Excellence: Antonio Sánchez & Bad Hombre, Tiny Desk Concert

Music • Views: 9,025


Felix Contreras | March 2, 2023
Watching Antonio Sánchez and Bad Hombre behind the Tiny Desk is witnessing an entire band exploring the rhythm of language.

Fueled by Sánchez’s propulsive drumming, the band both complements and acts as a foil to vocalist Thana Alexa’s soaring interpretations of three tracks from Sánchez’s latest album, SHIFT (Bad Hombre, Vol II).

Bassist Lex Sadler and keyboard wizard BIGYUKI join Sánchez and Alexa to kick things off with “Doyenne,” a song that features a powerful drum solo that reflects why Sánchez is a first-call sideman to a number of A-List jazz musicians (not to mention his 18 years with guitarist Pat Metheny).

On “The Bucket,” the band falls into a drone-like groove while Alexa’s vocals swoop and soar through the music. Her spoken word delivery at the end is powerful for its content as well as the band’s supple support.

Chilean-French singer Ana Tijoux co-wrote the last tune, “Mi palabra,” and true to her hip-hop roots, the song is a meditation on how language and voice can be the ultimate source of rhythm. BIGYUKI moves the band from a whisper to a scream, pulling out a variety of notes and sounds during a solo that mirrors the rhythmic sensibilities that Tijoux has set up with her stream of free-flowing word play.

Antonio Sánchez observes the world with a drummer’s sensibilities. As he tours with his pals in Bad Hombre and puts on performances like these, he expresses the kind of musicality that makes him one of today’s best jazz drummers.

“The Bucket”
“Mi palabra”

Antonio Sánchez: drums
Thana Alexa: vocals
BIGYUKI: keyboards
Lex Sadler: bass

Producer: Bob Boilen
Director/Editor: Maia Stern
Audio Engineer: Josh Rogosin
Series Producer: Bobby Carter
Videographers: Maia Stern, Joshua Bryant, Kara Frame, Sofia Seidel
Audio Assistant: Neil Tevault
Production Assistant: Jill Britton
Tiny Desk Team: Suraya Mohamed, Marissa Lorusso, Hazel Cills, Ashley Pointer, Pilar Galvan
VP, Visuals and Music: Keith Jenkins
Senior VP, Programming: Anya Grundmann

#nprmusic #tinydesk #antoniosanchez

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Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 2, 2023 • 10:17:35am
Charles Johnson  Mar 2, 2023 • 10:18:46am

Antonio Sanchez is one of the world’s greatest drummers.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 2, 2023 • 10:26:38am

re: #1 Eclectic Cyborg

retired cynic  Mar 2, 2023 • 10:29:32am

Readers Burrow into a Bookworm Haven in Kurkku Fields’ ‘Underground Library’


I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 2, 2023 • 10:30:51am

Dr Lizardo  Mar 2, 2023 • 10:35:23am

A construction site in Kowloon, Hong Kong, is on fire - some real Towering Inferno vibes.

Watch live: Construction site on fire in Hong Kong

HypnoToad  Mar 2, 2023 • 10:37:49am

Hiked up the hill behind the airport for a view on our first clear morning since we got dumped on in Laverne, CA. Yesterday, I had another (brief) snow flurry at my place a couple of miles in the background of the second image.

Ontario (Left), and Cucamonga peaks above Claremont and Upland.
Mt. San Antonio peeking above Sunset Ridge.
ckkatz  Mar 2, 2023 • 10:43:28am


It may have been a pre-existing Russian based insurgent group -

Charles Johnson  Mar 2, 2023 • 10:43:51am
Captain Ron  Mar 2, 2023 • 10:56:55am

Months after he had left office, former president Donald Trump, directed his former chief-of-staff, Mark Meadows to leak highly classified government records regarding Peter Strzok, the former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, to the press. In the final days of Trump’s presidency, Meadows had removed the classified files from the White House, which Trump and Meadows believed would discredit Strzok.

The explosive ramifications of such a knowing and willful leak of classified information by Trump, or by someone on his behalf, at his direction, after he left office, is that Trump would have potentially committed a felony.

