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researchok  Sep 21, 2012 • 3:08:50pm

From the article

As a political matter, public unions are pursuing a version of the GM strategy: Never make a concession at the state level, figuring that if things get really bad the federal government will have no political choice but to bail out the pensions if not the entire state. Mr. Quinn made that official by pointing out in his budget proposal that “significant long-term improvements” in the state pension debt will come from “seeking a federal guarantee of the debt.”

Our world

Dark_Falcon  Sep 21, 2012 • 3:13:21pm

re: #1 researchok

From the article

Our world

Just so. This is part of a valid argument against a bailout in this case. The state unions need to be taught a lesson, and not just in Illinois. I say no federal guarantee and I further suggest that Illinois state employees should subject to the benefits and and retirement contribution increases put into place in Wisconsin.

Bob Dillon  Sep 21, 2012 • 6:24:39pm

re: #2 Dark_Falcon

I guess in the long run it no longer matters. The chickens will be home to roost soon and no amount of can kicking or political smoke and mirrors will mask reality. Things that cannot go on tend to stop. Some take more time to stop than others. That bright light up ahead getting closer? Its not the end of the tunnel.
Oh, sorry … but this time is different!

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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