Incredible! Julian Lage Live at the Digital Discovery Festival

Music • Views: 14,280

Join us for a Digital Discovery concert with the gifted and genre-defying guitarist, Julian Lage. Lage will perform a 30 minute solo program of self-composed originals.Hailed as one of the most prodigious guitarists of his generation, Julian Lage has spent more than a decade searching through the myriad strains of American musical history via impeccable technique, free association and a spirit of infinite possibility. The New York-based musician boasts a long, prolific résumé as sideman (alongside such icons as Gary Burton and John Zorn), duo partner (with Nels Cline, Chris Eldridge and Fred Hersch, among others), and as soloist and bandleader. Love Hurts – which marks Lage’s third Mack Avenue LP recorded with a trio, and his first to feature bassist Jorge Roeder and drummer Dave King (The Bad Plus) – sees the Grammy nominated guitarist exploring the American song catalog from a truly unique vantage point, performing music written by a range of audacious and original artists, from Roy Orbison to Ornette Coleman, Jimmy Giuffre to Peter Ivers. Lage and his rhythm section build upon the wandering sonic outlook of his previous LPs, further impelling his defining amalgam of jazz fusion, jam band liberation, standards, and embryonic rock ‘n’ roll with virtuosic precision, adventurous improvisation, and a remarkably clear vision.

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Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Sep 25, 2023 • 8:22:49pm

This has been up here all this time and no comments yet?

Tomorrow’s schedule: Go to Cheyenne, see the eye doc, go to FE Warren AFB to the Base Exchange to buy a new microwave oven, stay overnight at The Plains Hotel downtown (goes to their Website including photographs of the more than one hundred year-old hotel).

Mattand  Sep 25, 2023 • 8:40:50pm

re: #2 jaunte

I’m genuinely trying to not be that guy…


…goddamn, I really wish someone would ask her if she IDs as Republican, and if so, is she still supporting the party?

I know I’ve said this already: yes, Hutchinson’s testimony was/is huge; but she appears to have had no qualms about working with Donald Fucking Trump until it was clear he was actively trying to murder his VP and Congress with a mob.

Maybe. I obviously haven’t read her book and have no intention to. Guess I’m just really tired of seeing people who actively threw in with a monster become “heroes” when they finally got the joke behind the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Sep 25, 2023 • 8:45:14pm

re: #3 Mattand

I’m genuinely trying to not be that guy…


…goddamn, I really wish someone would ask her if she IDs as Republican, and if so, is she still supporting the party?

I know I’ve said this already: yes, Hutchinson’s testimony was/is huge; but she appears to have had no qualms about working with Donald Fucking Trump until it was clear he was actively trying to murder his VP and Congress with a mob.

Maybe. I obviously haven’t read her book and have no intention to. Guess I’m just really tired of seeing people who actively threw in with a monster become “heroes” when they finally got the joke behind the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.

She is not a hero. She did her job, but only when she was compelled to do it.

I get she has a target a mile wide painted on her back now and any conservative who recognised her would try to kill her. But she’s not a hero.

I also find it unsurprising so many Republican congresscritters tried to sexually assault her.

Semper Fi  Sep 25, 2023 • 8:47:38pm

re: #3 Mattand

I’m genuinely trying to not be that guy…


…goddamn, I really wish someone would ask her if she IDs as Republican, and if so, is she still supporting the party?

I know I’ve said this already: yes, Hutchinson’s testimony was/is huge; but she appears to have had no qualms about working with Donald Fucking Trump until it was clear he was actively trying to murder his VP and Congress with a mob.

Maybe. I obviously haven’t read her book and have no intention to. Guess I’m just really tired of seeing people who actively threw in with a monster become “heroes” when they finally got the joke behind the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.

I listened to part of the program. Hutchinson does ID as a Republican and likes Romney.

jaunte  Sep 25, 2023 • 8:51:37pm

re: #3 Mattand

Like all the witnesses against Trump, Cassidy Hutchinson is most notable for how close and inside her eyewitness account is going to be.

Mattand  Sep 25, 2023 • 8:53:52pm

re: #4 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I also find it unsurprising so many Republican congresscritters tried to sexually assault her.

re: #5 Semper Fi

I listened to part of the program. Hutchinson does ID as a Republican and likes Romney.


Can’t wait to hear Cass’s take on global warming and abortion.

LOL, no, wait, I can.

I’m sorry she had to go through that trauma but Jesus Fucking Christ; what does it take for these people to realize what a group of fucking monsters they’re supporting?

wrenchwench  Sep 25, 2023 • 9:01:09pm
a bird that some folks ID based on the lack of any distinctive field marks

I’ve used that bird’s strategy.


Semper Fi  Sep 25, 2023 • 9:01:36pm

re: #7 Mattand


Can’t wait to hear Cass’s take on global warming and abortion.

LOL, no, wait, I can.

I’m sorry she had to go through that trauma but Jesus Fucking Christ; what does it take for these people to realize what a group of fucking monsters they’re supporting?

I feel that realization slowly unfolded as time went on in however long she worked that position. Like holy smokes when Mark and others smile at me are those teeth or fangs I see?

Targetpractice  Sep 25, 2023 • 9:06:19pm

re: #5 Semper Fi

I listened to part of the program. Hutchinson does ID as a Republican and likes Romney.

Of course she does. It’s like listing your favorite flavor of ice cream as “vanilla” or your favorite color as “cream” or “beige.”

wrenchwench  Sep 25, 2023 • 9:09:30pm

re: #9 Semper Fi

I feel that realization slowly unfolded as time went on in however long she worked that position. Like holy smokes when Mark and others smile at me are those teeth or fangs I see?

Rachel emphasized Cassidy’s youth enough to send a message that she sees it as a factor. How could it not be.

teleskiguy  Sep 25, 2023 • 9:21:14pm

Hey Hippy Lizards!

Umphrey’s McGee: “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” 07/03/2015

I was THERE! And the whole song is a segue.

Fuckin’ Umphrey’s McGee, man…

teleskiguy  Sep 25, 2023 • 9:40:55pm
piratedan  Sep 25, 2023 • 9:41:57pm

re: #3 Mattand

I’m going to take a more compassionate pass on her….

Most of us here have seen what the last 50 years of Fox News and Rupert Murdoch have wrought. AM Radio and Rush Limbaugh and the framing in the MSM and their relentless ads of casting Dems as evil and all of their policies of being unamerican if not illegal. Think of the MILLIONS of low information or have-always-been Republican families that have been marinating in this stew, growing up in this “culture” and I can see where you can end up with someone like Ms. Hutchinson, who at her core may be a nice person who has made allowances for the people she’s politically aligned with forever because that’s what they’ve always done.

Then having to be confronted with the very real evidence that Donald Trump is not a good guy and wants to use him as the emotional dumpster for everything wrong with the GOP. That’s fine, every journey starts with a first step.

She may not be a hero, but when you look at the number of staff who worked in and around the WH and she’s one of the few who had that combination of a set of morals and ethics and was on the fringe of personal awareness that they would underbus her the moment that it was expedient to do so.

Targetpractice  Sep 25, 2023 • 10:00:39pm

re: #14 piratedan

I’m going to take a more compassionate pass on her….

Most of us here have seen what the last 50 years of Fox News and Rupert Murdoch have wrought. AM Radio and Rush Limbaugh and the framing in the MSM and their relentless ads of casting Dems as evil and all of their policies of being unamerican if not illegal. Think of the MILLIONS of low information or have-always-been Republican families that have been marinating in this stew, growing up in this “culture” and I can see where you can end up with someone like Ms. Hutchinson, who at her core may be a nice person who has made allowances for the people she’s politically aligned with forever because that’s what they’ve always done.

Then having to be confronted with the very real evidence that Donald Trump is not a good guy and wants to use him as the emotional dumpster for everything wrong with the GOP. That’s fine, every journey starts with a first step.

She may not be a hero, but when you look at the number of staff who worked in and around the WH and she’s one of the few who had that combination of a set of morals and ethics and was on the fringe of personal awareness that they would underbus her the moment that it was expedient to do so.

It’s a coping mechanism, a bit like how you couldn’t find a German who’d ever supported the Nazis or Hitler within six months of the end of the war. You avoid responsibility (and thus the consequences) of your actions by externalizing them, by giving them a face that others can hate, and stylizing yourself as being every bit a victim as the people who you terrorized and oppressed in his name.

The most recent modern example would be how you’d struggle to find anyone who still supports the Iraq War, how all the cheerleaders and warmongers of yesteryear have long since restyled themselves as skeptics and critics who were sure the war would be a disaster and place the blame either entirely on Dubya or spread it around to his inner circle. But never themselves, they were just as much “victims” as the soldiers who came back eating through a straw.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Sep 25, 2023 • 10:49:59pm

Libertarians come up with a new way to bypass consent for sex.

Tinder Now Letting Rizzless Sad Sacks Pay $500/Month to Message People Without Even Matching (Futurism, yesterday)

I guarantee that someone paying $500 a month to bypass your consent on a dating app is definitely the person you want to date.

This is on top of the stupid application fee they’re charging to join now.

There isn’t a business which libertarians can’t kill.

If you get a message from someone you never matched with on Tinder, it’s not a glitch — it’s part of the app’s expensive new subscription plan that it teased earlier this year, which allows “power users” to send unsolicited messages to non-matches for the small fee of $499 per month.

As Bloomberg reports, the new VIP subscription tier, the highest of the company’s new “Tinder Select” service, does come with an important caveat: it will only be offered to fewer than one percent of the app’s user base, and even they’ll have to apply in addition to paying the enormous subscription cost.

