
Overnight Open Thread

laZardo6/16/2011 6:50:47 am PDT

re: #96 darthstar

I’ve got a tin for pennies, a tin for nickels, a tin for dimes and a tin for quarters. Throw my loose change in them, and when they fill up, I go hit the coin counter at the grocery store. Sure, I lose about 9%, but it’s kind of fun all the same. Of course, having everyone at Safeway stare at you while you dump cans of coins into a metal tray is a little awkward at first, but it’s made me appreciate people who are doing that because they have to.

I bought this little MTA bus bank from the NY Subway Museum a long time back and filled it with 5- and 10-centavo coins that probably cost more to mint than the value that’s printed on them.

Of course considering that my other siblings get rid of larger bills almost as soon as they get their hands on them, I’d say my BankBus (lol) actually has value.

also, just between you and me, it’s just best to exchange your coins at a bank for no cost.