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1 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 4:29:11pm

Bibi, for the missing-the-point win!

2 shutdown  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 5:08:18pm

Whatever happened to foreign heads of state staying out of US elections?

3 Bob Levin  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 6:34:30pm

I think the problem is the way that it was reported. The perspective was that Romney wanted to have a dinner/fundraiser on Tisha B'Av, implying that Romney was unaware of Tisha B'Av.

It now looks like Romney wanted to make a significant statement about his support for Israel. Netenyahu may have suggested that he come to Israel and engage in the appropriate activities on Tisha B'Av, and Romney agreed.

What's Netenyahu going to say--no, you can't come to Israel? The Israeli position on US elections is that both candidates could possibly win, and therefore treat both candidates accordingly.

If President Obama wanted to go to Israel and acknowledge Tisha B'Av, the same thing would have occurred.

4 bratwurst  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 9:56:49pm

I am sure the right in both countries would have NO PROBLEM with Obama helping to raise money for the opposition to the current Israeli government! /

5 Destro  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:13:15pm

re: #3 Bob Levin

I think the problem is the way that it was reported. The perspective was that Romney wanted to have a dinner/fundraiser on Tisha B'Av, implying that Romney was unaware of Tisha B'Av.

It now looks like Romney wanted to make a significant statement about his support for Israel. Netenyahu may have suggested that he come to Israel and engage in the appropriate activities on Tisha B'Av, and Romney agreed.

What's Netenyahu going to say--no, you can't come to Israel? The Israeli position on US elections is that both candidates could possibly win, and therefore treat both candidates accordingly.

If President Obama wanted to go to Israel and acknowledge Tisha B'Av, the same thing would have occurred.

Here you go defending Bibi. No mind reading involved.

6 Obdicut  Sat, Jul 14, 2012 11:17:30pm

re: #3 Bob Levin

He could say "Coming on this day could seem like you were trying to exploit a religious ceremony rather than participate in it."

Doing it with a fundraiser is the problem; it's not the visit itself.

I'm uncertain how he can be having a fundraiser in Israel at all, though. Don't we ban foreign contributions from our races? I mean, we do. So, what gives? Is this a solicitation of funds from expatriate Americans living in Israel?

7 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 12:28:28am

re: #6 Obdicut

He could say "Coming on this day could seem like you were trying to exploit a religious ceremony rather than participate in it."

Doing it with a fundraiser is the problem; it's not the visit itself.

I'm uncertain how he can be having a fundraiser in Israel at all, though. Don't we ban foreign contributions from our races? I mean, we do. So, what gives? Is this a solicitation of funds from expatriate Americans living in Israel?

It could be American citizens living in Israel raising money for Romney or maybe there are no more rules involved after Citizens United and anyone or any corporation can donate to a Super PAC now without restrictions?

8 Obdicut  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 6:16:00am

re: #7 Destro

It could be American citizens living in Israel raising money for Romney or maybe there are no more rules involved after Citizens United and anyone or any corporation can donate to a Super PAC now without restrictions?

Nope. Romney can't actively participate at a fundraiser for a SuperPAC, I'm reasonably sure of that.

9 shutdown  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 8:15:56am

re: #3 Bob Levin

Regardless, though, I think the appropriate response by any foreign head of state to any presidential candidate is: "You are of course welcome here as a private citizen. However, please do not use your visit for any political statements; also, the office of the PM will not extend any official courtesies".

10 Destro  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 11:42:23am

re: #8 Obdicut

Nope. Romney can't actively participate at a fundraiser for a SuperPAC, I'm reasonably sure of that.

you are correct. If Romney is there there can be no Super PAC coordination so this has to be Americans living in Israel or visiting Israel just to be at this dinner with Romney using Israeli tragic history as a campaign photo op against Obama (you know for the GOP to remind Americans that Democrats and Obama always side with terrorists in away they can say it and get away with - by inference).

11 shutdown  Sun, Jul 15, 2012 12:25:55pm

re: #10 Destro

you are correct. If Romney is there there can be no Super PAC coordination so this has to be Americans living in Israel or visiting Israel just to be at this dinner with Romney using Israeli tragic history as a campaign photo op against Obama (you know for the GOP to remind Americans that Democrats and Obama always side with terrorists in away they can say it and get away with - by inference).

You will feel better if you just out yourself as a Jew-baiting anti-Semite. Really, the truth will set you free.

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