
Overnight Open Thread

realwest2/15/2009 9:02:05 am PST

re: #967 MandyManners
Regrettably no, Mandy. The Dems have the majority in both houses and they decide what bill(s) get voted on and when.
Although I think you may be on to a good idea - maybe the Republicans should have refused to vote stating that they hadn’t had ANY input into the bill (which is true) and had no where near the time needed to read it (also true).
Of course, that’s why Obama was on his doom and gloom economy campaign trail and, with a lot of help from Pelosi and Reid, they forced the vote. I’m still proud of the Republicans for voting NO.
The “Stimulus Bill” is a DEMOCRAT PARTY BILL and if it succeeds (and for America’s sake I hope it does) they’ll get the credit. But when it fails to stimulate the economy (which it will) they will have no one to blame but themselves - the MFM WILL try to blame it on Bush, but based on Rasmussen Daily Polls, Obama’s popularity and, more importantly his trustworthiness on economic matters has been falling for the last three weeks.
I don’t think “It’s Bush’s fault” will fly with most folks.