
Live Video: Protesters Scream as Senators Take Final Vote on Judge Drinky

ObserverArt10/06/2018 3:08:57 pm PDT

re: #103 HappyWarrior

I just think we have to find that line where we just want anyone wearing our label and our principles. I think the issues with Kavanaugh went beyond partisan politics which is why I take much more issue with Manchin voting for Kavanaugh than I do for Gorsuch. And frankly I’m tired of the red staters and their bullshit attitude when it comes to D.C. and the “establishment.” Grassley has been in Washington since the Ford years as has Hatch. Ruby red voters don’t “hate” Washington, they hate liberals. Some of us are insiders that have been here a long time but others including two of the Senators that grilled Kavanaugh the hardest are freshmen.

Your thinking is great, but may not be taking in enough reality to make it applicable. We all want pure Democrats.

Simply…West Virginia doesn’t. Run a pure Democrat and good chance you lose. Now you have a fence sitting Republican at best.

This is where political idealism does not work on the actual people that will be voting.

Right next door you have Kentucky. Look at how they vote. It’s a damn miracle you have Joe Manchin in a state with similar thinking. Will your strategy work in Kentucky? You might have the candidate…can you get them voted in?

Same thinking got Trump Ohio. Ohio Appalachia showed up and took it to the big cities like hasn’t happened in years.