Peace Creep: Saddam’s Victims Deserved It

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Every day seems to bring another example of the utter moral bankruptcy of the far left. Today’s example is a real jaw-dropper.

Last September we featured a piece about Joseph Wilson (remember him? the Plame scandal that lefty scandalmongers were so sure was going to bring down the Bush administration?) giving a completely loony speech to a group called The Education For Peace in Iraq Center; I discovered in the source code for their web site a hidden list of sponsors that included a who’s who of Marxist, anti-globalist, “anti-war,” and radical Islamic front groups, many of whom have had leaders recently arrested for ties to terrorism. (The sponsor list is still there in the HTML source of the page, by the way, hidden near the end in a comment.)

On September 12 of this year, in Egypt’s Middle East Times, Mark Gery, a member of the Education For Peace in Iraq Center and the Orange County Peace Coalition, actually tried to make a case that:

1) the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis slaughtered by the Saddam regime and buried in mass graves, including thousands of women and even children, were “murderers” who deserved what they got, and

2) the Saddam regime was justified in using “all necessary means” to put down the uprising, and

3) their deaths were the fault of the previous Bush administration, for encouraging an Iraqi uprising after Desert Storm.

Here’s the link to this morally vacuous, dishonest, amazingly foul piece of toxic nonsense, published in an Arab media outlet by yet another US citizen determined to give aid and comfort to the enemies of America: Iraqi mass graves don’t justify war. (Hat tip: zuckerlilly.) Gery spends the first part of the article recounting incidents where Shia and Kurdish insurgents against Saddam committed “unrestrained carnage” against servants of the regime, before getting down to the real point and showing where his sympathies really lie:

Unfortunately for the Kurdish and Shia murderers, Iraq’s army was far from destroyed. After withdrawing from Kuwait in accordance with US mandates, the Republican Guards and other units regrouped and commenced a methodical campaign to hunt down the assailants and restore order. Using tanks, artillery, mortars, and helicopter gunships, they subdued city after city in succession.

In the north hundreds of thousands of Kurds took flight to the rocky mountains bordering Iran and Turkey. There they stood, cold and hungry, until the Bush administration began airlifting emergency supplies – a tacit admission of partial responsibility for their plight.

In the south the Shia who fought back were easily overwhelmed and killed, while hundreds more were executed at point of capture, their bodies immediately buried in accordance with Islamic law.

This is the principal source of the mass graves of Iraq.

What government in the world would refrain from using all necessary means to quell a violent uprising of this kind? No one denies that the regime’s response was swift and merciless, or that many innocents were caught up in the retaliation and destruction. But if blame is assigned, shouldn’t it start with the instigators of the carnage along with the foreign government who misled them about the forces they were going up against and yet egged them on?

Like claims about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction or Baghdad’s links to Al Qaeda, the mass graves of Iraq are another example of history and reality being distorted to fit the ulterior motives of the White House.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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