of years for the increase in benefits to pay back the “lost” untaken early benefits

Ie 10+ or more just to break even.

Assuming no other tax consequences, take the early cash

I’m sixty-two now, so presumably I could start drawing Social Security if I wanted. That is an interesting thing to know, so perhaps I need to look into this. My plan (at the moment) is to have it direct deposited in my passbook savings account, so I wouldn’t be spending it as a supplement to my VA disability.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 19, 2023 • 11:48:57pm

re: #169 Belafon

The fact that this cop is holding his gun sideways should cause him to lose his badge because he’s just in it to be macho:

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 12:02:37am

re: #204 Ace Rothstein

Anyone here ever been to Poland? Looking at going later this year with some friends.

My wife and I went to Gdańsk, Poland by train from Stuttgart, Germany in 2015. We had a wonderful time there.

Captain Ron  Feb 20, 2023 • 12:25:45am

LOL, John Oliver is back with a new season and shooting rainbows out of his dick.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 1:02:13am

The US Army tried this stunt a few years ago and got slapped down hard.

Navy: Hold my grog.

Navy’s ‘religious needs assessment’ is unconstitutional, critics say (Navy Times, February 17, 2023)

A recent update to the Navy’s instruction on religious ministry in the service — which instructs commanders to offer a “religious needs assessment” to sailors arriving at a new duty station — is drawing fire from some enlisted sailors and officers who argue it is unconstitutional.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit representing those sailors, says the provision within OPNAV Instruction 1730.1F constitutes an illegal “religious test” because those who don’t accept their command’s offer will be signaling they aren’t religious, which might be used against them.

The Navy says the assessment is optional and that such evaluations have been in place for nearly 30 years. The guidance was updated in November as part of a “periodic instruction review,” according to the service.


When I left the Navy in 1996, there was no such “assessment.”

It stipulates that “commanders must offer new check-ins the opportunity to complete a religious needs assessment.” The language is a departure from the previous guidance issued in 2012, which states that commanders shall “conduct an assessment of the religious ministry requirements” for their commands.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 1:12:49am
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 1:28:35am

Oboy, time to see if my plumbing will hold up to another Arctic blast.

The weather radio popped off with a Winter Storm Watch February 21 1700 MST to February 23 0500 MST.

Partly cloudy, with a low around 25. Breezy, with a west wind around 20 mph, with gusts as high as 30 mph.
Washington’s Birthday
Mostly sunny, with a high near 44. Windy, with a west northwest wind 25 to 30 mph, with gusts as high as 45 mph.
Monday Night
Mostly cloudy, with a low around 23. Breezy, with a west wind 15 to 20 mph becoming south southwest after midnight.
Mostly cloudy, with a high near 47. South southwest wind 10 to 15 mph becoming west in the afternoon. Winds could gust as high as 25 mph.
Tuesday Night
A chance of rain before 9pm, then a chance of rain and snow between 9pm and 11pm, then snow after 11pm. Areas of blowing snow after 11pm. Low around 7. Blustery, with a north northeast wind 5 to 15 mph increasing to 15 to 25 mph after midnight. Winds could gust as high as 35 mph. Chance of precipitation is 80%.
Snow. Areas of blowing snow. High near 15. Blustery. Chance of precipitation is 90%.
Wednesday Night
Snow, mainly before 11pm. Areas of blowing snow before 11pm. Low around -16.
Blustery. Chance of precipitation is 80%.
Mostly sunny and cold, with a high near 7.
Thursday Night
Mostly cloudy, with a low around -6.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 1:30:27am

Dawes County-Box Butte County-Scotts Bluff County-Banner County-
Morrill County-Kimball County-Northern Sioux County-
Southern Sioux County-Converse County Lower Elevations-
Niobrara County-Central Laramie Range and Southwest Platte County-
East Platte County-Goshen County-South Laramie Range-
South Laramie Range Foothills-Central Laramie County-
East Laramie County-
Including the cities of Chadron, Chadron St Park, Alliance,
Hemingford, Scottsbluff, Gering, Harrisburg, Angora, Bridgeport,
Bayard, Redington, Kimball, Harrison, Agate, Douglas, Glenrock,
Bill, Deer Creek, Lusk, Redbird, Bordeaux, Wheatland, Guernsey,
Torrington, Buford, Pumpkin Vine, Vedauwoo, Whitaker, Federal,
Horse Creek, Cheyenne, and Pine Bluffs
256 PM MST Sun Feb 19 2023


* WHAT…Heavy snow possible. Total snow accumulations of 5 or
more inches possible. Winds could gust as high as 40 mph.

* WHERE…The western Nebraska panhandle, and portions of
southeast Wyoming along and east of Interstate 25. This includes
the cities of Cheyenne, Wheatland, Douglas, Lusk, and Torrington
in Wyoming, and the cities of Chadron, Alliance, Scottsbluff,
and Kimball in Nebraska.

* WHEN…From Tuesday afternoon through late Wednesday night.

* IMPACTS…Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow
could significantly reduce visibility. The dangerously cold wind
chills as low as 35 below zero Wednesday through early Thursday
could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 10


TarHellion  Feb 20, 2023 • 1:55:50am

Begin the week in biribie land. Had a nice walk with MrsTarH yesterday at the local park. So good to see her wanting to get out and about again. Have a great week, folks!

Wordle 611 3/6*


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 1:56:31am

Courtney Heard (Godless Mom), an atheist counter-apologist who lives in British Columbia, went on a podcast to explain how she lost both her parents to Qanon.

Both of her parents are atheists, socially-liberal, and college-educated. Lack-of-religion or higher education are insufficient to resist propaganda. Her mother was a teacher and her father a social worker.


Ms. Heard has now cut her family out of her life and keeps her children away from them.

I Lost My Parents to QAnon ~ with COURTNEY HEARD

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:06:54am

re: #204 Ace Rothstein

Anyone here ever been to Poland? Looking at going later this year with some friends.

I have only been to Kraków but it is definitely not to be missed!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:12:01am

re: #246 ckkatz

US Secretary of State Blinken publicly called out the Chinese for considering increasing their aid to Russia. The act of publicly stating what the Chinese (and our allies) have already been told privately, conveys a number of very specific messages.

Phillips O’Brien goes through some of what this statement means in the following thread -

It means that a new alliance is forming: Oceania vs Eurasia/Eastasia.

It will be a new trade alliance, we need to learn to live without an abundance of fossil resources and cheap manufactured goods. They have been pretty much the backbone of our business models up to now.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:15:40am

re: #251 Captain Ron

Dark Side of the Moon is a middling, highly overrated album with a couple of ok tracks.”