Joe Bacon  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:00:32am

re: #9 Charles Johnson

damn…RIP. Wayne. 😪

darthstar  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:04:39am

re: #8 ckkatz

Nice…I do worry for their families in Russia, however…you know Putin will want vengeance.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:05:18am

I had two meetings cancelled today. It’s a good day!

Dopamine Fish  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:06:53am

re: #13 Crush White Nationalism

I had two meetings cancelled today. It’s a good day!

I had my performance review this morning, and then my afternoon meetings all went way shorter than they were scheduled, so I have only one meeting left and all this time to get productive work done.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:11:57am

re: #13 Crush White Nationalism

I had two meetings cancelled today. It’s a good day!

And you didn’t even have to use your AK.


retired cynic  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:12:46am

ONE of the things that I love about this group is how totally subtle they can be. How great.

Charles Johnson  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:12:55am

This sounds promising, but I’m not getting my hopes up again after two fucking years with no action.


Mattand  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:15:12am

re: #10 Captain Ron

The explosive ramifications of such a knowing and willful leak of classified information by Trump, or by someone on his behalf, at his direction, after he left office, is that Trump would have potentially committed a felony.

I know how this sounds, but does one more crime on the pile make any fucking difference with this guy?

The US legal system and, quite frankly, the Constitution itself, obviously can’t handle a single criminal who has the ability to constantly flaunt the law, be it through said criminal’s wealth or elected officials’ unwillingness to do their fucking jobs*.

One of my issues with Bob Cesca is that he has this mantra “Trump makes things worse for Trump” he says over and over. It’s a pithy turn of phrase, but it’s nonsense. Any other fucking western democracy at this point, at bare minimum, would have had someone like Trump indicted at this point.

Not good ol’ MURICA, though. The guy who tried to overthrow the country by murdering his VP and half of Congress, in addition to killing hundreds of thousands of Americans by his inaction on COVID, stand a great fucking chance of getting elected again.

So I’m really trying to not say “Who fucking cares?” at this news, but it’s really, really tough.

*Your periodic reminder that Merrick Garland is a fucking coward who is waiting for another complete GOP takeover of the federal government, so he can completely avoid doing his motherfucking job and prosecuting Trump.

EPR-radar  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:20:04am

re: #18 Mattand

I know how this sounds, but does one more crime on the pile make any fucking difference with this guy?

The US legal system and, quite frankly, the Constitution itself, obviously can’t handle a single criminal who has the ability to constantly flaunt the law, be it through said criminal’s wealth or elected officials’ unwillingness to do their fucking jobs*.

One of my issues with Bob Cesca is that he has this mantra “Trump makes things worse for Trump” he says over and over. It’s a pithy turn of phrase, but it’s nonsense. Any other fucking western democracy at this point, at bare minimum, would have had someone like Trump indicted at this point.

Not good ol’ MURICA, though. The guy who tried to overthrow the country by murdering his VP and half of Congress, in addition to killing hundreds of thousands of Americans by his inaction on COVID, stand a great fucking chance of getting elected again.

So I’m really trying to not say “Who fucking cares?” at this news, but it’s really, really tough.

*Your periodic reminder that Merrick Garland is a fucking coward who is waiting for another complete GOP takeover of the federal government, so he can completely avoid doing his motherfucking job and prosecuting Trump.

The US legal system might be able to handle Trump if Trump really were just a “single criminal”.

But the reality is that Trump is leader of the criminal Republican party. That’s what appears to making Garland et al. so timid.

Captain Ron  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:20:46am

We’re down to only Abnormally Dry!

Dr. Matt  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:28:04am

A bass playing the guitar parts for Master of Puppets.


darthstar  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:28:45am

re: #17 Charles Johnson

This sounds promising, but I’m not getting my hopes up again after two fucking years with no action.

[Embedded content]

Let the lawsuits commence. He has to pay his lawyers to respond to every one of them. 140 injured officers deserve to have their individual requests heard.

Captain Ron  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:33:58am

A second building is now on fire in Hong Kong.

