
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/20/2010 9:50:21 pm PDT

re: #67 goddamnedfrank

I’m sorry to go way, way, way off topic so soon. I’m stuck in Palmdale for the Tour of California which I’ve been attending this week. Palmdale, in my humble opinion, is a shit hole, so naturally I googled the phase “Palmdale is a shithole” and found this funny rap song by Afroman that confirms my worst observations.

[Video]Slightly less off topic, for the first time in my life I regret not having a womb, because I find myself wanting to bear Rachel Maddow’s children. Love her.

Palmdale considers itself the foremost aerospace city in the world, since it is the home of the famed Lockheed Skunk Works and a huge array of other aerospace businesses centered on Air Force Plant 42. I worked there some years ago, when Palmdale was much smaller than it is now. It was an honor to be employed there but I chose to live almost 50 miles away in the deep desert rather than put up with the shithole aspects of the town itself. It seemed to be populated exclusively by fast food employees, real estate crooks, sleazy car dealers, and weird street preachers.