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1 deacon  May 5, 2009 8:49:44am

sounds like someone wants some casino money.

2 deacon  May 5, 2009 8:57:08am

just did some reading, and found this.

Nevada v. Hicks stated that “it has been understood for more than a century that the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment do not of their own force apply to Indian tribes.”

Pretty sure they just want some casino money out of this.

3 dahozho  May 5, 2009 9:12:40am

I don’t believe the Five Civilized Tribes have per capita payouts from their casinos— it all goes to the tribal government and programming.

This issue has been bouncing around literally since Reconstruction. Because the Five Civilized Tribes sided with the Confederacy (aside from being slave-holding tribes, there was really no choice after Union troops evacuated Indian Territory and Arkansas), and all treaties signed following the Civil War stipulated that the Tribes’ slaves be freed and accepted in the nations as citizens. While the slaves were freed, only the Creek and Cherokee ever (and reluctantly) accepted freedmen as citizens. This has been an issue ever since (including the screaming when DOI required the Choctaw to allow freedmen to vote in selecting a candidate for Principal Chief in 1952). The Choctaw and Chickasaw did not enroll freedmen even with Choctaw or Chickasaw blood.

So personally, I don’t know. The original decisions were certainly made in view of race and outright racism of the 19th and early 20th century. Should the tribes remain faithful to *their* promises under the treaties? How does this fit under decades of Federal court precedents allowing tribes to determine their own membership? It will be interesting to see if this goes anywhere…

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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