Renaissance_Man  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:36:03am

re: #19 EPR-radar

The US legal system might be able to handle Trump if Trump really were just a “single criminal”.

But the reality is that Trump is leader of the criminal Republican party. That’s what appears to making Garland et al. so timid.

Really the issue is that the US legal system is not designed to punish someone like Donald Trump. The US legal system is supposed to enforce hierarchies and class differences by punishing, marginalising, and disenfranchising minorities and poor people, especially black people. That is what it is designed to do. That is it’s purpose. Other Western nations have a legal system that is supposed to provide for a peaceful and civilised society. America’s system is designed to achieve a different purpose, and it does so very well. The problem is that we have come to expect that legal systems should be egalitarian, which is explicitly not the goal of the US system. By ensuring Donald Trump faces no consequences for anything, the systems of America are fulfilling their purpose.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:38:23am
DodgerFan1988  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:43:43am
Dopamine Fish  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:47:13am

re: #24 Renaissance_Man

It bears repeating, loudly and often, that the more white-collar a crime is in this country, the harder it is to prove, specifically because the more white-collar crimes are things that the majority of rich powerful men are supposed to get away with, unless it’s so egregious that an example must be made.

Captain Ron  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:49:36am
gocart mozart  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:52:08am
gocart mozart  Mar 2, 2023 • 11:59:52am
Eventual Carrion  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:04:08pm

re: #27 Dopamine Fish

It bears repeating, loudly and often, that the more white-collar a crime is in this country, the harder it is to prove, specifically because the more white-collar crimes are things that the majority of rich powerful men are supposed to get away with, unless it’s so egregious that an example must be made.

Or, as it has been said, they fuck over some other rich powerful man/men. Then something will be done *cough*Bernie Madoff*cough*

lawhawk  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:05:08pm
Captain Ron  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:17:44pm
Eventual Carrion  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:18:58pm

4/6 Word Hurdle

Word Hurdle 816 4/6 #wordhurdle



Crush White Nationalism  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:20:41pm

re: #33 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

That’s not any more stupid than the American-right, people who look up to Putin and think witches are making them sick.

lawhawk  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:22:54pm

re: #33 Captain Ron

Only thing that would be slightly more believable is if the Red Witch walked out dropped her necklace, and then her robes before dying in the snow…

jaunte  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:28:06pm

Nothing to see here, just the Texas GOP promoting prison rape.

Orange Impostor  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:30:58pm

Because the Florida Republican Party has decided that they aren’t quite fascist enough:

New bill would eliminate Florida Democratic Party

The Florida Democratic party would not exist if a new Senate bill is passed and signed into law.

Spring Hill Republican Senator Blaise Ingoglia has filed SB 1248, which would be called “The Ultimate Cancel Act.”

While it does not mention the Democratic party’s name, it would direct the Florida Division of Elections to “immediately cancel the filings of a political party, to include its registration and approved status as a political party, if the party’s platform has previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude.”

Southern Democrats advocated for slavery during the Civil War.

Under the Bill, registered Democrats would be automatically re-registered as having “no party affiliation.” The Democratic party officers could reorganize, but only under a substantially different name.

“For years now, leftist activists have been trying to “cancel” people and companies for things they have said or done in the past. This includes the removal of statues and memorials, and the renaming of buildings. Using this standard, it would be hypocritical not to cancel the Democrat Party itself for the same reason,” explained Sen. Ingoglia.

Joe Bacon  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:34:30pm

re: #38 Orange Impostor

Gee I wonder what other place about 90 miles from Florida has a one-party system?

No Malarkey!  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:35:45pm

re: #19 EPR-radar

The US legal system might be able to handle Trump if Trump really were just a “single criminal”.

But the reality is that Trump is leader of the criminal Republican party. That’s what appears to making Garland et al. so timid.

I haven’t been getting timidity vibes from Jack Smith, who is driving this thing now. I have a hard time believing that Trump will not be indicted for something this year, whether its in Fulton County, Manhattan, or D.C. Hope I’m not wrong.

darthstar  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:36:08pm
EPR-radar  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:39:42pm

re: #38 Orange Impostor

“While it does not mention the Democratic party’s name, it would direct the Florida Division of Elections to “immediately cancel the filings of a political party, to include its registration and approved status as a political party, if the party’s platform has previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude.”

