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1 theheat  May 22, 2011 8:47:43am

Counterfeit walkback is counterfeit.

2 What, me worry?  May 22, 2011 9:34:00am

“I know this is a non-denominational prayer in this chamber and it’s not about the Baptists and it’s not about the Catholics alone or the Lutherans or the Wesleyans,” Bradlee Dean said, sporting a track suit and long ponytail, “or the Presbyterians, the evangelicals or any other denomination, but rather the head of the denomination and his name is Jesus. As every President up until 2008 has acknowledged. And we pray it. In Jesus’ name.”

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Or maybe it was just about eradicating Jews?

As offensive and creepy as Bradlee Dean’s “prayer” was today at the state Capitol for other reasons, it’s also not the first time that Jews have found themselves not welcomed by a Christian preacher offering an opening prayer to a legislative session.

And Dean barged his way into that controversy as well.

The controversy erupted back in March, when the Rev. Dennis Campbell told members of the state Senate they owed their fealty to Jesus — which is a problem if you’re Jewish, like Sen. Terri Bonoff, Democrat of Minnetonka. So she and others complained.

How dare she.

In response, we heard a loony claim from GOP Sen. David Brown about “intolerance for the name of Jesus on the Senate floor.” But the real bigotry came later from Dean and Campbell on the radio, captured by the Minnesota Independent.

“Maybe what we need to do is get her name eradicated,” Dean said. “She’s looking to get rid of who we are as a people. Well, then, why don’t we help her possibly leave?”

Bonoff’s simple request for some religious tolerance was also met by a barrage of hate on her Facebook page.

3 Decatur Deb  May 22, 2011 9:41:00am

re: #2 marjoriemoon

“I know this is a non-denominational prayer in this chamber and it’s not about the Baptists and it’s not about the Catholics alone or the Lutherans or the Wesleyans,” Bradlee Dean said, sporting a track suit and long ponytail, “or the Presbyterians, the evangelicals or any other denomination, but rather the head of the denomination and his name is Jesus. As every President up until 2008 has acknowledged. And we pray it. In Jesus’ name.”

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Or maybe it was just about eradicating Jews?

I like it nice and clean like that—it’s the Gentleman Gauleiters that bother me.

4 Charles Johnson  May 22, 2011 9:57:54am

This guy started following me on Twitter yesterday.

5 What, me worry?  May 22, 2011 10:04:00am

re: #3 Decatur Deb

I like it nice and clean like that—it’s the Gentleman Gauleiters that bother me.

You probably can’t get one without the other.

6 Decatur Deb  May 22, 2011 10:04:45am

re: #4 Charles

This guy started following me on Twitter yesterday.

He’s in the “second-best unsigned band in the country”. Maybe he wants to jam.

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