In general I agree. We were Pink Floyd fans before it came out, Meddle being my favorite up to then, but that album changed the shape and sound of prog rock forever. And led to Stadium Rock and Event Rock.

And when I was a Freshman at Indiana University in Bloomington, you could walk up and down the dormitory halls at nearly any time of night or day and hear that album coming from several towel-stuffed doorways.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:16:52am

re: #255 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

So all those people that say Elon eats babies is true? Well, this shines a different light on him.

Elon nibbles off the eyelids and throws the rest away.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:18:32am

re: #270 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Courtney Heard (Godless Mom), an atheist counter-apologist who lives in British Columbia, went on a podcast to explain how she lost both her parents to Qanon.

I lost a GF to QAnon. She has gone full-on lizard people.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:19:09am

Our Alien Lizard Overlords now return control of the thread to the local Earhlizards

John Hughes  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:20:15am

Joe Biden is in Kyiv.


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:21:51am

re: #277 John Hughes

Joe Biden is in Kyiv.


Destroying evidence of his son’s miseeds?


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:23:19am

Weather radio just sent an alert: The Winter Storm Watch has been upgraded to a Winter Storm Warning.


* WHAT…Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 5 to 10
inches. Localized areas could see up to 12 inches. Winds
gusting as high as 50 mph.

* WHERE…Portions of the Nebraska Panhandle, and east central
and southeast Wyoming.

* WHEN…From 2 PM Tuesday to 5 AM MST Thursday.

* IMPACTS…Travel could be very difficult. Areas of blowing snow
could significantly reduce visibility. The cold wind chills as
low as 35 below zero could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as
little as 30 minutes.

Targetpractice  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:24:51am

re: #266 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

[Embedded content]

Yeah, good idea, Eric. Hey, perhaps we should institute these long, black robes that are about as baggy as a burlap sack for women to wear whenever they venture outside their homes* along with either a black shawl or even full-on beekeeper hood with a screen window so that other men cannot be tempted by their beauty to sexually desire them.

*only with their father’s/husband’s/eldest son’s permission, of course


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:29:25am

re: #275 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I lost a GF to QAnon. She has gone full-on lizard people.

Ms. Heard noted her brother manages their rather substantial financial accounts for them.

When recently checking on those accounts, they’d been zeroed out. When asking about the money (with the idea some nefarious person broke into the accounts and stole the money), the parents became defensive and changed the subject.

After they’d said would pray for her brother over a recent illness (indicating they’d both become Christians because as she put it “those words would never pass her lips before”), she believes they either gave all the money to the attempt to overthrow the Canadian government with the trucker convoy, or gave it all to a church.

She also says they went round the horseshoe and became super pro-Trump (in British Columbia) and anti-LGBTQ+ (when they in the past fought for those rights in Canada before most people did).

She is flummoxed.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:34:02am

re: #277 John Hughes

Joe Biden is in Kyiv.


President Zelenskiy spoke first, in English, thanking Americans for their support. He said that when the war started the first phone call of support he got was from the White House. President Biden spoke second. He talked about it being important that the president of the US be here on the anniversary of the war, and said it’s critical that there not be any doubt, none whatsoever, about US support. He said the Ukrainian people have stepped up in a way that no others have in the past. “For all the disagreement we have in our Congress on some issues, there is significant agreement on support for Ukraine. It’s not just about freedom in Ukraine, it’s about democracy at large.”

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:41:49am

On that Courtney Heard video above: I do not have a Google or YouTube account at all. I also use paranoiaware to block pretty much everything that could track me.

Nevertheless, the YouTube algorithm feeds in the suggested videos to the right nothing but hard-right and Christian Evangelical videos.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:49:46am

re: #282 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Joe Biden is in Kyiv.

Dark Brandon rises.

The howls of impotent rage from the Russian propagandists is gonna be epic tonight.

Dangerman  Feb 20, 2023 • 2:58:21am

re: #251 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

Whether “true” or not, sales say otherwise

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:15:49am

re: #266 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

When you see women in skin tight clothing w/ rear ends & crotches & boobs bursting forth in public, you are witnessing signs of deep fatherlessness.

Fathers are to prevent the shameful public nakedness of their women by ensuring they are covered in modest attire.

Ever consider that some of these girls you are so hot under the collar about might be rebelling against an overbearing, intrusive father and his personal sense of what constitutes “modest attire”?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:17:50am

re: #284 Dr Lizardo

Dark Brandon rises.

The howls of impotent rage from the Russian propagandists is gonna be epic tonight.

I gotta go see what all the Putenverstehers over at moonofalabama have to rage about

Dr Lizardo  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:20:05am

re: #287 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I gotta go see what all the Putenverstehers over at moonofalabama have to rage about

From what I’ve been seeing mentioned in Czech media in the last hour or so, Russian milbloggers are completely apoplectic.

jeffreyw  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:22:57am

Good morning!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:23:15am

re: #285 Dangerman

Whether “true” or not, sales say otherwise

Sales told us that Peter Frampton Comes Alive was the greatest live double album of its time.

I don’t know if you feel like I do about that.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:31:22am

re: #290 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Sales told us that Peter Frampton Comes Alive was the greatest live double album of its time.

I don’t know if you feel like I do about that.

And I’d think that the KISS double-album Alive! has to be somewhere in the top five. IIRC, that one is considered their breakthrough album.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:34:39am

re: #291 Dr Lizardo

And I’d think that the KISS double-album Alive! has to be somewhere in the top five. IIRC, that one is considered their breakthrough album.

With the iconic photo of those 70’s teenagers and their home-made KISS banner

Barefoot Grin  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:37:45am

“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.”

― Hunter S. Thompson

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:41:01am

re: #293 Barefoot Grin

“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.”

― Hunter S. Thompson

“Warren [Zevon] is a profoundly mysterious man, and I have learned not to argue with him, about hockey or anything else. He is a dangerous drinker...”

Wow, to have Dr Gonzo write that about you.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:44:38am

re: #290 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Sales told us that Peter Frampton Comes Alive was the greatest live double album of its time.

I don’t know if you feel like I do about that.

Best-Selling Albums in the United States (Wikipedia)

“Live double album” does seem to be a bit of a narrow criterion. It sold eight million copies in the USA in 1976, coming in at #5. (“Yessongs” was the best-selling live triple album of its time, selling 1,300,000+ plus copies in 1973.)

Fourth was “Oxygene” by Jean-Michael Jarre (18,000,000), third was “Boston” (25,000,000), second was “Greatest Hits 1971-1975” by The Eagles (41,197,000), first was “Hotel California” by The Eagles (42,000,000).