Look at that. The GOP’s present day support of slavery and involuntary servitude (on the down low for the moment, but we all know it’s coming), is exempt from this bill.

darthstar  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:39:46pm

I hope whoever it was in KC spends a shit-ton of time behind bars…and that they’re related to Josh Hawley.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:41:18pm

re: #42 EPR-radar

Just wait until they start banning political parties based on support for “woke” ideology. I’m actually surprised that they went the route they did, though perhaps that’s because it’s an easier sell to say, “Hey, we’re banning parties that used to own slaves!”

No Malarkey!  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:42:35pm

re: #37 jaunte

Nothing to see here, just the Texas GOP promoting prison rape.

I’m pretty sure Republicans actually want trans kids to commit suicide. At the very least, they don’t give a fuck if the kids live or die.

Joe Bacon  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:45:49pm

re: #45 No Malarkey!

I’m pretty sure Republicans actually want trans kids to commit suicide. At the very least, they don’t give a fuck if the kids live or die.

There are plenty of right wing Pulpit Pimps who preach that shit and may they burn in hell for doing that.

No Malarkey!  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:45:50pm

re: #44 Dopamine Fish

Just wait until they start banning political parties based on support for “woke” ideology. I’m actually surprised that they went the route they did, though perhaps that’s because it’s an easier sell to say, “Hey, we’re banning parties that used to own slaves!”

Its just a trolling bill; it won’t go anywhere.

austin_blue  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:47:22pm

re: #11 Joe Bacon

damn…RIP. Wayne. 😪

Double damn. He was one of the all-time greats.

She Who Must Be Obeyed is on New Music twitter and there is a lot of mourning on that Board.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:47:36pm

re: #47 No Malarkey!

Its just a trolling bill; it won’t go anywhere.

My problem is, we’ve said that about an awful lot of these awful bills that have come up in Florida and Texas and Missouri and Tennessee, and yet - they’re law today (though some of them are enjoined, at least).

GlutenFreeJesus  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:48:51pm

re: #47 No Malarkey!

It’s Florida though…

Jay C  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:53:31pm

re: #47 No Malarkey!

Its just a trolling bill; it won’t go anywhere.

SRSLY: even in Florida, I can’t imagine a bill officially delegitimizing the (largest?/second-largest?) political party in the state - specious BS grounds notwithstanding- surviving even the first-level court challenge.

But at least it would give the “anti-woke” fascists another gripe to whine about.

darthstar  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:54:25pm
The Pie Overlord!  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:55:35pm

re: #38 Orange Impostor

Because the Florida Republican Party has decided that they aren’t quite fascist enough:

New bill would eliminate Florida Democratic Party

Yeah that bill would eliminate the Southern Democrats, the group who advocated for slavery and secession during the Civil War and then became the “Dixiecrats” who instituted Jim Crow after Reconstruction.

The Northern Democrats evolved into the Democratic party of today, while after the CRA was passed, the Dixiecrats were absorbed by the Republican party of today.

This information is hidden inside those seekrit things called “books” which Florida wants to ban.

No Malarkey!  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:56:28pm

re: #46 Joe Bacon

There are plenty of right wing Pulpit Pimps who preach that shit and may they burn in hell for doing that.

A bill making gender affirming care for children illegal is currently being debated in the Kentucky General Assembly. The opponents are wiping the floor with the sponsor, but the bill will pass by a huge margin anyway.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 2, 2023 • 12:58:18pm

re: #54 No Malarkey!

A bill making gender affirming care for children illegal is currently being debated in the Kentucky General Assembly. The opponents are wiping the floor with the sponsor, but the bill will pass by a huge margin anyway.

[Embedded content]

How fucked up American politics are, in one sentence.

Orange Impostor  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:01:01pm

re: #47 No Malarkey!

Its just a trolling bill; it won’t go anywhere.

The Florida legislature has a Republican supermajority in both houses - with the Florida House having a 85-35 representation, and the Senate being 28-12. They can steamroll any bill they want to push, constitutional legality be damned.

