
Washington Times Wingnut Wants Obama Impeached for Boston Bombings

Charles Johnson4/26/2013 11:25:31 am PDT

re: #99 Vicious Babushka

And of course, they’re completely full of shit, again.

Obamas Visit Boston Marathon Bombing Victims At Hospitals CBS Boston

BOSTON (CBS) -President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama visited victims of the Boston Marathon bombings at several hospitals Thursday afternoon.

After attending an interfaith service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, the president rode to Massachusetts General Hospital where he met privately with patients, their families and hospital staff.

The First Lady went to Boston Children’s Hospital, where she visited the medical and surgical intensive care unit.

Afterwards, she went next door to Brigham and Women’s Hospital to meet more victims and their families for more than an hour.

The visits were off limits to the media and came on short notice for security reasons.