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:47:14am

re: #295 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

yes, I also tried looking for a list of such, it does tell us that Garth Brooks Double Live is the absolute winner, though.

Hey, one of my first albums was the Grateful Dead’s Europe ‘72: triple live!

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:52:50am

re: #296 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

yes, I also tried looking for a list of such, it does tell us that Garth Brooks Double Live is the absolute winner, though.

Hey, one of my first albums was the Grateful Dead’s Europe ‘72: triple live!

Double Trouble: The 35 Best-Selling Double Albums Of All Time (VH1, October 3, 2013)

Dr Lizardo  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:53:36am


Dr Lizardo  Feb 20, 2023 • 3:56:10am

re: #298 Dr Lizardo

Deleted. Looking at that photo again, I suspect photoshop.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:05:01am

re: #299 Dr Lizardo

Deleted. Looking at that photo again, I suspect photoshop.

photo purported to be what?

Dr Lizardo  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:07:56am

re: #300 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

photo purported to be what?

A photo of Biden in front of an apartment building in Kyiv with a “Saint Javelin” mural on the side. I took another look at the background, and noticed it looked more like the background photo was taken during the late spring or in summer - the leaves were green and on the trees.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:08:24am

re: #270 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Courtney Heard (Godless Mom), an atheist counter-apologist who lives in British Columbia, went on a podcast to explain how she lost both her parents to Qanon.

Both of her parents are atheists, socially-liberal, and college-educated. Lack-of-religion or higher education are insufficient to resist propaganda. Her mother was a teacher and her father a social worker.


Ms. Heard has now cut her family out of her life and keeps her children away from them.

[Embedded content]

That’s depressing af. Truly.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:11:09am

re: #302 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Both of her parents are atheists, socially-liberal, and college-educated. .

So they finally found Religion in the form of a fully self-contained, self-confirming belief system totally immune to any factual refutation..

Targetpractice  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:17:33am

So my Monday morning is starting out great. The coworker who was supposed to relieve me today just came to the front desk close to tears, begging me to cover her shift with no notice because of something she can’t explain, then bolted out the door as soon as I agreed to do so. And since we’re running a skeleton crew with nobody else available, the earliest I can leave is whenever the AGM chooses to come in. And since she isn’t answering her texts, I’m guessing that that means I’m here for at least another 1-2 hours unscheduled overtime.

Dopamine Fish  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:22:23am


Wordle 611 2/6


Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:24:00am

re: #284 Dr Lizardo

Dark Brandon rises.

The howls of impotent rage from the Russian propagandists is gonna be epic tonight.

You mean, of course, Tucker, Hannity, Gym Jordan, MTG etc.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:29:07am

re: #306 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

You mean, of course, Tucker, Hannity, Gym Jordan, MTG etc.

Of course. I expect Tucker to be extra salty today.

steve_davis  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:30:55am

re: #164 GlutenFreeJesus

I’ll raise you one. :)

[Embedded content]


Healey cut Stevie up on that. I don’t know why but I’ve just never cared for Stevie’s sound. No question he was enormously talented.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:31:46am

re: #306 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

You mean, of course, Tucker, Hannity, Gym Jordan, MTG etc.

There are sympathizers on the Left, too, who see Putin as the last bulwark against Global Capitalist Imperialism.

steve_davis  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:34:25am

re: #182 Charles Johnson

it’s adequate

[Embedded content]


the look at the end. his cat loves him to pieces! I hope the fellow narrowed his eyes as well back at the cat.

steve_davis  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:41:06am

re: #218 Joe Bacon

Now you got me thinking of Roy Buchanan. Saw Roy several times in a couple clubs in Western PA.

His signature song—The Messiah Will Come Again.

The day he died…so sad…but damn he could play!

[Embedded content]

roy buchanan. now we’re talkin’.

Targetpractice  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:48:12am

re: #284 Dr Lizardo

Dark Brandon rises.

The howls of impotent rage from the Russian propagandists is gonna be epic tonight.

They’re gonna whine that if he had time to go anywhere, he should be in East Palestine to tie up local resources just so he can pose for a photo op…oh wait, that’s Trump.

jeffreyw  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:52:46am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:54:25am

re: #312 Targetpractice

They’re gonna whine that if he had time to go anywhere, he should be in East Palestine to tie up local resources just so he can pose for a photo op…oh wait, that’s Trump.

To fire off more tear gas so he can go wave a Bible in front of a church he has never visited?

steve_davis  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:54:45am

re: #244 darthstar

Yes, he was traumatized…still was, for some time after. Badly bruised, but a full convert on the use of airbags for backcountry skiing. Now all of our pros wear airbag equipped backpacks even when doing recreational journeys…and wear beacons.

it is funny about airbags. the guy who appraised my totaled Mazda called me in disbelief that I was still alive. I walked out of the car without a scratch, though with some bruise hematomas where the airbags whipped me, and then an interesting bag burn on the inside of my arm that kind of vaguely looked like a Mazda logo and made me assume the airbag probably had the logo imprinted on it somewhere.

Targetpractice  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:55:26am

re: #314 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

To fire off more tear gas so he can go wave a Bible in front of a church he has never visited?

Nah, he’s using a local disaster with national coverage as the backdrop for a campaign rally.

steve_davis  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:56:50am

re: #251 Captain Ron

Atom Heart Mother is one full side of the drummer making breakfast. Pleeease.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:58:35am

re: #317 steve_davis

Atom Heart Mother is one full side of the drummer making breakfast. Pleeease.

Best cut on the album is “Fat Old Sun”

Pink Floyd - Fat Old Sun - [HQ]

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 4:59:09am

re: #317 steve_davis

Atom Heart Mother is one full side of the drummer making breakfast. Pleeease.

Getting on that morning buzz was one of the main activities of a British rocker at the turn of the 70’s…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 5:26:55am

I see, according to the Putenverstehers at moonofalabama, Biden is in Kiev to recognize that the war is lost and hopeless and it is time to cut losses and run.

Dopamine Fish  Feb 20, 2023 • 5:39:04am

re: #320 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I see, according to the Putenverstehers at moonofalabama, Biden is in Kiev to recognize that the war is lost and hopeless and it is time to cut losses and run.

Wow. Those useless idiots are SERIOUSLY delusional.

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 5:49:38am

holy shit he did it!


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 5:50:53am

re: #321 Dopamine Fish

Wow. Those useless idiots are SERIOUSLY delusional.

Again, these guys are so leftist that they horseshoe around to the right. They see Putin as a hero and defender of freedom against Western Capitalist Hegemony, and blame the West for unnecessarily prolonging the war.