BigPapa  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:06:57pm

re: #2 Charles Johnson

Antonio Sanchez is one of the world’s greatest drummers.

Never heard of him. The first track melted my face. I love Thana too. And BIGYUKI.

No Malarkey!  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:08:03pm

re: #56 Orange Impostor

The Florida legislature has a Republican supermajority in both houses - with the Florida House having a 85-35 representation, and the Senate being 28-12. They can steamroll any bill they want to push, constitutional legality be damned.

Sure they can, but one can still tell the difference between stuff they are serious about, like demonizing the trans community, and trolling. This is trolling. HURR HURR DEMS ARE DUH REAL RACISTS! They are deadly serious about wiping the trans community out of existence.

Thanos  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:13:02pm

Sparks fans will want to bookmark this video for 19 hours from now, New video featuring Cate Blanchett

Sparks - The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte (Official Video) - Starring Cate Blanchett

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:21:05pm

re: #59 Thanos

Sparks fans will want to bookmark this video for 19 hours from now, New video featuring Cate Blanchett

[Embedded content]


That looks nothing like the first movie.

Thanos  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:25:03pm
DodgerFan1988  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:26:17pm
JC1  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:28:50pm

re: #58 No Malarkey!

Sure they can, but one can still tell the difference between stuff they are serious about, like demonizing the trans community, and trolling. This is trolling. HURR HURR DEMS ARE DUH REAL RACISTS! They are deadly serious about wiping the trans community out of existence.

They’re only serious about trans issues as long as the issue is divisive enough. Just like same sex marriage; once the issue becomes accepted by the majority of the population they’ll jump to the next wedge issue.

No Malarkey!  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:28:50pm

To no-one’s surprise, the bill making gender affirming care illegal passed the Kentucky House easily. Now on to the Senate. Its provisions are so broad, Doctors could be prosecuted for not dead naming minor patients and not using the wrong pronouns.

EPR-radar  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:30:57pm

re: #64 No Malarkey!

These Republican pigfuckers do nothing but lie. “An act relating to the protection of children” my ass.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:31:13pm

re: #63 JC1

They’re only serious about trans issues as long as the issue is divisive enough. Just like same sex marriage; once the issue becomes accepted by the majority of the population they’ll jump to the next wedge issue.

It’s always about maintaining a cult. Anything to separate them from mainstream America will do.

ckkatz  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:36:56pm
ckkatz  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:39:55pm

Iirc, these criminals were also discussed earlier on lgf -

ckkatz  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:45:26pm
Oblongatis  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:46:04pm

re: #66 Crush White Nationalism

I’d love to see the statics on what percentage of tran people are arrested for sex crimes and how that compares with the percentage of sex crimes arrest of people are formally connected with a ministry. I’m betting the percentages would be telling but no one in the political sphere would dare to “attack” religion like that.

BeenHereAwhile  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:47:34pm

re: #39 Joe Bacon

Gee I wonder what other place about 90 miles from Florida has a one-party system?

Cuba has had a one-party political system since 1909, including the change occurring in 1959.

ckkatz  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:48:57pm
BeenHereAwhile  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:50:06pm

re: #40 No Malarkey!

I haven’t been getting timidity vibes from Jack Smith, who is driving this thing now. I have a hard time believing that Trump will not be indicted for something this year, whether its in Fulton County, Manhattan, or D.C. Hope I’m not wrong.

Suspect indicting Trump is not the problem.

It’s getting a jury of 12 to convict.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:53:20pm

re: #73 BeenHereAwhile

Suspect indicting Trump is not the problem.

It’s getting a jury of 12 to convict.

Which, one can argue, damages the US judicial system.

However, apparently not even trying due to fear of that result does damage to the US judicial system as well. And, I would argue, does more damage to the systems and emboldens further abuse by those who feel they have sufficient power and/or lawyers.

I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 2, 2023 • 1:58:19pm

re: #73 BeenHereAwhile

Suspect indicting Trump is not the problem.

It’s getting a jury of 12 to convict.

