
Far-Right Extremists Chased Through London by Women Dressed as Badgers

Charles Johnson6/01/2013 4:59:19 pm PDT

About Clifford Le May:

The political career of Croydon Central’s BNP candidate is in jeopardy as he is being investigated by his own party after ranting about “violent immigrants” in New Addington.

Clifford Le May is in trouble for his response to a Tory questionnaire encouraging residents to raise any concerns with London mayor Boris Johnson.

His reply was to write: “Stop ruining our community by stuffing New Addington with violent immigrants who have no right to live among decent civilised white people.”

In the questionnaire he also refers to his Tory rival for the Croydon Central seat, Gavin Barwell, as a “traitor to his race and nation”.

Via: Croydon BNP Election Candidate Investigated Over Immigrants Rant | This Is Croydon