
Bain Press Release Described Romney as 'Part-Time' CEO in July 1999

iossarian7/13/2012 2:09:59 pm PDT

re: #97 Killgore Trout

I think that’s a fair assesment and it’s also why I think the overreaching attacks provide Mitt with enough wiggl;e room that he gets to talk about the factual inaccuracies of the attacks rather than owning up to some of the mistakes and questionable business deals.

I’m out for the evening. There are no “factual inaccuracies” - that’s just partisan spin from the Romney campaign. He was the CEO of Bain from 1999 to 2002, with a part-time leave of absence to run the Olympics (but no clear replacement in the form of an acting CEO that we know of). He was getting paid, he remained the sole shareholder, and we now know of at least one instance of him being involved in a decision to let two partners form a separate venture but retain ties to the firm, after the date on which he claims to have “left” the company.

Good night all. Enjoy your weekends!