“We know that there is a subset of highly engaged and active users who prioritize more effective and efficient ways to find connections,” Tinder’s chief product officer, Mark Van Ryswyk, told Bloomberg. “And so we engaged in extensive tests and feedback with this audience over the past several months to develop a completely new offering.”


Targetpractice  Sep 25, 2023 • 11:00:45pm

re: #17 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Libertarians come up with a new way to bypass consent for sex.

Tinder Now Letting Rizzless Sad Sacks Pay $500/Month to Message People Without Even Matching (Futurism, yesterday)

I guarantee that someone paying $500 a month to bypass your consent on a dating app is definitely the person you want to date.

This is on top of the stupid application fee they’re charging to join now.

There isn’t a business which libertarians can’t kill.


So you have to pay $500 a month and score an “invitation” to this select level just to be able to send two non-match private messages a month. Dear Zod, and you thought paying $8 a month to get a blue checkmark was pathetic, at least it was cheap!

Teukka  Sep 25, 2023 • 11:08:58pm
A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Sep 25, 2023 • 11:16:31pm

re: #11 wrenchwench

Rachel emphasized Cassidy’s youth enough to send a message that she sees it as a factor. How could it not be.

She was about 20 when DT was elected, and she lionized him like other repugs. She has come to recognize that he and his allies are a danger to the republic, and the consequences of letting them have access to power again would be horrible. (She could have taken her first lawyer’s advice and left out what she knew about the insurrection when she testified — and she’d probably have been able to find a job, and certainly not have been threatened by DT’s fascist army. She told the truth instead.)

There are some things that even youth does not excuse, but her fantasy that the old Republican party can be resurrected isn’t one of them. I expect she’ll figure it out soon enough. (That she ever supported DT — that requires some sort of penance, I think. Even if you’re 20.)

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Sep 25, 2023 • 11:18:05pm

re: #15 Targetpractice

It’s a coping mechanism, a bit like how you couldn’t find a German who’d ever supported the Nazis or Hitler within six months of the end of the war.

But she freely admits that she did support — and admire DT at the beginning. She learned better.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Sep 25, 2023 • 11:31:59pm

The world of social media, reflected in all it’s horror over at BlueSky.

On todays edition of “we need to legally require people to google words before using them” there is a girl on tiktok doing a diet where she only eats Slavic food to “connect with her ancestors” and she is calling it an “ethnic cleanse”

GummyFredo * 4h (link to post)

Teukka  Sep 25, 2023 • 11:33:37pm

re: #22 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

The world of social media, reflected in all it’s horror over at BlueSky.

It was intentional. Desensitizing people to the term.
That, or driving clicks by outraging people.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Sep 25, 2023 • 11:41:12pm

re: #23 Teukka

It was intentional. Desensitizing people to the term.
That, or driving clicks by outraging people.

That’s the thing. Schroedinger’s Douchebag is a real thing (it’s serious unless there’s massive outrage, then it’s just a joke man), as is Poe’s Law (except someone is trying to imitate fascists instead of Evangelicals), or culture-jamming (actual fascists).

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Sep 25, 2023 • 11:47:04pm

That’s about enough Internet for one day. I have to go to bed anyway for my trip tomorrow.

BBC, two hours ago.

Adam Britton: British croc expert admits sexually abusing dogs

A renowned British crocodile expert has admitted to 60 charges relating to bestiality and child abuse material.

An Australian court heard Adam Britton filmed himself torturing dozens of dogs until almost all died.

He would then post videos of the incidents online, where he also accessed child abuse material.

A leading zoologist who has worked on BBC and National Geographic productions, Mr Britton will be sentenced at a later date.

At a hearing in the Northern Territory (NT) Supreme Court on Monday, prosecutors laid out the case against him.

Much of the details of Mr Britton’s crimes are too graphic to publish, and so “grotesque” the judge warned people to leave the courtroom.


Targetpractice  Sep 25, 2023 • 11:53:19pm

re: #21 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

But she freely admits that she did support — and admire DT at the beginning. She learned better.

Right, she watched as her boss, his boss, and all the people she once saw as allies were getting hammered like tent pegs by the DOJ and didn’t want to be the next one in line.

TedStriker  Sep 25, 2023 • 11:58:05pm

re: #25 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

That’s about enough Internet for one day. I have to go to bed anyway for my trip tomorrow.

BBC, two hours ago.

Adam Britton: British croc expert admits sexually abusing dogs


What. The. Fuck?!?

Targetpractice  Sep 26, 2023 • 12:01:33am

re: #25 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

That’s about enough Internet for one day. I have to go to bed anyway for my trip tomorrow.

BBC, two hours ago.

Adam Britton: British croc expert admits sexually abusing dogs


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Sep 26, 2023 • 12:11:49am

Progressive Org Plans $10 Million for School Board Races (September 20, 2023, Daily Beast)

As the title says. They will help progressives running in school board and library board races.

A progressive campaign group is getting in on school board battles, with a goal of an eight-figure war chest for the hyper-local races.

Run For Something, a progressive group focused on supporting candidates in down-ballot races, says it’s planning a $10 million investment in left-leaning school and library board candidates in 2024 and 2025. The Wednesday announcement comes amid intensifying battles for school and library boards, with conservative campaigns moving to slash funding and restrict education on topics like race and gender. Some right-wing groups, like Moms for Liberty, have already led school board campaigns, and signaled plans to increase their electoral efforts.


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Sep 26, 2023 • 12:12:28am

re: #27 TedStriker

What. The. Fuck?!?

That seems a little mild. /s

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Sep 26, 2023 • 12:48:27am

Today’s conservative outrage: Taylor Swift.

Aside from The Federalist’s Sean Davis writing a 2,500 word screed rehashing everything about her career that conservatives hate, there are more.

Good job, Charlie. Keep trying to kill your listeners.

Then there’s this douchecanoe:

William Lewis  Sep 26, 2023 • 1:13:54am

re: #31 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Today’s conservative outrage: Taylor Swift.

Aside from The Federalist’s Sean Davis writing a 2,500 word screed rehashing everything about her career that conservatives hate, there are more.

Good job, Charlie. Keep trying to kill your listeners.

Then there’s this douchecanoe:

People who accomplish anything real in their lives - in anything: sports, music, the military, even politics (look at the hate Hillary & Joe get) - terrify Conservatives because they know they’ll never amount to even Bogie’s hill of beans. So they can’t do anything other than try to tear them down. And then they hate even more when we mock them for their incompetence at being unable to even do that much. Fuck ‘em all with a rusty spork.

Targetpractice  Sep 26, 2023 • 2:33:46am

re: #32 William Lewis

People who accomplish anything real in their lives - in anything: sports, music, the military, even politics (look at the hate Hillary & Joe get) - terrify Conservatives because they know they’ll never amount to even Bogie’s hill of beans. So they can’t do anything other than try to tear them down. And then they hate even more when we mock them for their incompetence at being unable to even do that much. Fuck ‘em all with a rusty spork.

Yes and no. It’s all tribal, all the time. When your world you’ve spent your life building around you is crumbling day by day, all the things you believed to be true and right are being questioned or rejected outright, you start looking for validation anywhere you can find it. And where better than celebrities, people who are famous for talents both natural and acquired, people who’ve managed to gain a larger audience then you’ll ever know. Surely if they share your beliefs, then you’ll have found the validation you sought.

The flip side is…unsurprisingly…that when they find out that a celebrity they idolized and fantasized was secretly on their team turns out to be playing for the “enemy,” then all the built up goodwill turns sour. That’s what happened with Swift, who they spent years trading fantasies of being a secret MAGAt who loved Trump as much as they did and was all ready to jump on the bandwagon until she came out in support of Dem candidates in the ‘18 midterms. There’s long lists of celebrities who they adored when they thought they were symbols of “Real ‘Murica” until they spoke out in favor of Dems or “woke” beliefs, after which they became pariahs whose posters were ripped down and their merchandise burned in effigy. And this also carries over by association, so that even other celebs who’ve never spoken out on politics or culture war beliefs are viewed as pariahs for sharing space with those deemed “excommunicado.” The only way to have such lifted is to go to the opposite extreme, embrace the worst aspects of their belief system, and even then they will always view you as suspect even if they welcome you into the fold.

TarHellion  Sep 26, 2023 • 2:52:55am

Pulled another Birbie out of the hat. Mr. Rabbit not pleased at being sidelined.

Wordle 829 3/6*


Targetpractice  Sep 26, 2023 • 3:07:00am

Of course, the flip side to this need for validation is that they’ll glom onto those of even mediocre talent if they make the right signs and say the right words. Hence why they’re all going to bat for Russell Brand, a man who on any other day they’d happily watch burn for being associated with that liberal commune known as Hollywood.

Teukka  Sep 26, 2023 • 3:30:28am
William Lewis  Sep 26, 2023 • 3:32:17am

re: #36 Teukka

Probably prepped like that intentionally knowing that most people won’t know the difference.

Targetpractice  Sep 26, 2023 • 3:36:12am

re: #36 Teukka

[Embedded content]

“AHA! Air bubbles injected into the blood stream can cause an embolism! I saw it on a movie once! THIS WAS A DELIBERATE ATTEMPT TO KILL THIS WOMAN!!!”