Dave In Austin  Feb 20, 2023 • 5:51:40am

A serious buzzing in mah eeya!

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 5:52:41am

Looks like Charles is getting in on the game too.


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 5:54:31am

re: #325 darthstar

Looks like Charles is getting in on the game too.

Good lad, but nobody gives a fuck about Chuck. I have noticed that even the BBC just outright ignores him.

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 5:56:51am

re: #324 Dave In Austin

A serious buzzing in mah eeya!

It’s a tough jog trying to find ways to spin President Biden’s accomplishments in a negative light.

When else would he visit President Zelensky besides Presidents’ Day.

William Lewis  Feb 20, 2023 • 5:58:46am

re: #324 Dave In Austin

A serious buzzing in mah eeya!

Silly fascist puppet. Talk to the GOP governor about what HE caused to happen to the state of Ohio.

Dave In Austin  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:00:43am
Dave In Austin  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:02:15am

And of course….

At least here she admits Joe won.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:04:42am

Biden phoned to offer help to Ohio and was initially turned down.

Because they did not want to admit that they needed help.

Dangerman  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:06:12am

Consider how screwed up your party is when your plan is to require all presidential candidates to sign a statement in advance that they will support the Republican nominee. If they refuse, they won’t be allowed on the debate stage

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:07:43am

re: #332 Dangerman

Consider how screwed up your party is when your plan is to require all presidential candidates to sign a statement in advance that they will support the Republican nominee. If they refuse, they won’t be allowed on the debate stage

The same party whose candidates will not pledge to accept the outcome of any election they don’t win.

Dopamine Fish  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:12:00am

re: #333 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The same party whose candidates will not pledge to accept the outcome of any election they don’t win.

Years ago, when I co-opted Adam Savage’s phrase, “I reject your reality and substitute my own,” as the motto of the Republican Party, I didn’t actually think they would seriously do exactly that.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:13:26am

re: #334 Dopamine Fish

Years ago, when I co-opted Adam Savage’s phrase, “I reject your reality and substitute my own,” as the motto of the Republican Party, I didn’t actually think they would seriously do exactly that.

That is what Karl Rove was advocating as far back as the 90’s; creating an alternative reality and making it the accepted narrative by flooding the media and press with it.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:27:34am

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:29:32am

re: #324 Dave In Austin

re: #329 Dave In Austin

Fucking idiots. State visits, even so-called “surprise visits” (especially to areas currently engaged in conflict like Ukraine) such as this usually have to be planned out weeks (and sometimes MONTHS) in advance because of all the logistics and security concerns.

And that’s just one possible explanation for why Biden went to Ukraine and not Ohio.

Dangerman  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:32:10am
Dopamine Fish  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:32:12am

re: #337 Eclectic Cyborg

Fucking idiots. State visits (especially to areas currently engaged in conflict like Ukraine) such as this usually have to be planned out weeks (and sometimes MONTHS) in advance because of all the logistics and security concerns.

What, you mean he didn’t just fly Air Force One directly into the middle of an active war zone on a whim?

Dangerman  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:37:22am

re: #337 Eclectic Cyborg

Fucking idiots. State visits, even so-called “surprise visits” (especially to areas currently engaged in conflict like Ukraine) such as this usually have to be planned out weeks (and sometimes MONTHS) in advance because of all the logistics and security concerns.

And that’s just one possible explanation for why Biden went to Ukraine and not Ohio.

What a humiliation for Putin
Calculated, deliberate and expertly delivered.

Dangerman  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:39:52am
PhillyPretzel  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:41:54am

re: #341 Dangerman

That fits. Now let us see Biden whoop MTG and Company.

Dangerman  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:42:14am
PhillyPretzel  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:45:24am

re: #343 Dangerman

I hope those who will be there get DT in a situation where he looks like the uncouth person he is. And I would love to see it continually played until DT quits.

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:46:21am

uh, fool. 50 years ago in my high school it was the fathers dolling their daughters up because they wanted them to hook up with one of the members of the football or basketball team.

Oh and the backlash when a white girl decided to go steady with the black basketball guard…and the fella got beat down by a bunch of whites…because the girl got pregnant…

Funny but when a couple white football jocks got their white girls pregnant…gee nothing came of that…

Dopamine Fish  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:46:57am

re: #345 Joe Bacon

I think it was mentioned elsewhere, but it’s also very possible that the women wearing the skimpy clothing are rebelling against controlling and abusive father figures.

Dangerman  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:47:58am

re: #343 Dangerman

Biden: Visits Ukraine on anniversary of a war WHILE WAR IS STILL RAGING.

Trump: Visits France a hundred years after WW1 is over but doesn’t get out of the car because he’s afraid of the rain*

* bad for photo ops or knew he’d melt?

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:52:44am

re: #345 Joe Bacon

You can tell by that dudes beard and haircut that he’s one of those modern worship pastor types who thinks he’s all that.

…or that account is satire, but I don’t think that’s the case.

Dangerman  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:53:51am

In other news

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:54:09am

re: #346 Dopamine Fish

I think it was mentioned elsewhere, but it’s also very possible that the women wearing the skimpy clothing are rebelling against controlling and abusive father figures.

You also have to consider it’s likely much of what this Conn guy and his ilk consider “skimpy clothing” is just the way a lot of teenagers dress these days.

Dangerman  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:57:15am
“If you jump on the Putin train now, you’re dumber than dirt. It would be like buying a ticket on the Titanic after you saw the movie. Don’t do this. The most catastrophic thing that could happen to the U.S.-China relationship, in my opinion, is for China to start to give lethal weapons to Putin in his crime against humanity.”

— Sen. Lindsey Graham

“Occasionally he stumbled over the truth but he always picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.”. — Winston Churchill

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:58:22am

Got teh birbie

Wordle 611 3/6


William Lewis  Feb 20, 2023 • 6:58:39am

re: #350 Eclectic Cyborg

You also have to consider it’s likely much of what this Conn guy and is ilk consider “skimpy clothing” is just the way a lot of teenagers dress these days.

The clothing equivalent of “get off my lawn”.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:00:28am

re: #351 Dangerman

Again, the view from both Right and Left Putin fans is that the West is needlessly prolong the war and suffering by supporting Ukraine with weapons and other material aid.

Which is a tacit agreement with Putin’s claim that Ukraine has no historical validation to exist as a separate and sovereign state. A claim which he could extend to include Belarus, the Baltic states, parts of Poland and even Finland.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:02:37am

re: #349 Dangerman

The GOP passed a $2 trillion tax cut so they could then pay for it by cutting social programs, public services and anything they deem “woke”.

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:03:22am

Yep what we expected from Bimborella.

