
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel12/19/2009 1:58:54 am PST

re: #100 ausador

You can do an awful lot of stuff on the grill if you can control the temperature halfway decently, you just need a good grill. Really down here it beats the heck out of heating up the place with the oven and running the A.C. more, plus it tastes better (well, almost always, sometimes I just like a pan-fried steak with onions and mushrooms over a grilled one).

I have to say I have never cooked a steak. (I think once, long ago.) I never was a big fan of red meat (this goes back to the Irish family that boiled everything, basically). Plus my ex was vegetarian, so there was no need to learn. Jimmah, however, is a fan, so I’ve promised to get up to speed on it. Advice? (on the panfrying; no way will I be grilling anything in Scotland for a few months yet).