Thanos  Sep 26, 2023 • 3:50:17am

I’m going to have to be extra nice to my wife today, she’s had a big crush on this guy since Jr. High school:

R.I.P. The better Man From UNCLE

David McCallum, star of hit TV series ‘The Man From U.N.C.L.E.’ and ‘NCIS,’ dies at 90

Thanos  Sep 26, 2023 • 3:53:01am

Just why do Harleys and Hate so often go together? Someone could do a paper on that…
Indictment with hate crime allegations says Hells Angels attacked three Black men in San Diego

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Seventeen people pleaded not guilty Monday to various charges involving an attack on three Black men by members of the Hells Angels biker gang in San Diego this year, the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office said.

The victims, ages 19, 20 and 21, were suddenly chased and attacked in San Diego’s Ocean Beach neighborhood on June 6, subjected to a racial epithet and told they didn’t belong there, prosecutors said in a news release.

Dr Lizardo  Sep 26, 2023 • 3:55:35am

The real question here is will Elmo just respond to the EU with “💩”?

The EU has issued a warning to Elon Musk to comply with sweeping new laws on fake news and Russian propaganda, after X, formerly known as Twitter, was found to have the highest ratio of disinformation posts of all large social media platforms.

Facebook was the second worst offender, according to the first ever report recording posts that will be deemed illegal across the EU under the Digital Services Act (DSA), which came into force in August.

However, Facebook and other tech giants, including Google, TikTok and Microsoft, have signed up to the code of practice the EU drew up to ensure they could get ready in time to operate within the confines of the new laws.

Twitter left the code of practice but it is obliged under the new law to comply with the rules or face a ban across the EU.

Nerdy Fish  Sep 26, 2023 • 3:57:40am

re: #41 Dr Lizardo

… after X … was found to have the highest ratio of disinformation posts of all large social media platforms.

But that’s unpossible! Elno assured us that X would be the one-stop shop for truth in reporting and also personal finance!///

Nerdy Fish  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:06:38am

This was a weird one.

Wordle 829 3/6


Thanos  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:07:09am

Georgia judge orders jurors’ identities to stay secret during Trump election interference trial

A judge granted Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ request to restrict identifying information about jurors in the Georgia election interference case, a new court filing shows.

In a two-page order Monday, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee imposed strict limits regarding the identities of jurors involved in any trial in the case against former President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants.

If he can’t threaten him some jurors, he will threaten the press instead:
Trump Threatens To Go After Comcast, NBC For ‘Treason’ If He Gets Reelected

William Lewis  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:09:15am


And for that reason alone…

Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime (Stop Making Sense 84) [4k]

Thanos  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:09:51am

Those infrastructure plans just keep on rolling:

Biden administration announces $1.4 billion to improve rail systems

WASHINGTON (CN) — Passenger and freight lines are receiving a $1.4 billion injection of federal funding to boost safety and increase service.

The U.S. Department of Transportation announced Monday that it has awarded the funding to 70 projects in 35 states through the Federal Railroad Administration’s Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements program.

“These projects will make American rail safer, more reliable, and more resilient, delivering tangible benefits to dozens of communities where railroads are located, and strengthening supply chains for the entire country,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a press release.

Thanos  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:10:24am

re: #45 William Lewis


[Embedded content]

And for that reason alone…

[Embedded content]


Shropshire Slasher  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:10:30am

Some drive time music on this beautiful Tuesday in upstate NY.

Pearl Jam Mother HD

Thanos  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:26:47am

New Black Pumas premiering in about an hour here:

Black Pumas - Mrs. Postman (Official Music Video)

Shropshire Slasher  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:31:38am

…and it is two for Tuesday! Awesome college memories with this song.

Pearl Jam - Even Flow (Official Video)

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:33:49am
“Donald Trump’s lawyers said Monday that a gag order proposed by prosecutors would unconstitutionally silence him during key months of the 2024 presidential campaign, urging a federal judge in Washington, D.C. to reject the proposed limits,” Politico reports.

“In a 25-page filing that mirrored some of Trump’s own heated political rhetoric, Trump’s attorneys said the former president’s attacks on potential witnesses, special counsel Jack Smith and even U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan herself are protected by the First Amendment and were not actual threats or incitement of attacks.”

two best prescient randos:

- Funny, the gag order doesn’t seem to silence him on actual campaign issues of concern such as fiscal, foreign or domestic policies.

It seems to only prevent him from talking about one single issue very specific issue of concern to him.


- He wouldn’t have to worry about gag orders if he went out there and told about his plans to ramp up the economy and tamp down inflation instead of his whining and revenge tour he is doing.

Thanos  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:38:01am

MSNBC segment on “Telce”
‘Haters gonna hate’: Taylor Swift sets off frenzy cheering on the Kansas City Chiefs


Shropshire Slasher  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:44:46am

Who knew Illinois is the largest pumpkin producer? Pro-tip, wipe your pumpkin with hydrogen peroxide to make them last longer.

William Lewis  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:51:30am

re: #54 Shropshire Slasher

Who knew Illinois is the largest pumpkin producer? Pro-tip, wipe your pumpkin with hydrogen peroxide to make them last longer.

Sure, would kill surface mold and bacteria. We usually had more trouble with hungry squirrels and the like.

Also, draw the face on the pumpkin rather than carve for longest life span, though nothing beats a real candle flickering in the gloom on the stoop.

Shropshire Slasher  Sep 26, 2023 • 4:52:12am

Watch the video.

Jan Zackl was the only skydiver who managed to land perfectly on an inflatable unicorn at a skydiving festival in Langar, England, on Sept. 24.

ericblair  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:00:00am


There is sometimes good news. Exponential growth wasn’t only for COVID, but like COVID, it doesn’t look like any growth at all until it hits the knee of the curve for whatever scale you’re looking at.

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:01:21am

nate silver is really an ass

t’s Probably Too Late Not to Nominate Biden


Nerdy Fish  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:04:35am

re: #58 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

nate silver is really an ass

t’s Probably Too Late Not to Nominate Biden


He let his early success with poll aggregation and advanced sports sabermetrics go to his head. Now he thinks he is entitled to opine on any and every topic and be taken seriously.

lawhawk  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:10:39am

Hunter’s suing Rudy and Rudy’s lawyer (a lawyer that is suing Rudy for unpaid legal bills) for essentially stealing Hunter’s digital documents and violating his digital privacy rights under state and federal law.

In the lawsuit filed in federal court in California, Hunter Biden accuses Giuliani and Robert Costello of spending years “hacking into, tampering with, manipulating, copying, disseminating, and generally obsessing over data that they were given that was taken or stolen from” his devices.

“Plaintiff has demanded Defendants Giuliani and Costello cease their unlawful activities with respect to Plaintiff’s data and return any data in their possession belonging to Plaintiff, but they have refused to do so,” attorneys for Hunter Biden wrote in the lawsuit. “Defendants’ statements suggest that their unlawful hacking activities are ongoing today and that, unless stopped, will continue into the future, thereby necessitating this action.”

Tuesday’s lawsuit is the latest that Hunter Biden has brought as he pursues an aggressive legal strategy against his detractors. It comes as Republicans launch an impeachment inquiry into his father, President Joe Biden, that’s also examining Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

Shropshire Slasher  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:11:00am

re: #58 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

nate silver is really an ass

t’s Probably Too Late Not to Nominate Biden


President Biden is the nominee, Nate needs to get over that.

lawhawk  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:14:24am

re: #58 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

Since when the heck does a highly successful incumbent president decide not to run again?

It doesn’t happen.

LBJ was intent on running again, but his declining health (massive heart attacks) and his disastrous Vietnam policies meant that he didn’t run for reelection.

Disastrous incumbents run again - see Trump, GHWB, GWB, Ford, etc.

But somehow sports metrics junkie who thinks he has deep political insights because he aggregated polling data thinks Biden shouldn’t run again because of his age?


Patricia Kayden  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:20:24am

re: #17 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

So basically jerks pay $499 to harass unsuspecting women. Good business model.

darthstar  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:20:41am

re: #3 Mattand

I’m genuinely trying to not be that guy…


…goddamn, I really wish someone would ask her if she IDs as Republican, and if so, is she still supporting the party?

I know I’ve said this already: yes, Hutchinson’s testimony was/is huge; but she appears to have had no qualms about working with Donald Fucking Trump until it was clear he was actively trying to murder his VP and Congress with a mob.

Maybe. I obviously haven’t read her book and have no intention to. Guess I’m just really tired of seeing people who actively threw in with a monster become “heroes” when they finally got the joke behind the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.

I watched the interview. It was good. She still talks about the Republican party like it has meaningful policy. But the level of illegal behavior in Trump’s administration is mind boggling.

darthstar  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:24:09am

re: #63 Patricia Kayden

So basically jerks pay $499 to harass unsuspecting women. Good business model.

Well, they certainly aren’t on dating sights to meet people.

lawhawk  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:24:18am

re: #64 darthstar

Establishment GOPers vs the fascist/obstructionist/seditionist goddamned Nazi GOPers.

The former is a declining minority within the party, as the entire party organization has tilted in favor of the more extreme members of the party. They have gerrymandered districts to consolidate their power and elect more extreme members, and have no reason to engage in actual politics. It’s all about destroying the other. It’s all about destroying the administrative state. It’s all about tax cuts for billionaires and burden shifting to everyone else. It’s all about wrecking the safety net. It’s all about gutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Every GOPer signs on to all of the above - it’s just a matter of degree.

Patricia Kayden  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:29:24am

re: #65 darthstar

I met my current boyfriend on a dating site. I would be pissed off if random men were contacting me with whom I didn’t match. I hope they lose customers for doing this.

