
Onion: 'Iron Man 2' Buzz Heats Up Over Paltrow Rumor

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/20/2010 6:22:44 pm PDT

re: #29 freetoken

From the blockheads that you quoted, this is just too precious a challenge.

Just start here: Does voting 24 to one for anyone suggest a high level of thinking? Go to any University where the smartest people in the world teach and are taught. Just get those academics to agree 24 to one on any sybject under the sun and report back to your readers! PARDON ME IF I DON’T FAST UNTIL YOU HAVE SUCCEDDED! No, this truth is one of the many facts you are forbidden to recount!

OK here is a list of the things all us smart folks at universities agree with to a greater than 99% level that these many of these rubes will disagree with.

1. AGW is real, happening now and caused by us. The consequences will be catastrophic if our course does not change.

2. Evolution happened. It is real and even happening now.

3. Southern Slavery was a terrible thing.

4. The Nazis were evil and the Holocaust was real.

5. Sarah “drill me” Palin is a moron.

6. The Establishment Clause is a good thing.

7. The Texas School Board is a disgrace.

8. (Only at 70%) Texas is a disgrace, but Austin is an island of civilization.

9. Obama, like him or not, is not a communist or a socialist. Of course, we can actually define those words.

10. Guns may not kill people the same way that people kill people, but people with guns are much better at it. Therefore, guns need to be kept out of the hands of idiots, criminals, and crazy folk.

11. “Lithium” Beck is insane.

12. Pat “goose step” Buchanan is a closet Nazi - who comes out of the closet a little more each day.

13. 10 generations of 1st cousins marrying is a bad idea. Do you hear that “Consanguinity” Monckton?

14. We like pie.

15. Fox news is one of the ost successful propaganda organizations in American history and they have perfected Goebbels’ art of the big lie.

16. We like ice cream on pie also.

17. We really don’t like nazis, and we find those who make apologetics for them to be nauseating and repugnant.

18. We like BSG. So say we all. OK that is only at 87%

19. We think that people who use cogent arguments full of facts and logic are to be taken more seriously than those who do not.

20. We also like cake. Ice cream on that is good too.