
"EVEN MORE HUNGER GAMES" -- a Bad Lip Reading Remix

Cheechako12/22/2023 5:29:18 pm PST

From downstairs:

re: #179 Backwoods Sleuth

The victim, Elijah McClaine, worked for my son for a time last summer. My son says he was the nicest and hardest worker he’s had in a long time. Elijah suffered from a thyroid disorder where he could never get warm, even on a 95 degree day. He was always wearing very heavy clothes to keep warm. Once they were working on a paving project and Elijah asked if he could lay down on the very hot asphalt to warm up. The foreman said he didn’t care. Elijah did for a while and later said that was the warmest he had been in months.

Of course he was a black person and the cops thought he was a bad guy due to the heavy clothes along with the EMT’s thinking he was heavier than he was due to the heavy clothing.

He died way too young.