Canadian Terror Suspect Trained with Al Qaeda

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Abdurahman Khadr, recently released from Guantanamo Bay after being captured in Afghanistan, admits that he spent three months at an Al Qaeda training camp—but still insists that the only reason he was detained by the US is because he is an Arab.

Abdurahman Khadr spent three months in 1998 learning to use Russian assault rifles at an Afghanistan training camp with links to al-Qaida, the former terror suspect admitted at a news conference.

But he remains adamant that his ethnicity was the only reason he was singled out and detained by Northern Alliance forces in Afghanistan two months after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

“I wish anybody that says there is something against me to bring it and show it to me,” Khadr, 20, told a crush of reporters and photographers crammed into the tiny Toronto offices of his lawyer, Rocco Galati.

“The only reason I was arrested is because I was an Arab.”

Khadr refused to talk about conditions at the top-secret Guantanamo Bay military prison where he spent the last nine months. His brother Omar, 17, is being held there after allegedly lobbing a grenade that killed an American in Afghanistan in 2002.

But Khadr did speak, albeit briefly, about the three months he spent at Camp Khaldan in Afghanistan near the Pakistan border - the same facility that trained would-be bomber Ahmed Ressam.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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