GlutenFreeJesus  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:30:18am

re: #36 Teukka

This stupid grifter smeared blood from a finger prick directly onto the slide. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:31:37am

re: #12 teleskiguy

Hey Hippy Lizards!

[Embedded content]


I was THERE! And the whole song is a segue.

Fuckin’ Umphrey’s McGee, man…

saving for later this morning

Thanos  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:33:09am
Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:39:43am

re: #64 darthstar

I watched the interview. It was good. She still talks about the Republican party like it has meaningful policy. But the level of illegal behavior in Trump’s administration is mind boggling.

i’d be interested in hearing those meaningful policies.
i’d like to know who is out there running on them and actually talking about them clearly unequivocally

Dr Lizardo  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:48:52am

So, I guess Trump’s new legal guru is Baldrick. “I have a cunning plan!”

“Trump has filed his opposition to Jack Smith’s team’s motion for limits on what Trump and his lawyers can say about witnesses and participants in the federal election interference case. And it’s a doozy,” Rubin wrote.

“Trump—despite the Justice Department and White House’s divorcing itself from any involvement in his case—now claims ‘the Biden Administration’ charged him and now ‘seeks to unconstitutionally silence’ him because it is ‘keenly aware that it is losing that race for 2024.’

“Literally, they have accused the Biden Administration of filing the motion to distract from Trump’s ‘commanding lead in the polls’ and part of a larger election interference scheme,” Rubin added. “It’s one thing for Trump himself to say this; it’s stunning to see it from his lawyers.”

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:52:50am

re: #72 Dr Lizardo

So, I guess Trump’s new legal guru is Baldrick. “I have a cunning plan!”

reiterating the two randos i quoted above

- Funny, the gag order doesn’t seem to silence him on actual campaign issues of concern such as fiscal, foreign or domestic policies.

It seems to only prevent him from talking about one single issue very specific issue of concern to him.


- He wouldn’t have to worry about gag orders if he went out there and told about his plans to ramp up the economy and tamp down inflation instead of his whining and revenge tour he is doing.

lawhawk  Sep 26, 2023 • 5:56:11am

re: #72 Dr Lizardo

Expect the judge to sanction Trump’s lawyers for a frivolous filing. There’s no 1A violation here. 1A doesn’t permit direct threats against persons, let alone witnesses and potential jurors. Trump explicitly threatened a former JCS General. He makes consistent threats against Smith and Judge Chutkan.

Sanction the lawyers and fine Trump. Revoke his bail and confine to MAL. It’s still better than 99% of those who violate their bail conditions would face.

Nerdy Fish  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:00:14am

re: #74 lawhawk

Expect the judge to sanction Trump’s lawyers for a frivolous filing. There’s no 1A violation here. 1A doesn’t permit direct threats against persons, let alone witnesses and potential jurors. Trump explicitly threatened a former JCS General. He makes consistent threats against Smith and Judge Chutkan.

Sanction the lawyers and fine Trump. Revoke his bail and confine to MAL. It’s still better than 99% of those who violate their bail conditions would face.

I’m not a lawyer, and I know you are, so I have to ask earnestly: Is the judge really going to sanction the lawyers for this? I have my doubts, even though this is clearly nothing but political bulkshit masquerading as a legal argument.

Dr Lizardo  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:06:18am

re: #74 lawhawk

Yeah, I say put him under house arrest at Mar-a-Lago pending trial. And no social media or media interviews, either.

Jay C  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:14:27am

re: #62 lawhawk

Since when the heck does a highly successful incumbent president decide not to run again?

It doesn’t happen.

LBJ was intent on running again, but his declining health (massive heart attacks) and his disastrous Vietnam policies meant that he didn’t run for reelection.

Disastrous incumbents run again - see Trump, GHWB, GWB, Ford, etc.

But somehow sports metrics junkie who thinks he has deep political insights because he aggregated polling data thinks Biden shouldn’t run again because of his age?


Hell, the GOP nominated and ran Herbert Fucking Hoover for reelection in 1932: and he was the the 20th Century’s archetype of the “disastrous incumbent”. None of your other examples even come close….

lawhawk  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:20:06am

re: #75 Nerdy Fish

I’m on the very strict side of things when it comes to frivolous arguments and wasting court time with BS claims. This is textbook example of a frivolous argument that has no legal merit and should not be encouraged at any level. Sanction the lawyers.

This isn’t a 1A argument. It’s a BS claim and another implicit threat against the courts. It shows the lawyers themselves don’t consider the court to have authority here.

Political arguments aren’t legal arguments.

lawhawk  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:28:07am
Sherlock Hound  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:28:35am

For Barefoot Grin:

A thoughtful thread about spiraling housing costs in the New Hampshire subreddit.

I saw this coming in my own state 30 years ago. It’s turned me into an accelerationist.

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:35:06am

re: #77 Jay C

Hell, the GOP nominated and ran Herbert Fucking Hoover for reelection in 1932: and he was the the 20th Century’s archetype of the “disastrous incumbent”. None of your other examples even come close….

Contrived factoid: Until Trump, Herbert Hoover was the last GOP candidate to win without Nixon or a Bush on the ticket.
1952-Won, Nixon VP
1956-Won, Nixon VP
1960-Lost even with Nixon
1968- Won, Nixon
1972-Won, Nixon
1980-Won, Bush VP
1984-Won, Bush VP
1988-Won, Bush
1992-Lost, even with Bush
2000-Won, W. Bush
2004-Won, W. Bush
2016-Cheeto disaster

darthstar  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:36:29am

re: #67 Patricia Kayden

I met my current boyfriend on a dating site. I would be pissed off if random men were contacting me with whom I didn’t match. I hope they lose customers for doing this.

If they’re offering people who aren’t finding willing matches a way to assert themselves into someone’s inbox they most certainly will. That kind of offering will only appeal to aggressive people.

Joe Bacon ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:39:50am

re: #63 Patricia Kayden

So basically jerks pay $499 to harass unsuspecting women. Good business model.

Has Matt Gaetz signed up yet?

Shropshire Slasher  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:40:20am

re: #80 Sherlock Hound

For Barefoot Grin:

A thoughtful thread about spiraling housing costs in the New Hampshire subreddit.

I saw this coming in my own state 30 years ago. It’s turned me into an accelerationist.

Since new housing construction is down considerably, and many new faces heading north, it will get significantly worse before it gets better.

lawhawk  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:56:43am


Joe Bacon ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:56:47am

GOP candidates must answer tough questions about Trump’s outright ‘fascism’

Fat chance…

So the question before every American right now—and especially before the so-called leaders of the Republican Party—is: Do you support a president who threatens his critics with death? Do you support a president who seeks to silence freedom of speech in America? Isn’t it long past time to acknowledge the threat Donald Trump represents? To stop laughing it off or making excuses for it?

The time for playing along with Trump is over. The stakes are too high.

But, none of it will happen—not from the GOP candidates or Fox News moderators, least. That’s because the right wing in America not only does not fear Trump’s threats to democracy, they join him in actively opposing it.

From buying a majority on the Supreme Court to stripping the jobs away from duly elected officials to suppressing votes, every step the GOP and its enablers take today sends the message that they realize they can’t win a fair election, that majority rule is an existential threat to their corrupt misogynist white supremacist movement.

So, if you watch the debate, listen carefully. Listen carefully for the questions you won’t hear. Listen carefully for the defense of democracy that won’t come.

And listen carefully as every little dodge and distraction, every deflection and move to change the subject, makes the end of the American experiment ever more likely. That is unless the rest of us—the majority they fear—votes in droves and stops this man before it is too late.

gocart mozart  Sep 26, 2023 • 6:57:06am
Joe Bacon ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:01:51am

Trump roasted on CNN for broken promise to save Ohio factory: ‘It shut down three months later!’

CNN panel goes after Trump for broken Lordstown promise

Hecuba's daughter  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:04:01am

re: #32 William Lewis

People who accomplish anything real in their lives - in anything: sports, music, the military, even politics (look at the hate Hillary & Joe get) - terrify Conservatives because they know they’ll never amount to even Bogie’s hill of beans. So they can’t do anything other than try to tear them down. And then they hate even more when we mock them for their incompetence at being unable to even do that much. Fuck ‘em all with a rusty spork.

Except there are conservatives who have real accomplishments but are vile people who attack others because of their feelings of entitlement: Musk is the richest man alive but he takes pleasure in insulting those who don’t share his views. His attack on the British diver back in 2018 and subsequent refusal to apologize shows a want of character that may be typical of most conservatives. This mindset has nothing to do with personal success but everything to do with either deep-rooted racial/religious/ethnic biases or feelings of superiority over others.

Joe Bacon ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:05:42am

California to Fine Schools That Ban Books on LGBTQ+ or Racial Issues

California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed a bill into law that could impose heavy fines on school districts that try to ban books portraying LGBTQ+ people and other historically marginalized communities. The bill comes as a direct response to recent attempts by California’s more conservative areas to censor library and classroom materials seen as promoting racial or sexual diversity. This includes the city of Temecula, whose school board voted this summer to ban an elementary school textbook that mentions gay rights advocate Harvey Milk. “Remarkable that we’re living in a country right now in this banning binge, this cultural purge that we’re experiencing all throughout America, and now increasingly here in the state of California, where we have school districts large and small banning books, banning free speech, criminalizing librarians and teachers,” Newsom said as he signed Assembly Bill 1078. “We want to do more than just push back rhetorically against that, and that’s what this legislation provides.”