MTG Calls For Biden’s Impeachment Over Surprise Kyiv Visit

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was absolutely enraged by Joe Biden’s “incredibly insulting” trip to Ukraine on Monday. President Biden made a surprise appearance in Kyiv ahead of the anniversary of Russia’s invasion in a show of solidarity with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his people. But Greene interpreted Biden’s actions a little more skeptically. “Today on our President’s Day, Joe Biden, the President of the United States chose Ukraine over America, while forcing the American people to pay for Ukraine’s government and war,” Greene tweeted. “I can not express how much Americans hate Joe Biden.” She went on to express exasperation that Zelensky “can’t even wear a tie as he greets the President of the United States,” adding, “He gladly takes our money in sweat shirts and t-shirts, but Biden is dressed up. So insulting.” The MAGA congresswoman later pointed out that Biden chose to visit Ukraine instead of East Palestine, Ohio, the site of a toxic train derailment last week. “He went to Ukraine, a NON-NATO nation, whose leader is an actor and is apparently now commanding our United States military to world war,” Greene wrote. “We must impeach this America Last fool before it’s too late.”


Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:06:27am

Does Bimborella stop there?



‘National divorce’: Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to ‘separate red states from blue states’

This ought to activate section 3 of the 14th Amendment to disqualify this ass from sitting in Congress…

PhillyPretzel  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:08:10am

re: #356 Joe Bacon

During WWII Churchill wore clothing that would not be considered appropriate. Opps I forgot MTG never studied history. She took more bible courses.

Mattand  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:08:42am

re: #357 Joe Bacon

Does Bimborella stop there?



‘National divorce’: Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to ‘separate red states from blue states’

This ought to activate section 3 of the 14th Amendment to disqualify this ass from sitting in Congress…

Absolutely amazing how conservatives can float shit like restarting the Civil War (or in Trump’s case, try to overthrow an election) and get no blowback for it.

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:09:38am

gocart mozart  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:10:46am
Dave In Austin  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:12:58am

re: #357 Joe Bacon

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:18:24am

Fitting, as the last “national divorce “stemmed from a large section of America refusing to accept the outcome of a Presidential election.

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:19:44am

The only question now is how the liars at Fox will edit the footage.

Exclusive: McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson access to trove of Jan. 6 riot tape

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has given Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exclusive access to 41,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage from the Jan. 6 riot, McCarthy sources tell me.


Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:20:46am

re: #357 Joe Bacon

Does Bimborella stop there?



‘National divorce’: Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to ‘separate red states from blue states’

Stupidity of the idea aside, if implemented it would be a huge geographic clusterfuck. And what about states like PA and NV that toe both sides of the line? Would they just have to pick a side or what?

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:22:21am

re: #365 Eclectic Cyborg

Even IF somehow feasible, that would be a huge geographic clusterfuck. And what about states like PA and NV that toe both sides of the lines? Would they just have to pick a side or what?

Why they can declare neutrality…and forget what happened when Kentucky tried that during the Civil War.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:23:00am

They just say this shit to get people to react.

steve_davis  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:33:50am

re: #324 Dave In Austin

A serious buzzing in mah eeya!

he is right, by the way. it cannot be understated. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t actually understand what that phrase means.

Thanos  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:40:47am
Teukka  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:43:52am


Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:47:32am

re: #370 Teukka

Hold up.

There are people who actually find this garbage entertaining??

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:48:08am

re: #260 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Move to the Nebraska Panhandle, where you go back in time to the mid-XX Century. We have orange push-ups, creamsicles, Nehi soda, you name it.

Of course it could be expensive. While sitting in a restaurant this morning in Sidney, I was watching one of those advert panels that show local businesses.

A Realtor had for sale a double-wide (although fixed up nicely inside) smaller than my house for $250,000 in Gering, Nebraska (the cultural centre of the Universe and county seat of Scotts Bluff County)

They also had a house smaller than mine for sale in my county seat of Bridgeport for $390,000.

The infamous mantra of realtors: The 3 most important aspects of a house’s value are location, location, location.

Teukka  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:49:00am

re: #371 Eclectic Cyborg

Hold up.

There are people who actually find this garbage entertaining??

Yes. Same sort of people who cry “I was just joking/kidding/memeing/pranking etc.” when they get more pushback than they thought they’d get.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:51:18am


darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:53:44am

re: #370 Teukka


Idiot filmed himself. She should press charges. See how the ‘I was only joking’ excuse plays with a judge.

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:55:39am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:55:57am

re: #375 darthstar

Idiot filmed himself. She should press charges. See how the ‘I was only joking’ excuse plays with a judge.

What the fuck was that beyond harassment and endangerment?

Teukka  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:56:36am

re: #377 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

What the fuck was that beyond harassment and endangerment?

[snark] Conservative humor [/snark] Wish I was /S…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 7:57:52am

re: #378 Teukka

I seem to have missed the joke or the attempted joke. What was supposed to have been “funny” about it?

PhillyPretzel  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:02:31am

re: #379 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I did not get the “joke” at all. I do not blame her for pulling her knife.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:03:14am

4/6 Word Hurdle and Wordle kind of morning.

Word Hurdle 795 4/6 #wordhurdle



Wordle 611 4/6


Teukka  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:03:48am

re: #379 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I seem to have missed the joke or the attempted joke. What was supposed to have been “funny” about it?

re: #380 PhillyPretzel

I did not get the “joke” at all. I do not blame her for pulling her knife.

In what universe is a woman getting traumatized on her lunch break funny?
Anyone who finds this funny is the kind of person who is likely to rape someone else…

Florida Panhandler  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:04:15am

re: #330 Dave In Austin

And of course….

At least here she admits Joe won.

A message from MTG’s mentor:

Let Nate flow
Hecuba's daughter  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:04:50am

re: #270 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Courtney Heard (Godless Mom), an atheist counter-apologist who lives in British Columbia, went on a podcast to explain how she lost both her parents to Qanon.

Both of her parents are atheists, socially-liberal, and college-educated. Lack-of-religion or higher education are insufficient to resist propaganda. Her mother was a teacher and her father a social worker.


Ms. Heard has now cut her family out of her life and keeps her children away from them.

[Embedded content]

It has long been my contention (well before Trump reared his ugly head on our political stage) that anyone can be brainwashed, that we are all susceptible to propaganda. We are no different from those who burned witches at the stake because of accusations against them. Obviously we are not all susceptible to the same type of stories or accusations, but we can all succumb to the right type of story, or we can refuse to believe true stories because they go against our pre-existing perspective of the world. After all, how many in the 20th century refused to believe that a highly educated cultured society like Germany would descend into total evil and madness?

