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1 The Curmudgeon  Jun 17, 2010 4:09:10pm

Your humble Curmudgeon is pleased that you’ve linked to that one.

2 Charles Johnson  Jun 17, 2010 5:55:17pm

re: #1 The Curmudgeon

Your humble Curmudgeon is pleased that you’ve linked to that one.

I was actually going to write something about that appalling article in Human Events, but you said it all. That’s the same magazine that publishes Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter, and Robert Spencer, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to find that they’re also openly anti-science.

And I really am finished with the GOP for the foreseeable future myself. Done. Kaput. Stick a fork in me.

This new libertarianism crap is kind of the final straw — it’s a form of libertarianism that somehow includes fundamentalist Christianity and highly intrusive government restrictions on free choice.

3 The Curmudgeon  Jun 17, 2010 6:17:01pm

re: #2 Charles

This new libertarianism crap is kind of the final straw — it’s a form of libertarianism that somehow includes fundamentalist Christianity and highly intrusive government restrictions on free choice.

I don’t know where to go politically. The Dems are impossible. The Tea Party people don’t appeal to me, but they’re actually not as crazy as the GOP these days — which isn’t praise for the Tea Party, it’s condemnation of the GOP. I guess I’ll just be a grumpy drop-out.

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