Joe Bacon ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:06:59am

Jewish Leaders and Rabbis Call Out Elon Musk for Spreading ‘Overt Antisemitism’

Nearly 100 Jewish organization leaders, journalists, and rabbis have signed onto a letter calling out Elon Musk for making X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter, a “breeding ground for some of the most dangerous antisemitic discourse in America.” According to the letter, which can be read in its entirety here, it isn’t just the lack of content moderation and Musk’s reinstatement of unapologetic antisemites to X that has sounded the alarm. It is also the Tesla founder’s willingness to spread “overt antisemitism” while attacking the Anti-Defamation League that has raised serious concerns. “We are alarmed by his targeting of the ADL: not because of our views of the organization (we represent a wide range of views, including some who fundamentally oppose the ADL as well as staunch supporters), but because of the way he has used the organization as a very clear stand in for an antisemitic representation of Jewish power,” the letter reads. In particular, the letter singles out Disney, Apple and Amazon, imploring them to “stop funding X through their ad spend” while also demanding Google and Apple remove X from their app stores. Musk did not respond to a request for comment. A request sent to X’s press email address was returned with the company’s standard auto-reply.

A Cranky One  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:08:15am

BigPapa  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:09:08am

re: #85 lawhawk

That’s a huge deal. Very good news.

Hecuba's daughter  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:10:05am

Good news!! Just got an alert that SCOTUS rejected the latest Alabama effort to ignore their orders to develop a new map!

jeffreyw  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:10:47am

cheese crust

Good morning!

lawhawk  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:21:40am

Trump cannot purchase a gun because he fails the background check (facing 91+ felonies means he’s ineligible to purchase). Trying to purchase a gun in these circumstances may itself be a criminal charge.

wrenchwench  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:22:51am

re: #51 Shropshire Slasher

…and it is two for Tuesday! Awesome college memories with this song.

[Embedded content]

There’s a plumbing outfit in town named Evenflow. I asked the plumber who came here whether it was named for that song. He said yes. He then told us his father was one of the Ventures.

Nerdy Fish  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:34:23am

SCOTUS tells Alabama that their second attempt to be racist shitbags doesn’t fly with them, either.


BigPapa  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:37:56am

re: #97 wrenchwench

There’s a plumbing outfit in town named Evenflow. I asked the plumber who came here whether it was named for that song. He said yes. He then told us his father was one of the Ventures.

I previously worked with a consulting firm and later a long-time buddy went to work for them. Their email domain is 220221 dot com and it links to their actual web page. I was giving him shit for their obscure nerdery but it’s actually based on this. So his nerd cred went up.

220/221 Volts Whatever it takes?

wrenchwench  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:40:23am

re: #99 BigPapa

I previously worked with a consulting firm and later a long-time buddy went to work for them. Their email domain is 220221 dot com and it links to their actual web page. I was giving him shit for their obscure nerdery but it’s actually based on this. So his nerd cred went up.

[Embedded content]

Is that Martin Mull?

Hecuba's daughter  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:49:34am

Par today

Wordle 829 4/6


Group: 4,4,4,5

A Three Hour Tour  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:49:49am

re: #100 wrenchwench

Is that Martin Mull?


Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:51:01am

re: #100 wrenchwench

Is that Martin Mull?

yes, with Batman

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:55:19am

re: #19 Teukka

Donald Trump Jr. says Russia’s war on Ukraine is “literally, like, an attempted genocide of, like, the Russians. Hatred of the Russians is what’s driving this war.”]

That’s why Ukraine invaded Russia, isn’t it?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 26, 2023 • 7:59:35am

re: #54 Shropshire Slasher

Who knew Illinois is the largest pumpkin producer? Pro-tip, wipe your pumpkin with hydrogen peroxide to make them last longer.

Pumpkins are very Midwestern, and Illinois is as Midwest as it gets.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:00:58am

re: #63 Patricia Kayden

So basically jerks pay $499 to harass unsuspecting women. Good business model.

Plenty of guys are willing to pay a lot more than that in order to do so.

Unabogie  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:01:47am

re: #36 Teukka

[Embedded content]

Do these people really not understand how the blood system works? How a tiny amount of ANY substance, if it does not immediately kill you like a drug that stops your heart, will quickly dissipate out of your system? The idea that there are nanobots, or “hydrogels” or whatever is just so fucking stupid.

Hecuba's daughter  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:03:12am

re: #106 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Plenty of guys are willing to pay a lot more than that in order to do so.

$499 a year — I can understand. But $499 a month??? Who are these men who can afford that sum but can’t find a woman?

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:04:16am

re: #19 Teukka

[Embedded content]

I see a lot of obvious, abject, pants-shitting desperation in repug efforts to save Putin. Here’s another example, Bedcheck Charlie pulling numbers out of his ass, calling for an end to the rule of law, and claiming not to know any Russians.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:05:04am

re: #108 Hecuba’s daughter

$499 a year — I can understand. But $499 a month??? Who are these men who can afford that sum but can’t find a woman?

Sad incel sons of bitches

Vicious Babushka  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:07:50am


PhillyPretzel ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:08:26am

re: #111 Vicious Babushka

Way to go Joe. :)

Vicious Babushka  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:10:01am


Biden: I will create more jobs, better working conditions and higher pay, and walk the picket line with you!


Decatur Deb  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:11:19am

re: #111 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

Let’s make it a horserace. Put Trump and Biden in the starting gate at Churchill Downs, and have them run 10 furlongs. Winner gets roses from a pretty model.

Vicious Babushka  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:13:45am

re: #114 Decatur Deb

Let’s make it a horserace. Put Trump and Biden in the starting gate at Churchill Downs, and have them do 10 furlongs. Winner gets roses from a pretty model.

TFG literally believes that the “Campaign” is like a beauty pageant, and the winner then gets to be “Mister President” and swan around for four years, pushing leaders of lesser countries out of the way for a photo op, holding rallies and watching TV.

Decatur Deb  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:14:44am

re: #115 Vicious Babushka


Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:15:10am

re: #106 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Plenty of guys are willing to pay a lot more than that in order to do so.

well if you cant get it any other way…

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:16:39am

re: #107 Unabogie

Do these people really not understand how the blood system works? How a tiny amount of ANY substance, if it does not immediately kill you like a drug that stops your heart, will quickly dissipate out of your system? The idea that there are nanobots, or “hydrogels” or whatever is just so fucking stupid.

these people are megaphoning this nonsense to even stupider people than themselves who, yes, do not understand how any of this works

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:17:06am

re: #108 Hecuba’s daughter

$499 a year — I can understand. But $499 a month??? Who are these men who can afford that sum but can’t find attract a woman?

No Malarkey!  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:17:29am

re: #114 Decatur Deb

Let’s make it a horserace. Put Trump and Biden in the starting gate at Churchill Downs, and have them do 10 furlongs. Winner gets roses from a pretty model.

Biden could hop backwards on one leg and do ten furlongs before Trump could do one, unless they let Trump use a golf cart.

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:18:36am

re: #29 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Progressive Org Plans $10 Million for School Board Races (September 20, 2023, Daily Beast)

As the title says. They will help progressives running in school board and library board races.


That is an excellent plan to correct a long-neglected deficiency in Democratic activism. I’ll be checking these guys out.

ipsos  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:18:39am

re: #110 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Sad incel sons of bitches

And after they’ve paid the $500 and sent their two (2) messages, then what?

The object of their lust looks at the message, says “no thanks,” swipes it away, and….??

Decatur Deb  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:18:58am

re: #120 No Malarkey!

Biden could hop backwards on one leg and do ten furlongs before Trump could do one, unless they let Trump use a golf cart.

He’d still cut across the infield.

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:19:01am

re: #113 Vicious Babushka


Biden: I will create more jobs, better working conditions and higher pay, and walk the picket line with you!


biden: invited to the picket lines

trump: going somewhere else talking to people who are not picketing because he was specifically not invited by the union

PhillyPretzel ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:19:10am

re: #120 No Malarkey!

Joe can ride his bike and DT gets to walk. DT does not get any privileges.

A Cranky One  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:19:13am

re: #120 No Malarkey!

They won’t let me use a golf cart! Race interference!

No Malarkey!  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:19:55am

Good news; SCOTUS has rejected Alabama’s request that they reconsider the order they just entered that a second Black majority congressional district be created. The lower court will now select a new map, since the Alabama legislature refused to draw a legal map.

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:20:11am

re: #114 Decatur Deb

Let’s make it a horserace. Put Trump and Biden in the starting gate at Churchill Downs, and have them run 10 furlongs. Winner gets roses from a pretty model.

walk 100 yards
in a suit
no hats
winner is president

Decatur Deb  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:20:26am

re: #126 A Cranky One

They won’t let me use a golf cart! Race interference!

Critical Race Theory.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:23:49am

re: #122 ipsos

And after they’ve paid the $500 and sent their two (2) messages, then what?

The object of their lust looks at the message, says “no thanks,” swipes it away, and….??

He pays $1500 per month for the Super Stalker Service

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:25:31am

re: #25 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

That’s about enough Internet for one day. I have to go to bed anyway for my trip tomorrow.

BBC, two hours ago.

Adam Britton: British croc expert admits sexually abusing dogs



Chief Justice Michael Grant said he was concerned hearing the facts of the case could cause “nervous shock”, before taking the rare step of excusing security officers and junior court officials, local media reported.

A rare step indeed, when you consider what court security officers are likely to have been exposed to in their careers. I would have stayed, figuring if the judge can take it, so can I. Might regret it though.

A Cranky One  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:32:02am

During one call with the insurance company about the roof hail damage, while waiting on the system to pull up information, the insurance adjuster asked me what I did before retiring. I mentioned working on 2G, 3G and 4G LTE cellular systems.