Barefoot Grin  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:05:50am

re: #364 Joe Bacon

The only question now is how the liars at Fox will edit the footage.

Exclusive: McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson access to trove of Jan. 6 riot tape

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has given Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exclusive access to 41,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage from the Jan. 6 riot, McCarthy sources tell me.


This is why it was a mistake for the J6C to focus only on Trump. They really needed to drill down on the mistakes (witting and unwitting) that were made leading up to and occurring that day. Carlson will spin the shit out of it to make it look like it was an FBI set up.

Dr. Matt  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:09:13am

re: #357 Joe Bacon

Does Bimborella stop there?



‘National divorce’: Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to ‘separate red states from blue states’

[Embedded content]

This ought to activate section 3 of the 14th Amendment to disqualify this ass from sitting in Congress…

She doesn’t even realize how anti-American she really is. The GQP is a national embarrassment.

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:10:33am

re: #380 PhillyPretzel

I did not get the “joke” at all. I do not blame her for pulling her knife.

I like how she kept the blade low to her side. Then he remembered he was on camera and made himself look big and then spit before he split.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:13:22am

re: #283 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

On that Courtney Heard video above: I do not have a Google or YouTube account at all. I also use paranoiaware to block pretty much everything that could track me.

Nevertheless, the YouTube algorithm feeds in the suggested videos to the right nothing but hard-right and Christian Evangelical videos.

I don’t have a YouTube account — but they suggest pitch meetings for movies, discussions about the awfulness of the last season of GOT, and occasional ruminations about math. I wonder why? (lololol)

gocart mozart  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:13:53am
darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:17:23am
JC1  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:20:10am

re: #384 Hecuba’s daughter

It has long been my contention (well before Trump reared his ugly head on our political stage) that anyone can be brainwashed, that we are all susceptible to propaganda. We are no different from those who burned witches at the stake because of accusations against them. Obviously we are not all susceptible to the same type of stories or accusations, but we can all succumb to the right type of story, or we can refuse to believe true stories because they go against our pre-existing perspective of the world. After all, how many in the 20th century refused to believe that a highly educated cultured society like Germany would descend into total evil and madness?

Intelligence and critical thinking don’t necessarily go hand in hand.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:29:42am

re: #390 darthstar

It does send one hell of message. Biden arrives in Kyiv and walks around with Zelenskyy, and apparently, the US only notified the Russians mere hours beforehand.

Meanwhile, Putin hides in his luxury bunker, with his 15-meter long table, like a cowardly little bitch.

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:30:13am

I like that Biden’s visit coincides with Putin’s greatly anticipated national address. I hope it doesn’t throw him off his game.

mmmirele  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:30:43am

re: #247 darthstar

Okay…time to stop believin’ and get some sleep…the wheel in the sky can only keep on turning for so long before me and consciousness must go our separate ways…faithfully.

[Embedded content]

Her current husband is Jonathan Cain, one of the members of Journey. I would be curious to see the paperwork around what she is doing, because, frankly, it’s a PROBLEM if the bank is letting White-Cain into the Journey bank accounts without all their ducks lined up. It leaves the bank open for liability.

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:32:47am

re: #392 Dr Lizardo

It does send one hell of message. Biden arrives in Kyiv and walks around with Zelenskyy, and apparently, the US only notified the Russians mere hours beforehand.

Meanwhile, Putin hides in his luxury bunker, with his 15-meter long table, like a cowardly little bitch.

I think telling Moscow, “President Biden will be in Kyiv in an hour and we’ve got enough firepower in the air supporting him to sweep you out of the Donbas if you so much as turn on your radar” sent a strong message. So Russia responded by saying they gave us permission.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:39:02am

Biden showing up is a great way to stick to Putin on the first Anniversary of the war.

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:39:57am

I always like walking by this stump when I’m up here.


DodgerFan1988  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:43:50am

Seeing a lot of comments from conservatives wishing Russia would launch a smart bomb on Biden and Zelensky in Kiev. Disgusting.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:44:39am

re: #250 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷


Dr. Matt  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:45:08am

Evolution of Jan 6th:

It was Antifa!
It was BLM!!
It was a peaceful protest!!!
It was a set-up!!!!

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:48:24am

re: #398 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

Seeing a lot of comments from conservatives wishing Russia would launch a smart bomb on Biden and Zelensky in Kiev. Disgusting.

If they want Moscow to get wiped off the map, sure.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:52:12am

re: #400 Dr. Matt

America is about to learn the raw truth of what really happened that day

It was a SETUP

Yes, they set America up with an incompetent blowhard of a President who then summoned his supporters to march on Congress and even promised he would be there with them.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:52:55am

re: #401 Eclectic Cyborg

If they want Moscow to get wiped off the map, sure.

It would then be the Democrats’ fault for “escalating”…

Dr. Matt  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:55:34am

Beta-“male” Nickkk is in desperate need of therapy and/or a padded cell:

Teukka  Feb 20, 2023 • 8:59:21am

File under “Now we’ve seen everything!”

steve_davis  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:00:37am

I’ll give the new iPhone credit: this studio lighting setting ain’t bad. I almost look sane here. Had to chuckle at this photo from a Hurricane Agnes publication. I’m pretty sure that is not a patient getting loaded in the hearse by a couple of funeral home employees.

PhillyPretzel  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:01:39am

re: #405 Teukka

She better not come to my neighborhood. It is mixed. All of us shovel our own sidewalks and salt them too.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:03:03am
Dr. Matt  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:04:49am

re: #405 Teukka

File under “Now we’ve seen everything!”

[Embedded content]

FFS. The KKKaren Nazis have found a new low.

Is that Rockford, Illinois?

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:06:15am

re: #406 steve_davis

You look pretty much exactly how I’d expect a guy named “Steve Davis” to look.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:07:32am

re: #397 darthstar

I always like walking by this stump when I’m up here.

[Embedded content]

We have a guy up the road that does those type of sculptures. He lives across the street from our high school. The HS sports team name is the Trojans.

wrenchwench  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:12:39am

re: #411 Eventual Carrion

We have a guy up the road that does those type of sculptures. He lives across the street from our high school. The HS sports team name is the Trojans.

[Embedded content]

I went to Troy High, but we were the Warriors, because Trojans had another meaning…

ckkatz  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:14:16am

re: #272 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It means that a new alliance is forming: Oceania vs Eurasia/Eastasia.

It will be a new trade alliance, we need to learn to live without an abundance of fossil resources and cheap manufactured goods. They have been pretty much the backbone of our business models up to now.

But we’ve always been at war with EastAsia.

wrenchwench  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:14:17am

re: #397 darthstar

I always like walking by this stump when I’m up here.

