
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

iossarian5/21/2010 10:00:40 am PDT

re: #1013

Sure they do.
I’ve not said otherwise. I’ve been as hard on BP in these threads as anyone. That could have been my husband out there on that rig. I’m not at all happy with BP or the way this happened or the way they’ve handled it since.

iossarian was saying that BP’s motives were as mean-spirited and evil as those who set out to kill for the purpose of killing.

I disagree with him.

I am saying that BP’s motives are to make money, even when they know that doing so will lead to deaths. This is the unavoidable implication of systematically taking risks across a large organization.

Whether that is mean-spirited or not is not a debate I’m particularly interested in.