Saddam Planning First Strike

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Breaking news: Saddam Hussein may be planning a first strike.

This new level of concern about Iraq is caused by an accumulation of intelligence including troubling new details that focus on three areas:

* Specific new evidence indicates that Iraqi activity in the Western desert shows the strong likelihood Scud missiles are hidden there. These missiles could easily reach Israel carrying chemical or biological warheads which could draw Israel into any war.

* Detailed new intelligence from the southern Iraqi oil fields shows that many of the 700 wells have now been wired with explosives. These explosives appear to be connected to a central command post, so Saddam could easily set the wells ablaze.

* Near the border with Kuwait, where 135,000 U.S. troops are now stationed, recent surveillance indicates Iraqi artillery batteries have been moved dangerously close. The artillery is capable of firing shells filled with poison gas.

The United States is now considering moving against all three of these targets before any war begins in an effort to prevent Saddam from acting first, sources told ABCNEWS.

Is anyone surprised? We’ve certainly given him enough time to prepare…

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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