[Embedded content]

There was one a couple blocks from my bike shop, as tall as the left one in your photo, with a tortise on top.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:14:47am

re: #412 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]


ckkatz  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:15:36am

re: #406 steve_davis

1) Very nice picture!
2) Obligatory comment about looking taller… ///

teleskiguy  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:16:09am

re: #405 Teukka

Racism indicates very broken brains. That woman’s brain is irreparably broken.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:16:35am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:17:43am
teleskiguy  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:18:29am

A Republican member of Congress calling for Civil War on President’s Day. Normal stuff.

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:18:29am

re: #400 Dr. Matt

Evolution of Jan 6th:

It was Antifa!
It was BLM!!
It was a peaceful protest!!!
It was a set-up!!!!

@SpeakerMcCarthy has turned over thousands of hours of J6 footage to @TuckerCarlson

It’s nice to see the Speaker of the House, the man second in line to the Presidency, responding to orders from Tucker Carlson…not.

Jay C  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:18:39am

re: #415 Eventual Carrion


wrenchwench  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:19:32am

re: #415 Eventual Carrion

[Embedded content]


darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:19:41am
ckkatz  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:20:42am

re: #361 gocart mozart

Anya Parampil is, I understand, a former writer for RT, one the speakers at the ‘Rage’, and married to Max Blumenthal. Blumenthal was also a speaker at the ‘Rage’.

Belafon  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:22:26am

re: #406 steve_davis

They mentioned this in one of the ER episodes, but I have read it elsewhere as well. Ambulances are a late 20th century development. Prior to that, you either drove the person to the hospital, or, if you needed transport, you called the funeral home because they were the only ones with the equipment and vehicles to transport you like in the picture.

Teukka  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:24:10am

Brace yourself for the KAPUTin speech..

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:27:46am

re: #427 Teukka

Pretty strong “Ignorance is Strength” vibes there, huh?

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:28:00am

re: #411 Eventual Carrion

We have a guy up the road that does those type of sculptures. He lives across the street from our high school. The HS sports team name is the Trojans.

[Embedded content]

First design was a big rubber with a reservoir tip…then he figured the spearhead would suffice as phallic symbolism and carved out the dude.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:29:26am
Teukka  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:29:33am

re: #428 Eclectic Cyborg

Pretty strong “Ignorance is Strength” vibes there, huh?

Mhmm. And not vibes, full on violent oscillations.

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:29:50am

re: #427 Teukka

Brace yourself for the KAPUTin speech..

President Biden just drank Putin’s milkshake on the world stage on Putin’s big day.

wrenchwench  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:30:53am

I got a borb.

Wordle 611 4/6*


Can somebody tell me the answer to 610? (yesterday, depending on the f… time zone) I got stuck after 2 guesses.

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:31:49am

And Part 2

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:32:42am

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:33:23am

re: #413 ckkatz

But we’ve always been at war with EastAsia.

Now we’re at war with both

Dr. Matt  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:34:58am

re: #428 Eclectic Cyborg

Pretty strong “Ignorance is Strength” vibes there, huh?

“It was a bright cold day in April February, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:36:02am
GlutenFreeJesus  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:36:21am

And to think, if this war was a few years ago, our President would have flown into Moscow to show his support for Putin.

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:36:41am
ckkatz  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:38:31am

More Happy Times in CryptoWorld -

Eventual Carrion  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:39:04am

re: #434 Joe Bacon

Man some people amaze me in how ignorant they can be. If those guys did that for me I would get them a coffee and sandwiches.

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:41:19am

Karma got him!


James O’Keefe resigns from Project Veritas group he founded

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:42:24am
Dr. Matt  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:42:46am

re: #443 Joe Bacon

Karma got him!


James O’Keefe resigns from Project Veritas group he founded

He will certainly find a new grift to sucker the GQP crowd out of their welfare payments.

ckkatz  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:43:34am
Dopamine Fish  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:44:22am

re: #446 ckkatz

Think about that. “I’m not going to be afraid, because my friend here isn’t afraid.” That’s trust.

Dr. Matt  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:44:47am

re: #446 ckkatz

“Trump would have needed a diaper change”

Trump would have needed a golf cart to haul his bloated fat ass around.

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:46:02am
darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:47:13am

re: #444 Joe Bacon

I’m sure he’s going places.

Dopamine Fish  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:48:20am

re: #450 darthstar

I’m sure he’s going places.

[Embedded content]

I was JUST going to try to find that picture and post it. LOL.

steve_davis  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:48:35am

re: #410 Eclectic Cyborg

You look pretty much exactly how I’d expect a guy named “Steve Davis” to look.

overly white? arrogant as hell? :-)

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:49:07am

re: #450 darthstar

I’m sure he’s going places.

[Embedded content]

Yeah. the 10th Level Of Hell right next to Limbaugh.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:49:57am

re: #440 darthstar

I am convinced that DJT has secret documents hidden in his his ex-wife’s grave to keep them safe from the FBI’s prying eyes

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:50:54am

re: #451 Dopamine Fish

I was JUST going to try to find that picture and post it. LOL.

I’m sure he’s only resigning from the outfit he created because the money is drying up and there are too many GOP scams for him to get paid for doing absolutely nothing.

PhillyPretzel  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:51:02am

re: #454 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

That is a possibility.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:51:13am

re: #442 Eventual Carrion

Man some people amaze me in how ignorant they can be. If those guys did that for me I would get them a coffee and sandwiches.

I get the impression that the lady is not fully compos mentis, perhaps a touch of dementia/Alzheimer’s or something, that is not real Karen behavior

Dr. Matt  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:51:17am

re: #443 Joe Bacon

Karma got him!


James O’Keefe resigns from Project Veritas group he founded

I was going to make a sarcastic The Onion-like comment that the MAGA Nazis will claim Project Veritas is now “woke”. Sure enough:

darthstar  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:52:00am

re: #454 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I am convinced that DJT has secret documents hidden in his his ex-wife’s grave to keep them safe from the FBI’s prying eyes

15 minutes with a backhoe and you could either become famous or infamous.

Dopamine Fish  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:52:13am

re: #458 Dr. Matt

I was going to make a sarcastic The Onion-like comment that the MAGA Nazis will claim Project Veritas is now “woke”. Sure enough:

Sarcasm is dead. No matter how obviously sarcastic we are, at some point, someone on the right will say it unironically.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:55:36am

re: #445 Dr. Matt

He will certainly find a new grift to sucker the GQP crowd out of their welfare payments.

THIS. It will just be PV with a different coat of paint.