I don’t give a fuck if they get a conviction or not. It’s a crime that he doesn’t have to go into a court and face the music. Trials are always a gamble, but the amount of info that will come out will be worth the effort. A hung jury is not an acquittal.

ckkatz  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:03:04pm

re: #73 BeenHereAwhile

Suspect indicting Trump is not the problem.

It’s getting a jury of 12 to convict.

Interesting question.

I remember that this was an issue with Civil Rights cases in the Deep South back in the 1960s and 1970s. A lot of folks did not find justice. In other cases prosecutors were able to find other venues and statutes to use.

I have no idea how this all is going to play out. But I suspect that having multiple venues and prosecutors looking through this mess may help.

BeenHereAwhile  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:07:36pm

re: #74 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Which, one can argue, damages the US judicial system.

However, apparently not even trying due to fear of that result does damage to the US judicial system as well. And, I would argue, does more damage to the systems and emboldens further abuse by those who feel they have sufficient power and/or lawyers.

I agree, but no US Attorney or state AG wants to lose what would ordinarily be a “slam dunk” case due to a Trump believer jurist.

gocart mozart  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:15:30pm
wrenchwench  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:16:27pm

re: #78 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

She woke up and left.

A Cranky One  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:19:00pm

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:20:21pm

re: #80 A Cranky One

But no guns.

ckkatz  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:21:12pm

On top of the legal consequences there needs to be other consequences as well.

danarchy  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:21:53pm

re: #81 Colère Tueur de Lapin

But no guns.

I am guessing there is some law that prevents selling alcohol and guns in the same store…Or at least there should be.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:22:14pm

re: #82 ckkatz

On top of the legal consequences there needs to be other consequences as well.

[Embedded content]

I’d settle for just some kind of consequences at this point. Something. ANYTHING.

Jay C  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:26:14pm

re: #83 danarchy

I am guessing there is some law that prevents selling alcohol and guns in the same store…Or at least there should be.

And I’m equally sure that in some red state somewhere, Republicans would act to repeal it in short order….

ckkatz  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:29:29pm
EPR-radar  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:29:53pm

re: #84 Eclectic Cyborg

I’d settle for just some kind of consequences at this point. Something. ANYTHING.

The only consequence Trump faced so far for inciting 1/6 was losing his Twitter account, and even that’s been undone by Fuhrer Musk,

William Lewis  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:32:35pm

re: #80 A Cranky One

[Embedded content]

No guns and liquor.

William Lewis  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:33:16pm

re: #88 William Lewis

No guns and liquor.

Oops. Missed the beer at first glance.

ckkatz  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:34:34pm

A kind of random datapoint that I bumped into and thought to post here.


Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:34:52pm

re: #81 Colère Tueur de Lapin

But no guns.

those are in the trunk of the owner’s Chevy parked out back…

danarchy  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:34:55pm

re: #87 EPR-radar

The only consequence Trump faced so far for inciting 1/6 was losing his Twitter account, and even that’s been undone by Fuhrer Musk,

I am fairly certain he will never face any consequences for that. The best bet probably lies with taxes, campaign finance, corporate and personal finance shennanigans etc.

The bar for incitement is high and if Trump brought a first amendment defense to the supreme court I don’t see any of the conservative justices ruling against him.

danarchy  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:38:21pm

re: #90 ckkatz

A kind of random datapoint that I bumped into and thought to post here.

[Embedded content]

Not that I begrudge the Ukrainian’s any defense at all, but aren’t landmines outlawed by international treaty?

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:38:41pm

re: #90 ckkatz

Sounds like Putins boys are doing their “Sideshow Bob stepping on rakes” impression.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:38:46pm

re: #90 ckkatz

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:40:08pm

re: #93 danarchy

Not that I begrudge the Ukrainian’s any defense at all, but aren’t landmines outlawed by international treaty?

I don’t think we ever signed that treaty, and Ukraine may not have either.

BeenHereAwhile  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:41:46pm

re: #79 wrenchwench

She woke up and left.

Elmore Leonard smiles.