He immediately asked me about 5G, mentioning he’d been hearing bad things. I explained that cell phones are basically 2-way radios and 5G is just using different (higher) frequency radio. The higher frequency allows carrying much more data on the connection, but is more limited in distance and the ability to move through solid objects (walls, buildings, etc.), and so requires more cell towers for coverage. The only issue I’m aware of with 5G is potential interference with some equipment used by airports.

Agent was a very friendly intelligent person. Scares me that folks hear such nonsense about things like 5G and think there may some truth to the scare mongering.

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:33:15am

One of my fondest wishes right now is that batshit RFK jr. will abandon the primaries and run as a libertarian. After a couple of crushing defeats, he could easily cite the hopelessness of running against a system that the deep state has rigged against him, and go off
on his own.
Repugs back him in the hope that he will somehow split the Democratic vote, but very few Democrats would be fooled. If he can gain any real traction it would split off the all important repug conspiracy dupe block from Trump.
It depends on how sincere, and therefore crazy, he really is. He just might be crazy enough to do it.

Nerdy Fish  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:33:55am

re: #133 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

One of my fondest wishes right now is that batshit RFK jr. will abandon the primaries and run as a libertarian. After a couple of crushing defeats, he could easily cite the hopelessness of running against a system that the deep state has rigged against him, and go off
on his own.
Repugs back him in the hope that he will somehow split the Democratic vote, but very few Democrats would be fooled. If he can gain any real traction it would split off the all important repug conspiracy dupe block from Trump.
It depends on how sincere, and therefore crazy, he really is. He just might be crazy enough to do it.

Put him up as the headliner for the asinine No Labels ratfucking operation. That would be the icing on the proverbial cake.

Shropshire Slasher  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:35:32am

re: #132 A Cranky One

I still don’t hold my phone to my head.

French regulators ordered Apple to stop selling the iPhone 12, saying it emits electromagnetic radiation levels that are above European Union standards for exposure. The company disputed the findings and said the device complies with regulations.

The French government agency that manages wireless communications frequencies issued the order after the iPhone 12 recently failed one of two types of tests for electromagnetic waves capable of being absorbed by the body.

It’s unclear why the phone, which was released in late 2020, didn’t pass the agency’s latest round of tests and why it was only that particular model.

Dr Lizardo  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:35:48am

re: #131 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines


A rare step indeed, when you consider what court security officers are likely to have been exposed in their careers. I would have stayed, figuring if the judge can take it, so can I. Might regret it though.

He also accessed child abuse material online but the BBC omitted that from the headline for some reason.*

* (unpleasant memories of some of their former stars, presumably)

A Cranky One  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:39:04am

re: #135 Shropshire Slasher

I don’t hold my phone to my head either (or put it in a shirt pocket), but that’s because it could potentially cause issues with my pacemaker.

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:39:09am

re: #134 Nerdy Fish

Put him up as the headliner for the asinine No Labels ratfucking operation. That would be the icing on the proverbial cake.

They’re being kind of quiet about it, but I know that many conspiraloons are a little uneasy over Trump’s failure to expose the UFO cover-up, the fake Moon landings, and HAARP weather control, among many other things. They don’t want to break ranks with the cult yet, it is a big step after all, but a charimatic figure like RFKrazy just might be able to persuade them.

No Malarkey!  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:41:40am

I got interesting news yesterday


Teukka  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:42:40am
A Cranky One  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:47:41am

re: #137 A Cranky One

I don’t hold my phone to my head either (or put it in a shirt pocket), but that’s because it could potentially cause issues with my pacemaker.

Having said that, my pacemaker sends a 34 page report once a week to my cardiologist. It’s extremely detailed and notes any issues. Never once seen anything that could be related to the cell phone interference (I do sometimes forget and put my phone in a shirt pocket).

Dave In Austin  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:48:15am

re: #140 Teukka

“Pee-Doe Hitler”

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:49:16am

re: #140 Teukka

Nani the Fuck!? [Embedded content]

Future RFK campaign organizer.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:52:35am

re: #140 Teukka

Nani the Fuck!?

Zionist Pedo-Hitler!

Decatur Deb  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:53:40am

re: #135 Shropshire Slasher

re: #137 A Cranky One

ELF-EMF were pretty well studied to death in the ’90s. The bottom line was that any real health effects were too subtle to bother with. If you can’t dig a risk out of statistical noise, you’re going to be killed by traffic, bumblebees, or falling cocoa nuts.

DodgerFan1988  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:56:24am
A Cranky One  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:59:15am

I posted in the past about my youngest granddaughter (spent almost the first 2 years of her life in the NICU/PICU, 3 heart surgeries, ECMO, etc.). Spent countless hours at the 3 hospitals my granddaughter was sent to, supporting my daughter and just sitting with my granddaughter, even though she was intubated and heavily drugged. Had a half-dozen specialists tell me that my granddaughter wouldn’t survive.

So my daughter sent me the following pic. I’ve melted.


Teukka  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:59:55am

re: #132 A Cranky One

During one call with the insurance company about the roof hail damage, while waiting on the system to pull up information, the insurance adjuster asked me what I did before retiring. I mentioned working on 2G, 3G and 4G LTE cellular systems.

He immediately asked me about 5G, mentioning he’d been hearing bad things. I explained that cell phones are basically 2-way radios and 5G is just using different (higher) frequency radio. The higher frequency allows carrying much more data on the connection, but is more limited in distance and the ability to move through solid objects (walls, buildings, etc.), and so requires more cell towers for coverage. The only issue I’m aware of with 5G is potential interference with some equipment used by airports.

Agent was a very friendly intelligent person. Scares me that folks hear such nonsense about things like 5G and think there may some truth to the scare mongering.

re: #135 Shropshire Slasher

I still don’t hold my phone to my head.

re: #137 A Cranky One
re: #145 Decatur Deb

ELF-EMF were pretty well studied to death in the ’90s. The bottom line was that any real health effects were too subtle to bother with. If you can’t dig a risk out of statistical noise, you’re going to be killed by traffic, bumblebees, or falling cocoa nuts.

As what I’ve seen, fields need to be certain level to have issues, and you also have certain frequencies which are problematic (at those levels). You do have indirect effects such as high voltage fields when you have conductive dust embedded in skin or pores, or magnetic dust and moderately strong magnetic fields.
You’ve also had tests where people have have developed electricity allergy symptoms in a Faraday cage, or by seeing an unenergized coil.

No Malarkey!  Sep 26, 2023 • 8:59:58am

A court has rewritten the Mo AG’s description of an abortion amendment to go on the ballot as

“allow for dangerous, unregulated, and unrestricted abortions, from conception to live birth, without requiring a medical license or potentially being subject to medical malpractice.”

I’m surprised he didn’t add “as the precious, innocent babies are torn apart, writhing in agony.” Instead, the ballot will describe the amendment as

establishing the “right to make decisions about reproductive health care, including abortion and contraception,”

. AG Ashcroft plans to appeal.

lawhawk  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:01:09am

re: #139 No Malarkey!


Shropshire Slasher  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:01:30am

re: #145 Decatur Deb

ELF-EMF were pretty well studied to death in the ’90s. The bottom line was that any real health effects were too subtle to bother with. If you can’t dig a risk out of statistical noise, you’re going to be killed by traffic, bumblebees, or falling cocoa nuts.


Jay C  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:02:28am

re: #127 No Malarkey!

Good news; SCOTUS has rejected Alabama’s request that they reconsider the order they just entered that a second Black majority congressional district be created. The lower court will now select a new map, since the Alabama legislature refused to draw a legal map.

Good news to be sure/ but I’m thinking this is at best s temporary victory for voting rights: ISTM that SCOTUS bouncing Alabama’s latest gerrymandered map has less to do with their Lege’s consideration of Black Alabamans’ electoral rights, and a great deal more with that body’s public “Fuck You!” to the Court after previous getting an order tossing their map.
All just theater, IMO, they had to have known they’d get slammed down..

Teukka  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:02:37am

re: #148 Teukka

As what I’ve seen, fields need to be certain level to have issues, and you also have certain frequencies which are problematic (at those levels). You do have indirect effects such as high voltage fields when you have conductive dust embedded in skin or pores, or magnetic dust and moderately strong magnetic fields.
You’ve also had tests where people have have developed electricity allergy symptoms in a Faraday cage, or by seeing an unenergized coil.

Also, cell phones are basically a full duplex handheld, 5W tops ballpark, though the signals are pulsating, and only occur in the handset when communicating with the base station (which only happens when the handset has to switch frequency or is turned on or off, or during a call and its setup and treardown)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:03:17am

re: #153 Teukka

Also, cell phones are basically a full duplex handheld, 5W tops ballpark, though the signals are pulsating, and only occur in the handset when communicating with the base station (which only happens when the handset has to switch frequency or is turned on or off, or during a call and its setup and treardown)

They cause brain cancer just like windmills

Shropshire Slasher  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:04:35am

re: #151 Shropshire Slasher


I say that in a joking manner

I also don’t step on a crack
Walk under a ladder
Break mirrors

Teukka  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:05:24am

re: #154 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They cause brain cancer just like windmills

🗞️ 🗞️ 🗞️ *THWAP* 🗞️ 🗞️ 🗞️

Shropshire Slasher  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:05:26am

re: #154 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They cause brain cancer just like windmills

Have you ever held your head up to a windmill!?!?!?

