
Overnight Open Thread

Aye Pod6/13/2010 11:08:39 pm PDT

re: #96 Van Helsing

I’m also curious - how much money did you send to the US IRS beyond the basic amount owed? They don’t send out the jack-booted thugs with guns unless you UNDER pay, you know.

Someone appears to be suffering from progressively worsening butthurt!

So what did you and M Moore send?

How much did you and Ted Nugent send to the UK Inland Revenue, genius? You both live in the US so you must know each other./

Just curious, I know it would inspire me to send more to the federal government.

So how patriotic do you feel?

Consider yourself so inspired, then.
I feel as patriotic as a wingnut on Fourth of July who’s sitting in the warm spot vacated by Glenn Beck. My pants throb with a mighty sense of accomplishment.