IngisKahn  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:42:47pm

re: #96 Crush White Nationalism

Plus there’s a world of difference between anti-tank and anti-personnel mines.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:44:26pm

re: #98 IngisKahn

Plus there’s a world of difference between anti-tank and anti-personnel mines.

The personnel in the tanks might have disagreed if they were alive, but I expect that they do pose a lot less risk to civilians.

gocart mozart  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:44:30pm
Barefoot Grin  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:45:10pm

re: #78 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

Dude looks like he’s on some serious prednisone.

William Lewis  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:47:35pm

re: #96 Crush White Nationalism

I don’t think we ever signed that treaty, and Ukraine may not have either.

I know we didn’t.

1) Only anti-personnel mines are covered by the Ottawa Treaty.
2) FASCAM mines - the most problematical US mines - have self-destruct mechanisms.

ckkatz  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:47:44pm

re: #93 danarchy

Not that I begrudge the Ukrainian’s any defense at all, but aren’t landmines outlawed by international treaty?

There are several different kinds of landmines, the 1997 Ottawa treaty banned “Anti-personnel” landmines. Which are designed to cripple people.

Anti-tank landmines are designed to blow up 20 -60 ton armored vehicles. They are bigger and are designed to require a much larger vehicle before blowing up. In general, people stepping on them is not likely to set them off. (Some use pressure plates, some use magnetic detection systems. Some even will fire the landmine into the vehicle from a distance.)

However, there are complicating factors. For example, many mines have booby traps on the underside. If you do not know what you are doing and try to move a landmine, many are designed to blow up.

Humanity’s cruelty to humans often has no boundaries.

I do not believe that the US, Russia, nor Ukraine signed the treaty.

It has been pointed out that Ukraine did in fact sign the treaty.

BeenHereAwhile  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:48:00pm

re: #80 A Cranky One

[Embedded content]

My favorite roadside sign was “Beer Worms” store on the Tamiami Trail.

danarchy  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:49:16pm

re: #96 Crush White Nationalism

I don’t think we ever signed that treaty, and Ukraine may not have either.

Turns out google is your friend(at least in this case) Ukraine is a signatory to the mine ban treaty sinc 2006, however that treaty does not ban anti-vehicle mines, so Ukraine is good to go.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:51:37pm

re: #101 Barefoot Grin

Dude looks like he’s on some serious prednisone.

Something’s up. His head looks like it belongs on a morbidly obese body.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 2, 2023 • 2:55:58pm

re: #93 danarchy

Not that I begrudge the Ukrainian’s any defense at all, but aren’t landmines outlawed by international treaty?

I may be wrong here and if so, please correct me if I am. Anti-personnel mines are banned by treaty (that we never signed), but anti-armor mines are still allowed. Just as are anti-shipping mines are still allowed.

sagehen  Mar 2, 2023 • 3:09:30pm

re: #80 A Cranky One

[Embedded content]

no guns or ammo?

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 2, 2023 • 3:19:07pm

re: #77 BeenHereAwhile

I agree, but no US Attorney or state AG wants to lose what would ordinarily be a “slam dunk” case due to a Trump believer jurist.

Which gets us back to civil service or law enforcement fearful to act due to “their careers”.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 2, 2023 • 3:23:55pm

re: #93 danarchy

Not that I begrudge the Ukrainian’s any defense at all, but aren’t landmines outlawed by international treaty?

Anti-personnel mines subject to the Ottawa Treaty.

Anti-tank (anti-vehicle) mines are not. And they usually require more pressure than just a person walking on/near them to set them off. One reason there were videos earlier in the war of people just shoving anti-tank mines off the road or simply picking them up to move.*

*- Now there is a capability to put anti-tamper devices on these mines. Which I did not check if there is currently any ban on doing that. And also using anti-tamper devices I suspect leads to you losing a percentage of your troops/engineer laying the mines due to the sensitivity of said devices.

gocart mozart  Mar 2, 2023 • 3:32:11pm

re: #101 Barefoot Grin

Alas it’s a photo shop and fake chyron.

DodgerFan1988  Mar 2, 2023 • 6:02:20pm

How dare you doxx a Neo-Nazi terrorist!

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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