No Malarkey!  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:06:33am

re: #152 Jay C

Good news to be sure/ but I’m thinking this is at best s temporary victory for voting rights: ISTM that SCOTUS bouncing Alabama’s latest gerrymandered map has less to do with their Lege’s consideration of Black Alabamans’ electoral rights, and a great deal more with that body’s public “Fuck You!” to the Court after previous getting an order tossing their map.
All just theater, IMO, they had to have known they’d get slammed down..

I’m sure that after the 2030 census, Kavanaugh plans to rule that America has become so free of racism that there is no longer any need to ensure that Blacks can elect their own representatives, and they can be gerrymandered out of representation.

Decatur Deb  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:06:46am

re: #155 Shropshire Slasher

I say that in a joking manner

I also don’t step on a crack
Walk under a ladder
Break mirrors

My family did not believe in banshees, but they’d never piss one off.

Decatur Deb  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:07:19am

re: #154 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They cause brain cancer just like windmills

But they’re easier on the whales.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:07:26am

Buddy of mine worked in electronics with a lot of heavy metals.

He tells me that they do not iknow if thallium is carcinogenic because all the test animals die of poisoning before they have a chance to develop cancer.

Joe Bacon ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:10:10am

re: #140 Teukka

Nani the Fuck!? [Embedded content]

Well it’s correctly titled WRONG THINK.

A Cranky One  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:12:24am

re: #153 Teukka

True enough when the phone isn’t moving. However, when mobile phones are actually mobile, a lot of signaling occurs as the phone moves from one antenna to another on a tower or between cell towers, to maintain the call.

Cell phones can actually be talking to multiple antennas/towers at the same time; the downstream systems pick the best of the incoming signals as the main signal.

Having said that, I’ve seen no real evidence that cell phone radiation is a problem.

I also note that if electromagnetic signals are a health issue, then we’re conducting a grand experiment. Most people have no idea how saturated we are with EMFs (think not only cell towers but microwave relays, TV and radio stations, radio networks used by utilities, police, fire, etc., smart meters and cars, and on and on).

BeenHereAwhile  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:12:30am

re: #145 Decatur Deb

ELF-EMF were pretty well studied to death in the ’90s. The bottom line was that any real health effects were too subtle to bother with. If you can’t dig a risk out of statistical noise, you’re going to be killed by traffic, bumblebees, or falling cocoa nuts.

I always wondered (did some reading) about the potential effects of years of carrying my cellphone in my shirt pocket unit until my first visit with my cardiologist.

I notice he carried his cell phone in his shirt pocket and having had cardiologists in my family, figured if anyone would be concerned about cellphone EMF, it probably be a cardiologist.

lawhawk  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:12:56am

The number of Democrats urging Menendez to resign is growing. Add to the number, NJ Junior Senator Cory Booker (Booker!).

This is the difference between the parties in a nutshell. Democrats insist their own resign even with the appearance of impropriety - let alone felony conduct that would put them in prison for a long time. GOPers cover up GOP crimes and cover for the guy who has 91+ charges and 4 felony indictments - Trump.

Joe Bacon ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:13:46am

Hemant chimes in on the latest Pulpit Pimp scandal involving the Tennessee couple arrested for child molestation.

If you look on the GoFundMe page they set up last year, Benjamin Garlick and his wife Shaantal said they needed God’s help to purchase a van for their traveling ministry. The one in the picture below had 418,000 miles on it and was no longer big enough to hold their five girls and newborn boy.

They still haven’t met their $40,000 goal, but thanks to multiple large anonymous donations of over $4,000 each, they’re about halfway there.

Still, it’s apparently been enough for the Garlicks to continue their ministry, so Benjamin can deliver Spanish-language sermons all over the south and southeastern part of the country, including Texas, Tennessee, Florida, Alabama and Arkansas. In that way, he’s following in the footsteps of his late father, Ben Garlick.

The most recent donation, of $5, comes from a woman named Marie who appears to have made it just so she could write “words of support” that would be seen by anyone who comes across the page.

She’s not actually offering support, though. Instead, she brings a warning: Don’t give to these people because they’ve been charged with heinous crimes.

It’s true. The ministry came to a halt earlier this month when both Garlicks were arrested on 14 separate charges involving child rape and abuse. The docket says the violations date back to February of 2021 and that the arrests occurred this month after they were indicted by a grand jury.

It’s also worth noting that when a reporter from Nashville’s WSMV 4 news visited the address of La Espada, a ministry in Murfreesboro that Garlick helps run, there was an eviction notice on the door. It was dated August 29 and said Garlick had not paid the rent and had until the end of September to vacate the premises. (The building is operated by Sword of the Lord Ministries.)

Decatur Deb  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:16:11am

re: #164 BeenHereAwhile

I always wondered (did some reading) about the potential effects of years of carrying my cellphone in my shirt pocket unit until my first visit with my cardiologist.

I notice he carried his cell phone in his shirt pocket and having had cardiologists in my family, figured if anyone would be concerned about cellphone EMF, it probably be a cardiologist.

Should be a clear orthopedic threat for those who hold them to their ears 20hrs/day. 5G Elbow.

Joe Bacon ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:16:31am

‘I work for Fox News’: Jim Jordan witness brags about his ‘platform’ at crime hearing

Fox News contributor Gianno Caldwell testified before a hearing chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Tuesday.

At a House Judiciary field hearing in Chicago, Caldwell discussed the June murder of his brother, Christian. Retired Chicago law enforcement officers Lt. John Garrido III and Carlos Yanez Jr. also appeared at the hearing.

“As you all know, I work for Fox News Channel, and it’s been a tremendous platform for me,” Caldwell told the committee. “And I thank the people over at Fox News Channel, Suzanne Scott and many others, who’ve allowed me to be able to tell my story.”

“And as I begin to tell the story, it really hit me that many people who don’t have access to such platforms to be able to get justice for their families, to have their voices known,” he continued. “When my brother was murdered, the newscast that day said 18 year old murdered, two other people shot. That was it, no name, no picture.”

Caldwell said that he sought the spotlight because he wanted his brother’s murder case to be solved.

“So I’ve been able to utilize the platform in which I have at Fox News to share other stories of families who are looking for that help,” he said. “And I’m thinking, the folks who live in Chicago, a lot of poor people that live in these particular areas, they’re receiving a brunt of the murders, how can they afford this?”

Gianno Caldwell testifies at House Judiciary hearing in Chicago

Teukka  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:21:44am

re: #163 A Cranky One

True enough when the phone isn’t moving. However, when mobile phones are actually mobile, a lot of signaling occurs as the phone moves from one antenna to another on a tower or between cell towers, to maintain the call.

Yep. That’s when they change frequency. Almost invariably, the handset. But some femtocells may actually do it the other way around.

Cell phones can actually be talking to multiple antennas/towers at the same time; the downstream systems pick the best of the incoming signals as the main signal.

Yep. The base station has one transceiver (transmitter and receiver) for the allocated frequency, while neighboring base stations listen to the receive frequencies of their neighbors and at minimum report back timing and signal strength (this is how E911/E112 works).

Having said that, I’ve seen no real evidence that cell phone radiation is a problem.

This is anecdotal, but the only time I’ve encountered issues is when I’ve used one with wet hair and the frequency likely being aound 1.7-2.4 GHz…

I also note that if electromagnetic signals are a health issue, then we’re conducting a grand experiment. Most people have no idea how saturated we are with EMFs (think not only cell towers but microwave relays, TV and radio stations, radio networks used by utilities, police, fire, etc., smart meters and cars, and on and on).

Also, it is known that higher electrical or magnetic field levels do have an effect, but those are on the level of “Who’d willingly stand in such a field anyway?”

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:22:34am

re: #145 Decatur Deb

ELF-EMF were pretty well studied to death in the ’90s. The bottom line was that any real health effects were too subtle to bother with. If you can’t dig a risk out of statistical noise, you’re going to be killed by traffic, bumblebees, or falling cocoa nuts.

or a camel

U.S. deaths & injuries from camel attacks occur at about 10 times the global norm

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:23:39am

re: #146 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

as opposed to Santos who is oh so convenient necessary to their hold on power

JC1  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:25:12am

re: #17 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Libertarians come up with a new way to bypass consent for sex.

Tinder Now Letting Rizzless Sad Sacks Pay $500/Month to Message People Without Even Matching (Futurism, yesterday)

I guarantee that someone paying $500 a month to bypass your consent on a dating app is definitely the person you want to date.

This is on top of the stupid application fee they’re charging to join now.

There isn’t a business which libertarians can’t kill.


That’s like charging a $500 door fee in order to be allowed to say hello to someone sitting at a bar.

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:26:44am

re: #157 Shropshire Slasher

Have you ever held your head up to a windmill!?!?!?

yeah, once

JC1  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:26:45am

re: #22 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

The world of social media, reflected in all it’s horror over at BlueSky.

I give her points for brazenness.

BeenHereAwhile  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:27:48am

re: #167 Decatur Deb

Should be a clear orthopedic threat for those who hold them to their ears 20hrs/day. 5G Elbow.

Tommy Johns/5G Elbow operation

Joe Bacon ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:27:52am

And The Talking Asshole fires off another fart while Joe marches with striking autoworkers.

Donald Trump accused President Joe Biden Tuesday of betraying autoworkers with his electric vehicle manufacturing mandate.

“Joe Biden’s draconian and indefensible Electric Vehicle mandate will annihilate the U.S. auto industry and cost countless thousands of autoworkers their jobs,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “The only thing Biden could say today that would help the striking autoworkers is to announce the immediate termination of his ridiculous mandate. Anything else is just a feeble and insulting attempt to distract American labor from this vicious Biden betrayal.”

