Carter Slams Israel

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Absolutely astounding moral bankruptcy and history-challenged ignorance from Jimmy Carter in Geneva, who is seemingly on an end of the year push to retain his title as Idiotarian of the Year: Carter slams Israel, Bush in Geneva speech.

Carter, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, blamed US
President George W. Bush for anti-American sentiment and worldwide terror.

"The present administration in Washington has been invariably supportive of Israel and the well-being of the Palestinian people has been ignored or relegated to secondary importance," Carter said.

"Without a resurrection of strong and unbiased American influence, Israeli and Palestinian extremists will prevail. There is no doubt that the lack of real effort to resolve the Palestinian issue is a primary source of anti-American sentiment throughout the Middle East and a major incentive for terrorist activity. ...

In Geneva, Carter said Israel’s settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the security fence are the main obstacles to peace. He called repeatedly for the return of Palestinian refugees to the territories, beyond what is called for in the Geneva Initiative.

“With massive financial and political incentives from the Israeli government over the past decade, the number of Israeli settlements have skyrocketed,” Carter said. “No matter what leaders Palestinians might choose, no matter how fervent American interests might be or how great the hatred and bloodshed might become, there is one basic choice for the Israelis: Do you want peace with their neighbors or do you want to retain settlements throughout the occupied territories?

Carter said that is of equal importance that Palestinians renounce violence against Israeli citizens, but he said this must happen in exchange for commitment to the Geneva Initiative. Carter said the main flaw of the US-brokered road map is its step-by-step approach, which he said has allowed Israel to stop its advance by building “an enormous barrier wall” and with “the colonization of Gaza.”

These statements prove once again that Carter’s disastrous mishandling of the Iran hostage situation was no fluke; the man actually seems to believe that the way to deal with terrorism (and there’s some doubt that he even believes it exists) is to appease the terrorists. Another disgusting performance from a thoroughly disgusting man.

Melanie Phillips takes apart Carter’s comments at her blog, asking, “Is this man Carter just terminally stupid, or evil?” Actually, I think the answer is … neither. The key point about Jimmy Carter is that, rather than malevolent or even stupid, the man is simply … very, very weak.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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