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:58:05am

re: #458 Dr. Matt

I was going to make a sarcastic The Onion-like comment that the MAGA Nazis will claim Project Veritas is now “woke”. Sure enough:

[Embedded content]

Even if the Presstitutes at the New York Times see those tweets they will still continue with the “Democrats in disarray” bullshit.

ckkatz  Feb 20, 2023 • 9:58:33am

re: #457 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I get the impression that the lady is not fully compos mentis, perhaps a touch of dementia/Alzheimer’s or something, that is not real Karen behavior

I have not watched the entire video.

However, it sounds like she has an accent, possibly from Eastern Europe. And may be an elderly immigrant. The first few seconds seem to indicate that there might be more going on.

But I do not have the desire to expend mental and emotional energy by trying to wade through it and analyze it. More power to those who do.

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:00:33am

Right now o’Queef is on the phone whining to him…

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:01:09am

re: #455 darthstar

I’m sure he’s only resigning from the outfit he created because the money is drying up and there are too many GOP scams for him to get paid for doing absolutely nothing.

The skuttlebutt says that he was a giant dickhead to his employees, even taking a sandwich from an 8-month pregnant woman. And sexual issues, too.

ckkatz  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:01:09am

re: #450 darthstar

I’m sure he’s going places.

[Embedded content]

I am hoping that those places include prison.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:01:35am

re: #463 ckkatz

I have not watched the entire video.

However, it sounds like she has an accent, possibly from Eastern Europe. And may be an elderly immigrant. The first few seconds seem to indicate that there might be more going on.

I also just watched the first few minutes. That is not what we generally define as Karen behavior.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:04:17am

re: #465 Colère Tueur de Lapin

The skuttlebutt says that he was a giant dickheadcp to his employees, even staking a sandwich from an 8-month pregnant woman. And sexual issues, too.

He takes what is his, Alpha Male and all…

wrenchwench  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:05:18am

re: #467 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I also just watched the first few minutes. That is not what we generally define as Karen behavior.

She’s full-on Karen when she’s putting the snow back on the sidewalk. Karens are never without issues. I don’t think she gets a pass.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:06:38am

re: #449 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Kadyrov is setting up for the inevitable power struggle. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that post-Putin power struggle quickly degenerates into an exceedingly bloody affair.

Dopamine Fish  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:07:54am

re: #470 Dr Lizardo

Kadyrov is setting up for the inevitable power struggle. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that post-Putin power struggle quickly degenerates into an exceedingly bloody affair.

Most such struggles are. We’re watching in real time as Russia’s leadership forcibly regresses to a Third World banana republic.

GlutenFreeJesus  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:09:40am

re: #454 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I am convinced that DJT has secret documents hidden in his his ex-wife’s grave to keep them safe from the FBI’s prying eyes


Dr Lizardo  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:10:49am

re: #471 Dopamine Fish

Most such struggles are. We’re watching in real time as Russia’s leadership forcibly regresses to a Third World banana republic.

When an autocrat collapses, for whatever reasons, the power vacuum left in their absence encourages nothing less than a free-for-all among competing factions.

In a worst-case scenario, a civil war can easily erupt.

Joe Bacon  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:11:34am

Yeah lets loosen the gun laws even more in Virginia!

Virginia might create religious exemption allowing gun background checks without photo ID

Building on past efforts to grant photo-less ID cards to Old Order Mennonite and Amish communities, the Virginia General Assembly appears set to create a religious-based exemption to rules requiring photo ID as part of the background check process for gun purchases.

Under a bill drawing bipartisan support, roughly 2,000 Virginians would gain the ability to buy firearms using special ID cards state lawmakers approved in 2019, according to the legislator sponsoring the plan.

Del. Chris Runion, R-Rockingham, told a Democratic-controlled Senate committee Monday he was advocating for the exemption on behalf of religious groups mostly located in the Shenandoah Valley that have a “quiet voice” and rarely vote or participate in government affairs.

“These folks are sportsmen and they own firearms to protect their livestock,” Runion said.


GlutenFreeJesus  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:12:28am

re: #470 Dr Lizardo

Kadyrov is setting up for the inevitable power struggle. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that post-Putin power struggle quickly degenerates into an exceedingly bloody affair.

Kadyrov better avoid stairs and 5th story windows for the time being.

Jay C  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:16:00am

re: #471 Dopamine Fish

Most such struggles are. We’re watching in real time as Russia’s leadership forcibly regresses to a Third World banana republic.

ISTM that it didn’t/doesn’t have all that far to fall…

ckkatz  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:17:12am

re: #473 Dr Lizardo

When an autocrat collapses, for whatever reasons, the power vacuum left in their absence encourages nothing less than a free-for-all among competing factions.

In a worst-case scenario, a civil war can easily erupt.

Yep, there are beginning to be discussions on what might happen within Russia if the war continues. Frum is knowledgeable observer, though not a professional geo-political strategist.

Here is a thread with a rough outline of _some_ possibilities.

Others have noted that if Prigozhin or Kadyrov start to set themselves up as warlords, Putin would likely move to liquidate them. At this point, Putin seems to be trying to keep both the regular military and the mercenary companies weakened by setting them up as competitors.

Dopamine Fish  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:17:28am

re: #476 Jay C

ISTM that it didn’t/doesn’t have all that far to fall…

I’ll allow it.

GlutenFreeJesus  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:19:49am

It’s Monday and Don Jr. Is getting an early start to the weekend.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:20:21am

re: #473 Dr Lizardo

When an autocrat collapses, for whatever reasons, the power vacuum left in their absence encourages nothing less than a free-for-all among competing factions.

In a worst-case scenario, a civil war can easily erupt.

There is no guarantee that anyone replacing Putin will be any better, in fact, more likely even worse and more evil and dictatorial.

Crush White Nationalism  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:21:55am

re: #477 ckkatz

PhillyPretzel  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:22:08am

re: #480 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

That sounds like a description of DT.

ckkatz  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:25:06am

Sweater designed for Don Jr

Behind private label because it’s a bit… risque


Dopamine Fish  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:26:59am

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve been off the bird app. I don’t miss it.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 20, 2023 • 10:32:25am

re: #481 Crush White Nationalism

They were passing around photos of a shirtless Putin back when Obama was in office. I don’t think it was a reaction to Obama’s VP. Putin panders to bigoted white nationalist religious extremists. Some Americans love him for that pandering to toxic people.

Putin is an autocratic, oligarchic, militarist, xenophobe, nationalist, patriarchal, militarist theorcrat…in other words everything they admire and want to emulate in a leader. Only difference being that it would be a Fundamentalist Protestant theocracy rather than a Russian Orthodox one

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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