Biden will stand alongside picketing autoworkers Tuesday in Michigan in perhaps the first example of a president joining an ongoing strike, while Trump will hold his own event Wednesday in Detroit, although union leaders have said he’s no ally.

“Crooked Joe should be ashamed to show his face before these hardworking Americans he is stabbing in the back,” Trump posted. “With Biden, it doesn’t matter what hourly wages they get, in three years there will be no autoworker jobs as they will all come out of China and other countries. With me, there will be jobs and wages like you’ve never seen before. Our economy will grow!”

The Talking Asshole drove the economy off the cliff last time…

A Cranky One  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:29:27am

We drive by a lot of windmills on the drive to visit Mrs Cranky’s family. Some are very close to the road.

Never seen the piles of dead birds TFG claims should be under the windmills.

Next trip I guess I should check for dead whales.

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:30:29am

I still haven’t completely abandoned Xitter but I have stopped responding to MAGAts like Charlie Kirk and MTG. I felt that it was important to call them out but, otoh, there are only so many ways to say, “Fuck off, you lying traitor,” and I would be supended if I told them to hurry up and die from some preventable disease they’re hellbent on spreading.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:31:55am

re: #177 A Cranky One

That is because cats kill more birds than windmills.

Vicious Babushka  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:35:14am

re: #177 A Cranky One

We drive by a lot of windmills on the drive to visit Mrs Cranky’s family. Some are very close to the road.

Never seen the piles of dead birds TFG claims should be under the windmills.

Next trip I guess I should check for dead whales.

We used to drive through the wind orchards in southeast Ontario on the way to Toronto. Enormous white turbines as far as the eye can see.

Whales swim up the St. Lawrence seaway and then crawl over land from Lake Erie to dash themselves to death on the blades which are six stories off the ground. I’d love to see a video of that.

Vicious Babushka  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:35:42am

re: #179 PhillyPretzel ✅

That is because cats kill more birds than windmills.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:35:50am

re: #176 Joe Bacon ✅

“With me, there will be jobs and wages like you’ve never seen before.”

so many jobs and wages that we’ll gt tired of working for a living

Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:38:26am

looks like mccarthy is going to try to save his job instead of doing his job

- at least that’s the latest
- no doubt there will be a different story in 10-30 minutes

wrenchwench  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:39:02am

Toughest wordle ever. Guesses 4 and 5 took a long time. The ‘word’ in the 4th position is not a word. Wordle 829 5/6*

No yellows.


Dangerman  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:39:57am

re: #182 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

s”With me, there will be jobs and wages like you’ve never seen before.”

you know, no more minimum wage

ericblair  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:40:50am

re: #169 Teukka
Also, it is known that higher electrical or magnetic field levels do have an effect, but those are on the level of “Who’d willingly stand in such a field anyway?”

Anybody worried about 5G electromagnetic radiation should be terrified of the enormous source of wide frequency electromagnetic radiation, including far more dangerous ionizing radiation at UV levels, that is hovering above our very homes around 12 hours a day.

darthstar  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:41:12am

re: #176 Joe Bacon ✅

“Wages like nobody has ever seen ” is pure and unadulterated bullshit. Promising people a ‘liveable wage ’ puts a relatable spin on it as everyone has their own concept of what a liveable wage is for them.

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:42:15am

re: #181 Vicious Babushka

Where have the wild birds gone? 3 billion fewer than 1970 (The Denver Post 2019)

darthstar  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:43:21am

re: #184 wrenchwench

I associate the word with trumpers. Took me 5.

Eventual Carrion  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:46:50am

re: #101 Hecuba’s daughter

Par today

[Embedded content]


Wordle 829 4/6


Vicious Babushka  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:48:16am


Wordle 829 3/6


KingKenrod  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:49:56am

My Wordle looks like something the cat threw up.

Wordle 829 6/6


BeenHereAwhile  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:54:03am

re: #180 Vicious Babushka

We used to drive through the wind orchards in southeast Ontario on the way to Toronto. Enormous white turbines as far as the eye can see.

Whales swim up the St. Lawrence seaway and then crawl over land from Lake Erie to dash themselves to death on the blades which are six stories off the ground. I’d love to see a video of that.

VB wins the internet.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 26, 2023 • 9:54:24am

re: #185 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

you know, no more minimum wage

or paid overtime
or benefits

dat_said  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:00:19am

re: #176 Joe Bacon ✅

With me, there will be jobs and wages like you’ve never seen before.

With me, you’ll have 32-hour workdays like you’ve never seen before… not those loser 32-hour work weeks…

Eventual Carrion  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:04:53am

re: #133 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

It depends on how sincere, and therefore crazy, he really is. He just might be crazy enough to do it.

Its A Bold Strategy Cotton, Lets See If It Pays Off For Em

Backwoods Sleuth  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:05:02am
Decatur Deb  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:05:21am

re: #195 dat_said

With me, you’ll have 32-hour workdays like you’ve never seen before… not those loser 32-hour work weeks…

My first grown-up job was in a garment district warehouse in 1962. It was a 32-hour week, negotiated by my first union—the ILGWU. Always look for the union label.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:06:08am
Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:06:55am

Ugly. Should had it sooner

Wordle 829 6/6


lawhawk  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:10:43am

re: #197 Backwoods Sleuth

Your honor, I submit the Bible as a published book that has LGBTQ characters including David and Jonathan, and Ruth and Naomi.

No Malarkey!  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:12:28am

re: #197 Backwoods Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Are they going to be shocked when they find out some children are born LGBTQ+ and don’t have to be “recruited” by “groomers.”

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:13:14am

re: #197 Backwoods Sleuth

Why are these conservatives trying to cancel Founding Fathers? Weren’t they on the other side just a bit?

Oh, it’s (thought to be) Hamilton. They think he was black anyway. They’d love to cancel him.

Vicious Babushka  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:14:12am
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:14:45am

re: #152 Jay C

Good news to be sure/ but I’m thinking this is at best s temporary victory for voting rights: ISTM that SCOTUS bouncing Alabama’s latest gerrymandered map has less to do with their Lege’s consideration of Black Alabamans’ electoral rights, and a great deal more with that body’s public “Fuck You!” to the Court after previous getting an order tossing their map.
All just theater, IMO, they had to have known they’d get slammed down..

I figure part of the strategy is simply to delay things into early 2024 and then declare that they have to use the existing gerrymandered maps since there is not enough time to install new ones before the election.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:16:20am

re: #205 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I figure part of the strategy is simply to delay things into early 2024 and then declare that they have to use the existing gerrymandered maps since there is not enough time to install new ones before the election.


Decatur Deb  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:16:50am

re: #197 Backwoods Sleuth

Makes you want to Howl.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:17:28am

re: #205 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I figure part of the strategy is simply to delay things into early 2024 and then declare that they have to use the existing gerrymandered maps since there is not enough time to install new ones before the election.

their idea of the Long Game

danarchy  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:18:34am

re: #163 A Cranky One

True enough when the phone isn’t moving. However, when mobile phones are actually mobile, a lot of signaling occurs as the phone moves from one antenna to another on a tower or between cell towers, to maintain the call.

Cell phones can actually be talking to multiple antennas/towers at the same time; the downstream systems pick the best of the incoming signals as the main signal.

Having said that, I’ve seen no real evidence that cell phone radiation is a problem.

I also note that if electromagnetic signals are a health issue, then we’re conducting a grand experiment. Most people have no idea how saturated we are with EMFs (think not only cell towers but microwave relays, TV and radio stations, radio networks used by utilities, police, fire, etc., smart meters and cars, and on and on).

Cell phone signals are in a non-ionizing part of the spectrum. If the power was cranked way up, like radar tower levels it can cook you, but it isn’t going to cause cancer. Visible light is closer to the ionizing part of the spectrum, so if you aren’t worried about flipping on a light switch, you shouldn’t be worried about cell phones.

No Malarkey!  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:28:43am

re: #205 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I figure part of the strategy is simply to delay things into early 2024 and then declare that they have to use the existing gerrymandered maps since there is not enough time to install new ones before the election.

SCOTUS scotched that strategy by rejecting Alabama’s appeal. Now the lower court is going to pick a map that will be de facto district used in 2024 if Alabama’s appeals aren’t exhausted in time.

Eventual Carrion  Sep 26, 2023 • 10:40:38am

re: #157 Shropshire Slasher

Have you ever held your head up to a windmill!?!?!?

No brain cancer, but will smack the shit out of ya.

Eventual Carrion  Sep 26, 2023 • 12:21:40pm

re: #186 ericblair

Also, it is known that higher electrical or magnetic field levels do have an effect, but those are on the level of “Who’d willingly stand in such a field anyway?”

Anybody worried about 5G electromagnetic radiation should be terrified of the enormous source of wide frequency electromagnetic radiation, including far more dangerous ionizing radiation at UV levels, that is hovering above our very homes around 12 hours a day.

“What you fear in the night in the day comes to call anyway
And we all get burned as one more sun comes sliding down the sky”

Einstein on the Beach (For an Eggman)
Counting Crows

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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The Good Liars at Miami Trump Rally [VIDEO] Jason and Davram talk with Trump supporters about art, Mike Lindell, who is really president and more! SUPPORT US: SEE THE GOOD LIARS LIVE!LOS ANGELES, CA SUBSCRIBE TO OUR AUDIO PODCAST:Apple Podcasts: open.spotify.comJoin this channel to ...
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