Iran Encouraged by EU Fecklessness

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Iran says it is encouraged by the European Union’s willingness to look the other way while the Iranian Manhattan Project rushes toward its goal: Iran encouraged by EU’s stance on its nukes. (Hat tip: Dr. Dweeble.)

Of course they’re encouraged. The EU and the UN, whose main intent is to obstruct the United States even though Iran’s nukes will threaten Europe long before the US, have shown once again that Iran will get all the time they need.

Tehran, Nov 30, IRANMANIA — According to Iran’s State News Agency (IRNA) Iran said Sunday that it is encouraged by Europe’s stance regarding Tehran’s nuclear program, including its refusal to submit to Washington’s pressures to report Iran to the UN Security Council.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi also said Tehran would further fulfill its commitments to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), including by submitting complementary information about its nuclear program, whose peaceful nature has been verified by the watchdog agency.

“We will carry out whatever is needed in the framework of the safeguards and non-proliferation treaties (NPT) and submit the necessary information by the next February, when the next session is held,” he told reporters during his weekly news briefing.

Asefi ruled out speculation that the bloc may now choose to backtrack on its stance, saying existing signs in this respect pointed to the contrary.

“The Europeans have acted in a committed way so far and we hope that they will be such in the future. The way they have been behaving is encouraging us to have a serious and constructive cooperation,” he said.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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