
What Happened to 'Creating Jobs?'

midwestgak7/09/2009 10:10:55 am PDT

Is it the president’s job to create jobs? NO. It’s the president’s foremost job to protect this country’s freedom so that IT can create jobs.

A little OT, but a bit of positive history and remembrance never intrudes. IMO.

Why I Miss George W. Bush

General Tommy Franks told us precisely how on Day One of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Few caught it. It was so very simple and so very brilliant and almost everyone thought it only applied to one objective; overthrowing Saddam Hussein. Remember what he said?

“We will close with and engage the enemy at a time and place of our choosing.”

It was genius and anyone in the United States who thought it only meant Saddam Hussein were rope-a-doped along with the new enemy. The American rope-a-dopers whose occupation it was to destroy George W Bush, unknowingly helped severely weaken the most difficult enemy faced by any state or alliance in human history.

Now how did we win and cripple for life this new enemy? Using their ideology against them, we lured them into a location in which we could engage them using our superior capabilities on a battlefield with which we were quite familiar. This enemy is a worldwide cancer and occupies not merely Afghanistan (an extremely difficult theater to say the least) but also the entire globe. It would have been impossible to go to several nations, cross their sovereign borders, find the terrorist hideouts then close with and engage them.

Imagine the worldwide hair lighting on fire had that happened. It was bad enough when yellow cake was hidden by glasses of mint tea in Niger from one of the Bush hating torches. Barney Frank would have gone straight, found his false teeth, worn them and lit his hair on fire if we invaded several nations. We didn’t. We drew them into Iraq and we killed them there. Simple and genius.

Even Barack Obama admitted it — and as usual, was clueless when he did so. Remember his pre-election interview on Fox News with Bill O’Reilly? Bill asked him if George W Bush was right about the surge and defeating al Qaeda in Iraq. Remember what Obama said?

“Before Bush invaded, there was no al Qaeda in Iraq.”

You got it Sun Tzu, er, I mean Mr. President. The strategery worked as planned, just like Tommy Franks said it would “at a time and place of OUR choosing.”

The enemy’s ideology drew him to attack American forces in Iraq with the intention to force an American loss. The more the mainstream media and Democrats celebrated each thousand American deaths, the more terrorists from all over the globe flocked to Iraq. Each worked with the other to further their own set of agendas and ideologies; one for political power and the other for twisted religious ideology. While doing so, we destroyed the enemy and their leaders, most going completely unreported. It was brilliant. So much so that they still haven’t figured it out because they simply do not have the ability to do so. The domestic opposition did however have the ability to take credit for W’s win last week, celebrating Iraqi victory over terrorism.

That is why I want to thank George W Bush and the military leaders who finally, finally after all the lost friends, lost Marines, lost three thousand plus Americans, had the courage and temerity to close with and engage this new enemy and defeat them in so many ways, crippling them to the point of near extinction. You also taught our new president how to authorize a surge like the one now taking place in Afghanistan. Leftist pettiness would never allow them to call it that, but that is exactly what it is patterned after, General Petraeus.

Thank you President Bush. I know it doesn’t mean much coming from some former Marine in Missouri but I appreciate what you did and I’ll never forget it.